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JRA Technology 1+2

Chapters 1 + 2 of Tech

A space station created by NASA that proves construction in space is a reality. Internationl Space Station (ISS)
Technology that keeps us healthy. It is necessary in the hospital operating room. Computers
A modern jetliner created by British Airways that can whisk through the air at 1350 miles per hour. The Concorde
This time is more enjoyable with sports equipment made from modern synthetics. Leisure time
The knowledge and process we use to solve problems and by designing and making products or structures. Technology
A bed that would have been used a thousand years ago. Animal skins spread out over tree branches
Clothes that would have been used a thousand years ago. Animal skin
A house that would have been used a thousand years ago. A cave
Breakfast that would have been eaten a thousand years ago. Leftover bones from the other day's kill
Mouthwash that would have been used a thousand years ago. Sap
Technology that may wake you up in the morning nowadays. Digital alarm clock/radio
Technology that transmits music to your radio. Station
Technology that can adjust the flow and temperature of the water coming out of it. Shower
The materials used to make things such as toothbrushes, hairbrushes, combs, and curlers. Plastic
Technology that is made of natural and synthetic fibers. Clothing
Technology tht ejects food such as toast. Toaster
Technology that shuts off when it's done boiling water. Electric kettle
Technology that food such as bacon for a preselected period of time. Microwave
Technology that automatically lowers a home's temperature. Thermostat
Technology that brings people from one floor to another in a building. Elevator
Technology that drives a large group of kids to school School bus
Technology that travels underground and brings people that hold onto railings. Subway train
Technology that ships desks, tables, cabinets, and chairs to a school. Factory
Four objects of technology that can be found in a classroom. Computer, video projector, VCR/DVD, public address system
Two examples of artificial environments created by technology. School, house
People who use a wide variety of miniaturized tools and equipment to repair, replace, straighten, and keep teeth in the best possible condition. Dentists
People who are able to replace a damaged heart valve with one made of metal and plastic because of technology. Surgeons
People who can wear a tiny, computer-controlled infusion pump that automatically delivers insulin to them to help with their health condition. Diabetics
Technology that is used in a sport and uses fiberglass, graphite, or ceramic to replace the conventional laminated wood. Computer-designed tennis raquets
Technology that is used in sports and is now made of epoxy-glued aluminum or carbon fiber and has a mass of less than half the average steel version. Road-racing bicycle frames
Technology that is used in sports and uses a super-hard aircraft alloy to replace hardwood. Golf clubs
Technology that is used in sports and made of fabrics that keep out wind, rain and snow, yet allow perspiration vapor to escape. Jogging and ski suits
People who use computers to write reports and keep appointments and schedules. Secretaries
People who make designs for architecture, electrical circuits, and many other things using computer programs. CAD drafters
Technology that is used in sports and was made by early humans. Bow and arrow
What many people think technology is. Applied science
A study that is concerned with the laws of nature. Science
People who seek to discover and understand the laws of nature. Scientists
Three examples of scientists. Biologists, chemists, physicists
People who use nature's lasw to fulfill human needs. Technologists
Four examples of technologists. Designers, inventors, engineers, craftspeople
Technology that was used long before humans understood the physical principles governing levers. Wheel and axle
Knowledge that people often assume came before technology. Scientific knowledge
Technology that scientists used to observe and calculate the distance from Earth to the planets. Telescope
Technology that technologists created by using the information scientists got from telescopes. Space vehicles
Technology that is designed and built across a river. Dam
Technology that scientists studied to develop the laws of thermodynamics. Steam engine
Technology that technologists created by using the information scientists got from diabetics. Portable computer-controlled insulin pump
Three object of technology that scientists use in experiments to analyze the chemical composition of substances. Tubes, bottles, flasks
Technology that technologists created by using the information scientists got from the atomic theory. Nuclear power station
Someone who creates and carries out plans for new products and structures. Designer
A concern that involves much difficulty. Problem
A statement that describes clearly what is needed to solve a problem and is not vague. Design brief
A full-size or small-scale simulation of an object. Model
Many different solutions that are similar, but also very different. Alternative solutions
A small number of samples to be tested by typical consumers that are made by a manufacturer. Preproduction series
Information that is received from typical consumers who have tested a preproduction series. Feedback
Making products in a workshop or factory. Manufacturing
A careful and well though-out procedure that solves a problem. Design process
The first step of the design process. Defining the problem
The second step of the design process. Determining the design brief
The third step of the design process. Investigating
Things to be thinking about when investigating. Function, appearance, materials, construction, safety
To perform an action or work. Function
The study of how a person, the products used, and the environment can be best fitted together. Ergonomics
Some considerations included in ergonomics. Body sizes, body movement, sight, sound, touch, smell, taste, temperature
Three sources that should be considered when investigating. Existing solutions, libraries, experts
The fourth step of the design process. Developing alternative solutions
The fifth step of the design process. Choosing a solution
Four things to consider when choosing a solution. Own skills, materials available, time needed to build each solution, cost of each solution
Five things included in making a sketch before making a model. Overall dimensions, detail dimensions, material to be used, how it will be made, finish to be required
The sixth step of the design process. Making models and prototypes
A model that is used when designing an object that is very large such as buildings, ships, and planes. Scale model
The first working version of a designer's solution. Prototype
Five things a designer would do when planning the steps for making an object if they did not make a model. Select materials, plan steps for cutting and shaping material, choose correct tools, cut and shape material, apply finish
The seventh step of the design process. Testing and evaluating
The three questions to answer when testing and evaluating. Does it work? Does it meet the design brief? Will modifications improve the solution?
Five questions that may be asked about an object if it has several parts. How efficiently does it work? Will it last? Does it need maintenance? Will it need spare parts? Is it attractive?
The eight and final step of the design process. Manufacturing
The things you see when you look at an object. Elements of design
The four elements of design. Line, shape and form, texture, color
An element of design that describes the edges or contours of shapes. Line
A type of line that shows strength. Vertical line
A type of line that gives a sense of movement. Diagonal line
A type of line that gives a feeling of stability. Horizontal line
A type of line that gives a sense of grace and softness. Curved line
A type of line that seems harsh and unfriendly. Jagged line
A type of line that is thought of as weak. Thin line
A type of line that shows extra strength. Heavy line
An element of design that is two-dimensional. Shape
An element of design that is three-dimensional. Form
An element of design that refers to the way a surface feels or looks. Texture
The colors red, blue, and yellow. Primary colors
A color that is made up of two primary colors. Secondary color
A color that is made up of equal parts of a primary color and a secondary color. Tertiary color
Colors that go together. Harmonizing colors
Another name for contrasting colors. Complementary colors
The guidelines for combining the elements of design. Principles of design
The six principles of design. Balance, proportion, harmony and contrast, pattern, movement and rhythm, unity and style
A principle of design that means the mass of an object is evenly spread over the space used. Balance
A type of balance in which an object has one half that mirrors the other half. Symmetrical balance
A type of balance in which the two sides of an object are visually in balance, but are not mirroring each other. Asymmetrical balance
A type of balance in which the mass of an object moves outward in all directions from a point at or near the middle. Radial balance
The relationship between the sizes of two things. Proportion
The mathematical formula found by the Greeks that describes proportions found in nature and has a ratio of 1 to 1.618. The Golden Mean
The condition in which two things naturally go together. Harmony
An obvious difference between things that a designer makes to cause consumers to feel excited or surprised. Contrast
A design in which a shape is repeated many times. Pattern
A principle of design that describes objects with repeating patterns that suggest movement. Rhythm
A principle of design that also means similarity. Unity
A famous designer who designed curved steel furniture. Mies van der Rohe
A principle of design that depends on the availability and cost of materials, the tools and techniques available to shape the materials, cultural preferences, and a knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Style
Created by: LOSBH47
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