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GRE Words #9

"T", "U", "V", "W", and "Z" Words

Table (verb) to remove (as a parliamentary motion) from consideration
Tacit (adj) implied; not explicitly stated
Talisman (noun) charm to bring good luck and avert misfortune
Tangential (adj) peripheral; digressing
Tautology (noun) unnecessary repetition
Taxonomy (noun) science of classification; in biology, the process of classifying organisms into categories
Tenacity (noun) the quality of adherence to persistence to something valued; persistent determination
Tendentious (adj) biased; showing marked tendencies
Tender (verb) to proffer or offer
Tenet (noun) belief; doctrine
Tenuous (adj) having little substance or strength; flimsy; weak
Terrestrial (adj) earthly; commonplace
Terse (adj) brief and concise in wording
Theocracy (noun) government by priests representing a god
Thespian (noun) an actor or actress
Timbre (noun) the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color
Timorous (adj) timid, fearful, diffident
Tirade (noun) a long and extremely critical speech; a harsh denunciation
Toady (noun) flatterer; hanger-on; yes-man
Tome (noun) book, usually large and academic
Torpid (adj) lethargic; sluggish; dormant
Torque (noun) a force that causes rotation
Tortuous (adj) winding; twisting; excessively complicated
Tout (verb) to publicly praise or promote
Tractable (adj) obedient; yielding
Transgression (noun) act of trespassing or violating a law or rule
Transient (adj) fleeting; passing quickly; brief
Translucent (adj) partially transparent
Travail (noun) work, esp. arduous work; tribulation; anguish
Travesty (noun) parody; exaggerated imitation; caricature
Treatise (noun) article treating a subject systematically and thoroughly
Tremulous (adj) trembling; quivering; frugal; timid
Trenchant (adj) sharply perceptive; keen; penetrating
Trepidation (noun) fear and anxiety
Truculent (adj) fierce and cruel; eager to fight
Tryst (noun) agreement between lovers to meet; rendezvous
Tumid (adj) swollen; distended
Turbid (adj) muddy; opaque; in a state of great confusion
Turgid (adj) swollen; bloated; pompous
Tutelary (adj) serving as a guardian or protector
Tyro (noun) novice, greenhorn, rank amateur
Ubiquitous (adj) existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread
Uncanny (adj) mysterious; strange
Undulating (adj) moving in waves
Unfeigned (adj) genuine; not false or hypocritical
Untenable (adj) indefensible; not viable; uninhabitable
Untoward (adj) not favorable; troublesome; adverse; unruly
Urbane (adj) sophisticated; refined; elegant
Usury (noun) practice of lending money at exorbitant rates
Vacillate (verb) to waver indecisively between one course of action or opinion and another
Vacuous (adj) empty; void; lacking intelligence; purposeless
Valedictory (adj) pertaining to a farewell
Vapid (adj) tasteless; dull
Variegated (adj) multicolored; characterized by a variety of patches of different color
Vaunt (verb) to boast; brag
Venal (adj) bribable; mercenary; corruptible
Vendetta (noun) prolonged feud marked by bitter hostility
Venerate (verb) to adore; honor; respect
Veracity (noun) truthfulness; honesty
Verbose (adj) wordy
Vertigo (noun) dizziness
Vexation (noun) annoyance; irritation
Viable (adj) practicable; capable of developing
Vigilant (adj) alertly watchful
Vilify (verb) to defame; to characterize harshly
Vindictive (adj) spiteful; vengeful; unforgiving
Virtuoso (noun) someone with masterly skills; expert musician
Virulent (adj) extremely harmful or poisonous; bitterly hostile or antagonistic
Visage (noun) countenance; appearance; aspect
Viscous (adj) thick; sticky
Vitiate (verb) to corrupt, to debase, to spoil, to make ineffective
Vituperate (verb) to use harsh condemnatory language; to abuse or censure severely or abusively; to berate
Vivisection (noun) dissection, surgery, or painful experiments performed on a living animal for the purpose of scientific research
Vogue (noun) prevailing fashion or practice
Volatile (adj) readily changing to a vapor; changeable; fickle; explosive
Voluble (adj) fluent, verbal, having easy use of spoken language
Voracious (adj) having an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit; ravenous
Vortex (noun) whirlpool; whirlwind; center of turbulence
Waffle (verb) to equivocate; to change one's position
Wag (noun) wit, joker
Warranted (adj) justified
Wary (adj) careful; cautious
Waver (verb) to move to and fro; to sway; to be unsettled in opinion
Welter (verb) to wallow or roll; toss about; be in turmoil
Whimsical (adj) fanciful; unpredictable
Wistful (adj) vaguely longing; sadly thoughtful
Zealous (adj) fervent; ardent; impassioned; devoted to a cause
Created by: redsoxaddict13
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