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3000 SAT(legio-panj)

panjandrum a self-impotant or pretentious person, a bigwig
panache dashing elegance of manner or style
palpable capable or being touched or felt
palliate to make less serious or severe; to mitigate
palatial (puh LAY shul) ostentatiously magnificent, extravagant, opulent
orotund having strength, richness, fullness, and clarity or sound
ordnance cannon, artillery, military supplies
opprobrious expressing condemnation or scorn; accusing of shameful behavior; worthy or scornor shame; disgraceful
opacity state of quality of being opague, degree of light transmission to nonpenetration
omnibus volumes of a single author or works; a bus
ogle gaze with an amorous, flirtatious, or impertinent look
offal (AW fal) waste parts, especially of a butchered animal; rubbish
orcher (OAK ur) any of a class of natural earths, ranging in color from pale yellow to reddish yellow
obloquy (AWB luh kwee) verbal widespread abuse of a person or thing
obfuscate to obscure, blur, complicate, confuse
obeisance (oh BAY suns) a gesture of the body, such as a bow, made to indicate respect or submission; obedience and respect; reverence
nostrum elixir, potion, remedy, patent medicine, panacea
nonplus baffle, to confuse, disconcert, bewilder
niggling petty, trivial, inconsequential, annoying
nemesis an opponent that cannot be beaten ro overcome
municipal of or belonging to a town or city; of or relating to a local government or governmental unit
mountebank charlatan, one who claims to be who he is not
motif (moh TEEF) a pattern or design; a similar dominant or recurring element or theme
moniker word or words by which one is addressed, nickname
modus operandi manner in which something is done
mien air, bearing, character, demeanor
mete to distribute by or as if by measure; allot
merger alliance, fusion, consolidation, unification
melee (MAY lay) a situation that is confused and not under control; a confused mingling or turmoil; free-for-all
marauder raider, intruder
manifold having many forms, features, or parts
manifesto public declaration of beliefs
malign to slander, to speak harmful and evil untruths
malinger to pretend to be ill to avoid doing work
malcontent one who is dissatisfied with existing conditions
malapropism the wrong use of one word instead of another because they sound similar to each other, and which is amusing as a result; the humorous or ridiculous misuse of a word
maharajah ruling Indian Prince, esp. one of the major states
lurid deathy pale or glowing through a haze
lummox a large, ungainly, and dull witted person
lout a rude, stupid, or awkward person; someone who is clumsy or unmannered; oaf
logistics the management of the details of an operation
loath unwilling; reluctant
livid of a purple or dark blue color, usually caused by an injury; black and blue, as from a bruise; extremely angry; full of rage; furious
litany a long list; recital that involves repetition or incantation; tedious recounting
liquidation a closing of one's business by collecting assents and settling all debts
ligneous woodlike
lieu instead of; in place of
libertine (LIB ur teen) immoral or licentious man
lessor one who grants a lease
legion a large number; multitude
Created by: johne331
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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