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3000 SAT(pere-sent)

sententious self-righteous; give to arrogant moralizing; preachy
seminary a school for religious training
sedition willful violation of allegiance to one's country; treason
scion (SIE on) a descendant directly from the same parents or ancestors
sallow lacking color; pale; sickly-looking
sally a sudden onslaught; an excursion or expedition; a clever rejoinder
roue (roo AY) an immoral man, libertine, wanton, profligate
riposte quick sharp return in speech or action; counterstroke
rife abundant; great in number or amount
revamp to renovate; to revise or reconstruct
reticulate cover with a network
resurgent able to rise after defeat
requisite compulsory, essential, manditory; requirement
repudiate disavow, revoke, annul, nullify
reprove to criticize or correct gently; reproach; chide, scold
reprobate a morally unprincipled person; a degenerate
reprisal revenge; retaliation; vendetta; vengeance
remand to remit, send back or consign again
rarefied not ordinary; interesting to a select group only
rampart fortification, a bulwark or defense
raiment (RAY munt) clothing; wearing apparel
rakish (RAY kish) appearing fast, neat appearance, dashing, casual
raffish (RAF ish) cheaply vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry; disreputable
rabble disorderly crowd or mob, lower class
quisling person betraying one's own country, helping an invading enemy
quip a witty remark or reply
quintessential being the most perfect or typical example of something
quid pro quo one thing done in return for another
putative (PYOO tuh tiv) commonly accepted
purist someone who strictly observes traditions or conventions
pumice porous form of volcanic glass used as an abrasive
puissant (PWIS ahnt) potent, powerful, mighty
provisional tentative, stopgap, transitional, conditional
propulsive propelling; having a propelling force
proliferate to increase in number and spread rapidly, regenerate
proffer to put before a person for acceptance, offer
privation lack of the basic necessities or comforts of life; destitution; poverty
pregnant filled with meaning that has not been expressed
prehensile adapted for grasping or holding
predispose to set up or influence a behavior or condition; to lay the groudwork for
predilection tendency to think favorably of something, partiality, penchant
preceptor teacher, principal of a school, instructor
pratfall a fall on the buttocks; a humiliating defeat or failure
pontificate to act or speak arrogantly; to be conceited, overconfident, egotistical
poltroon a coward
pithy brief, forceful and meaningful in expression; concise
philippic (fe LIP ik) a verbal denunciation characterized by harsh, insulting language; a trirade
petulant ill-humored, irratable, cranky
perfidy (PUR fuh dee) treachery, treason, disloyalty, faithlessness
peremptory (puh REMP tuh ree) irrevocable, decisive, final, dictatorial
Created by: johne331
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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