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GRE words 2/5

1000 GRE Words Part 2/5

Dangle hand or swing loosely
Dank damp; humid
Daunt to intimidate; to make fearful
Debacle a sudden downfall or collapse
DEBUTANTE young woman making debut in high society
DECLIVITY downward slope
Decorous in good taste; dignified; proper; well behaved
DECORUM appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
DEFACE to mar the appearance of; vandalize
DEFERENCE respect; courtesy
Degenerate to deteriorate; to break down
Deleterious subtly or unexpectedly harmful
Delude deceive; mislead
Demagogue a rabble-rouser; a leader who tries to stir up others on their emotions
DEMAGOGUE "a leader or rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice
DEMUR to express doubts or objection
Denizen an inhabitant
Denouement Outcome; result
Depravity extreme wickedness
Deprecate deplore; to express strong disapproval of
Deprive "take away from, prevent from using
Deride to ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously; to mock
Derogatory belittling; disapproving; showing unfavorable opinion of the person or thing in question
Desiccate to make or become free of moisture; dehydrate; dry out;
DESICCATE to dry out thoroughly
Desultory without plan or purpose; aimless
Detrimental tending to cause harm
Dialectical a method of reasoning
DIAPHANOUS allowing light to show through; delicate
DIATRIBE "an abusive, condemnatory speech
DICTUM authoritative statement
Diffidence shyness; lack of self confidence
Diffident to be timid or lacking in confidence
Digress to stray from the subject
DILATE to make larger; expand
DILATORY intended to delay
DILETTANTE someone with an amateurish or superficial interest in a topic
Diligent having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties
Diminution "reduction in the size, extent, or important of something
DIRGE a funeral hymn or mournful speech
DISABUSE to set right; free from error
Discern to distinguish; to differentiate from something else
Discrete separate and distinct or composed of separate and distinct parts
Disinterested unbiased; without a vested interest one way or another
Disparate different; dissimilar; entirely unalike
Disrobe undress
DISSEMBLE to present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character
Disseminate to scatter; to spread out; distribute
Dissolution the breaking up or dissolving of something into parts; disintegration
Dissonance lack of harmony among musical notes
DISTAFF the female branch of a family
DISTEND "to swell, inflate, or bloat
DITHER to act confusedly or without clear purpose
DIURNAL existing during the day
DIVINE to foretell or know by inspiration
Docile easily manageable
DOCTRINAIRE rigidly devoted to theories without regard for practicality; dogmatic
Doctrinaire to be dogmatic; to espouse a theory or belief system whether it is or isn't practical;
DOGMA "a firmly held opinion, especially a religious belief
Dogmatic blindly committed to a belief system
Doleful expressing sorry; mournful
Domestic refers to home or household
DROLL "amusing in a wry, subtle way
Drought a long period of dry weather
Dubious uncertain
Dumbfound greatly astonish or amaze
DUPE to deceive; a person who is easily deceived
Duplicity deception; double meaning
DYSPEPTIC suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
EBULLIENT exhilarated; full of enthusiasm and high spirits
Eccentric not conventional; quirky
ECLECTIC selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
EDIFY to instruct morally and spiritually
Edify to uplift; to benefit or instruct; especially morally
Efface rub or wipe out; obliterate
EFFICACY effectiveness
EFFIGY stuffed doll; likeness of a person
EFFRONTERY impudent boldness; audacity
Effusion a pouring forth; unrestrained expression
Egalitarian refers to equality
Elation great happiness and exhilaration
ELEGY a sorrowful poem or speech
Elicit to evoke; to bring out; to draw forth
Elliptical hard to understand; oval
Eloquence a graceful and forceful speech
ELOQUENT "persuasive and moving, especially in speech
Elucidate to make understandable
Elusive evasive; hard to express; define or pin down
EMBELLISH to add ornamental or fictitious details
Emigrate to leave one's country
Eminent prominent; well known and respected; noteworthy
Emissary a messenger; a person sent on a mission for someone else
EMULATE to copy; to try to equal or excel
Enchant charm; fill with great delight
ENCOMIUM warm praise
Encumber to burden; hinder; obstruct
Endearment a word or phrase expressing love or affection
Endeavor to make an effort; to try very hard
ENDEMIC belonging to a particular area; inherent
Endorse approve; support a claim or statement
Enervate cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken; devitalize
Enfranchise to grand the rights of citizenship
Engender to create; to bring about; to produce
Enigma "a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand; riddle or paradox
Enormity "extreme evil, or wickedness
Enthrall capture the fascinated attention of
Entreaty earnest of humble request
ENUMERATE "to count, list, or itemize
Ephemeral fleeting; short lived
EPICURE person with refined taste in food and wine
Epigram a witty statement
Epitome a perfect example
Equine pertaining to horses
Equivocal open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain or questionable in nature
EQUIVOCATE to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead
ERRATIC wandering and unpredictable
ERUDITE learned; scholarly; bookish
Erudite having or showing profound knowledge and scholarship
ESCHEW to shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful)
ESOTERIC known or understood only by a few
Espouse to advocate; to support
ESTIMABLE admirable
Ethereal light and airy; extremely delicate or refined
ETHOS beliefs or character of a group
EULOGY speech in praise of someone
Eulogy "a laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died
EUPHEMISM use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
EUPHONY "pleasant, harmonious sound
Evanescent happening only for a brief period of time; fleeting
Evoke cause to appear; summon; produce
Exacerbate to worsen; to increase in severity
Exacting Demanding of perfection; difficult; requiring great skill or precision
Exasperate to annoy greatly; to annoy to the point of total frustration
EXCULPATE to clear from blame; prove innocent
Exhaustive painstakingly thorough; complete
Exhort to strongly urge
Exigent pressing; demanding
EXIGENT urgent; requiring immediate action
Existential relating to existence; concerning or based on objective experience
EXONERATE to clear of blame
Expatriate both to be banished from one's native country and to withdraw from one's country
Expedient practical; advantageous
Expedite to help along; facilitate; speed the progress of; to make easier
EXPLICIT clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression
Exploit to use for selfish advantage or profit
EXPONENT one who champions or advocates
EXPURGATE to censor
Extensive far-reaching
Extol to praise
Extraneous unnecessary; extra; not belonging
Extricate free from difficulty; to disengage
Fabrication something made up; a falsehood
Faction a group within a group
FALLOW dormant; unused
FANATICAL acting excessively enthusiastic; filled with extreme unquestioned devotion
Fatalist people who believe that what happens is inevitable
Fatuous foolish
FATUOUS stupid; foolishly self-satisfied
Fauna refers to animals
FAWN give a servile display of exaggerated flattery or affection; suck up to
FECUND fertile; fruitful; productive
Ferment incite or stir up
Fervid intensely enthusiastic or passionate and especially to and excessive degree
FETID foul-smelling; putrid
Fidelity faithfulness; loyalty
Figurative not literal
FLAG "(v) to decline in vigor, strength, or interest
Flaunt to show off; to try and impress others with a display
Flimsy comparatively light and unsubstantial; easily damaged
Flora refers to plants
FLORID excessively decorated or embellished
Foment to instigate; to stir up; to promote
Forbear to abstain; to refrain from; to hold oneself back
FORD to cross a body of water by wading
FORESTALL to prevent or delay; anticipate
FORTUITOUS happening by chance; fortunate
FRACTIOUS unruly; rebellious
Fraternal brotherly; befitting brothers
Fraud a fault; a deception
FRENETIC frantic; frenzied
Frugal not wasteful; requiring few resources
FRUGALITY tending to be thrifty or cheap
Furtive secretive; sly; clandestine
Futile hopeless; useless; ineffective
Gambol to dance or skip around playfully
GARNER to gather and store
Garrulous "excessively talkative, especially in trivial matters
Gaudy extravagantly bright and showy
Genteel refined; polite; cultivated
GESTATION growth process from conception to birth
Ghastly "death-like, pale and ill
Gingerly cautiously; warily; with extreme care
GLIB fluent in an insincere manner; offhand; casual
Glower to glare or stare angrily and intensely
Glut a surplus
Gluttony the act or process of eating in excess
GRADATION process occurring by regular degrees or stages; variation in color
Grandiloquent Pretentious; pompous; to speak in a bombastic or extremely flowery style
Gratuitous freely given;
GREGARIOUS outgoing; sociable
Gregarious fond of company; sociable
GRIEVOUS causing grief or sorrow; serious and distressing
GROVEL to humble oneself in a demeaning way
Grumble to complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way
GUILE deceit; trickery
Gullible easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
Created by: probot13
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