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GRE Vocab

Words to study for the GRE

Abscond (verb) to depart clandestinely; to seal off and hide
Aberrant (adj.) deviating from the norm
Alacrity (noun) eager and enthusiastic willingness
Anomaly (noun) deviation from the normal order, form, or rule; abnormality
Approbation (noun) an expression of approval or praise
Arduous (adj.) strenuous, taxing; requiring significant effort
Assuage (verb) to ease or lessen; to appease or pacify
Audacious (adj.) daring and fearless; recklessly bold
Austere (adj.) without adornment; bare; severely simple; ascetic
Axiomatic (adj.) taken as given; possessing self-evident truth
Canonical (adj.) following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards
Capricious (adj.) inclined to change one’s mind impulsively
Censure (verb) to criticize severely; to officially rebuke
Chicanery (noun) trickery or subterfuge
Connoisseur (noun) an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
Convoluted (adj.) complex or complicated
Disabuse (verb) to undeceive; to set right
Discordant (adj.) conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound
Disparate (adj.) fundamentally distinct or dissimilar
Effrontery (noun) extreme boldness; presumptuousness
Eloquent (adj.) well-spoken, expressive, articulate
Enervate (verb) to weaken; to reduce in vitality
Ennui (noun) dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom or apathy
Equivocate (verb) to use ambiguous language with a deceptive intent
Erudite (adj.) very learned; scholarly
Exculpate (verb) exonerate; to clear of blame
Exigent (adj.) urgent, pressing; requiring immediate action or attention
Extemporaneous (adj.) improvised; done with preparation
Filibuster (noun) intentional obstruction, esp. using prolonged speechmaking to delay legislative action
Fulminate (verb) to loudly attack or denounce
Ingenuous (adj.) artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication
Inured (adj.) accustomed to accepting something undesirable
Irascible (adj.) easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts
Land (verb) to praise highly
Lucid (adj.) clear; easily understood
Magnanimity (noun) to quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving
Martial (adj.) associated with war and the armed forces
Mundane (adj.) of the world; typical of or concerned with the ordinary
Nascent (adj.) coming into being; in early developmental stages
Nebulous (adj.) vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form
Neologism (noun) a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses
Noxious (adj.) harmful, injurious
Obtuse (adj.) lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression
Obviate (verb) to anticipate and make unnecessary
Onerous (adj.) troubling, burdensome
Paean (noun) a song or hymn of praise and thanksgiving
Parody (noun) a humorous imitation intended for ridicule or comic effect, esp. in literature and art
Perennial (adj.) recurrent though the year or many years; happening repeatedly
Perfidy (noun) intentional breach of faith; treachery
Perfunctory (adj.) cursory; done without care or interest
Perspicacious (adj.) acutely perceptive; having keen discernment
Prattle (verb) to babble meaninglessly; to talk in an empty and idle manner
Precipitate (adj.) acting with excessive haste or impulse
Precipitate (verb) to cause to happen before anticipated
Predilection (noun) a disposition in favor of something
Prescience (noun) foreknowledge of events; knowing of events prior to their occurring
Prevaricate (verb) to deliberately avoid the truth; to mislead
Qualms (noun) misgivings; reservations; causes for hesitancy
Recant (verb) to retract, esp. a previously held belief
Refute (verb) to disprove; to successfully argue against
Relegate (verb) to forcibly assign, esp. to a lower place or position
Reticent (adj.) quiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts and feelings
Solicitous (adj.) concerned and attentive; eager
Sordid (adj.) characterized by filth, grime, or squalor; foul
Sporadic (adj.) occurring only occasionally, or in scattered instances
Squander (verb) to waste by spending or using irresponsibly
Static (adj.) not moving, active, or in motion; at rest
Stupefy (verb) to stun, baffle, or amaze
Stymie (verb) to block; to thwart
Synthesis (noun) to combination of parts to make a whole
Torque (noun) a force that causes rotation
Tortuous (adj.) winding, twisting, excessively complicated
Truculent (adj.) fierce and cruel; eager to fight
Veracity (noun) truthfulness, honesty
Virulent (adj.) extremely harmful or poisonous; bitterly hostile or antagonistic
Voracious (adj.) having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous
Waver (verb) to move to and fro; to sway; to be unsettled in opinion
Abate (verb) to lessen in intensity or degree
Accolade (noun) an expression of praise
Adulation (noun) excessive praise; intense adoration
Aesthetic (adj.) dealing with, appreciative of, or responsive to art or the beautiful
Ameliorate (verb) to make better or more tolerable
Ascetic (noun) one who practices rigid self-denial, esp. as an act of religious devotion
Avarice (noun) greed, esp. for wealth
Axiom (noun) a universally recognized principal
Burgeon (verb) to grow rapidly or flourish
Bucolic (adj.) rustic and pastoral; characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants
Cacophony (noun) harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance
Canon (noun) an established set of principals or code of laws, often religious in nature
Castigation (noun) severe criticism or punishment
Catalyst (noun) a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that causes change
Caustic (adj.) burning or stinging; causing corrosion
Chary (adj.) wary; cautious; sparing
Cogent (adj.) appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing
Complaisance (noun) the willingness to comply with the wishes of others
Contentious (adj.) argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement
Contrite (adj.) regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness
Culpable (adj.) deserving blame
Dearth (noun) smallness of quantity or number; scarcity; a lack
Demur (verb) to question or oppose
Didactic (adj.) intended to teach or instruct
Discretion (noun) cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions
Disinterested (adj.) free of bias or self-interest; impartial
Dogmatic (adj.) expressing a rigid opinion based on unproved or improvable principals
Ebullience (noun) the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
Eclectic (adj.) composed of elements drawn from various sources
Elegy (noun) a mournful poem, esp. one lamenting the dead
Emollient (adj.)/(noun) soothing, esp. to the skin; making less harsh; mollifying; an agent that softens or smoothes the skin
Empirical (adj.) based on observation or experiment
Enigmatic (adj.) mysterious; obscure; difficult to understand
Ephemeral (adj.) brief; fleeting
Esoteric (adj.) intended for or understood by a small, specific group
Eulogy (noun) a speech honoring the dead
Exonerate (verb) to remove blame
Facetious (adj.) playful; humorous
Fallacy (noun) an invalid or incorrect notion; a mistaken belief
Furtive (adj.) marked by stealth; covert; surreptitious
Gregarious (adj.) sociable; outgoing; enjoying the company of other people
Harangue (verb)/(noun) to deliver a pompous speech or tirade; a long, pompous speech
Heretical (adj.) violating accepted dogma or convention
Hyperbole (noun) an exaggerated statement, often used as a figure of speech
Impecunious (adj.) lacking funds; without money
Incipient (adj.) beginning to come into being or to become apparent
Inert (adj.) unmoving; lethargic; sluggish
Innocuous (adj.) harmless; causing no damage
Intransigent (adj.) refusing to compromise
Inveigle (verb) to obtain by deception or flattery
Morose (adj.) sad; sullen; melancholy
Odious (adj.) evoking intense aversion or dislike
Opaque (adj.) impenetrable by light; not reflecting light
Oscillation (noun) the act or state of swinging back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm
Penurious (adj.) penny-pinching; excessively thrifty, ungenerous
Pernicious (adj.) extremely harmful; potentially causing death
Peruse (verb) to examine with great care
Pious (adj.) extremely reverent or devout; showing strong religious devotion
Precursor (noun) one the proceeds and Indicates or announces another
Prodigious (adj.) abundant in size, force, or extent; extraordinary
Preen (verb) to dress up; to primp; to groom oneself with elaborate care
Prolific (adj.) producing large volumes or amounts; productive
Putrefy (verb) to rot; to decay and give off a foul odor
Quaff (verb) to drink deeply
Quiescence (noun) stillness; motionlessness; quality of being at rest
Redoubtable (adj.) awe-inspiring; worthy of honor
Sanction (noun)/(verb) authoritative permission or approval; a penalty intended to enforce compliance; to give permission or authority to
Satire (noun) literary work that ridicules or criticizes a human vice through humor or derision
Squalid (adj.) sordid; wretched and dirty as from neglect
Stoic (adj.) indifferent or unaffected by pleasure pain; steadfast
Supplant (verb) to take the place of; to supersede
Torpid (adj.) lethargic; sluggish; dormant
Ubiquitous (adj.) existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread
Urbane (adj.) sophisticated; refined; elegant
Vilify (verb) to defame; to characterize harshly
Viscous (adj.) thick; sticky
Acumen (noun) Keen, accurate judgment or insight
Adulterate (verb) To reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients
Amalgamate (verb) To combine several elements into a whole
Archaic (adj.) Outdated; associate it with an earlier, perhaps more primitive, time
Aver (verb) To state as a fact; to declare assert
Bolster (verb) To provide support or reinforcement
Bombastic (adj.) Pompous; grandiloquent
Diatribe (noun) A harsh denunciation
Dissemble (verb) To disguise or conceal; to mislead
Eccentric (adj.) Departing from norms or conventions
Endemic (adj.) Characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people
Evanescent (adj.) Tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing
Exacerbate (verb) To make worse or more severe
Fervent (adj.) Greatly emotional or zealous
Fortuitous (adj.) Happening by accident or chance
Germane (adj.) Relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
Grandiloquence (noun) Pompous speech or expression
Hackneyed (adj.) Rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
Halcyon (adj.) Calm and peaceful
Hedonism (noun) Devotion to pleasurable pursuits, esp. to the pleasures of the senses
Hegemony (noun) The constant dominance of one state or ideology over others
Iconoclast (noun) One who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions
Idolatrous (adj.) Given to intense or excessive devotion to something
Impassive (adj.) Revealing no emotion
Imperturbable (adj.) Marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
Implacable (adj.) Not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
Impunity (noun) Immunity from punishment or penalty
Inchoate (adj.) In an initial stage; not fully formed
Infelicitous (adj.) Unfortunate; inappropriate
Insipid (adj.) Without taste or flavor; lacking in spirit; bland
Loquacious (adj.) Extremely talkative
Luminous (adj.) Characterized by brightness and the emission of light
Malevolent (adj.) Having or showing often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred
Malleable (adj.) Capable of being shaped or formed; tractable; pliable
Mendacity (noun) The condition of being untruthful; dishonesty
Meticulous (adj.) Characterized by extreme care and precision; attentive to detail
Misanthrope (noun) One who hates all other humans
Mitigate (verb) To make or become less severe or intense; to moderate
Obdurate (adj.) Unyielding; hardhearted; intractable
Obsequious (adj.) Exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
Occlude (verb) To obstruct or block
Opprobrium (noun) Disgrace; contempt; scorn
Pedagogy (noun) The profession or principles of teaching, or instructing
Pedantic (adj.) Overly concerned with the trivial details of learning or education; show-offish about one’s knowledge
Penury (noun) Poverty; destitution
Pervasive (adj.) Having the tendency to permeate spread throughout
Pine (verb) To yearn intensely; to languish; to lose vigor
Pirate (verb) To illegally use or reproduce
Pith (noun) The essential or central part
Pitchy (adj.) Precise and brief
Placate (verb) To appease; to calm by making concessions
Platitude (noun) A superficial remark, esp. one offered as meaningful
Plummet (verb) To plunge or drop straight down
Polemical (adj.) Controversial; argumentative
Prodigal (adj.) Recklessly wasteful; extravagant; lavish; profuse
Profuse (adj.) Given or coming forth abundantly; extravagant
Proliferate (verb) To grow or increase swiftly and abundantly
Queries (noun) Questions; inquiries; doubts in the mind; reservations
Querulous (adj.) Prone to complaining or grumbling; peevish
Rancorous (adj.) Characterized by bitter, long lasting resentment
Recalcitrant (adj.) Obstinately defiant of authority; difficult to manage
Repudiate (verb) To refuse to have anything to do with; to disown
Rescind (verb) To invalidate; to repeal; to retract
Reverent (adj.) Marked by, feeling, or expressing a feeling of profound awe and respect
Rhetoric (noun) The art or study of effective use of language for communication and persuasion
Salubrious (adj.) Promoting health or well being
Solvent (adj.) Able to meet financial obligations; able to dissolve another substance
Specious (adj.) Seeming true, but actually being fallacious; misleadingly attractive; plausible but false
Spurious (adj.) Lacking authenticity or validity; false; counterfeit
Subpoena (noun) A court order requiring appearance and/or testimony
Succinct (adj.) Brief; concise
Superfluous (adj.) Exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
Surfeit (verb) And overabundant supply; excess; to feed or supply to excess
Tenacity (noun) The quality of adherence or persistence to something valued; persistent determination
Tenuous (adj.) Having little substance or strength; flimsy; weak
Tirade (noun) A long and extremely critical speech; a harsh denunciation
Transient (adj.) Fleeting; passing quickly; brief
Zealous (adj.) Fervent; ardent; impassioned, devoted to a cause
Acerbic (adj.) Having a sour or bitter taste or character; sharp; biting
Aggrandize (verb) To increase in intensity, power, influence, or prestige
Alchemy (noun) A medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals, esp. base metals into gold
Amenable (adj.) Agreeable; responsive to suggestion
Anachronism (noun) Something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological contexts
Astringent (adj.) Having a tightening on living tissue; harsh; severe; something with a tightening effect on tissue
Contiguous (adj.) Sharing a border; touching; adjacent
Convention (noun) A generally agreed upon practice or attitude
Credulous (adj.) Tending to believe to readily; gullible
Cynicism (noun) An attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
Decorum (noun) Polite or appropriate conduct or behavior
Derision (noun) Scorn, ridicule, contemptuous treatment
Desiccate (verb) To dry out or dehydrate; to make dry or dull
Dilettante (noun) one with an amateurish or superficial interest in the arts or a branch of knowledge
Disparage (verb) to slight or belittle
Created by: mcpsbabe
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