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GRE words 3/5

1000 GRE Words Part 3/5

Habitual of the nature of a habit; fixed by or resulting from the habit
Hackneyed "trite; over-used, commonplace
Hapless unlucky; unfortunate
Harass subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation
Hedonism the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life
HEGEMONY the domination of one state or group over its allies
Heresy Unorthodoxy
Heretic a person holding an opinion at odds with that is generally accepted
HERMETIC tightly sealed
Hermetic airtight; tightly sealed
HETEROGENEOUS composed of unlike parts; different; diverse
Heyday refers to one's prime; golden age
Hiatus a break or interruption (often from work)
Hierarchy a system of ranking; a pecking order
HOARY very old; whitish or gray from age
Homogeneous having a similar nature; essentially alike
Hullabaloo commotion; a fuss
Husband to manage economically; to use sparingly
Husbandry relates to farming and agriculture
hybrid mongrel; a mixed breed
HYPERBOLE purposeful exaggeration for effect
Hypothetical theoretical; supposed; unproven; presumed
Iconoclast someone who attacks popular beliefs
Ideology set of political doctrines o belief
IDIOSYNCRASY peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity
IGNOBLE having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean
Ignominy deep disgrace; public shame or the loss on one's name
Illicit Forbidden; illegal; improper; taboo
IMBUE "to infuse, dye, wet, or moisten
Imminent about to happen; almost certain to occur
Immutable unchangeable
Impartial "treating all rivals or disputants equally, fair and just
IMPASSE blocked path; dilemma with no solution
Impeccable "flawless, precise, perfectly executed
IMPECUNIOUS poor; having no money
Impediment a hindrance or obstruction in doing something
Imperial like an emperor or an empire
IMPERTURBABLE not capable of being disturbed
IMPERVIOUS impossible to penetrate
Impetuous impulsive; given to sudden or rash action or emotion
IMPIOUS not devout in religion
IMPLACABLE unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
Implement to carry out
Impugn to case doubt upon
IMPUGN to call into question; to attack verbally
Inaugurate to formally begin
Incantation a chant or word repeated as a chant with the intention of creating an effect
Incarcerate imprison
INCARNADINE blood-red in color
Incense to enrage; to make very angry
INCHOATE not fully formed; disorganized
Incipient emerging; beginning; in the early stages
Incisive very clear and direct; to the heart of the matter
Incongruous inconsistent; not fitting in; unsuitable to
Incorrigible beyond correction
Incredulity lack of believe; doubt
Increment to increase
Inculcate to impress upon by frequent repetition; to persistently teach
Incursion "invasion, a sudden attack or raid
Indifferent without interest or concern
Indigenous originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native
Indignant displeased; angry; provoked
INDOLENT habitually lazy or idle
Indulgent overly kind or agreeable; lenient; permissive
Ineffable too great or extreme to be expressed or describe in words.
Inept unskilled
INEXORABLE inflexible; unyielding
Infamous having a bad reputation
Infatuated foolishly passionate; hopelessly in love
Infer to deduce; to find out by reasoning
Ingénue an innocent young girl
Ingenuous innocent and unsuspecting; gullible; naïve
INGRATE ungrateful person
INGRATIATE to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage
Inherent intrinsic; part of the essential nature of something
Inhibit "to restrain, to hinder
INIMICAL hostile; unfriendly
Inimitable matchless; impossible to copy
INIQUITY sin; evil act
Inkling a hint; a vague notation
Innate "naturally a part of; inborn, inherent
INNOCUOUS harmless
Inordinate excessive; not kept within proper limits
Inquest "a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death
Insatiate never satisfied
Insidious treacherous; sneaky; intended to entrap
Insipid without flavor; dull; bland
Insolent insulting; boldly rude or disrespectful
Instigate bring out or initiate; to incite or stir up
Insurgent a rebel; someone who revolts against established authority
INTER to bury
Intercession the action of intervening on behalf of another
INTERREGNUM period between reigns
INTRACTABLE not easily managed or manipulated
Intransigent uncompromising and stubborn
INTREPID fearless; resolutely courageous
Intrinsic an essential part of
Introspective inclined to examine one's thoughts or feelings; inward
Introvert someone who is introspective; someone inner directive
Intrude to put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited
INUNDATE to overwhelm; to cover with water
INURE to harden; accustom become used to
Invective abusive speech; a violent attack in words
INVESTITURE ceremony conferring authority
Inveterate habitual; deeply rooted; firmly established
INVIDIOUS "envious, obnoxious, or offensive; likely to promote ill-will
Irascible easily angered
Irate feeling or characterized by great anger
Irrevocable irreversible; final
Itinerant moving from place to place
JARGON nonsensical talk; specialized language
Jeopardy "danger of loss, harm, or failure
JETTISON to discard; get rid of as unnecessary or encumbering
JINGOISM belligerent support of one's country
JOCULAR playful; humorous
Judicious "sensible; wise; having, using, or showing good judgment
JUNCTURE "point of time, especially where two things are joined
Juxtapose to bring together for a side by side comparison or contrast
KEEN having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp; perceptive
KINDLE to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire
Kinetic having to do with motion; active; lively
KNELL sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure
KUDOS "fame, glory, or honor
Labyrinth a maze or anything that is intricate and complex like a maze
Laconic concise; using few words
LAMENT to express sorrow; to grieve
LAMPOON publicly criticize by using riducule or sarcasm
LANGUID lacking energy; indifferent; slow
Languish to experience prolonged inactivity in a way that weakens or depresses
LAPIDARY relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
LARCENY theft of property
Largess generosity or philanthropy
lassitude weariness; lack of energy
Latent present but inactive or concealed
LAUD to give praise; to glorify
Laudable "deserving honor, respect, or admiration; creditable; praiseworthy
LAVISH extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly
LEERY suspicious
Lethargic "lacking mental and physical alertness and activity, sluggish and apathetic
Lethargy sluggishness; laziness; drowsiness
Levity frivolity; lack of seriousness; lightness in character or mind or behavior
Libation "a drink, or the act of pouring wine, water, or some other liquid
Libel to write or publish things about another that are damaging and have questionable truth
LIBERAL tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish
Liberate to set free (as from imprisonment or bondage); to disengage
LIBERTINE a free thinker; one without moral restraint
LICENTIOUS immoral; unrestrained by society
Lieu in place of; instead of
LIMPID clear; transparent
Limpid free of anything that darkens; completely clear; unclouded
LIONIZE to treat as a celebrity
LISSOME easily flexed; limber; agile
LISTLESS lacking energy and enthusiasm
LIVID discolored from a bruise; reddened with anger
Loafer person who idles time away
Loll to lounge around; to recline or lean in a lazy manner
Loquacious talkative; chatty; voluble; garrulous
Lucid expressed clearly; easy to understand; showing the ability to think clearly
Lucrative producing a great deal of profit
Lugubrious overly sad; sorrowful; mounful.
LUMBER to move slowly and awkwardly
Luminous giving off light
Lustrous having luster; shining
Created by: probot13
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