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Chem unit 3 test

CU chemistry test unit 3 chapters 11 and 5

conversion of mmHg to atm 760mmHg = 1 atm
Conversion of mmhg to bar 760mmHg = 1.01325 bar
conversion of atm to kPa 1 atm = 101.325 kPa
What is a pascal (Pa), relation of a kPa to Pa and relation of bar to Pa. A pascal is one newton-meter, a kPa is 1000 Pa, a bar is 100000 Pa.
What is boyle's law? what is constant? P1V1=P2V2 with temperature constant
What is charles law adn what is constant V1/T1=V2/T2 with pressure constant
PV=nRT what do each stand for? P=pressure V=volume n=moles R=gas constant T=temperature
the general gas law PV/T=P2V2/T2
THE ideal gas law PV=nRT
WHat are the density of gases equations? d=m/v=PM/RT PV=(m/M)RT
Dalton's law P(total)=P(1)+P(2)+P(3)...... which can translate to P(total)=(n1+n2+n3)(RT/V) or P(total)=n(total)(RT/V)
Average kinetic energy can be shown by these equations 1/2mu^2(speed is average)or KE(average)=3/2RT which leads to >>> The square root of (u^2)=the square root of (3RT/M) where M = molar mass
The gas constant when dealing with energy is what?? 8.314 J/K*mol
Graham's law.... Rate of effusion of gas 1/ rate of effusion of gas 2= the square root of (molar mass of gas 2/molar mass of gas 1)
Kinetic engergy and different types of kinetic engergy Energy associated with motion. thermal energy, mechanical energy, electrical energy, and acoustic energy.
Thermal energy the motion of atoms molecules r ions at the submicroscopic level
mechanical energy the motion of macroscopic objects like moving a tennis ball or an automobile
electrical energy the movement of electrons through a conductor
acoustic energy the compression and expansion of the spaces between molecules in the transmission of sound.
potential energy and different types of potential energy results from an objects position. gravitational energy, chemical energy, electrostatic energy
gravitational energy energy posssesed by a ball held above the floor and by water at the top of a waterfall
chemical energy energy stored in fuels
electrostatic energy the energy associated with the separation of two electrical charges
Law of conservation of energy energy can neither be created or destroyed. The total energy of the universe is constant
System is defined as an object or collection of objects being studied.
Surroundings include everything outside the system that can exchange energy and/or matter with the system.
thermal equilibrium point when at a macroscopic scale no temperature change is evident, yet at the microscopic level change is still going on.
exothermic process energy is transferred as heat from a system ot its surroundings. the energy of the system decreases and the energy of hte surroundings increases
an endothermic process is the opposite of an exothermic process. Energy is transferred as heat from the surroundings to the system, increasing the energy of the system, decreasing the energy of the surroundings.
joule and its relation to calorie's Kg*m^2/s^2 1 calorie is equal to 4.184 joules
specific heat capacity (C) the energy transferred as heat that is required to rais the temperature of 1 gram of a substance by one kelven
equation used with specific heat q=C*m*Change in T
How is change in temperature calculated? Change in temperature = T(final)-T(initial)
When dealing with a metal in water.... what simple equation ensues? why? q(water)+q(metal)=0 because of the law of thermodynamics no energy is created or destroyed, and theoretically if all is transfered as heat then it will completely transfer over.
Heat of fusion the energy transferred as heat that is required to convert a substance form a solid at its melting point to a liquid
Heat of vaporization the energy transferred as heat to convert a liquid at its boiling point to a gas.
sublimation the direct conversion of a solid to a gas
Heat of fusion equation q=heat of fusion x mass
Created by: jseekins
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