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GRE Words #6
"M", "N", and "O" Words
Question | Answer |
Magnanimity (noun) | the quality of being generously noble in mind and heart, esp. in forgiving |
Malevolent (adj) | having or showing often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred |
Malleable (adj) | capable of being shaped or formed; tractable; pliable |
Martial (adj) | associated with war and the armed forces |
Maverick (noun) | an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party; dissenter |
Meet (adj) | fitting, proper |
Mendacity (noun) | the condition of being untruthful; dishonesty |
Mendicant (noun) | a beggar, supplicant |
Mercurial (adj) | characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood |
Meretricious (adj) | cheap, gaudy, tawdry, flashy, showy; attracting by false show |
Meticulous (adj) | characterized by extreme care and precision; attentive to detail |
Milk (verb) | to exploit; to squeeze every last ounce of |
Minatory (adj) | menacing, threatening |
Mince (verb) | to pronounce or speak affectedly; to speak too carefully. Also, to take tiny steps; to tiptoe |
Misanthrope (noun) | one who hates all other humans |
Mitigate (verb) | to make or become less severe or intense; to moderate |
Mollify (verb) | to calm or soothe; to reduce in emotional intensity |
Morose (adj) | sad; sullen; melancholy |
Mundane (adj) | of the world; typical of or concerned with the ordinary |
Machiavellian (adj) | crafty; double-dealing |
Machinations (noun) | plots or schemes |
Maelstrom (noun) | whirlpool; turmoil |
Malign (verb) | to speak evil of |
Malinger (verb) | to feign illness to escape duty |
Megalomania (noun) | delusions of power or importance |
Menagerie (noun) | a variety of animals kept together |
Mendacious (adj) | dishonest |
Mesmerize (verb) | to hypnotize |
Metamorphosis (noun) | change; transformation |
Metaphysics (noun) | a branch of philosophy that investigates the ultimate nature of reality |
Metaphysical (adj) | pertaining to metaphysics |
Metaphysician (noun) | person who is an expert in metaphysics |
Meteorological (adj) | concerned with the weather |
Meteorology (noun) | science that deals with weather and atmospheric phenomena |
Mettle (noun) | courage; endurance |
Mettlesome (adj) | full of courage and fortitude; spirited |
Meddlesome (adj) | inclined to interfere |
Microcosm (noun) | a small system of having analogies to a larger system; small world |
Militate (verb) | to work against |
Minuscule (adj) | very small |
Minutia (noun) | petty details |
Miscellany (noun) | mixture of writings on various subjects |
Miscreant (noun) | villain; criminal |
Misogynist (noun) | one who hates women |
Mitigation (noun) | act of reducing the severity of painfulness of something |
Mnemonic (adj) | related to memory; assisting memory |
Modicum (noun) | limited quantity |
Monolithic (adj) | solid and uniform; constituting a single, unified whole |
Motley (adj) | many colored; made up of many parts |
Multifarious (adj) | diverse |
Necromancy (noun) | black magic |
Negate (verb) | to cancel out; nullify |
Nexus (noun) | a means of connection; a connected group or series; a center |
Nostalgia (noun) | sentimental longing for a past time |
Nostrum (noun) | medicine or remedy of doubtful effectiveness; supposed cure |
Nugatory (adj) | trifling; invalid |
Nadir (noun) | low point, perigee |
Nascent (adj) | coming into being; in early developmental stages |
Nebulous (adj) | vague; cloudy; lacking clearly defined form |
Neologism (noun) | a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses |
Neophyte (noun) | a recent convert; a beginner; novice |
Nice (adj) | exacting; fastidious, extremely precise |
Nonplussed (adj) | baffled, bewildered, at a loss for what to do or think |
Noxious (adj) | harmful; injurious |
Obsequy (noun) | funeral ceremony (often used in the plural, obsequies) |
Odyssey (noun) | a long, adventurous voyage; a quest |
Officious (adj) | too helpful; meddlesome |
Olfactory (adj) | concerning the sense of smell |
Oligarchy (noun) | a form of government in which power belongs to only a few leaders |
Onomatopoeia (noun) | formation or use of words that imitate sounds of the actions they refer to |
Ornithologist (noun) | scientist who studies birds |
Oscillate (verb) | to move back and forth |
Overweening (adj) | presumptuous; arrogant; overbearing |
Obdurate (adj) | unyielding; hardhearted; intractable |
Obfuscate (verb) | to deliberately obscure; to make confusing |
Obsequious (adj) | exhibiting a fawning attentiveness |
Obstinate (adj) | stubborn; hard-headed; uncompromising |
Obstreperous (adj) | noisily and stubbornly defiant, aggressively boisterous |
Obtain (adj) | to be established, accepted, or customary |
Obtuse (adj) | lacking sharpness or intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression |
Obviate (verb) | to anticipate and make unnecessary |
Occlude (verb) | to obstruct or block |
Occult (adj) | hidden, concealed, beyond comprehension |
Odious (adj) | evoking intense aversion or dislike |
Onerous (adj) | troubling; burdensome |
Opaque (adj) | impenetrable by light; not reflecting light |
Opprobrium (noun) | disgrace; contempt; scorn |
Oscillation (noun) | the act or state of swinging back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm |
Ostentatious (adj) | characterized by or given to pretentious display; showy |
Ossified (adj) | tending to become more rigid, conventional, sterile, and reactionary with age; literally, turned into bone |