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Chemisty 105 Ch2

Scientific Notation, Sig Figs, Unit and Teperature Conversions, Density

QuestionAnswerQuestion Answer
345 in scientific notation is... 3.45 x 10^2 1 kilogram = __ meters __ kilogram = 1000 meters
0.0671 in scientific notation is... 6.71 x 10^-2 1 meter = __ centimeters __ meter = 100 centimeters
7882 in scientific notation is... 7.882 x 10^3 1 meter = __ millimeters __ meter = 1000 millimeters
Volume Measure of the amount of space occupied by a substance 1 mL = __ cm^3 __ mL = 1 cm^3
The SI unit of volume is... cubic meter (m^3) 1 L = __ dm^3 __ L = 1 dm^3
Mass Measure of the amount of matter present in a object The SI unit for mass kilograms (kg)
1 kg = ____ lbs __ kg = 2.20461 lbs 1 lb = ____ g _ lb = 453.59g
A digit that must be estimated is... Uncertain A measurement always has... Some degree of uncertainty
How many uncertain digits do you report in a measurement? one. the first uncertain digit 1 - 9 integers (non zero) _____ count as significant figures Always
3456 has how many sig figs? 4 sig figs (significant figures) Leading zeros are zeros that come before nonzero digits
Leading Zeros ____ count as significant figures Never 0.048 has... 2 sig figs
Captive zeros zeros trapped between nonzero digits Captive Zeros ____ count as significant figures Always
16.07 has 4 sig figs Trailing zeros come after nonzero digits
Trailing zeros are only significant if... The number contains a decimal point 9.300 has 4 sig figs
150 has 2 sig figs Exact numbers (conversion factors) have ____ of significant figures Infinite number of sig figs
1 in = ___ cm _ in = 2.54 cm 300. is written how in scientific notation and has how many significant figures? 3.00 x 10^2 and contains 3 sig figs
Two advantages of Exponential notation is Number of significant figures are indicated easily and fewer zeros are needed 5.64 rounds to? 5.6
5.68 rounds to... 5.7 3.861 rounded to three digits is? 3.86
During a calculation, when do you round? You round at the end, when you are done calculating In multiplication or division, what determines the number of significant figures in the answer? The measurement with the smallest number of significant figures
1.342 x 5.5 = 7.381 how many sig figs would the reported answer be? 7.4, 2 sig figs What determines the number of significant figures in the answer of an addition or subtraction problem? The measurement with the smallest number of decimal places
23.445 + 7.83 = 31.275 What will the reporting form be (how many decimal places will there be) 31.28. 4 sig figs
Three systems for measuring temperature are... Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin The freezing point of water in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 degrees Celsius, and 273 degrees Kelvin
The boiling points of water in Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin 212 degrees Fahrenheit, 100 degrees Celsius, 373 degree Kelvin Kelvin to Celsius Tc = Tk - 273
Celsius to Fahrenheit Tf = 1.80(Tc) + 32 Celsius to Kelvin Tk = Tc + 273
Fahrenheit to Celsius Tc = (Tf - 32)/1.80 At what temperature does degrees Celsius = degrees Fahrenheit? -40 degrees
Density Mass of substance per unit volume of the substance Formula for density Density = Mass/volume
Units for Density are... g/cm^3 (for solids) g/mL (for liquids) Formula for mass Mass = Density x Volume
Formula for volume is Volume = Mass/ Density
Scientific Notation Technique used to express very big or very small numbers by expressing a number as a product between 1-9 and a power of 10 0.0000496 in scientific notation is... 4.96 x 10^-5
Measurement is A quantitative observation that consists of a number and a unit Quantitative observation consists of... a number and a unit
Created by: 713232445
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