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Anatomy ##2

Anatomy and Physiology

glosso tongue
glyco sugar
hemi half
hemo blood
hepa, hepato liver
histo tissue
homo same
hydro water
hygro moisture
hyper too much, high
hypo under, decreased
hyster uterus
ileo ileum
in in, within, into
inter between
intra within
intro in, within, into
juxta near, close to
lapar abdomen
laryngo larynx
latero side
leuk white
macro large, big
mal bad, poor
mast breast
medio middle
mega, megalo large, great
meno menses
mono single
multi many
myelo bone marrow, spinal cord
myo muscle
neo new
nephro kidney
neuro nerve
nitro nitrogen
noct night
non not
ob against, in front of
oculo eye
odonto tooth
ophthalmo eye
ortho straight, normal
os mouth, bone
osteo bone
oto ear
pan all
para beside, accessory to
graph writing
ism condition
itis inflammation
ize to treat
lith stone, calculus
lithiasis presence of stones
lysis disintegration
megaly enlargement
meter instrument that measures
oid likeness, resemblance
oma tumor
opathy disease of
orrhaphy surgical repair
osis disease, condition of
ostomy to form an opening or outlet
otomy to incise
Created by: 12kschuette
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