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Gre Words

Over 1000 words

Ameliorate to make better; to improve
Portly stout; usually in a manner that is stately and dignified
Sequestration the action of taking legal possession of assets until debt has been paid
JETTISON to discard; get rid of as unnecessary or encumbering
GREGARIOUS outgoing; sociable
Hiatus a break or interruption (often from work)
Propensity natural inclination; a tendency; aptitude
Faction a group within a group
Equivocal open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous; uncertain or questionable in nature
Dank damp; humid
Arrogate to claim without justification; to claim for oneself without right
Subversive undermining; tending to overthrow or cause destruction
COALESCE to grow together to form a single whole
Cartography science or art of making maps
Patrician aristocratic; of noble birth
Duplicity deception; double meaning
INTER to bury
Salvage retrieve or preserve from potential loss or adverse circumstances
Autocratic having absolute authority; without checks or limitations
Atone make amends or preparation
Yoke to join together
Agitate move; shake; stir up
Arbitrary determined by chance or impulse
Rejoice feel or show great joy or delight
Panacea Cure-alls; something that cures anything
INGRATE ungrateful person
Abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless
Calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
Contrived obviously planned or forced; artificial; strained
Aesthetic concerning the appreciation of beauty
Nihilism there is no such thing as right and wrong
Enchant charm; fill with great delight
Nebulous vague; hazy; indistinctive; confused
HEGEMONY the domination of one state or group over its allies
Entreaty earnest of humble request
Treacherous guilty of or involving betrayal or deception
Verisimilitude the appearance or similarity to truth or reality
Incipient emerging; beginning; in the early stages
BLIGHT to afflict; destroy
Plastic (adj) able to be molded, altered, or bent
DIAPHANOUS allowing light to show through; delicate
DEFACE to mar the appearance of; vandalize
MAR to damage or deface; spoil
Anomaly any occurrence or object that is strange, unusual, or unique
DILATORY intended to delay
OROTUND pompous
LIMPID clear; transparent
Rhetoric effective writing or speaking
Officious annoyingly eager to please; meddlesome
Glower to glare or stare angrily and intensely
IGNOBLE having low moral standards; not noble in character; mean
Parsimonious frugal or stingy
Ineffable too great or extreme to be expressed or describe in words.
Rebuke to sharply criticize
Vacillate to physically sway or be indecisive
Paraphrase to say in other words
LAVISH extremely generous or extravagant; giving unsparingly
Wile devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants
Spate a torrent; a great quantity; outpouring
Luminous giving off light
Corroberate confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding; back up
Itinerant moving from place to place
Efface rub or wipe out; obliterate
Concoct invent; prepare by mixing together
Quirk a peculiar mannerism
Symbiosis cooperation; mutual helpfulness
Periphery an external boundary; an outside edge of something
Chagrin embarrassment; humiliation
Overt open to view
Visionary a dreamer
METAPHOR figure of speech comparing two different things
Insatiate never satisfied
EULOGY speech in praise of someone
ELEGY a sorrowful poem or speech
Kinetic having to do with motion; active; lively
Tenacious persistent; stubborn; not letting go
Obscure hard to understand
LISSOME easily flexed; limber; agile
Rustic rural
Munificent very generous
MALEDICTION a curse; a wish of evil upon another
Stymie to thwart; hinder; or block
Proselytize to attempt to convert
Toady one who flatters in the hope of gaining favors
Pedestrian (verb) unimaginative; commonplace; dull; (noun) someone on foot
Existential relating to existence; concerning or based on objective experience
Supple flexible; pliant; bending or folding easily without breaking or cracking
Forbear to abstain; to refrain from; to hold oneself back
CRAVEN lacking courage
Impugn to case doubt upon
Garrulous excessively talkative, especially in trivial matters
DEMUR to express doubts or objection
FRENETIC frantic; frenzied
Polarize to split into opposing factions
BEVY group
Stigmatize to brand with disgrace; to label as shameful
Precept a rule to live by; a principal that guides behavior
LIBERAL tolerant or broad-minded; generous or lavish
AUSTERE severe or stern in appearance; undecorated
Figurative not literal
Admonish to scold; to remind of a duty; to warn
Gullible easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
IMPERVIOUS impossible to penetrate
Monolithic large and unbroken structure
Unremitting persistent; ceaseless; relentless
Dissolution the breaking up or dissolving of something into parts; disintegration
Repudiate refuse to accept or be associated with; deny the truth or validity of
Invective abusive speech; a violent attack in words
Husbandry relates to farming and agriculture
ESCHEW to shun; to avoid (as something wrong or distasteful)
Inimitable matchless; impossible to copy
ABEYANCE temporary suppression or suspension
Sobriquet nickname
Putative commonly accepted; reputed
Voluptuous or, relating to, or characterized by luxury or sensual pleasure; curvaceous and sexually attractive (of a woman)
Artful crafty; cleaver
Accolade an award, honor, or expression of praise
Profound very deep; penetrating
Venal corrupt; open to bribery
Brusque abrupt; blunt
Reparation compensation for past wrongs or injuries
Fauna refers to animals
Perturb to greatly disturb or agitate
Analogous similar or alike in some way; equivalent to
Scold to find fault with angrily
Prescient having foresight; having or showing knowledge of events before they take place
Tryst an appointed meeting especially between lovers
Consummate extremely skillful; perfect
Circumspect cautious; aware of potential consequences
NUMISMATICS coin collecting
Endorse approve; support a claim or statement
CUPIDITY greed; strong desire
Intrinsic an essential part of
Exacting Demanding of perfection; difficult; requiring great skill or precision
Antagonize to annoy or provoke to anger
Rectify to put right; to remedy
Prudent planning ahead; acting or showing care and thought for the future
KNELL sound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failure
Peon an unskilled worker
Tangential not especially relevant; superficially connected
PROBITY complete honesty and integriity
Amenity A comfortable feature or convenience
Inculcate to impress upon by frequent repetition; to persistently teach
Domestic refers to home or household
Gregarious fond of company; sociable
Daunt to intimidate; to make fearful
Impartial treating all rivals or disputants equally, fair and just
Fabrication something made up; a falsehood
Alacrity speed or quickness
Exploit to use for selfish advantage or profit
Xenophobia a fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers
COFFER strongbox; large chest for money
Derogatory belittling; disapproving; showing unfavorable opinion of the person or thing in question
Heyday refers to one's prime; golden age
Commodious having lots of room
Squander to waste
Apostate one who renounces a religious faith
Portent a warning; something coming in the future; an omen
Vicissitude the changed in fortune or circumstances; uncertainties; ups and downs
MENDACIOUS dishonest
Levity frivolity; lack of seriousness; lightness in character or mind or behavior
Discrete separate and distinct or composed of separate and distinct parts
Castigate to punish or criticize harshly
Promulgate promote or make widely known
Maxim a short rule of conduct; a proverb
Mirth amusement and especially expressed in laughter
Ingenuous innocent and unsuspecting; gullible; naïve
Pathology study of disease
Attenuate to reduce in force or degree; weaken
Subtle not obvious
KEEN having a sharp edge; intellectually sharp; perceptive
Reiterate to repeat, often excessively with the intention to emphasize
Arbitrate to judge a dispute b/w two opposing parties
Affable polite and friendly; easy to talk to
DYSPEPTIC suffering from indigestion; gloomy and irritable
Philanthropy charity; love of mankind
Sequester to set apart; to seclude or isolate
EMULATE to copy; to try to equal or excel
Equine pertaining to horses
Palpable Obvious; evident; tangible; capable of being touched or felt
Nausea a feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit
Salutary beneficial; healthful; curative; wholesome
Shunned persistently avoid, ignore, or reject someone or something through antipathy or caution
Manumate to emancipate; to release from slavery or bondage
Rarefy to make thinner or sparser
Enthrall capture the fascinated attention of
DEFERENCE respect; courtesy
Orifice small opening
Callow immature; unsophisticated due to youthfulness; inexperienced
NETTLE to irritate
BLITHE joyful, cheerful, or without appropriate thought
DIATRIBE an abusive, condemnatory speech
Hedonism the pursuit of pleasure as a way of life
PARRY to ward off or deflect, especially by a quick-witted answer
Transistory temporary; lasting a brief time
Laudable deserving honor, respect, or admiration; creditable; praiseworthy
Paragon model of excellence or perfection
Quiescent motionless
Reverberate (of a loud noise) be repeated several times as an echo
OCCLUDE to stop up; prevent the passage of
Verdant green with vegetation; inexperienced
INCHOATE not fully formed; disorganized
Placate to soothe; to pacify; to calm down
GLIB fluent in an insincere manner; offhand; casual
Ostentatious showy; overblown; pretentious
EFFICACY effectiveness
Docile easily manageable
Ruminate to ponder; to contemplate
Utilitarian stressing usefulness; functional
Spartan highly self-disciplined; frugal; austere
Concord harmony
ABJURE to reject; abandon formally
Chaos great disorder or confused situation
Accost to boldly confront
Irrevocable irreversible; final
Eulogy a laudatory speech or written tribute, especially one praising someone who has died
Viscous thick and adhesive, like a slow-flowing fluid
Inquest a judicial inquiry to ascertain the facts relating to an incident, such as a death
DILETTANTE someone with an amateurish or superficial interest in a topic
Elicit to evoke; to bring out; to draw forth
Sycophant a self-serving flatterer; yes-man
Cosmopolitan international; belonging to all parts of the world
Obloquy strong public criticism or verbal abuse
IDIOSYNCRASY peculiarity of temperament; eccentricity
IMPUGN to call into question; to attack verbally
Indulgent overly kind or agreeable; lenient; permissive
Proscribe to prohibit; outlaw; forbid
Strive make greater efforts to achieve or obtain something
Peripatetic wondering; moving about; nomadic
Tenable viable; defensible; valid; capably of being successfully argued
Libel to write or publish things about another that are damaging and have questionable truth
Metamorphosis a change in form, character, circumstance, etc..
Denizen an inhabitant
Magnate someone who is rich, powerful, and controls something
Fraud a fault; a deception
Tirade long, harsh speech or verbal attack
Credulous gullible; eager to believe
Fidelity faithfulness; loyalty
Adulation excessive praise; hero worship
Poignant deeply touching; so emotional its almost painful
BIFURCATE to divide into two parts
Compelling forceful; having a powerful pull
Foment to instigate; to stir up; to promote
Appease to satisfy
GARNER to gather and store
IMPERTURBABLE not capable of being disturbed
Peddadillo minor sin or offense
MOLT to shed hair, skin, or an outer layer periodically
Fatuous foolish
Unilateral performed by or affecting only one person, group, or country
Sobriety abstinence from alcohol
Stigma a mark of shame or discredit
Supplant to replace (another) by force; to take the place of
Exigent pressing; demanding
Precedent a prior case
Vehement intense; forceful; impassioned
Profligate wasteful and immoral; shamelessly bad
Dissonance lack of harmony among musical notes
BURGEON to grow and flourish
GULLIBLE easily deceived
Husband to manage economically; to use sparingly
ERUDITE learned; scholarly; bookish
Antipathy extreme feeling of dislike; aversion
INIMICAL hostile; unfriendly
Scintilla trace amount
Pusillanimous cowardly; without courage
Allege to assert without proof
Penury an oppressive lack of resource (as money); severe poverty
Amiable friendly; agreeable
Nuance subtleties; fine points; slight shades of variation
INURE to harden; accustom become used to
Analogy a comparison that focuses on similarity
Pertinent relevant; to the point
INTREPID fearless; resolutely courageous
Loquacious talkative; chatty; voluble; garrulous
Reproach to scold and usually in disappointment of blame
Truncate shorten by cutting off the top or the end
Autonomous self directed; not controlled by another; independent
Circumvent to go around; to bypass
Renaissance a rebirth; a revival
ENDEMIC belonging to a particular area; inherent
CURMUDGEON cranky person, usually old
DROLL amusing in a wry, subtle way
JUNCTURE point of time, especially where two things are joined
Recompense to make amends to someone for loss or harm suffered; compensate
Insurgent a rebel; someone who revolts against established authority
Contentious argumentative; quarrelsome
Pristine fresh and clean; uncorrupted
COGENT convincing and well-reasoned
Gratuitous freely given;
HETEROGENEOUS composed of unlike parts; different; diverse
Debacle a sudden downfall or collapse
Extricate free from difficulty; to disengage
Squalor filth; wretchedness; repulsive conditions
Subterfuge a trick; an evasive pretense; and excuse used to escape something unpleasant or hid something
Talon claw of an animal, especially a bird of prey
EXPLICIT clearly stated or shown; forthright in expression
Mend repair (something that is broken or damaged); return to health; improve
Affected phony; artificial
Abortive unsuccessful
Prerogative exclusive right or privilege that others do not have
Exacerbate to worsen; to increase in severity
MAUDLIN overly sentimental
Pathogen a bacterium, virus, or other micro-organism that can cause disease.
Accretion a growth in size; an increase in amount
Audacious fearless and daring
Proximity nearness to the time, place, occurrence, or relation
wraith a ghost or specter; a ghost of a living person seen just before his/her death
Largess generosity or philanthropy
Archaic ancient; old-fashioned
Increment to increase
Epitome a perfect example
Prominent standing out so as to been seen easily; conspicuous; particularly noticeable
Immutable unchangeable
MILITATE to operate against; work against
Voluble talkative; fond of talking
Ponderous massive; heavy; weighed down
Conventional conforming to accepted standards
Disinterested unbiased; without a vested interest one way or another
Nepotism favoritism;
Desiccate to make or become free of moisture; dehydrate; dry out;
Catalyst something that brings about a change in something else
Rancor bitter resentment; long lasting ill will; extreme hatred or strife
Philanthropic of or concerned with the welfare of others
Sentient aware; conscious; able to perceive
Viable capable of living
Opulence ostentatiously rich and luxurious or lavish; wealthy
Emissary a messenger; a person sent on a mission for someone else
Artifice cunning; craftiness; the using of trickery to subterfuge to get one's way
EBULLIENT exhilarated; full of enthusiasm and high spirits
NASCENT starting to develop; coming into existence
Enormity extreme evil, or wickedness
DICTUM authoritative statement
Degenerate to deteriorate; to break down
Quibble to argue in a petty manner; to evade the truth by twisting the meaning of words
Regiment a permanent unit of an army; rule or government over a person, people, or country
Whimsical lightly acting in a fanciful or capricious manner; unpredictable
KINDLE to set fire to or ignite; excite or inspire
Infer to deduce; to find out by reasoning
Salubrious healthful
MANNERED artificial or stilted in character
EFFIGY stuffed doll; likeness of a person
Apprehensive worried; concerned
Transient will be moving soon; just passing through; not staying long
Condescend to talk down to
Paradox a statement or proposition that leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable, or self-contradictory
Calumny a false and malicious accusation; misrepresentation
OBVIATE to prevent; to make unnecessary
Verbose wordy; using or expressed in more words than are needed
Incense to enrage; to make very angry
PALLID lacking color or liveliness
Pivotal Crucial; critically important
Irate feeling or characterized by great anger
Ostentation pretentious and vulgar display and especially of wealth and luxury intended to impress or attract notice
Gingerly cautiously; warily; with extreme care
Parody a humorous imitation of something
Harass subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation
Rogue a scoundrel
Usury the practice of lending money at exorbitant rates
Reticent not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily; silent
COSSET to pamper; treat with great care
LICENTIOUS immoral; unrestrained by society
Mortify to humiliate; to shame; injure one's pride
lassitude weariness; lack of energy
Soporific causing sleep or lethargy
Elliptical hard to understand; oval
Fraternal brotherly; befitting brothers
Sybarite a person devoted to pleasure and luxury
Bolster to keep from yielding or failing during stress or difficulty; to support; prop up
Shrewd sharp in practical matters; artful; keen; astute
Visceral of the gut (literal) such as kidneys, liver intestines
DOCTRINAIRE rigidly devoted to theories without regard for practicality; dogmatic
Denouement Outcome; result
Prosaic ordinary; commonplace; dull; unimaginative
Stringent strict; demanding
Thermic relating to heat
Perfunctory done in a routine way; indifferent
Chauvinist someone prejudiced in favor of a group to which he/she belongs
Oblivion being forgotten or unknown
Ideology set of political doctrines o belief
ETHOS beliefs or character of a group
INDOLENT habitually lazy or idle
Gambol to dance or skip around playfully
FETID foul-smelling; putrid
Diligent having or showing care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties
FLORID excessively decorated or embellished
CRESCENDO steadily increasing in volume or force
MERETRICIOUS gaudy; falsely attractive
Inordinate excessive; not kept within proper limits
Magnanimous forgiving and generous; having a noble spirit
Pedantic boringly academic; pompous and dry
FATUOUS stupid; foolishly self-satisfied
EXIGENT urgent; requiring immediate action
Abridge to shorten without losing the sense
Stifle restrain a reaction or stop oneself acting on an emotion
Antiquity the ancient past; period of the ancient past; great age
Temerity boldness
Prattle meaningless; foolish talk
Alleviate to make more bearable
GUILE deceit; trickery
Imperial like an emperor or an empire
Anguish extreme pain
MOLLIFY to calm or make less severe
Inhibit to restrain, to hinder
Savior-faire skilled in social graces; knowledge of what to do and when to do it
Sloth sluggishness; listlessness; dislike of work or exercise
Plucky courageous; spunky
DISTAFF the female branch of a family
Profess to declare; to claim
Vehemence showing strong feeling; passionate or intense
Burnish to polish; to make shiny
Amoral neither moral or immoral; not having questions of right and wrong
INUNDATE to overwhelm; to cover with water
Erudite having or showing profound knowledge and scholarship
Persuasive persuasive; convincing; pertinent
Pungent sharp and irritating to the senses
Zephry a gentle breeze; something airy or insubstantial
Superfluous unnecessary; extra; redundant
Complicity participation in wrong-doing; the act of being an accomplice
Citadel fortress; refuge
Remonstrate to protest; argue against
Noxious poisonous; very harmful; (often used to describe odors that make you sick)
Hullabaloo commotion; a fuss
Intransigent uncompromising and stubborn
Unequivocal absolute; certain
Loll to lounge around; to recline or lean in a lazy manner
Acidulous sour in taste or manner
Contest (verb) oppose as mistaken or wrong
Avarice extreme greed for wealth or material gain
Adulterate to make impure or inferior by deceptively adding foreign substances; debase; doctor; load; sophisticate
Pensive to be contemplative; to be reflective; be in a state of dreamy or melancholy thoughtfulness
Cursory superficial; hasty; haphazard
Ardor intense and passionate feeling
Drought a long period of dry weather
Grandiloquent Pretentious; pompous; to speak in a bombastic or extremely flowery style
Judicious sensible; wise; having, using, or showing good judgment
Reprisal retaliation
Trite overused; uninteresting do to being so common place
Endeavor to make an effort; to try very hard
Prevaricate to lie or deviate from the truth
Cognizant aware; conscious of; informed
Extraneous unnecessary; extra; not belonging
Matriculate to enroll, especially in a college or university
Taciturn reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
Incredulity lack of believe; doubt
Epigram a witty statement
Imminent about to happen; almost certain to occur
Evoke cause to appear; summon; produce
Reclusive avoiding the company of other people; solitary
Instigate bring out or initiate; to incite or stir up
DEBUTANTE young woman making debut in high society
Audacity boldness; impudence; reckless daring
Sportive frolicsome; playful
Expedite to help along; facilitate; speed the progress of; to make easier
HERMETIC tightly sealed
Vex to annoy; to irritate; to provoke; to puzzle
Affinity attraction or proclivity; a sense of kinship with something/someone
NEOPHYTE novice; beginner
Premise an assumption; a basis for conclusion
DESICCATE to dry out thoroughly
Volition the exercise of will or choice
LAMENT to express sorrow; to grieve
Milieu surroundings; situation; atmosphere; environment
Proviso a stipulation; condition; requirement
Pompous characterized by an ostentatious display of dignity or importance
Convivial festive; friendly; jovial
Mellifluous sweet or smoothly flowing; melodic; sweetened
Limpid free of anything that darkens; completely clear; unclouded
Catholic universal; broad and comprehensive
Paternal fatherly or father-like
Lugubrious overly sad; sorrowful; mounful.
Approbation approval and praise
Wizened shriveled; withered; wrinkled
Sensory pertains to the senses or sensation
Disparate different; dissimilar; entirely unalike
Eccentric not conventional; quirky
Infatuated foolishly passionate; hopelessly in love
Diffidence shyness; lack of self confidence
Salient prominently conspicuous; obvious; striking
Enigma a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand; riddle or paradox
Deleterious subtly or unexpectedly harmful
Substantive solid; real; having substance
Phalanx a compact or close-knit body of people, animals, or things
Rococo very highly ornamented
OPPROBRIUM public disgrace
Raiment clothing or garments
Canard a lie; an unfounded rumor or story
Abscond to leave secretly
Prolific producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; present in large numbers of quantities
PALLIATE to make less serious; ease
Aspirant a seeker; one who seeks a position
Narcissism refers to self-love; self-absorbance; egocentricity
Lethargy sluggishness; laziness; drowsiness
Mandate an authorization or command
Parochial narrow; having a confined point of view
Juxtapose to bring together for a side by side comparison or contrast
EFFRONTERY impudent boldness; audacity
CONDONE to overlook, pardon, or disregard
Eminent prominent; well known and respected; noteworthy
Obtuse dense
INCARNADINE blood-red in color
Pithy profound or substantial yet concise succinct, and to the point
HAPLESS unfortunate; having bad luck
Irascible easily angered
Ghastly death-like, pale and ill
Usurp to wrongfully seize; to take and hold by force; illegal
LARCENY theft of property
Waver shake with a quivering motion; become unsteady or unreliable;
LUMBER to move slowly and awkwardly
LAUD to give praise; to glorify
Implement to carry out
Fervid intensely enthusiastic or passionate and especially to and excessive degree
Latent present but inactive or concealed
Touchstone a standard by which to evaluate the worth of something
Depravity extreme wickedness
Sophomoric over-confident but shallow; intellectually pretentious
Querulous complaining; fretful; peevish; fault-finding
Regale to entertain; to delight
Theology study of religion
Stricture a limitation; a criticism; a constriction
Veracity refers to qualities and truthfulness; filled with truth and accuracy
FRACTIOUS unruly; rebellious
Eloquence a graceful and forceful speech
COTERIE an intimate group of persons with a similar purpose
Cheery Cautious; watchful; wary
Servile lavishly submissive; characteristic of, proper of, or customary for slaves
Ethereal light and airy; extremely delicate or refined
Bombastic pompous in speech and manner
Futile hopeless; useless; ineffective
Moribund near death; dying
Swathe to wrap; to bind
Restive impatient, uneasy, or restless
Perfidy treachery; a deliberate breach of faith
Flora refers to plants
Obliterate destroy utterly; wipe out
Iconoclast someone who attacks popular beliefs
Virtuoso someone with mastery
Indignant displeased; angry; provoked
Grumble to complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way
Propriety the quality of being proper; obeying rules and customs
Plethora an excess; a super abundance
Antithesis an opposition; a contrast
Tawdry showy but gaudy, cheap, or poor quality
Mercurial changeable, especially with regards to moods; fickle; (could pertain to god Mercury meaning liveliness; quick-wittedness)
Exhort to strongly urge
Pedant one who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules
Inherent intrinsic; part of the essential nature of something
Fatalist people who believe that what happens is inevitable
Animosity hostility; active dislike; enmity
Altruism devotion to the welfare of others; selfless generosity
Acme the highest point; summit; peak
Pragmatic practical; down to earth
Profane irreverent; blasphemous, unholy
Ostensible outwardly appearing; apparent, but with an element of pretense
Doctrinaire to be dogmatic; to espouse a theory or belief system whether it is or isn't practical;
INNOCUOUS harmless
Diminution reduction in the size, extent, or important of something
Criterion a standard; basis for judgment or criticism
Impediment a hindrance or obstruction in doing something
Panoply impressive array or collection of things
Mitigate to make less severe; make more bearable
MAELSTROM whirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mind
Amortize to diminish by installment payments
Stentorian extremely loud
DISTEND to swell, inflate, or bloat
Cabal a secret group seeking to overturn something
Axiom premise; postulate; self-evident truth
Homogeneous having a similar nature; essentially alike
Perspicacious shrewd, astute, or keen-witted; having a ready insight and understanding of things
Unconscionable unscrupulous, shockingly unfair or unjust
Slake to calm down or moderate
Loafer person who idles time away
Zenith the point of culmination; peak
Sully to tarnish; taint
Pulchritude beauty
Variegated varied; marked with different colors
Relentless mercilessly persistent; unstoppable
Dubious uncertain
INTRACTABLE not easily managed or manipulated
Satiate to satisfy fully or overindulge
Repose relaxation; leisure
Continence self control; restraint
Curtail cut short; to reduce; abridge
Arduous difficult; strenuous; requiring much effort
Colloquial informal or common
Absolve to free from blame; to forgive
Trepidation apprehension; nervous trembling; uncertainty
Clandestine characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment
Adverse unfavorable; in opposition to ones interests or desires
Endearment a word or phrase expressing love or affection
Prevail to triumph
Incorrigible beyond correction
Affliction distress; suffering
JOCULAR playful; humorous
Hermetic airtight; tightly sealed
Extol to praise
Evanescent happening only for a brief period of time; fleeting
EPICURE person with refined taste in food and wine
DECLIVITY downward slope
Congenital from birth; inborn; inherent
Sporadic appearing every now and then
Nominal in name only; significant
NEOLOGISM new word or expression
ASSAIL to attack; assault
MARTINET strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly follows rules
Tacit unspoken; implied; understood without being expressed
VESTIGE a trace; remnant
GRADATION process occurring by regular degrees or stages; variation in color
Preclude to make impossible
IMBUE to infuse, dye, wet, or moisten
Volatile following no predictable pattern; highly unstable; capricious; erratic
Recant to publicly take back; to deny something previously affirmed
Insolent insulting; boldly rude or disrespectful
Microcosm the world of miniature
Lethargic lacking mental and physical alertness and activity, sluggish and apathetic
Provident preparing for the future; looking ahead
Penitent feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant
Desultory without plan or purpose; aimless
Robust strong; hardy; vigorous
Delude deceive; mislead
CONVOLUTED intricate and complicated
Aptitude natural ability; a talent
Disrobe undress
OBSTINATE stubborn; unyielding
Patent obvious; noticeable
AUGURY prophecy; prediction of events
Expedient practical; advantageous
Wistful to feel yearning; to express longing
Raconteur witty, skillful storyteller
ABDICATE to give up a position, right, or power
OPINE to express an opinion
Sedition behavior that promotes rebellion or civil disorder against the state; treason
Meliorate/Ameliorate to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve
Candid impartial and honest in speech
Laconic concise; using few words
Diffident to be timid or lacking in confidence
Subsequent coming after something in time; following
Intrude to put oneself deliberately into a place or situation where one is unwelcome or uninvited
Languish to experience prolonged inactivity in a way that weakens or depresses
Polyglot a speaker of many languages
Belabor to persist beyond the point of reason; to go over repeatedly
PALATIAL relating to a palace; magnificent
Incarcerate imprison
Infamous having a bad reputation
ECLECTIC selecting from or made up from a variety of sources
Sagacious wise; discerning; keen in judgment
INVIDIOUS envious, obnoxious, or offensive; likely to promote ill-will
MALLEABLE capable of being shaped
Congenial friendly; pleasant; agreeable
Caustic capable of burning or destroying living tissue; severely critical or sarcastic
GESTATION growth process from conception to birth
Hapless unlucky; unfortunate
NAIVE lacking sophistication or experience
Parley discussion, usually b/w enemies
IMPLACABLE unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
Effusion a pouring forth; unrestrained expression
Petulant cranky; peevishly rude; irritated over something trivial
Abase to degrade; to lower
Annex take position of
FORTUITOUS happening by chance; fortunate
Surrogate substitute; something that takes place of something else
Terse Abrupt
LIVID discolored from a bruise; reddened with anger
Refurbish renovate and redecorate something and especially a building
Flimsy comparatively light and unsubstantial; easily damaged
Pillage rob using violence and especially during wartime
LISTLESS lacking energy and enthusiasm
Engender to create; to bring about; to produce
Emigrate to leave one's country
JINGOISM belligerent support of one's country
Furtive secretive; sly; clandestine
MORES fixed customs or manners; moral attitudes
Upbraid to scold sharply
Wanton undisciplined; unrestrained; reckless
LIBERTINE a free thinker; one without moral restraint
Apathy lack of interest, enthusiasm, concern, or emotion
Vindicate clear someone of blame or suspicion; show or prove to be right, reasonable, or justified
Torpor sluggishness; apathy;
Deprecate deplore; to express strong disapproval of
Solicitous anxiously concerned; eager and attentive
Stratum a layer or level
Quench satisfy by drinking; extinguish (a fire); rapidly cool
Resolute determined; firm; unwavering
Exhaustive painstakingly thorough; complete
Proliferate to multiply; to grow out and spread rapidly
ELOQUENT persuasive and moving, especially in speech
Bomhomie good-natured geniality; atmosphere of good cheer
Abstain to hold oneself back; forbear; hold off; refrain
Oblique indirect or vague
Hypothetical theoretical; supposed; unproven; presumed
ESTIMABLE admirable
Indigenous originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native
Ferment incite or stir up
Amulet ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
Plebeian crude or coarse; characteristic of commoners
Venial excusable; trivial; unimportant
Countenance refers to the face and especially as regards its expression
Perfidious willing to betray one's trust
Tautological uselessly repetitive
Connoisseur an expert; a person with expert knowledge or discriminating tastes
Amalgamate to combine; to mix together
Balm something that heals
Innate naturally a part of; inborn, inherent
DIRGE a funeral hymn or mournful speech
ERRATIC wandering and unpredictable
Propitious giving or indicating a good chance of success; favorable
Pugilism refering to boxing
Succumb fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force
Staunch committed; dedicated; steadfast
Potentate monarch or ruler with great power
Serendipity the faculty of attracting good fortune; the good fortune itself
Prodigy a talented child
DOGMA a firmly held opinion, especially a religious belief
Cryptic mystifying; mysterious; ambiguous
Acquiesce to agree or submit quietly but without enthusiasm or with reluctance; to give in
Paucity a scarcity; a lack; a small amount
Ingénue an innocent young girl
FANATICAL acting excessively enthusiastic; filled with extreme unquestioned devotion
Skew (verb) suddenly change direction or position
Zealot someone passionately devoted to a cause
Replete abundantly supplied; complete
DITHER to act confusedly or without clear purpose
Captor person or animal that catches or confines another
GROVEL to humble oneself in a demeaning way
Machination a scheming activity; a manipulation
IMPECUNIOUS poor; having no money
MISSIVE a written note or letter
PANEGYRIC elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
Aristocratic of noble birth
Vanity the quality of being worthless or futile; excessive pride in or admiration of one's appearance or achievements
OSSIFY to change into bone; to become hardened or set in a rigidly conventional pattern
Cleft a split; a crevice
Relegate to banish or cosign into an inferior condition or position
ABERRANT deviating from what is normal or expected
HOARY very old; whitish or gray from age
Dumbfound greatly astonish or amaze
INTERREGNUM period between reigns
Sardonic mocking; scornful; bitterly contemptuous; cynical
Umbrage offense; resentment
Extensive far-reaching
Cacophony a harsh discordinate mixture of sounds; harsh jarring noise
Contingent dependent; hinging upon
Acute intense; sharp; penetrating
Pretentious characterized by assumption of dignity or importance
Incongruous inconsistent; not fitting in; unsuitable to
Collusion Conspiracy; secret operation
Affluent prosperous; wealthy; rich
AUGUST dignified; grandiose
Pernicious deadly; extremely evil; having a harmful or fatal effect
Neglect fail to care for properly
Heretic a person holding an opinion at odds with that is generally accepted
Trenchant acute, sharp, or incisive; forceful; effective
Specious superficially plausible, but actually wrong; deceptively attractive;
Mercenary motivated by money alone
Aqueous referring to water
NOISOME stinking; putrid
Encumber to burden; hinder; obstruct
VERNAL related to spring; fresh
Cynic mistrust people's motives; thinks everything is motivated by selfishness
Advocate to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument
Detrimental tending to cause harm
Precis short summary of facts; a summary or abstract of a text or speech
Illicit Forbidden; illegal; improper; taboo
Pastiche piece of literature or music imitating other works
Meticulous taking or showing extreme care about minute details; precise; thorough
EUPHONY pleasant, harmonious sound
Ephemeral fleeting; short lived
Decorous in good taste; dignified; proper; well behaved
Synthesis blending; combination of parts into a whole
Rigor the quality of being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate
Opaque not transparent; impossible to see through
Copious plentiful; abundant
Obsolete no longer useful; outdated
Assuage to make less severe; make more bearable; alleviate; lessen
Martial warlike; relating to combat or war
BELFRY bell tower; room in which a bell is hung
Recalcitrant stubbornly defiant to authority; resistant
Insipid without flavor; dull; bland
Chicanery deception by means of craft or guile
Protrude to stick out; to thrust forth
Quotidian occurring daily; commonplace
Winsome attractive; charming; pleasing; agreeable
Expatriate both to be banished from one's native country and to withdraw from one's country
Bilk to cheat; defraud
Gluttony the act or process of eating in excess
Jeopardy danger of loss, harm, or failure
Terrestrial earthly; down-to-earth; commonplace
Incantation a chant or word repeated as a chant with the intention of creating an effect
Vituperate to abuse verbally; berate
EDIFY to instruct morally and spiritually
Digress to stray from the subject
Penchant a strong inclination towards; a liking for something
Politic shrewd and practical in managing or dealing with things; diplomatic
Chafe to make sore from rubbing or scraping
EMBELLISH to add ornamental or fictitious details
Painstaking to be extremely careful, meticulous
INEXORABLE inflexible; unyielding
NADIR lowest point
Sacrosanct extremely sacred; beyond criticism
Pariah an outcast
Hackneyed trite; over-used, commonplace
MALINGER to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill
Subordinate secondary to; less than
Egalitarian refers to equality
Demagogue a rabble-rouser; a leader who tries to stir up others on their emotions
Mediate to help settle a difference; to act as a go-between
DISSEMBLE to present a false appearance; to disguise one's real intentions or character
ANODYNE something that calms or soothes pain
Lieu in place of; instead of
Aplomb self assurance; poise; imperturbable confidence
LANGUID lacking energy; indifferent; slow
Torpid mentally or physically inactive; lethargic
Unwitting Unintentional; unaware; without knowing
Secular worldly; having nothing to do with religion or with or spiritual concerns
Wan looking pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion; weak;
FORESTALL to prevent or delay; anticipate
Flaunt to show off; to try and impress others with a display
Genteel refined; polite; cultivated
Inveterate habitual; deeply rooted; firmly established
Enfranchise to grand the rights of citizenship
IMPIOUS not devout in religion
Monstic extremely plain or secluded
FRUGALITY tending to be thrifty or cheap
Capricious given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior; changing one's mind quickly and often
Elucidate to make understandable
Strategem trick designed to deceive an enemy
Phlegmatic indifferent; sluggish, apathetic; not easily aroused to feelings or actions
Obligatory required
Espouse to advocate; to support
Adage a traditional saying
FECUND fertile; fruitful; productive
Pervade spread through and be perceived in every part of
Introvert someone who is introspective; someone inner directive
Labyrinth a maze or anything that is intricate and complex like a maze
EXCULPATE to clear from blame; prove innocent
Quash reject or void and especially by legal procedure
Redundant unnecessary duplication; using too many words to express the same idea
Requite to return or repay
Surly rude and bad-tempered
Venerate to regard with great respect; revere
Deprive take away from, prevent from using
Consensus general agreement
Tantamount equivalent or equal
Boor crude person, one lacking manners or taste
Anachronism something that is out of place in time
LAMPOON publicly criticize by using riducule or sarcasm
Inkling a hint; a vague notation
Solecism grammatical mistake; blunder in speech
Macerate to soften
Proletariat the industrial working class
Puerile childish, immature, or silly
Peregrinate to wander from place to place; to travel, especially on foot
Coup a brilliant victory and often unexpected
Prodigal wastefully extravagant; spending too much time
HYPERBOLE purposeful exaggeration for effect
Banal ordinary; unoriginal; lacking freshness; trite
DISABUSE to set right; free from error
EQUIVOCATE to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead
INGRATIATE to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody so as to gain an advantage
Lucid expressed clearly; easy to understand; showing the ability to think clearly
Platitude a trite/overused saying; a cliché usually offered advice or wisdom
Abstemious moderate in appetite
Stasis a state of static balance or equilibrium; stagnation
Posit to assume as real or conceded; propose as an explanation
Culminate to climax or reach the highest point
Indifferent without interest or concern
Dogmatic blindly committed to a belief system
GRIEVOUS causing grief or sorrow; serious and distressing
Impeccable flawless, precise, perfectly executed
Patronize to be a customer or client of; treat in a condescending manner
Aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere; typically pleasant smell
Sketchy not thorough or detailed
Zeal great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective; passion; excitement
Repercussion a consequence
DIURNAL existing during the day
Acrimonious spiteful; nasty; caustic
Vim vitality and energy
Cloy sickly sweet; excessive
Hierarchy a system of ranking; a pecking order
Propitiate to conciliate; to appease
Misanthropic hatred of mankind
Intercession the action of intervening on behalf of another
Tyro a beginner or novice
EXPURGATE to censor
Succinct concise; short and to the point
Chimera an illusion; a fleeting foolish fancy
Seraphic angelic; sweet
Caricature a distorted portrait that exaggerates certain features
PANACHE flamboyance or dash in style and action; verve
DUPE to deceive; a person who is easily deceived
Contrite remorseful; admitting of guilt
Dangle hand or swing loosely
FALLOW dormant; unused
Sanguine cheerfully optimistic
Astute shrewd; clever; crafty
Orthodox to be conventional; traditional; to follow established ways
Caliber (figuratively) quality; ability; merit; capacity
Arbiter one with the power to decide
Rejoiner response
Nocturnal done, occurring, or active at night
Presumptuous failing to observe the limits of what is permitted or appropriate
Vernacular to speak the common or everyday language
Incisive very clear and direct; to the heart of the matter
Nefarious villainous; wicked; evil
ENUMERATE to count, list, or itemize
Dialectical a method of reasoning
Mentor a special counselor or teacher
AERIE a nest built high in the air; an elevated, often secluded, dwelling
ENCOMIUM warm praise
Corollary a natural consequence
Ignominy deep disgrace; public shame or the loss on one's name
EUPHEMISM use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one
Tremor an involuntary quivering movement
Valor great courage in the face of danger-especially in battle
ONEROUS troublesome and oppressive; burdensome
Permeate to penetrate; to pass or speed through or in every part of
Aggrandize to increase in power, influence, and reputation
Precipitate (v) cause to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely; (ad) done suddenly without careful consideration.
Heresy Unorthodoxy
Marshal to arrange in order
Obsequious fawning; showing servile deference; polite or obedient in hope of gain or from fear
Partisan supports a particular position
DILATE to make larger; expand
DECORUM appropriateness of behavior or conduct; propriety
Spawn to bring forth; to produce in large number
Ambiguous open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations; doubtful or uncertain
Syncopation temporary irregularity in musical rhythm
Ribald humorous in a vulgar way
Biology study of life
ABATE to reduce in amount, degree, or severity
METICULOUS extremely careful; fastidious; painstaking
Insidious treacherous; sneaky; intended to entrap
Libation a drink, or the act of pouring wine, water, or some other liquid
Myopia refers to short-sightedness; having a narrow view or lang-range perspective
Protagonist a leading character in a story or movie; hero or champion
Quixotic overly idealistic; impractical
Pare to trim off excess; reduce
Chaff that which is worthless
Tentative uncertain; done without confidence; hesitant
JARGON nonsensical talk; specialized language
Glut a surplus
Vitiate to pollute; to spoil; corrupt
Rebut to refute
Inept unskilled
Edify to uplift; to benefit or instruct; especially morally
LEERY suspicious
Concise expressing or covering much in just few words
WILY clever; deceptive
Abstract theoretical; not concrete
OVERWROUGHT agitated; overdone
Apocryphal of dubious authenticity; fictitious
Sacrilege Disrespect of the sacred
Habitual of the nature of a habit; fixed by or resulting from the habit
Elation great happiness and exhilaration
Sublime exalted; supreme; lofty or grand
Pejorative negatively disparaging; derogatory
Disseminate to scatter; to spread out; distribute
Lucrative producing a great deal of profit
Impetuous impulsive; given to sudden or rash action or emotion
Malign evil in nature or effect; malevolent
EXONERATE to clear of blame
Polemic a controversial argument
Tome book, usually large and academic
Adamant stubborn; unyielding in your attitude or opinions
Meddle to interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that’s is not one's concern
FORD to cross a body of water by wading
Surfeit excessive amount
Inaugurate to formally begin
FLAG (v) to decline in vigor, strength, or interest
Gaudy extravagantly bright and showy
Enervate cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken; devitalize
DEMAGOGUE a leader or rabble-rouser, usually appealing to emotion or prejudice
Obdurate stubbornly refusing to change one's opinions or course of action; stubborn
FAWN give a servile display of exaggerated flattery or affection; suck up to
Frugal not wasteful; requiring few resources
MONOTONY no variation; tediously the same
Untoward unfortunate; unfavorable
Waggish fond of joking; mischievous; prone to pranks
Stolid unemotional; lacking sensitivity
Requisite required or necessary; indispensable
Covet to desire intensely
Bow-vine cow-like or ox-like
Tantalize torment or tease someone with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable
INVESTITURE ceremony conferring authority
ESOTERIC known or understood only by a few
Adherent a faithful supporter
Deride to ridicule; to laugh at contemptuously; to mock
Articulate able to speak clearly and expressively
Lustrous having luster; shining
Qualitative concerned with quality not quantity
Exasperate to annoy greatly; to annoy to the point of total frustration
Elusive evasive; hard to express; define or pin down
Venerable respected because of age
LAPIDARY relating to precious stones or the art of cutting them
Chronical a history
Analgesia the inability to feel pain
Peruse to read carefully; to survey or examine in detail
Introspective inclined to examine one's thoughts or feelings; inward
Scrupulous strictly careful; conscientious
Solace comfort; relief from emotional pain
INIQUITY sin; evil act
progenitor an ancestor
Psychology study of mental processes in living things
Conspicuous easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
hybrid mongrel; a mixed breed
Vigilance the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties
KUDOS fame, glory, or honor
Redress to remedy; to set right
Turgid swollen as from a fluid; bloated
Liberate to set free (as from imprisonment or bondage); to disengage
Stagnation lack of movement; staleness; lack of growth or progress
DIVINE to foretell or know by inspiration
Repast meal or mealtime
Philistine a person who is guided by materialism and is disdainful of intellectual or artistic values
Proclivity tendency; inclination, a leaning
Culpable blameworthy; deserving blame
Incursion invasion, a sudden attack or raid
Doleful expressing sorry; mournful
Discern to distinguish; to differentiate from something else
Bellicose inclined to fighting; demonstrating aggression
IMPASSE blocked path; dilemma with no solution
Misanthrope a person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
LIONIZE to treat as a celebrity
Sinecure a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status of financial benefit
EXPONENT one who champions or advocates
Perch (v) alight or rest on something
Created by: probot13
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