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*CR Lit terms 1-2

Literary terms from test #1 & #2

alliteration the repetition of accented consonant sounds at the beginning of words that are close to each other, usually to create an effect, rhythm or emphasis
allusion a reference in literature or in art to previous literature, history, mythology, pop culture/current events, or the Bible.
ambiguity quality of being intentionally unclear
anachronism an element in a story that is out of its time frame: sometimes used to create a humorous or jarring effect
analogy clarifies or explains an unfamiliar concept or object, or one that cannot be put into words, by comparing it with one which is familiar
analysis the process of examining the components of a literary work
anecdote a short and often personal story used to emphasize a point, to develop a character or a theme, or to inject humor
antagonist a character who functions as a resisting force to the goals of the protagonist. The antagonist is often a villain, but in a case where the protagonist is evil, the antagonist may be virtuous
aside a short speech or remark made by an actor to the audience rather than to the other characters, who do not hear him or her
assonance the repeated use of a vowel sound
attitude the author's feelings toward the topic he or she is writing about
aubade a poem or song about lovers who must leave one another in the early ours of the morning
ballad a folk song poem passed down orally that tells a story which may be derived from an actual incident or from legend or folklore.
blank verse unrhymed poetry of iambic pentameter
antecedent the word or phrase to which a pronoun refers.
anticlimax an often disappointing, sudden end to an intense situation
antithesis a concept that is directly opposed to a previously presented idea
aphroism a terse statement that expresses a general truth or moral principle
apotheosis elevating someone to the level of a god
archetype a character, situation, or symbol that is familiar to people from all cultures because it occurs frequently in literature, myth, religion, or folklore
carpe diem latin for "seize the day"
comic relief humor that provides a release of tension and breaks up a more serious episode
conceit a far-fetched comparison beween two seemingly unlike things; an extended metaphor that gains appeal from its unusual or extraordinary comparison
connotation associations a word calls to mind. Meaning in addition to the dictionary definition
consonance same consonant sound in words with different vowel sounds
conventional character a character with traits that are expected to be traditional.
couplet two successive rhyming lines of the same number of syllables, with matching cadence
apostrophe a rhetorical figure of direct address to a person, object or abstract entity
Created by: englishlady
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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