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swagger to strut arrogantly; to walk in a conceded manner
vigil a time of staying awake for special purpose
cogitate to give careful thought to; to consider carefully; ponder; meditate
corpulent large and bulky a body; fat; stout; obese
counterpart an equivalent; a person or thing performing a similar function
derisive intended to ridicule; abusive; mocking
intrinsic belonging to a thing by it's very nature; essential
squalor wretched and filthy conditions; foulness; dirt
affray a public fight or brawl; a noisy quarrel
affronted offended; insulted
circumspect careful; cautious; wary; discreet
contrition sadness or remorse over past wrong actions; sincere regrets
impudent offensively bold; insulting; rude; presumptuous
indolent averse to exertion or work; lazy
interloper one who intrude or thrust himself into other's matters; a meddler
milieu surroundings; environment
nebulous wage or confused; hazy
odious hateful; offensive; repulsive
repast a meal; specially a meal for a specific occasion
roisterer one who acts in a noisy or blustery manner
ascribe to assign or attribute as to a cause
glower to stare with and angry frown; glare
mastic glue; adhesive; sticky resin
solicit to ask for earnestly; to seek; to petition
voracious having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous
archaic old fashioned; ancient; out dated
atoll a ring shaped coral reef nearly or entirely surrounding a lagoon within
impetuous tending to act on sudden impulse; hasty; rash
obdurate stubborn; hard headed; unbending
parity like state or degree; equality; equivalence
paucity smallness of number or quantity; shortage; scarcity
transgress to go beyond limits; to violate a law or command
travail strenuous physical or mental labor; pain; anguish
wan colorless; of a sickly hue; pale; pallid
commiserate to share in another sorry or disappointment; sympathy; pity
contravene to go against or deny; violate; disobey
discern to perceive as with sight or mind; to distinguish
Created by: rockgird
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