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Wie geht's?

Pleased to meet you. Freut mich.
also, too auch
me too Ich auch
too much stress zu viel Stress
See you later! Bis später!
Spell in German! Buchstabieren Sie auf Deutsch!
pencil der Bleistift
pen der Kuli
picture das Bild
notebook das Heft
chalk die Kreide
blackboard die Tafel
wall die Wand
for tomorrow für morgen
again, once more noch einmal
correct, right richtig
wrong, false falsch
What is that? Was ist das?
What does...mean? Was bedeutet...?
How does one say....? Wie sagt man....?
Where is....? Wo ist....?
to answer antworten
to ask fragen
to hear hören
to say sagen
to repeat wiederholen
Listen carefully! Hören Sie gut zu!
Form a sentence. Bilden Sie einen Satz!
light hell
dark dunkel
dialogue das Gespräch
word das Wort
example das Beispiel
for example zum Beispiel
All together! Alle zusammen!
thick, fat dick
thin, skinny dünn
long lang
short kurz
slow(ly) langsam
fast, quick(ly) schnell
clean, neat sauber
dirty schmutzig
expensive teuer
inexpensive, cheap billig
or oder
to need brauchen
to take nehmen
to count zählen
in the department store im Kaufhaus
sales clerk der Verkäufer
well na
super toll
Too bad! Schade!
May I help you? Was darf's sein?
a couple of ein paar
Is that all? Ist das alles? von...bis
page die Seite
price der Preis
weather das Wetter
It's raining. Es regnet.
It's snowing. Es schneit.
The sun is shining. Die Sonne scheint.
hot heiß
cold kalt
warm warm
cool kühl
awful, terrible furchtbar
great, wonderful prima
nice, beautiful schön
superb, super super
great, terrific toll
windy windig
only nur
(already) again (schon) wieder
really, indeed wirklich
isn't it? isn't this true? nicht wahr?
When were you born? Wann sind Sie geboren?
to find finden
I think it's... Ich finde es....
I think so, too. Das finde ich auch.
It's doesn't matter; That's okay. Das macht nichts.
So what? Na und?
season die Jahreszeit
minute die Minute
second die Sekunde
hour die Stunde
watch, clock; o'clock die Uhr
time die Zeit
course der Kurs
lecture, (university) class die Vorlesung
finished, done fertig
now jetzt
You're welcome. Bitte!
to begin beginnen
I have a question. Ich habe eine Frage.
Oh no! Oops! Oje!
Then take care! Dann mach's gut!
only, not until erst
why? warum?
time of day die Uhrzeit
I don't understand (that). Ich verstehe (das) nicht.
What did you say, please? Wie bitte?
(Say that) again, please. (Sagen Sie das) noch einmal bitte!
Please repeat. Wiederholen Sie bitte!
I don't know. Ich weiß nicht.
Pay attention! Passen Sie auf!
Please read! Lesen Sie bitte!
Created by: s6downes
Popular German sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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