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Speak Novel Vocab

30 words from the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

obsess to dominate or preoccupy the thoughts, feeling, or desires of a person.
delinquency failure in or neglect of duty or obligation
shame the painful feeling arising from the consequences of something dishonorable or improper.
vulnerable capable of or susceptible to being hurt.
momentum force or speed of movement.
symmetrical characterized by or exhibiting equal proportions on both sides.
indoctrination teaching or inculcating a doctrine. Slang = brainwashing.
pseudo not real; false or spurious
mayhem random or deliberate violence; a state or rowdy disorder
degrade to lower in dignity; to lower in character or quality; debase.
harry to harass or annoy by repeated attacks
vermilion a brilliant color red
conundrum anything that confuses; a puzzle or play on words
asylum a place of refuge;
voila an interjection meaning "Ta-da!" or "Here it is!"
vague not clearly expressed or stated; not easy to see clearly.
blathers to speak in babble or nonsense
irony the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning
obligation something which a person feels bound to do because of a contract, agreement, or sense of duty.
oriented a verb meaning to familiarize oneself with one's surroundings or change.
imbecile a dunce, blockhead, dolt
gargoyle a grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal; meant to be scary/ugly
wan showing or suggesting ill health; sickly in appearance or color; pallid
simultaneously existing or occurring at the same time; concurrent
interim an intervening or in-between time
batter to beat or pound repeatedly
imperial of, like, or related to an empire, emperor, or a ruler
demented crazy; insane; mad from dementia
vespiary a nest or colony of wasps or hornets
Created by: arhsenglish
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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