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Chemistry Atoms

Lesson 1

What is the atom? The smallest particle of an element that retains the properties of that element.
If you break up an atom into its subatomic particles, what happens? It is no longer an element, it can't be called an element.
Who is Democritus? What did he do for science? Was he ideas based on science? Lived in the 4th century B.C Democritus was a philosopher that came up with the TERM=ATOM. He defined atoms as the fundamental particles that MAKE UP matter and cannot be seen. Since he was a philosopher IT ISN'T BASED ON SCIENCE NO EXPERIMENTS PERFORMED
Who is Jhon Dalton? What did he do? Lived in the early 1800's. First experimental definition. He performed a series of experiments and stated his conclusions in the atomic theory.
What is the first statement of Dalton's theory? 1.All elements are composed of tiny INDIVISIBLE particles called atoms.
What is the second statement of Dalton's theory? Atoms of the Same element are IDENTICAl. Atoms of Different elements are DIFFERENT.
What is the third statement of Dalton's theory? Atoms can form mixtures or chemically combine to form compounds.
What is the fourth statement of Dalton's theory? Chemical Reactions occur when Atoms SEPARATE, JOIN AND/OR REARRANGE. Atoms of elements never change into atoms of another element during a reaction.
What discovery was leaded by J-J Thomson? In 1890's using the Cathode Ray Tube, he DetermineD the MASS OF AN ELECTRON. He concluded the mas of an electron is much-ch smaller than that of an atom.
What did J-J Thomson disproved? Since he could measure the mass of an electron, It DISPROVED one of Dalton's Theory--Atoms aren't indivisible, they are DIVISIBLE.
What did Millikan discover? DO? Millikan Quantified the Charge of an electron.
What is an electron? Electron is a Subatomic Particle of an atom, It is Negatively Charged, and it is found in the Electron Cloud.During chemical reaction electrons are shared/transferred.(e-)
Explain the CATHODE RAY TUBE A tube where all the air has been removed. Electricity can then be passed through it.
What is a Proton? A proton is Positively Charged, Subatomic Particles, found in the Nucleus. (p+)
What is a Neutron? A neutron is the Uncharged, Subatomic Particle, found in the Nucleus. (n0)
Relative mass of the subatomic particles (e- :1/1840)--it's 1840 times smaller than a proton. (p+ :1) and (n0 :1) Protons and Neutrons are the same size.
Rutherford and his Experiment Rutherford (1911) was a scientist. His experiment was called The Gold Foil Experiment. He expected all the Alfa Particles to pass through the foil.
What did Rutherford noticed about his experiment? What happened with the result, were the ones he expected? Result of the Gold Foil Experiment: Many Alfa particles went straight through, Some DEFLECTED back at large angles.
What was Rutherford's conclusion? Some particles deflected because they HIT a LARGE MASS. Also he concluded, Most of an atom is made of Empty Space (reason why most of the particles went through) and Most of the mass is found inaCONCENTRATED-POSITIVELY charge AREA(reasonwhy particlesdefl)
What is the Nucleus? Nucleus is the Central Core of an atom and it is composed of protons and neutrons.
Created by: saraI1
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