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AQA Leisure 8

AQA Leisure 8 Holidays General

die Alpen the Alps
die Ansichtskarte postcard
der Aufenthalt stay
der Ausflug excursion
baden to bathe
die Bar bar
die Bedienung service
berühmt famous
besichtigen to visit (see)
bestimmt definitely
bleiben to remain/stay
bestellen to order
bezahlen to pay
die Bootsfahrt boat trip
die Broschüre brochure
dauern to last
entscheiden to decide
das Erlebnis experience
fahren to travel
die Ferien the holidays
fliegen to fly
der Fremde foreigner/ stranger
führen to lead/guide
die Galerie gallery
herumreisen to travel around
die Insel island
kulturell cultural
das Personal staff
reisen to travel
die Rundfahrt tour
sehenswert worth seeing
die Sehenswürdigkeiten attractions
die Sitzung meeting/session
der Stadtbummel look round town(on foot)
die Stadtrundfahrt (bus) tour round town
der Stadtteil part of town
surfen to surf
der Tourismus tourism
der Tourist tourist
überall everywhere
unabhängig independent
der Urlaub holiday
verbessern to improve
verbringen to spend (time)
vermeiden to avoid
woanders somewhere else
der Zweck cause/goal/use
Created by: fwalters
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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