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Stack #70056
Question | Answer |
Good Wives | Louisa May Alcott |
Boon | HG Wells |
Gertrude and Claudius | John Updike |
That Uncertain Feeling | Kingsley Amis |
Old Yeller | Fred Gipson |
The Mandarins | Simone de Beauvoir |
The Thinking Reed | Rebecca West |
The Late Matteo Pascal | Luigi Pirandello |
The Flame of Life | Gabriele D'Annunzio |
A Daughter of Snows | Jack London |
Sabbath's Theatre | Philip Roth |
Penrod | Booth Tarkington |
Seventeen | Booth Tarkington |
Rameau's Nephew | Denis Diderot |
Kristin Lavransdatter | Sigrid Undset |
News of the Kidnapping | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
The Tree of Man | Patrick White |
Moods | Louisa May Alcott |
Pylon | William Faulkner |
Rosshalde | Hermann Hesse |
Shirley | Charlotte Bronte |
The Deep of the Ocean | Jacquelyn Mitchard |
The Neon Bible | John Kennedy Toole |
A Hunger Artist | Franz Kafka |
The Family Moskat | Isaac Bashevis Singer |
Legend | Jude Deveraux |
Something Happened | Joseph Heller |
The Bean Trees | Barbara Kingsolver |
The House on Mango Street | Sandra Cisneros |
Micromegas | Voltaire |
Jasmine | Bharati Mukherjee |
Jonathan Livingston Seagull | Richard Bach |
The Quiet Don aka The Silent Don aka Silent Flows the Don | Mikhail Sholokov |
The Clown | Heinrich Boll |
Space | James Michener |
Christmas in Biafra | Chinua Achebe |
Life Among the Savages | Shirley Jackson |
The Floating Opera | John Barth |
The Gashlycrumb Tinies | Edward Gorey |
The Victim | Saul Bellow |
Watch and Ward | Henry James |
The Professor's House | Willa Cather |
Mardi | Hermann Melville |
The Old Gringo | Carlos Fuentes |
Georgia Boy | Erskine Caldwell |
The Gentleman from Indiana | Booth Tarkington |
The Gypsies | Aleksandr Pushkin |
Madame Delphine | George Washington Cable |
The Lords of Discipline | Pat Conroy |
Saint Maybe | Anne Tyler |
The Chinese Flute | Hans Bethge |
I am a Camera | John Van Druten |
On Baile's Strand | William Butler Yeats |
The Acharians | Aristophanes |
Plutus | Aristophanes |
Where the Air is Clear | Carlos Fuentes |
Schindler's Ark | Thomas Kenneally |
Between the Acts | Virginia Woolf |
Tom Brown's School Days | Thomas Hughes |
Under Western Eyes | Joseph Conrad |
Three Soldiers | John Dos Passos |
Burmese Days | George Orwell |
Pitcairn's Island | Charles Nordhoff |
Prin | Vladimir Nabokov |
Number One | John Dos Passos |
Sir Charles Grandison | Samuel Richardson |
The Tombs of Atuan | Ursula K. Le Guin |
Armadale | Wilkie Collins |
Player Piano | Kurt Vonnegut |
Surfacing | Margaret Atwood |
The Clansman | Thomas Dixon |
Romance | Joseph Conrad and Ford Maddox Ford |
King Coal | Upton Sinclair |
The Last Puritan | George Santayana |
Unnatural Causes | PD James |
The Dain Curse | Dashiell Hammett |
Stamboul Train | Grahame Green |
The Food of the Gods | HG Wells |
The Legend of Bagger Vance | Steven Pressfield |
Murder in Mesopotamia | Agatha Christie |
The Path of Daggers | Robert Jordan |
The Great Hunt | Robert Jordan |
The Promise | Chaim Potok |
The Andromeda Strain | Michael Crichton |
The Little Sister | Raymond Chandler |
Poodle Springs | Raymond Chandler and Robert Parker |
Mother Night | Kurt Vonnegut |
The Nun | Denis Diderot |
Brighton Rock | Grahame Green |
Flush | Virginia Woolf |
Murder at the Vicarage | Agatha Christie |
Across the River and Into the Trees | Ernest Hemingway |
Three Lives | Gertrude Stein |
The Dog Beneath the Skin | W.H. Auden and Christopher Isherwood |
The Great God Brown | Eugene O'Neill |
The Hairy Ape | Eugene O'Neill |
The Traffic of Algiers | Miguel de Cervantes |
The Countess Cathleen | William Butler Yeats |
Blues for Mister Charlie | James Baldwin |
The Black Stallion | Walter Farley |
The Tale of Peter Rabbit | Beatrix Potter |
101 Dalmatians | Dodie Smith |
Matilda | Roald Dahl |
The Lorax | Dr. Seuss |
The Iron Giant | Ted Hughes |
The Red House Mystery | A A Milne |
Mr. Pim Passes By | A A Milne |
The Witches | Roald Dahl |
The Little White Bird | J.M. Barrie |
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH | Robert O'Brien |
Hardy Boys | Franklin W. Dixon (pen name) |
Sounder | William Armstrong |
Really Rosie | Maurice Sendak |
Under the Lilacs | Louisa May Alcott |
Reality Sandwiches | Allen Ginsberg |
Bells and Pomegranates | Robert Browning |
Dramatis Personae | Robert Browning |
Lyrics of Lowly Life | Paul Laurence Dunbar |
Prophetic Books | William Blake |
Grace Notes | Rita Dove |
Ulster Cycle | Unknown (Irish Mythology) |
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War | Herman Melville |
The Secret of the Old Clock | Carolyn Keene |
To Bedlam and Part Way Back | Anne Sexton |
Satires | Horace |
John Bull's Other Island | George Bernard Shaw |
Phormio | Terence |
Adelphi | Terence |
strife | John Galsworthy |
Come Blow Your Horn | Neil Simon |
Harvey | Mary Chase |
My World and Welcome to It | James Thurber |
Winter's Tales | Isak Dinesen |
Departmental Ditties | Rudyard Kipling |
Winner Take Nothing | Ernest Hemingway |
In the Midst of Life | Amrose Bierce |
Moralia | Plutarch |
Cobwebs from an Empty Skull | Ambrose Bierce |
M. Butterfly | David Henry Hwang |
The Maids | Jean Genet |
Mixing It Up | Fictional... Huh? That's not an author... |
The Death of Bessie Smith | Edward Albee |
The Peace | Aristophanes |
Alfred | James Thomson, David Mallet, and Thomas Arne |
The Memorandum | Vaclav Havel |
The Weavers | Gerhart Hauptmann |
The Balcony | Jean Genet |
The Silver Tassie | Sean O'Casey |
Don Carlos | Friederich von Schiller |
King Ubu | Alfred Jarry |
Britannicus | Jean Racine |
The Royal Nonesuch | fictional... The play that the Duke and Dauphin create in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn |
The Murder of Gonzago | Fictional... this is the play that Hamlet performs in... Hamlet |
L'Arlesienne | Alphonse Daudet |
The Fate of the Sons of Usnech | fictional - Irish mythology of which Deidre is the heroine |
The Women | Clare Booth Luce |
Tom Thumb | Henry Fielding |
Don Juan | Moliere (he did one version) |
Another Part of the Forest | Lillian Hellman |
Bus Stop | William Inge |
The Island | Athol Fugard |
Sweet Bird of Youth | Tennessee Williams |
A Slight Ache | Harold Pinter |
Silence | Harold Pinter |
The Litigants | Jean Racine |
The Dance of Death | August Strindberg |
Les Blancs | Lorraine Hansberry (completed by her husband, Robert Nemiroff) |
The Hunted | Eugene O'Neill |
The Haunted | Eugene O'Neill |
The Lion and the Jewel | Wolw Soyinka |
More Stately Mansions | Eugene O'Neill |
The Misfits | Arthur Miller |
The Massacre at Paris | Christopher Marlowe |
The Man Who Had all the Luck | Arthur Miller |
Ah, Sin. | Bret Harte and Mark Twain |
Dinner at Eight | George Kaufman and Edna Ferber |
Stage Door | George Kaufmann and Edna Ferber |
The Exile | Pearl Buck |
Guy Domville | Henry James |
Dreaming Emmett | Toni Morrison |
Street Scene | Elmer Rice |
What Price Glory? | Maxwell Anderson and Lawrence Stallings |
The French Revolution | William Blake |
A Vision | William Butler Yeats |
The Campaign | Joseph Addison |
The True-Born Englishman | Daniel Defoe |
The Breasts of Tiresias | Guillaume Apollinaire |
The Ascent of F6 | WH Auden and Christopher Isherwood |
Lady Lazarus | Sylvia Plath |
Homage to Mistress Bradstreet | John Berryman |
Among School Children | William Butler Yeats |
My Sister Life | Boris Pasternak |
Democratic Vistas | Walt Whitman |
Desolacion | Gabriela Mistral |
My Life Closed Twice Before Its Close | Emily Dickinson |
His Toy, His Dream, His Best | John Berryman |
The Anatomy of Melancholy | Robert Burton |
The Romance of the Rose | Guillame de Loris and Jean de Meune |
Sea Garden | Hilda Doolittle (H.D.) |
The Bride of Abydos | Lord Byron |
Luke Havergal | Edwin Alrlington Robinson |
Fasti | Ovid |
Art of Love | Ovid |
The Mask of Anarchy | Percy Shelley |
Justice Denied in Massachusetts | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions | John Donne |
Good Morning | Mark Van Doren |
Song of the Open Road | Walt Whitman |
A Dome of Many-Colored Glass | Amy Lowell |
Empedocles on Etna | Matthew Arnold |
Nightmare Abbey | Thomas Love Peacock |
Sweeney Among the Nightingales | T.S. Eliot |
The Blessed Damozel | Dante Gabriel Rossetti |
A Garden of Earthly Delights | Joyce Carol Oates |
Palace of Desire | Naguib Mahfouz |
Romola | George Eliot |
The Little Minister | J.M. Barrie |
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker | Tobias Smollett |
The Vortex | Noel Coward |
Under the Greenwood Tree | Thomas Hardy |
The Broken Heart | John Ford |
Tiger at the Gates | Jean Giraudoux |
The Old Bachelor | William Congreve |
The Great White Hope | Howard Sackler |
Gods of the Lightning | Maxwell Anderson |
The Maid's Tragedy | John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont |
Infinite Jest | David Foster Wallace |
The Man of Property | John Galsworthy |
Masters of Deceit | J. Edgar Hoover |
Satanstoe | James Fenimore Cooper |
Fortitude | Hugh Walpole |
Night Flight | Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
Aria de Capo | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died | Emily Dickinson |
Anthem for Doomed Youth | Wilfred Owen |
The Legend of Good Women | Geoffrey Chaucer |
The British Prison-Ship | Philip Freneua |
The Borough | George Crabbe |
Sardanapalus | Lord Byron |
Strange Meeting | Wilfred Owen |
Europe, A Prophecy | William Blake |
To Celia | Ben Jonson |
White Man's Burden | Rudyard Kipling |
Luna Silvestre | Octavio Paz |
Anecdote of the Jar | Wallace Stevens |
Good Morning, America | Carl Sandburg |
Meditation 17 | John Donne |
The Lake Isle of Innisfree | William Butler Yeats |
You, Andrew Marvell | Archibald MacLeish |
The Triumph of Life | Percy Shelley |
The House of Fame | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Enoch Arden | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Sunlight | Louisa May Alcott |
The Cross of Snow | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
The Black Riders | Stephen Crane |
The Prisoner | Emily Bronte |
The Rape of Lucrece | William Shakespeare |
Ash Wednesday | T.S. Eliot |
Cynthia | Sextus Propertius |
Enuma Elish | unknown |
The Libertine | Thomas Shadwell |
Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction | Wallace Stevens |
The Prelude | William Wordsworth (prelude to Lyrical Ballads) |
Christabel | Samuel Taylor Colerdige |
She Walks in Beauty | Lord Byron |
On Wenlock Edge | A.E. Housman |
The Shooting of Dan McGrew | Robert Service |
The Corsair | Lord Byron |
The Deacon's Masterpiece | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. |
Channel Firing | Thomas Hardy |
Less than One | Joseph Brodsky |
Good as Gold | Joseph Heller |
The Growth of the Soil | Knut Hamsun |
Oblomov | Ivan Goncharov |
The Last Don | Mario Puzo |
Confessions of a Mask | Yukio Mishima |
Guy Mannering | Sir Walter Scott |
Ruy Blas | Victor Hugo |
Tales from Shakespeare | Charles and Mary Lamb |
Everything that Rises Must Converge | Flannery O'Connor |
The Epic of the Wheat | Frank Norris |
The Yearling | Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings |
Caleb Williams | William Godwin |
Lie Down in Darkness | William Styron |
Hapworth 16, 1924 | J.D. Salinger |
No One Writes to the Colonel | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
Fire and Cloud | Richard Wright |
May Day | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Master and Man | Leo Tolstoy |
Big Sur | Jack Kerouac (there is a more famous poem of this name by Robinson Jeffers) |
Martin Fierro | Jose Hernandez |
The Lair of the White Worm | Bram Stoker |
Eight Cousins | Louisa May Alcott |
All Men are Brothers | Pearl S. Buck |
The War with the Newts | Karl Capek |
The Doors of Perception | Aldous Huxley |
Room at the Top | John Braine |
A Game of Thrones | George R. R. Martin |
The Feast of the Goat | Mario Vargas Llosa |
The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto | Mario Vargas Llosa |
If He Hollers Let Him Go | Chester Himes |
A Modern Instance | William Dean Howells |
The City of Trembling Leaves | Walter van Tilburg Clark |
Cousin Bette | Homore de Balzac (part of The Human Comedy) |
Woodstock | Sir Walter Scott |
Monkey (Journey to the West) | Wu Cheng-en (Wu) |
Dreamcatcher | Stephen King |
Elinor and Marianne | Jane Austen |
What's Bred in the Bone | William Robertson Davies |
The Horse's Mouth | Joyce Cary |
The Searching Wind | Lillian Hellman |
The Redhunter | William F. Buckley, Jr. |
Shadows on the Grass | Isak Dinesen |
News from Nowhere | William Morris |
Mosquitoes | William Faulkner |
Voss | Patrick White |
The Garden of Forking Paths | Jorge Luis Borges |
Harrison Bergeron | Kurt Vonnegut |
Gimpel the Fool | Isaac Bashevis Singer |
The Monster | Stephen Crane |
The Five Orange Pips | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
To the Man on the Trail | Jack London |
How the Leopard Got His Spots | Rudyard Kipling |
The Celestial Railroad | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Nightfall | Isaac Asimov |
A Dreary Story | Anton Chekhov |
The Fox and the Grapes | Aesop |
Up in Michigan | Ernest Hemingway |
Valperga | Mary Shelley |
Serenissima | Erica Jong |
Martin Eden | Jack London |
Arrow of God | Chinua Achebe |
A Man of the People | Chinua Achebe |
Storyteller | Leslie Marmon Silko |
Joseph and His Brothers | Thomas Mann |
Beneath the Wheel | Hermann Hesse |
The Son of the Wolf | Jack London |
The Real Life of Sebastian Knight | Vladimir Nabokov |
Toward the End of Time | John Updike |
Of Love and Other Demons | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
A Long Fatal Love Chase | Louisa May Alcott |
The Unbearable Bassington | Saki |
Sredni Vashtar | Saki |
Doctor Thorne | Anthony Trollope |
The Master of Ballantrae | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Cold Comfort Farm | Stella Gibbons |
The Warden | Anthony Trollope |
The Good Soldier Schweik | Jaroslav Hasek |
Armance | Stendahl (Marie-Henri Beyle) |
Out of the Silent Planet | C.S. Lewis |
The Golden Notebook | Doris Lessing |
The Thirty-Nine Steps | John Buchan |
Jocelyn | John Galsworthy |
The Leopard | Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa |
Rosmersholm | Henrik Ibsen |
Stephen Hero | James Joyce |
A Prayer for Owen Meany | John Irving |
The Genius | Theodore Dreiser |
She | Henry Rider Haggard |
Marching Men | Sherwood Anderson |
Across Five Aprils | Irene Hunt |
August 1914 | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn |
Disgrace | J.M. Coatzee |
Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Butterfield 8 | John O'Hara |
A Month in the Country | Ivan Turgenev |
The Well of Loneliness | Radclyffe Hall |
Billy Bathgate | E. L. Doctorow |
Meridian | Alice Walker |
The Late George Apley | J. P. Marquand |
Roderick Random | Tobias Smollett |
Islands in the Stream | Ernest Hemingway |
The House of the Spirits | Isabel Allende |
How Stella Got Her Groove Back | Terry McMillan |
Zadig | Voltaire |
The Last Days of Pompeii | Edward Bulwer-Lytton |
Andersonville | McKinlay Kantor |
The Talisman | Sir Walter Scott |
Ceremony | Leslie Marmon Silko |
Betrayed by Rita Hayworth | Manuel Puig |
The Viscount of Bragelonne | Alexandre Dumas |
The Moviegoer | Walker Percy |
John Barleycorn | Jack London |
Catriona | Robert Louis Stevenson |
The Lady with the Dog | Anton Chekhov |
The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze | William Saroyan |
The Gentleman from San Francisco | Ivan Bunin |
The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg | Mark Twain |
The Sisters | James Joyce (from Dubliners) |
Ivy Day in the Committee Room | James Joyce (from Dubliners) |
The Last Leaf | O. Henry |
The Mystery of Marie Roget | Edgar Allan Poe |
Ship of Fools (poem) | Sebastian Brant |
Godliness | Sherwood Anderson |
The Sentinel | Arthur C. Clarke |
The Adventure of the Speckled Band | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Rapunzel | Brothers Grimm |
The Sphinx | Edgar Allan Poe |
Children of Adam | Walt Whitman |
Apocolocyntosis | Seneca |
Memories of President Lincoln | Walt Whitman |
The Canonization | John Donne |
The World is Too Much with Us | William Wordsworth |
Requiem | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Tulips | Sylvia Plath |
Epithalamion | Edmund Spencer |
Resume | Dorothy Parker |
Voluspa | Saemund the Wise |
Plain Language from Truthful James | Bret Harte |
Enough Rope | Dorothy Parker |
Ruslan and Ludmilla | Aleksandr Pushkin |
The Colossus | Sylvia Plath |
The Highwayman | Alfred Noyes |
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning | John Donne |
Duino Elegies | Rainer Maria Rilke |
The Barefoot Boy | John Greenleaf Whittier |
The Pied Piper of Hamelin | Robert Browning |
Ode: Intimations of Immortality | William Wordsworth |
Torquato Tasso | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
Cynara | Ernest Dowson |
Hours of Idleness | Lord Byron |
Porphyria's Lover | Robert Browning |
The People, Yes | Carl Sandurg |
Dejection: An Ode | Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Fern Hill | Dylan Thomas |
Tithonus | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
The Old Devils | Kingsley Amis |
Crome Yellow | Aldous Huxley |
The Pilot | James Fenimore Cooper |
Diary of a Madman | Nikolai Gogol |
Malone Dies | Samuel Beckett |
Rabbit at Rest | John Updike |
Star | Danielle Steel |
Focus | Arthur Miller |
The Painted Bird | Jerzy Kosinski |
The Corrections | Jonathan Franzen |
The Lost World | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Marble Faun | William Faulkner (also the name of a work by Nathaniel Hawthorne) |
The Raj Quarter | Paul Scott |
The Blackboard Jungle | Evan Hunter |
Rites of Passage | William Golding |
In the Penal Colony | Franz Kafka |
The Watsons | Jane Austen |
Daily Life | Thornton Wilder (Act One of Our Town) |
Love and Marriage | Thornton Wilder (Act Two of Our Town) |
Walpurgisnacht | Edward Albee (an act in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?) |
Elizabeth | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
The Cremation of Sam McGee | Robert Service |
Agnes Grey | Anne Bronte |
Travesties | Tom Stoppard |
The Cure at Troy | Seamus Heaney |
The Heidi Chronicles | Wendy Wasserstein |
The Lesson | Eugene Ionesco |
Menaechmi | Plautus |
The Sandbox | Edward Albee |
Biloxi Blues | Neil Simon |
Widower's Houses | George Bernard Shaw |
The Knights | Aristophanes |
Dog Years | Gunter Grass (part of Danzig Trilogy) |
The Cynic's Wordbook | Ambroce Bierce |
Nihon Shoki | court officials (mythological tales of Japan) |
The Phoenician Women | Euripides |
The Real Thing | Tom Stoppard |
Ah, Wilderness | Eugene O'Neill |
Back to Methuselah | George Bernard Shaw |
Bartholomew Fair | Ben Jonson |
The Adding Machine | Elmer Rice |
The Entertainer | John Osborne |
Both Your Houses | Maxwell Anderson |
Andromaque | Jean-Baptiste Racine |
The Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window | Lorraine Hansberry |
Oroonoko | Aphra Behn |
Johnny Got His Gun | Dalton Trumbo |
The Rainbow | D. H. Lawrence |
Palace Walk | Naguib Mahfouz |
Shadows on the Rock | Willa Cather |
Tuesdays with Morrie | Mitch Albom |
Western Star | Stephen Vincent Benet |
In a Station of the Metro | Ezra Pound |
The Village Blacksmith | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Montage of a Dream Deferred | Langston Hughes |
Die Lorelei | Heinrich Heine |
Mozart and Salieri | Aleksandr Pushkin |
Ichabod | John Greenleaf Whittier |
L'Allegro | John Milton |
Il Penseroso | John Milton |
Sylvie and Bruno | Lewis Carroll |
Jenny Kissed Me | Leigh Hunt |
Terence, this is Stupid Stuff | A. E. Housman |
Sweeney Agonistes | T. S. Eliot |
For the Union Dead | Robert Lowell |
Ode to the Confederate Dead | Allen Tate |
Peter Grimes | George Crabbe |
Astrophel and Stella | Philip Sydney |
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy | John Le Carre |
Pale Horse, Pale Rider | Katherine Anne Porter |
The Confidence-Man | Herman Melville |
Ashenden | W. Somerset Maugham |
An Outcast of the Islands | Joseph Conrad |
Manhattan Transfer | John Dos Passos |
The Bridge on the Drina | Ivo Andric |
Dangerous Liasons | Pierre De Laclos |
The Master and Margarita | Mikhail Bulgakov |
Possession: A Romance | A.S. Byatt |
Bound East for Cardiff | Eugene O'Neill |
Pandosto | Robert Greene |
Buckdancer's Choice | James Dickey |
Calamus | Walt Whitman |
The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner | Alan Sillitoe |
A Sportsman's Sketches | Ivan Turgenev |
A Country Doctor | Franz Kafka |
The Forsyte Saga | John Galsworthy |
California Suite | Neil Simon |
Candida | George Bernard Shaw |
Holy Sonnets | John Donne |
The Death Notebooks | Anne Sexton |
First Folio | Shakespeare (1st written collection of his plays) |
Fables | Aesop |
Collected Poems | Archibald MacLeish |
Harmonium | Wallace Stevens |
Eddas | Various (Norse Mythology) |
Barrack-Room Ballads | Rudyard Kipling |
The Children of the Night | Edwin Arlington Robinson |
Amores | Ovid |
Shakespeare's Sonnets | Shakespeare |
The American Songbag | Carl Sandburg |
Pollyanna | Eleanor H. Porter |
In the Night Kitchen | Maurice Sendak |
Hans Brinker; or, the Silver Skates | Mary Mapes Dodge |
And to Think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street | Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel) |
Tales of Mother Goose | Charles Perrault |
Sketch Book | Washington Irving (as Geoffrey Crayon) |
How the Camel Got His Hump | Rudyard Kipling (from Just So Stories) |
The Trumpet of the Swan | E.B. White |
Winnie the Pooh | A.A. Milne |
The Chairs | Eugene Ionesco |
Dirty Hands | Jean-Paul Sartre |
The Libation Bearers | Aeschylus |
An Ideal Husband | Oscar Wilde |
Spring Snow | Yukio Mishima |
Poland | James Michener |
Save Me the Waltz | Zelda Fitzgerald |
The Sot-Weed Factor | John Barth |
King Solomon's Mines | H. Rider Haggard |
Libra | Don DeLillo |
Zuleika Dobson | Max Beerbohm |
Taras Bulba | Nikolai Gogol |
Within a Budding Grove | Marcel Proust |
The Golden Age | Gore Vidal |
Deadeye Dick | Kurt Vonnegut |
Breakfast of Champions | Kurt Vonnegut |
Amelia | Henry Fielding |
Timequake | Kurt Vonnegut |
Old Mortality | Sir Walter Scott |
Antic Hay | Aldous Huxley |
Chesapeake | James Michener |
Laughing Boy | Oliver La Farge |
The Centaur | John Updike |
Myra Breckinridge | Gore Vidal |
The White Peacock | D.H. Lawrence |
The Eye of the Storm | Patrick White |
The Autumn of the Patriarch | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
A Pair of Blue Eyes | Thomas Hardy |
Maus | Art Spigelman |
Junkie | William S. Burroughs |
The Kreutzer Sonata | Leo Tolstoy |
A Sentimental Journey | Laurence Stern |
The Prince of Tides | Pat Conroy |
Precaution | James Fenimore Cooper |
Trilby | George du Maurier |
Burr | Gore Vidal |
The Apes of God | Percy Windham Lewis |
La Galatea | Miguel de Cervantes |
The Muses are Heard | Truman Capote |
Vile Bodies | Evelyn Waugh |
Delta Autumn | William Faulkner |
Molloy | Samuel Beckett |
Ender's Game | Orson Scott Card |
Haroun and the Sea of Stories | Salman Rushdie |
An Unsuitable Job for a Woman | P.D. James |
The Skull Beneath the Skin | P.D. James |
Man's Fate | Andre Malraux |
Exodus | Leon Uris |
No Name | Wilkie Collins |
The Sum of All Fears | Tom Clancy |
Red Harvest | Dashiell Hammett |
Our Man in Havana | Grahame Greene |
The Green Mile | Stephen King |
The Martian Chronicles | Ray Bradbury |
July's People | Nadine Gordimer |
Ramona | Helen Hunt Jackson |
Miss Lonelyhearts | Nathanael West |
Plexus | Henry Miller |
Nexus | Henry Miller |
Gotz von Berlichingen | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
Jacques the Fatalist | Denis Diderot |
The Heart of the Matter | Grahame Greene |
Thousand Cranes | Yasunari Kawabata |
Pincher Martin | William Golding |
Main-Travelled Roads | Hamlin Garland |
Benito Cereno | Herman Melville |
Tales of the South Pacific | James Michener |
A Guest of Honor | Nadine Gordimer |
The Conservationist | Nadine Gordimer |
Eugenie Grandet | Honore de Balzac |
Ravelstein | Saul Bellow |
The Source | James Michener |
Equality | Edward Bellamy |
The Great American Novel | Philip Roth |
The Kitchen God's Wife | Amy Tan |
The Bonesetter's Daughter | Amy Tan |
Hopscotch | Julio Cortazar |
Alaska | James Michener |
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion | Yukio Mishima |
Henry Esmond | William Makepiece Thackeray |
The Double | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Clarissa | Samuel Richardson |
Dangling Man | Saul Bellow |
The Sea of Fertility | Yukio Mishima |
Chance | Joseph Conrad |
The Bridges of Madison County | Robert Waller |
The Road Back | Erich Maria Remarque |
The Waves | Virginia Woolf |
Old Creole Days | George Washington Cable |
Mila 18 | Leon Uris |
Sula | Toni Morrison |
A Modern Mephistopheles | Louisa May Alcott |
A Prairie Home Companion | Garrison Keillor |
Somtimes a Great Notion | Ken Kesey |
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang | Ian Fleming |
National Velvet | Enid Bagnold |
The View From Saturday | E.L. Konigsburg |
Now We Are Six | A.A. Milne |
A Street in Bronzeville | Gwendolyn Brooks |
White Buildings | Hart Crane |
Sonnets to Orpheus | Rainer Maria Rilke |
Thomas and Beulah | Rita Dove |
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect | Robert Burns |
Sonnets of Death | Gabriela Mistral |
Prose Edda | Snorri Sturluson |
Seven Gothic Tales | Isak Dineson |
James and the Giant Peach | Roald Dahl |
Canzoniere | Petrarch |
The Miracle Worker | William Gibson |
Comus | John Milton |
Cato | Joseph Addison |
All for Love | John Dryden |
Lost in Yonkers | Neil Simon |
Men Without Women | Ernest Hemingway |
Tales of the Jazz Age | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Journal to Stella | Jonathan Swift |
The Alexandria Quartet | Lawrence Durrell |
Pictures from Brueghel, and Other Poems | William Carlos Williams |
War is Kind | Stephen Crane |
Oedipus at Colonus | Sophocles |
Iphigenia in Tauris | Euripides |
Time's Arrow | Martin Amis |
American Pastoral | Philip Roth |
The Custom of the Country | Edith Wharton |
Indiana | George Sand |
Jacob's Room | Virginia Woolf |
The Assistant | Bernard Malamud |
The Wall | John Hersey |
Ironweed | William Kennedy |
Israel Potter | Herman Melville |
Interview with the Vampire | Anne Rice |
The Wolf | Frank Norris |
Men Against the Sea | Charles Nordhoff and James Hall |
Lonesome Dove | Larry McMurtry |
Women in Love | D.H. Lawrence |
Balthazar | Lawrence Durrell |
The Persian Letters | Charles Montesquieu |
The Eye of the World | Robert Jordan |
Double Indemnity | James Cain |
Gitanjali | Rabindranath Tagore |
Arcadia | Tom Stoppard |
The Day of Doom | Michael Wigglesworth |
Lament for the Death of a Bullfighter | Federico Garcia Lorca |
Peter Quince at the Clavier | Wallace Stevens |
Poems on Various Subjects, Religous and Moral | Phillis Wheatley |
A Child's Christmas in Wales | Dylan Thomas |
The Dry Salvages | T.S. Eliot |
Abou Ben Adhem | Leigh Hunt |
Amoretti | Edmund Spenser |
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog | Dylan Thomas |
I Hear America Singing | Walt Whitman |
A Fable for Critics | James Russell Lowell |
Tam O'Shanter | Robert Burns |
The First Man | Albert Camus |
La Pucelle | Voltaire |
The Duchess of Malfi | John Webster |
Timon of Athens | William Shakespeare |
Earth Spirit | Frank Wedekind |
Come Back Little Sheba | William Inge |
Suppliants | Euripides |
Cat and Mouse | Gunter Grass |
Watch on the Rhine | Lillian Hellman |
The American Dream | Edward Albee |
Brighton Beach Memoirs | Neil Simon |
Barefoot in the Park | Neil Simon |
The Double Dealer | William Congreve |
Love for Love | William Congreve |
The Admirable Crichton | J.M. Barrie |
Picnic | William Inge |
The Bourgeois Gentleman | Moliere |
Cinna | Pierre Corneille |
Idiot's Delight | Robert Sherwood |
American Buffalo | David Mamet |
Trojan Women | Euripides |
The Father | August Strindberg |
Juno and the Paycock | Sean O'Casey |
Exiles | James Joyce |
Androcles and the Lion | George Bernard Shaw |
Pandora's Box | Frank Wedekind |
The Rose Tattoo | Tennessee Williams |
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz | L. Frank Baum |
A Boy Named Sue | Shel Silverstein |
Mary Had a Little Lamb | Sarah Hale |
The Silver Chair | C.S. Lewis |
The Jewel in the Crown | Paul Scott |
Underworld | Don DeLillo |
A Hazard of New Fortunes | William Dean Howells |
Windy McPherson's Son | Sherwood Anderson |
Vivian Grey | Benjamin Disraeli |
We | Yevgeny Zamyatin |
Paul Clifford | Edward Bulwer-Lytton |
The Chosen | Chaim Potok |
Paris in the Twentieth Century | Jules Verne |
The Soft Machine | William Burroughs |
The Confessions of Nat Turner | William Styron |
Eyeless in Gaza | Aldous Huxley |
The Minister's Wooing | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Heimskringla | Snorri Sturluson |
Maud Martha | Gwendolyn Brooks |
Africa | Petrarch |
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love | Christopher Marlowe |
The Lay of the Last Minstrel | Sir Walter Scott |
Another Country | James Baldwin |
Flatland | Edwin Abbott |
Sanditon | Jane Austen |
Cover Her Face | P.D. James |
Cup of Gold | John Steinbeck |
Through the Looking Glass | Lewis Carroll |
The Killer Angels | Michael Shaara |
The Fall | Albert Camus |
Quo Vadis | Henryk Sienkiewicz |
The Man Who Was Thursday | G.K. Chesterton |
The Winter of Our Discount | John Steinbeck |
Whose Body? | Dorothy Sayers |
The Wind Done Gone | Alice Randall |
The Nine Tailors | Dorothy Sayers |
The Village | George Crabbe |
The Art of Love | Ovid |
The Convergence of the Twain | Thomas Hardy |
Marmion | Sir Walter Scott |
Mabinogion | Misc. (Welsh mythology) |
The Wreck of the Hesperus | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Locksley Hall | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
The Walrus and the Carpenter | Lewis Carroll |
News Item | Dorothy Parker |
American Names | Stephen Vincent Benet |
Pharsalia | Lucan |
The Vanity of Human Wishes | Samuel Johnson |
Gerontion | T.S. Eliot |
Mr. Sammler's Planet | Saul Bellow |
Le Pere Goirot | Honore de Balzac |
Salammbo | Gustave Flaubert |
Shah-nameh | Ferdowsi |
The Reivers | William Faulkner |
Five Weeks in a Balloon | Jules Verne |
From the Earth to the Moon | Jules Verne |
House Made of Dawn | N. Scott Momaday |
Advise and Consent | Allen Drury |
Poor Folk | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Flowers for Algernon | Daniel Keyes |
Martin Chuzzlewit | Charles Dickens |
A Thousand Acres | Jane Smiley |
Giant | Edna Ferber |
The Last Man | Mary Shelley |
Leaf Storm | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
The Blue Hotel | Stephen Crane |
The Ransom of Red Chief | O. Henry |
A Clean, Well-Lighted Place | Ernest Hemingway |
The Short, Happy Life of Francis Macomber | Ernest Hemingway |
Big Two-Hearted River | Ernest Hemingway |
London | William Blake |
White Nights | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
A Perfect Day for Bananafish | J.D. Salinger |
Hands | Sherwood Anderson |
Boule de suif | Guy de Maupassant |
The Burial of the Dead | T.S. Eliot |
The Dream of Gerontius | John Henry Newman |
A Scandal in Bohemia | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Black Cat | Edgar Allan Poe |
A Rose for Emily | William Faulkner |
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
To Build a Fire | Jack London |
Araby | James Joyce |
The Black Monk | Anton Chekhov |
Lost Horizon | James Hilton |
A Handful of Dust | Evelyn Waugh |
Redburn | Herman Melville |
Berlin Stories | Christopher Isherwood |
Cimarron | Edna Ferber |
The Violent Bear it Away | Flannery O'Connor |
Whistle | James Jones |
Quentin Durward | Sir Walter Scott |
The Cloister and the Hearth | Charles Reade |
The Good Soldier | Ford Madox Ford |
Wallenstein | Friedrich von Schiller |
Of Thee I Sing | George Kaufman, Morrie Ryskind, and Ira Gershwin |
Pelleas et Melisande | Maurice Maeterlinck |
Lost in the Stars | Maxwell Anderson |
The Dynasts | Thomas Hardy |
Maurice | E.M. Forster |
The Monk | Matthew Lewis |
The Gambler | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The Possessed | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The African Queen | C.S. Forester |
Mandalay | Rudyard Kipling |
Jerusalem Delivered | Torquato Tasso |
The Eve of St. Agnes | John Keats |
Goblin Market | Christina Rossetti |
The Vision of Sir Launfal | James Russell Lowell |
Venus and Adonis | William Shakespeare |
Hesperides | Robert Herrick |
Piers Plowman | William Langland |
Thyrsis | Matthew Arnold |
The Prisoner of the Caucasus | Aleksandr Pushkin |
The Wreck of the Deutschland | Gerard Manley Hopkins |
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird | Wallace Stevens |
East Coker | T.S. Eliot |
To Autumn | John Keats |
Under Ben Bulben | William Butler Yeats |
The Battle of Blenheim | Robert Southey |
The Hunting of the Snark | Lewis Carroll |
Portrait of a Lady | T.S. Eliot |
How They Brought the Good News from Ghent to Aix | Robert Browning |
Rabbi Ben Ezra | Robert Browning |
The Congo | Vachel Lindsay |
Teseida | Giovanni Boccaccio |
Maud Muller | John Greenleaf Whittier |
Grass | Carl Sandburg |
The Wild Swans at Coole | William Butler Yeats |
The Deserted Village | Oliver Goldsmith |
Live or Die | Anne Sexton |
The Town | William Faulkner |
Something Wicked This Way Comes | Ray Bradbury |
Soul Mountain | Gao Xingjian (need "Gao") |
The Ox-Bow Incident | Walter Van Tilburg Clark |
Carrie | Stephen King |
The Case of the Velvet Claws | Earl Stanley Gardner |
Sodom and Gomorrah | Marcel Proust |
Centennial | James Michener |
The Poisonwood Bible | Margaret Kingsolver |
Billiards at Half-Past Nine | Heinrich Boll |
Tar Baby | Toni Morrison |
The Red Rover | James Fenimore Cooper |
Gargantua and Pantagruel | Francois Rabelais |
Cancer Ward | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn |
One of Ours | Willa Cather |
Sexus | Henry Miller |
Hunger | Knut Hamsun |
1876 | Gore Vidal |
The Spy | James Fenimore Cooper |
The God of Small Things | Arundhati Roy |
The Dragon Reborn | Robert Jordan |
Fear of Flying | Erica Jong |
We the Living | Ayn Rand |
Curtain | Agatha Christie |
The Woman in White | Wilkie Collins |
The Thin Red Line | James Jones |
The Pit | Frank Norris |
The Mysteries of Udolpho | Ann Radcliffe |
The Haunting of Hill House | Shirley Jackson |
Goodbye Columbus | Philip Roth |
Goodbye, Mr, Chips | James Hilton |
Wide Sargasso Sea | Jean Rhys |
Vineland | Thomas Pynchon |
Requiem for a Nun | William Faulkner |
Kangaroo | D.H. Lawrence |
Nine Stories | J.D. Salinger |
A Child's Garden of Verse | Robert Stevenson |
Uncle Tom's Children | Richard Wright |
The Caretaker | Harold Pinter |
Blood Wedding | Federico Garcia Lorca |
Suddenly Last Summer | Tennessee Williams |
Death and Taxes | Dorothy Parker |
The Biglow Papers | James Russell Lowell |
A Few Thigs from Thistles | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
The Hawk in the Rain | Ted Hughes |
Pinocchio | Carlo Collodi |
Where the Sidewalk Ends | Shel Silverstein |
The Red Shoes | Hans Christian Anderson |
The Owl and the Pussycat | Edward Lear |
Just So Stories | Rudyard Kipling |
The Rover | Aphra Behn |
The School for Wives | Moliere |
The World According to Garp | John Irving |
The Angelic Avengers | Isak Dinesen |
The Razor's Edge | W. Somerset Maugham |
The Last Picture Show | Larry McMurtry |
The Immoralist | Andre Gide |
The Once and Future King | T.H. White |
Farewell, My Lovely | Raymond Chandler |
The Dragons of Eden | Carl Sagan |
Cosmos | Carl Sagan |
Of Time and the River | Thomas Wolfe |
Oil! | Upton Sinclair |
The Murder of Roger Akroyd | Agatha Christie |
The Two Towers | J.R.R. Tolkien |
Wonder Boys | Michael Chabon |
The Inheritors | William Golding |
The Bride of Lammermoor | Sir Walter Scott |
Neuromancer | William Gibson |
The Moon is Down | John Steinbeck |
Jonathan Wild | Henry Fielding |
The Red Pony | John Steinbeck |
Delta Wedding | Eudora Welty |
The Golden Ass | Lucius Apuleius |
Portnoy's Complaint | Philip Roth |
The Temple of My Familiar | Alice Walker |
The Unvanquished | William Faulkner |
The Stoic | Theodore Dreiser |
The Mansion | William Faulkner |
Alice Adams | Booth Tarkington |
God's Little Acre | Erskine Caldwell |
The Return of the King | J.R.R. Tolkien |
In Dubious Battle | John Steinbeck |
Colonel Sun | Kingsley Amis |
Under the Volcano | Malcolm Lowry |
The Tragic Muse | Henry James |
Justine | Marquis de Sade |
The Accidental Tourist | Anne Tyler |
The Gilded Age | Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner |
Hawaii | James Michener |
Texas | James Michener |
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall | Anne Bronte |
The Ground Beneath Her Feet | Salman Rushdie |
Cities of the Plain | Cormac McCarthy |
Shamela | Henry Fielding |
Washington, D.C. | Gore Vidal |
Hamlet | William Shakspeare |
The Tempest | William Shakespeare |
Macbeth | William Shakespeare |
Iliad | Homer |
Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen |
Moby Dick | Herman Melville |
The Great Gatsby | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Paradise Lost | John Milton |
Faust | Wolfgang von Goethe |
King Lear | William Shakespeare |
The Merchant of Venice | William Shakespeare |
1984 | George Orwell |
A Midsummer Night's Dream | William Shakespeare |
The Scarlet Letter | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Crime and Punishment | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Romeo and Juliet | William Shakespeare |
As You Like It | William Shakespeare |
Oedipus Tyranus (Oedipus the King) | Sophocles |
Jane Eyre | Charlotte Bronte |
The Divine Comedy | Dante Alighieri |
The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Othello | William Shakespeare |
Candide | Voltaire |
Little Women | Louisa May Alcott |
Vanity Fair | William Makepeace Thackeray |
Billy Budd: Foretopman | Herman Melville |
Julius Caesar | William Shakespeare |
Our Town | Thornton Wilder |
Aeneid | Virgil |
To Kill a Mockingbird | Harper Lee |
A Streetcar Named Desire | Tennessee Williams |
War and Peace | Leo Tolstoy |
Les Miserables | Victor Hugo |
The Grapes of Wrath | John Steinbeck |
A Farewell to Arms | Ernest Hemingway |
A Tale of Two Cities | Charles Dickens |
Odyssey | Homer |
Chicago | Carl Sandburg |
Heart of Darkness | Joseph Conrad |
The Call of the Wild | Jack London |
Much Ado About Nothing | William Shakespeare |
For Whom the Bell Tolls | Ernest Hemingway |
Anna Karenina | Leo Tolstoy |
Uncle Tom's Cabin | Harriet Beecher Stowe |
The Waste Land | T.S. Eliot |
Pilgrim's Progress | John Bunyan |
The Adventures of Hucklberry Finn | Mark Twain |
The Red Badge of Courage | Stephen Crane |
Pygmalion | George Bernard Shaw |
Twelfth Night | William Shakespeare |
The Jungle | Upton Sinclair |
Ulysses | James Joyce |
Lolita | Vladimir Nabokov |
Long Day's Journey Into Night | Eugene O'Neill |
The Catcher in the Rye | J.D. Salinger |
A Doll's House | Henrik Ibsen |
The Taming of the Shrew | William Shakespeare |
Don Quixote | Miguel de Cervantes |
Great Expectations | Charles Dickens |
Wuthering Heights | Emily Bronte |
Animal Farm | George Orwell |
Brave New World | Aldous Huxley |
Things Fall Apart | Chinua Achebe |
The Three Musketeers | Alexander Dumas |
The Sun Also Rises | Ernest Hemingway |
Oliver Twist | Charles Dickens |
The Count of Monte Cristo | Alexander Dumas |
David Copperfield | Charles Dickens |
One Hundred Years of Solitude | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
The Crucible | Arthur Miller |
A Raisin in the Sun | Lorraine Hansberry |
The Tyger | William Blake |
Beowulf | Anonymous |
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner | Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
Catch-22 | Joseph Heller |
Ivanhoe | Sir Walter Scott |
All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren |
The House of the Seven Gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Tess of the D'Urbervilles | Thomas Hardy |
Death of a Salesman | Arthur Miller |
The Merry Wives of Windsor | William Shakespeare |
Antigone | Sophocles |
Lord of the Flies | William Golding |
Ode on a Grecian Urn | John Keats |
Inferno | Dante Alighieri |
Decameron | Giovanni Boccaccio |
The Rape of the Lock | Alexander Pope |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain |
Main Street | Sinclair Lewis |
Sense and Sensibility | Jane Austen |
Slaughterhouse-Five | Kurt Vonnegut |
All Quiet on the Western Front | Erich Maria Remarque |
The Color Purple | Alice Walker |
The Sound and the Fury | William Faulkner |
Richard III | William Shakespeare |
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? | Edward Albee |
Lyrical Ballads | William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
The Glass Menagerie | Tennessee Williams |
Absalom, Absalom! | William Faulkner |
The Turn of the Screw | Henry James |
The Old Man and the Sea | Ernest Hemingway |
Kubla Kahn | Samuel Taylor Colerdige |
Song of Myself | Walt Whitman |
Rip Van Winkle | Washington Irving |
My Antonia | Willa Cather |
Waiting for Godot | Samuel Beckett |
Leaves of Grass | Walt Whitman |
Treasure Island | Robert Louis Stevenson |
The Last of the Mohicans | James Fenimore Cooper |
The Age of Innocence | Edith Wharton |
Of Mice and Men | John Steinbeck |
Robinson Cruesoe | Daniel Defoe |
Ethan Frome | Edith Wharton |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland | Lewis Carroll |
Lord Jim | Joseph Conrad |
Pericles, Prince of Tyre | William Shakespeare |
The Faerie Queen | Edmund Spenser |
The Raven | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Doctor Faustus | Thomas Mann |
On the Road | Jack Kerouac |
Finnegan's Wake | James Joyce |
Gulliver's Travels | Jonathan Swift |
Remembrance of Things Past | Marcel Proust |
Fathers and Sons | Ivan Turgenev |
East of Eden | John Steinbeck |
The Stranger | Albert Camus |
The Seagull | Anton Chekhov |
Mourning Becomes Electra | Eugene O'Neill |
Bhagavadgita | Unknown |
The Charge of the Light Brigade | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock | T.S. Eliot |
Ode to Joy | Friedrich von Schiller |
Henry V | William Shakespeare |
Invisible Man | Ralph Ellison |
Far From the Madding Crowd | Thomas Hardy |
Northanger Abbey | Jane Austen |
Frankenstein | Mary Shelley |
The Good Earth | Pearl S. Buck |
Jude the Obscure | Thomas Hardy |
An American Tragedy | Theodore Dreiser |
O Pioneers! | Willa Cather |
The Thousand and One Nights | (translated by) Sir Richard Francis Burton |
The Handmaid's Tale | Margaret Atwood |
The Idiot | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
The Cantos | Ezra Pound |
Eugene Onegin | Aleksandr Pushkin |
The Tin Drum | Gunter Grass |
Rebecca | Daphne du Maurier |
Tom Jones | Henry Fielding |
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea | Jules Verne |
Atlas Shrugged | Ayn Rand |
Death in Venice | Thomas Mann |
To Have and Have Not | Ernest Hemingway |
Native Son | Richard Wright |
The Magic Mountain | Thomas Mann |
Henry IV | William Shakespeare |
The Cherry Orchard | Anton Chekhov |
Howl | Allen Ginsberg |
Don Juan | Lord Byron |
Mending Wall | Robert Frost |
Emma | Jane Austen |
The Hunchback of Notre Dame | Victor Hugo |
Gone with the Wind | Margaret Mitchell |
Antony and Cleopatra | William Shakespeare |
No Exit | Jean-Paul Sartre |
Beloved | Toni Morrison |
Measure for Measure | William Shakespeare |
Dulce et Decorum Est | Wilfred Owen |
Richard Cory | Edwin Arlington Robinson |
Annabel Lee | Edgar Allan Poe |
Man and Superman | George Bernard Shaw |
The Two Gentlemen of Verona | William Shakespeare |
Dracula | Bram Stoker |
The Importance of Being Earnest | Oscar Wilde |
The Winter's Tale | William Shakespeare |
The Sorrows of Young Werther | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
Steppenwolf | Hermann Hesse |
The Prince and the Pauper | Mark Twain |
The Trial | Franz Kafka |
The Return of the Native | Thomas Hardy |
Utopia | Sir Thomas More |
Hedda Gabler | Henrik Ibsen |
The Jew of Malta | Christopher Marlowe |
Spoon River Anthology | Edgar Lee Masters |
The Comedy of Errors | William Shakespeare |
To His Coy Mistress | Andrew Marvell |
Ozymandias | Percy Shelley |
The Song of Hiawatha | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Le Morte d'Arthur | Thomas Malory |
Mahabharata | Vyasa |
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard | Thomas Gray |
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey | William Wordsworth |
The Rubaiyat | Omar Khayyam |
Cry, the Beloved Country | Alan Paton |
Salome | Oscar Wilde |
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof | Tennessee Williams |
Dune | Frank Herbert |
The Name of the Rose | Umberto Eco |
Sister Carrie | Theodore Dreiser |
Breakfast at Tiffany's | Truman Capote |
Madame Bovary | Gustave Flaubert |
Dead Souls | Nikolai Gogol |
Tender is the Night | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
The Tale of the Genji | Lady Murasaki |
Kidnapped | Robert Louis Stevenson |
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man | James Joyce |
Three Sisters | Anton Chekhov |
Nostromo | Joseph Conrad |
The Master Builder | Henrik Ibsen |
The Second Coming | William Butler Yeats |
Adonais | Percy Shelley |
Ode to a Nightingale | John Keats |
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage | Lord Byron |
Rappaccini's Daughter | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Desire Under the Elms | Eugene O'Neill |
A Christmas Carol | Charles Dickens |
Persuasion | Jane Austen |
Through the Looking Glass | Lewis Carroll |
Charlotte's Web | E.B. White |
A Clockwork Orange | Anthony Burgess |
Death Comes for the Archbishop | Willa Cather |
The Picture of Dorian Gray | Oscar Wilde |
1919 | John Dos Passos |
The Natural | Bernard Malamud |
Daisy Miller | Henry James |
Pamela | Samuel Richardson |
Babbitt | Sinclair Lewis |
Around the World in Eighty Days | Jules Verne |
Joseph Andrews | Henry Fielding |
Germinal | Emile Zola |
As I Lay Dying | William Faulkner |
Song of Solomon | Toni Morrison |
The Jungle Book | Rudyard Kipling |
Les Fleurs du Mal (The Flowers of Evil) | Charles Baudelaire |
The Alchemist | Ben Jonson |
The Little Foxes | Lillian Hellman |
Titus Andronicus | William Shakespeare |
An Enemy of the People | Henrik Ibsen |
The Misanthrope | Moliere |
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow | Washington Irving |
Because I Could Not Stop for Death | Emily Dickinson |
The Road Not Taken | Robert Frost |
Gunga Din | Rudyard Kipling |
Dover Beach | Matthew Arnold |
O Captain! My Captain! | Walt Whitman |
Evangeline | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
The Gift of the Magi | O. Henry |
All's Well that Ends Well | William Shakespeare |
Tartuffe | Moliere |
Inherit the Wind | Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee |
Lucky Jim | Kingsley Amis |
Uncle Vanya | Anton Chekhov |
Arms and the Man | George Bernard Shaw |
The Iceman Cometh | Eugene O'Neill |
Medea | Euripides |
Midnight's Children | Salman Rushdie |
Mansfield Park | Jane Austen |
The Red and the Black | Stendahl |
The Ambassadors | Henry James |
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court | Mark Twain |
Naked Lunch | William S. Burroughs |
The House of Mirth | Edith Wharton |
Kim | Rudyard Kipling |
The Fountainhead | Ayn Rand |
Their Eyes Were Watching God | Zora Neale Hurston |
The Time Machine | H.G. Wells |
The Hobbit | J.R.R. Tolkien |
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest | Ken Kesey |
Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf |
The Bell Jar | Sylvia Plath |
Middlemarch | George Eliot |
The Glass Bead Game | Hermann Hesse |
Arrowsmith | Sinclair Lewis |
The Satanic Verses | Salman Rushdie |
Volpone | Ben Jonson |
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe | C.S. Lewis |
Chronicles of Narnia | C.S. Lewis |
The Little Prince | Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
From Here to Eternity | James Jones |
Gravity's Rainbow | Thomas Pynchon |
Young Goodman Brown | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Thanatopsis | William Cullen Bryant |
My Last Duchess | Robert Browning |
Endymion | John Keats |
The Four Quartets | T.S. Eliot |
Kaddish | Allen Ginsberg |
Metamorphoses | Ovid |
The Song of Roland | Turold (probable) |
Ramayana | Valmiki |
The Bronze Horseman | Aleksandr Pushkin |
Major Barbara | George Bernard Shaw |
The Imaginary Invalid | Moliere |
Watership Down | Richard Adams |
The Frogs | Aristophanes |
The Clouds | Aristophanes |
Peer Gynt | Henrik Ibsen |
Siddhartha | Hermann Hesse |
A Separate Peace | John Knowles |
The Blithedale Romance | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Lady Chatterley's Lover | D.H. Lawrence |
Out of Africa | Isak Dinesen |
A Passage to India | E.M. Forster |
This Side of Paradise | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Elmer Gantry | Sinclair Lewis |
In Cold Blood | Truman Capote |
Fahrenheit 451 | Ray Bradbury |
Jurassic Park | Michael Crichton |
Go Tell it on the Mountain | James Baldwin |
Cat's Cradle | Kurt Vonnegut |
The Invisible Man | H.G. Wells |
The Last Tycoon | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
The Mayor of Casterbridge | Thomas Hardy |
Peter Pan | J.M. Barrie |
Songs of Innocence | William Blake |
The Lower Depths | Maxim Gorky |
Troilus and Cressida | William Shakespeare |
Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre |
Look Homeward, Angel | Thomas Wolfe |
An Essay on Criticism | Alexander Pope |
Ode to the West Wind | Percy Shelley |
John Brown's Body | Stephen Vincent Benet |
Crossing the Bar | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time | Robert Herrick |
The Purloined Letter | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Cask of Amontillado | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Gold Bug | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Murders in the Rue Morgue | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Fall of the House of Usher | Edgar Allan Poe |
Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening | Robert Frost |
The Ballad of Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde |
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd | Walt Whitman |
Ulysses (poem) | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
The Bells | Edgar Allan Poe |
Rob Roy | Sir Walter Scott |
Adam Bede | George Eliot |
Bacchae | Euripides |
The Children's Hour | Lilllian Hellman |
The Playboy of the Western World | John Millington Synge |
The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America | Anne Bradstreet |
Sonnets from the Portuguese | Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Prometheus Bound | Aeschylus |
Light in August | William Faulkner |
The Awakening | Kate Chopin |
The Bridge of San Luis Rey | Thornton Wilder |
Orlando | Virginia Woolf |
The Crying of Lot 49 | Thomas Pynchon |
The Golden Bowl | Henry James |
The Pioneers | James Fenimore Cooper |
Silas Marner | George Eliot |
Erewhon | Samuel Butler |
Ragtime | E.L. Doctorow |
Tobacco Road | Erskine Caldwell |
Cannery Row | John Steinbeck |
The Castle of Otranto | Horace Walpole |
The Castle | Franz Kafka |
A Study in Scarlet | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
Stranger in a Strange Land | Robert Heinlein |
Sons and Lovers | D.H. Lawrence |
To the Lighthouse | Virginia Woolf |
The Old Curiosity Shop | Charles Dickens |
Resurrection | Leo Tolstoy |
White Fang | Jack London |
Bleak House | Charles Dickens |
Rhinoceros | Eugene Ionesco |
Strange Interlude | Eugene O'Neill |
The Inspector General | Nikolai Gogol |
A Shropshire Lad | A.E. Housman |
Anne of Green Gables | L.M. Montgomery |
The Wind in the Willows | Kenneth Grahame |
Henry VIII | William Shakespeare |
The Wild Duck | Henrik Ibsen |
The Bostonians | Henry James |
The Octopus | Frank Norris |
Winesburg, Ohio | Sherwood Anderson |
Dies Irae | Thomas of Celano |
The Emperor of Ice-Cream | Wallace Stevens |
Barbara Freitchie | John Greenleaf Whittier |
To A Skylark | Percy Shelley |
The Bridge | Hart Crane |
Juneteenth | Ralph Ellison |
Pale Fire | Vladimir Nabokov |
Moll Flanders | Daniel Defoe |
The Dunciad | Alexander Pope |
The Kalevala | Elias Lonnrot |
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County | Mark Twain |
Battle Hymn of the Republic | Julia Ward Howe |
Humboldt's Gift | Saul Bellow |
The Hollow Men | T.S. Eliot |
On First Looking into Chapman's Homer | John Keats |
In Memoriam | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
To an Athlete Dying Young | A.E. Housman |
Absalom and Achitophel | John Dryden |
The Devil's Dictionary | Ambrose Bierce |
R.U.R. | Karl Capek |
Ghosts | Henrik Ibsen |
Mother Courage and Her Children | Berthold Brecht |
The Bald Soprano | Eugene Ionesco |
Six Characters in Search of an Author | Luigi Pirandello |
A Wrinkle in Time | Madeleine L'Engle |
The Idylls of the King | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Prometheus Unbound | Percy Shelley |
The Mousetrap | Agatha Christie |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn |
Tristram Shandy | Laurence Sterne |
The Joy Luck Club | Amy Tan |
The Plague | Albert Camus |
No Longer at Ease | Chinua Achebe |
Show Boat | Edna Ferber |
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | Carson McCullers |
Typee | Herman Melville |
The Naked and the Dead | Norman Mailer |
A Man in Full | Tom Wolfe |
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets | Stephen Crane |
Love in the Time of Cholera | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
V | Thomas Pynchon |
Looking Backwards | Edward Bellamy |
Howard's End | E.M. Forster |
The Portrait of a Lady | Henry James |
Kenilworth | Sir Walter Scott |
The Moon and Sixpence | W. Somerset Maugham |
Buddenbrooks | Thomas Mann |
The Emperor Jones | Eugene O'Neill |
Lysistrata | Aristophanes |
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe | Carson McCullers |
Twice-Told Tales | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon | Washington Irving |
Songs of Experience | William Blake |
The Secret Garden | Frances Hodgson Burnett |
Seascape | Edward Albee |
Cymbeline | William Shakespeare |
Fences | August Wilson |
J.B. | Archibald MacLeish |
The Vicar of Wakefield | Oliver Goldsmith |
Go Down, Moses | William Faulkner |
If | Rudyard Kipling |
Paterson | WIlliam Carlos Williams |
The Age of Anxiety | W.H. Auden |
To a Mouse | Robert Burns |
To a Waterfowl | William Cullen Bryant |
Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night | Dylan Thomas |
Anthem | Ayn Rand |
The New Colossus | Emma Lazarus |
The Open Boat | Stephen Crane |
The Masque of the Red Death | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Devil and Daniel Webster | Stephen Vincent Benet |
The Lottery | Shirley Jackson |
Bartleby the Scrivener | Herman Melville |
The Queen of Spades | Aleksandr Pushkin |
The Death of Ivan Illych | Leo Tolstoy |
The Star-Spangled Banner | Francis Scott Key |
Doctor Zhivago | Boris Pasternak |
The Lusiads | Luis de Camoens |
Paul Revere's Ride | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Crossing Brooklyn Ferry | Walt Whitman |
Works and Days | Hesiod |
Death, be not proud (poem) | John Donne |
Miniver Cheevy | Edwin Arlington Robinson |
The Lady of the Lake | Sir Walter Scott |
The Prophet | Kahlil Gibran |
The Swiss Family Robinson | Johann Wyss |
A Bell for Adano | John Hersey |
Love's Labour's Lost | William Shakespeare |
The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus | Christopher Marlowe |
The Skin of Our Teeth | Thornton Wilder |
The Way of the World | William Congreve |
A Visit from St. Nicholas | Clement Clarke Moore |
Cinderella | Anonymous |
The Four Million | O. Henry |
Dubliners | James Joyce |
The Flies | Jean-Paul Sartre |
Our American Cousin | Tom Taylor |
The Birds | Aristophanes |
The Heiress | John Burgoyne |
The Odd Couple | Neil Simon |
A Man for All Seasons | Robert Bolt |
The Rivals | Richard Sheridan |
Endgame | Samuel Beckett |
The Mystery of Edwin Drood | Charles Dickens |
The 42nd Parallel | John Dos Passos |
Foucault's Pendulum | Umberto Eco |
The American | Henry James |
A Room with a View | E.M. Forster |
The Day of the Locust | Nathanael West |
Wise Blood | Flannery O'Connor |
The War of the Worlds | H.G. Wells |
The Moonstone | Wilkie Collins |
The Mysterious Affair at Styles | Agatha Christie |
The Thin Man | Dashiell Hammett |
The Cider House Rules | John Irving |
The Marble Faun | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Song of the Lark | Willa Cather |
The Deerslayer | James Fenimore Cooper |
A Fable | William Faulkner |
Hard Times | Charles Dickens |
The Sign of Four | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Enormous Room | E.E. Cummings |
Darkness at Noon | Arthur Koestler |
The Screwtape Letters | C.S. Lewis |
Pierre, or the Ambiguities | Herman Melville |
The Fixer | Bernard Malamud |
The Member of the Wedding | Carson McCullers |
Porgy | Dubose Heyward |
The Charterhouse of Parma | Stendahl |
Sanctuary | William Faulkner |
The Big Money | John Dos Passos |
The Scarlet Pimpernel | Baroness Orczy |
Amadeus | Peter Schaffer |
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead | Tom Stoppard |
Winterset | Maxwell Anderson |
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair | Pablo Neruda |
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Roald Dahl |
Three Tall Women | Edward Albee |
The Wasps | Aristophanes |
Beyond the Horizon | Eugene O'Neill |
All My Sons | Arthur Miller |
Glengarry Glen Ross | David Mamet |
Golden Boy | Clifford Odets |
Agamemnon | Aeschylus |
Waverly | Sir Walter Scott |
Invictus | William Ernest Henley |
Casey at the Bat | Ernest Lawrence Thayer |
The Lady of Shalott | Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
Fog | Carl Sandburg |
The Courtship of Miles Standish | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
Jabberwocky | Lewis Carroll |
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay | Michael Chabon |
Rabbit, Run | John Updike |
The Sea Wolf | Jack London |
Ben-Hur | Lew Wallace |
The Overcoat | Nikolai Gogol |
The Snows of Kilimanjaro | Ernest Hemingway |
Tales from the Alhambra | Washington Irving |
An Occurrnence at Owl Creek Bridge | Ambroce Bierce |
The Killers | Ernest Hemingway |
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty | James Thurber |
The Pit and the Pendulum | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Man Who Would Be King | Rudyard Kipling |
The Miniter's Black Veil | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Brideshead Revisited | Evelyn Waugh |
The Man in the Iron Mask | Alexandre Dumas |
The Da Vinci Code | Dan Brown |
Sailing to Byzantium | William Butler Yeats |
Orlando Furioso | Lodovico Ariosto |
La Belle Dame sans Merci | John Keats |
General William Booth Enters into Heaven | Vachel Lindsay |
Ars Poetica | Arhcibald MacLeish |
The Gift Outright | Robert Frost |
Birches | Robert Frost |
Lycidas | John Milton |
MacFlecknoe | John Dryden |
A Death in the Family | James Agee |
Homage to Catalonia | George Orwell |
Mrs. Warren's Profession | George Bernard Shaw |
Look Back in Anger | John Osborne |
The Man Who Came to Dinner | George Kaufman and Moss Hart |
Brand | Henrik Ibsen |
Ragged Dick | Horatio Alger |
The Ugly Duckling | Hans Christian Andersen |
Mary Poppins | P. L. Travers |
You Can't Take It with You | George Kaufman and Moss Hart |
Every Man in His Humour | Ben Jonson |
Everyman | Anonymous |
Miss Julie | August Strindberg |
Richard II | William Shakespeare |
The Trojan Women | Euripides |
Mosses from an Old Manse | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
Of Human Bondage | W. Somerset Maugham |
Cakes and Ale | W, Somerset Maugham |
White Jacket | Herman Melville |
The House of the Dead | Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
Omoo | Herman Melville |
Sophie's Choice | William Styron |
The Heart of Midlothian | Sir Walter Scott |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy | Douglas Adams |
Sons | Pearl S. Buck |
Chronicle of a Death Foretold | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
The Mill on the Floss | George Eliot |
Snow Country | Yasunari Kawabata |
Little Men | Louisa May Alcott |
The Mysterious Island | Jules Verne |
The Iron Heel | Jack London |
The Caine Mutiny | Herman Wouk |
Washington Square | Henry James |
The Titan | Theodore Dreiser |
Jennie Gerhardt | Theodore Dreiser |
Anthills of the Savannah | Chinua Achebe |
The Dream of the Red Chamber | Tsao |
The Prisoner of Zenda | Anthony Hope |
The First Circle | Aleksandr Solhenitsyn |
Demian | Hermann Hesse |
Hospital Sketches | Louisa May Alcott |
Nana | Emile Zola |
You Can't Go Home Again | Thomas Wolfe |
The Professor | Charlotte Bronte |
Mutiny on the Bounty | Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall |
The Man with the Golden Arm | Nelson Algren |
The Secret Agent | Joseph Conrad |
Mason & Dixon | Thomas Pynchon |
The Persians | Aeschylus |
Heartbreak House | George Bernard Shaw |
Murder in the Cathedral | T.S. Eliot |
The Cocktail Party | T.S. Eliot |
La Vita Nuova | Dante Alighieri |
Cabbages and Kings | O. Henry |
Green Eggs and Ham | Dr. Seuss |
Stuart Little | E.B. White |
Alcestis | Euripides |
After the Fall | Arthur Miller |
A Moon for the Misbegotten | Eugene O'Neill |
Eumenides | Aeschylus |
The Night of the Iguana | Tennesse Williams |
The Two Noble Kinsmen | William Shakespeare and John Fletcher |
Riders to the Sea | John Millington Synge |
Blithe Spirit | Noel Coward |
Abe Lincoln in Illinois | Robert Sherwood |
Jazz | Toni Morrison |
The Rise of Silas Lapham | William Dean Howells |
The Bluest Eye | Toni Morrison |
The Country of the Pointed Firs | Sarah Orne Jewett |
The Red Wheelbarrow | William Carlos Williams |
The Book of the Duchess | Geoffrey Chaucer |
Theogony | Hesiod |
The Death of the Hired Man | Robert Frost |
The Chambered Nautilus | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. |
Cryptonomicon | Neal Stephenson |
Burnt Norton | T.S. Eliot |
The Big Sleep | Raymond Chandler |
It Can't Happen Here | Sinclair Lewis |
The Hamlet | William Faulkner |
The Magnificent Ambersons | Booth Tarkington |
The Beautiful and the Damned | F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Soldier's Pay | William Faulkner |
Nicholas Nickleby | Charles Dickens |
The Luck of Roaring Camp | Bret Harte |
The Man Without a Country | Edward Hale |
The Tell-Tale Heart | Edgar Allan Poe |
The Pearl | John Steinbeck |
The Nose | Nikolai Gogol |
The Necklace | Guy de Maupassant |
The Bear | William Faulkner |
I, Robot | Isaac Asimov |
The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky | Stephen Crane |
Ward No. 6 | Anton Chekhov |
Amerika | Franz Kafka |
The Web and the Rock | Thomas Wolfe |
A Journey to the Center of the Earth | Jules Verne |
Sybil | Benjamin Disraeli |
It | Stephen King |
The Pathfinder | James Fenimore Cooper |
Paradise | Toni Morrison |
I Sing the Body Electric | Walt Whitman |
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats | T.S. Eliot |
Essay on Man | Alexander Pope |
The Ring and the Book | Robert Browning |
Little Gidding | T.S. Eliot |
Harlem | Langston Hughes |
On the Pulse of Morning | Maya Angelou |
When I Was One-and Twenty | A.E. Housman |
The Weary Blues | Langston Hughes |
Fire and Ice | Robert Frost |
Il Filostrato | Giovanni Boccaccio |
The Windhover | Gerard Manely Hopkins |
Samson Agonistes | John Milton |
Hero and Leander | Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman |
Paradise Regained | John Milton |
Sartor Resartus | Thomas Carlyle |
Waiting for Lefty | Clifford Odets |
The Troublesome Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second | Christopher Marlowe |
The Spanish Tragedy | Thomas Kyd |
A Delicate Balance | Edward Albee |
Anna Christie | Eugene O'Neill |
The Zoo Story | Edward Albee |
The Plough and the Stars | Sean O'Casey |
Angels in America | Tony Kushner |
Saint Joan | George Bernard Shaw |
When We Dead Awaken | Henrik Ibsen |
Coriolanus | William Shakespeare |
Where the Wild Things Are | Maurice Sendak |
Luck and Pluck | Horatio Alger |
The Snow Queen | Hans Christian Anderson |
Annie Allen | Gwendolyn Brooks |
In Our Time | Ernest Hemingway |
Dream Songs | John Berryman |
Fiddler on the Roof | Jerry Bock |
Galileo | Berthold Brecht |
Tamburlaine the Great | Christopher Marlowe |
Ficciones | Jorge Luis Borges |
Little Dorritt | Charles Dickens |
Zorba the Greek | Nikos Kazantzakis |
Almayer's Folly | Joseph Conrad |
McTeague | Frank Norris |
Herzog | Saul Bellow |
The Time of Your Life | William Saroyan |
The Valley of Fear | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
The Hound of the Baskervilles | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle |
A Hero of Our Time | Mikhail Lermontov |
The Bonfire of the Vanities | Tom Wolfe |
A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty | Washington Irving |
A Confederacy of Dunces | John Kennedy Toole |
Decline and Fall | Evelyn Waugh |
Dr, Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde | Robert Louis Stevenson |
Villette | Charlotte Bronte |
A House Divided | Pearl S. Buck |
Franny and Zooey | J.D. Salinger |
Like Water for Chocolate | Laura Esquivel |
The Battle of the Books | Jonathan Swift |
White Noise | Don DeLillo |
Giants in the Earth | Ole Rolvaag |
Tropic of Cancer | Henry Miller |
A Journal of the Plague Year | Daniel Defoe |
The Adventures of Augie March | Saul Bellow |
The Power and the Glory | Graham Greene |
The Virginian | Owen Wister |
Tortilla Flat | John Steinbeck |
The Grandissimes | George Washington Cable |
Twenty Years After | Alexandre Dumas |
The Financier | Theodore Dreiser |
Jo's Boys | Louisa May Alcott |
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter | Mario Vargas Llosa |
The French Lieutenant's Women | John Fowles |
Satyricon | Petronius |
The Unbearable Lightness of Being | Milan Kundera |
Fanshawe | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The End of the Affair | Graham Green |
The Dharma Bums | Jack Kerouac |
Point Counter Point | Aldous Huxley |
Swann's Way | Marcel Proust |
Sartoris | William Faulkner |
The General in His Labyrinth | Gabriel Garcia Marquez |
Forrest Gump | Winston Groom |
The Last Temptation of Christ | Nikos Kazantzakis |
The Way of All Flesh | Samuel Butler |
The Wings of the Dove | Henry James |
Ship of Fools | Katherine Anne Porter |
The Right Stuff | Tom Wolfe |
Death on the Nile | Agatha Christie |
Waiting to Exhale | Terry McMillan |
The Third Man | Graham Green |
Closing Time | Joseph Heller |
The Plumed Serpent | D.H. Lawrence |
Dodsworth | Sinclair Lewis |
Other Voices, Other Rooms | Truman Capote |
Riders of the Purple Sage | Zane Grey |
All the Pretty Horses | Cormac McCarthy |
Under Milk Wood | Dylan Thomas |
The School for Scandal | Richard Sheridan |
The Birthday Party | Harold Pinter |
The House of Bernarda Alba | Federico Garcia Lorca |
Philoctetes | Sophocles |
She Stoops to Conquer | Oliver Goldsmith |
Odes | Horace |
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience | William Blake |
Tales of a Wayside Inn | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow |
A Boy's Will | Robert Frost |
Drum-Taps | Walt Whitman |
Bambi | Felix Salten |
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone | J.K. Rowling |
Johnny Tremain | Esther Forbes |
The Recognition of Shakuntala | Kalidasa |
A View from the Bridge | Arthur Miller |
Andromache | Euripides |
Seven Against Thebes | Aeschylus |
Le Cid | Pierre Corneille |
Hay Fever | Noel Coward |
Private Lives | Noel Coward |
Henry VI | William Shakespeare |
The Robbers | Friedrich von Schiller |
The Caucasian Chalk Circle | Berthold Brecht |
Electra | Sophocles |
The Fifth Column | Ernest Hemingway |
Kiss of the Spider Woman | Manuel Puig |
The English Patient | Michael Ondaatje |
Barnaby Rudge | Charles Dickens |
Daniel Deronda | George Eliot |
Dragon's Teeth | Upton Sinclair |
Pied Beauty | Gerard Manley Hopkins |
The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. |
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell | William Blake |
The Flea | John Donne |
Daddy | Sylvia Plath |
Manfred | Lord Byron |
Andrea del Sarto | Robert Browning |
Sunday Morning | Wallace Stevens |
Georgics | Virgil |
The Lamb | William Blake |
Leda and the Swan | William Butler Yeats |
Aurora Leigh | Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Sea Fever | John Masefield |
Epic of Gilgamesh | Anonymous |
Old Ironsides | Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. |
Canto General | Pablo Neruda |
Coningsby | Benjamin Disraeli |
Wilhelm Meister | Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |
A Tale of a Tub | Jonathan Swift |
Giovanni's Room | James Baldwin |
So Big | Edna Ferber |
The Pickwick Papers | Charles Dickens |
A Good Man is Hard to Find | Flannery O'Connor |
The Dead | James Joyce |
Youth | Joseph Conrad |
The Emperor's New Clothes | Hans Christian Anderson |
Hyperion | John Keats |
In Flanders Fields | John McCrae |
The Birthmark | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
My Kinsman, Major Molineux | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The Little Mermaid | Hans Christian Anderson |
Dr. Heidegger's Experiment | Nathaniel Hawthorne |
A Moveable Feast | Ernest Hemingway |
The Prairie | James Fenimore Cooper |
Where Angels Fear to Tread | E.M. Forster |
Barchester Towers | Anthony Trollope |
First Impressions | Jane Austen |
The Moor's Last Sigh | Salman Rushdie |
Alexander's Bridge | Willa Cather |
The Optimist's Daughter | Eudora Welty |
Typhoon | Joseph Conrad |
Renascence | Edna St. Vincent Millay |
Concord Hymn | Ralph Waldo Emerson |
A Sentimental Education | Gustave Flaubert |
The Mysterious Stranger | Mark Twain |
Don Juan in Hell | George Bernard Shaw |
Crow | Ted Hughes |
Rabbit is Rich | John Updike |
Trees | Joyce Kilmer |
The Parliament of Fowls | Geoffrey Chaucer |
To Althea from Prison | Richard Lovelace |
The Negro Speaks of Rivers | Langston Hughes |
Eclogues | Vergil |
Snow-Bound | John Greenleaf Whittier |
Fra Lippo Lippi | Robert Browning |
On His Blindness | John Milton |
Pippa Passes | Robert Browning |
Conquistador | Archibald MacLeish |
A Season in Hell | Arthur Rimbaud |
Ariel | Sylvia Plath |
The Darkling Thrush | Thomas Hardy |
Purgatorio | Dante Alighieri |
Hudibras | Samuel Butler |
The Hind and the Panther | John Dryden |
The Drunken Boat | Arthur Rimbaud |
Hugh Selwyn Mauberley | Ezra Pound |
Lamia | John Keats |
Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking | Walt Whitman |
Scenes of Clerical Life | George Eliot |
Cat's Eye | Margaret Atwood |
The Shadow of a Gunman | Sean O'Casey |
The Lark | Jean Anouilh |
Krapp's Last Tape | Samuel Beckett |
The Mourning Bride | William Congreve |
The Maid of Orleans | Friedrich Schiller |
Hippolytus | Euripides |
Le roi s'amuse | Victor Hugo |
Lady Windermere's Fan | Oscar Wilde |
The Miser | Moliere |
The Garden Party | Vaclav Havel |
Hernani | Victor Hugo |
Black Beauty | Anna Sewell |
Little House on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder |
When We Were Very Young | A.A. Milne |
Flower Fables | Louisa May Alcott |
The Last Battle | C.S. Lewis |
Tattered Tom | Horatio Alger |
Birthday Letters | Ted Hughes |
Essays of Elia | Charles Lamb |
A Coney Island of the Mind | Lawrence Ferlinghetti |
North of Boston | Robert Frost |
Little House in the Big Woods | Laura Ingalls Wilder |
Chicago Poems | Carl Sandburg |
Little Lord Fauntleroy | Frances Hodgson Burnett |
The Cat in the Hat | Dr. Seuss |
You Know Me, Al | Ring Lardner |
The Piano Lesson | August Wilson |
The Dumbwaiter | Harold Pinter |
The Matchmaker | Thornton Wilder |
The Captain's Daughter | Aleksandr Pushkin |
Cairo Trilogy | Naguib Mahfouz |
Equus | Peter Shaffer |
The Cenci | Percy Shelley |
The Shipping News | Annie Proulx |
Mother | Maxim Gorky |
The Remains of the Day | Kazuo Ishiguro |
The Buccaneers | Edith Wharton |