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GRE Words #5

"I", "J", "K", and "L" Words

Iconoclast (noun) one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions
Idolatrous (adj) given to intense or excessive devotion to something
Imbroglio (noun) difficult or embarrassing situation
Imminent (adj) about to happen; impending
Immutable (adj) not capable of change
Impassive (adj) revealing no emotion
Impecunious (adj) lacking funds; without money
Impetuous (adj) hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement
Imperturbable (adj) marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
Implacable (adj) not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
Impunity (noun) immunity from punishment or penalty
Inchoate (adj) in an initial stage; not fully formed
Incipient (adj) beginning to come into being or to become apparent
Indefatigable (adj) not easily exhaustible; tireless, dogged
Indifferent (adj) having no interest or concern; showing no bias or prejudice
Ineluctable (adj) certain, inevitable
Inert (adj) unmoving; lethargic; sluggish
Infelicitous (adj) unfortunate; inappropriate
Ingenuous (adj) artless; frank and candid; lacking in sophistication
Inimical (adj) damaging; harmful; injurious
Inimitable (adj) one of a kind, peerless
Innocuous (adj) harmless; causing no damage
Insipid (adj) without taste or flavor; lacking in spirit; bland
Insouciant (adj) unconcerned, carefree, heedless
Intimate (verb) to imply, suggest, or insinuate
Intractable (adj) not easily managed or directed; stubborn; obstinate
Intransigent (adj) refusing to compromise
Intrepid (adj) steadfast and courageous
Inured (adj) accustomed to accepting something undesirable
Inveigle (verb) to obtain by deception or flattery
Inveterate (adj) deep rooted, ingrained, habitual
Irascible (adj) easily angered; prone to temperamental outbursts
Iconoclastic (adj) attacking cherished traditions
Icon (noun) image or representation
Idolatry (noun) idol worship; blind or excessive devotion
Igneous (adj) produced by fire; volcanic
Impair (verb) to damage; injure
Impede (verb) to hinder; block
Impermeable (adj) impossible to penetrate
Impervious (adj) impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected
Impinge (verb) to strike; encroach
Implausible (adj) unlikely; unbelievable
Implicit (adj) implied; understood but not stated
Implication (noun) something hinted at or suggested
Implode (verb) collapse inward violently
Imprecation (noun) curse
Impute (verb) to relate to a particular cause or source; attribute the fault to; assign as a characteristic
Inadvertently (adv) carelessly; unintentionally
Incarnate (adj) having bodily form
Incongruity (noun) state of not fitting
Inconsequential (adj) insignificant; unimportant
Incorporate (verb) introduce something into another thing already in existence; combine
Incursion (noun) sudden invasion
Indeterminate (adj) uncertain; indefinite
Indigence (noun) poverty
Indolent (adj) habitually lazy; idle
Inertia (noun) disinclination to action or change
Inherent (adj) firmly established by nature or habit
Insensible (adj) unconscious; unresponsive
Insinuate (verb) to suggest; say directly; imply
Insularity (noun) narrow-mindedness; isolation
Insuperable (adj) insurmountable; unconquerable
Intangible (adj) not material
Interdict (verb) to forbid; prohibit; to confront and halt the activities, advance, or entry of
Internecine (adj) deadly to both sides
Interpolate (verb) to insert; change by adding new words or material
Interregnum (noun) interval between reigns; gap in continuity
Intimacy (noun) marked by close acquaintance
Intimate (verb) make known subtly and indirectly
Intransigence (noun) stubbornness; refusal to compromise
Introspective (adj) contemplating one's own thoughts and feelings
Inundate (verb) to cover with water; overwhelm
Invective (noun) verbal abuse
Inveigh (verb) to disapprove; protest vehemently
Invidious (adj) likely to provoke ill will; offensive
Irresolute (adj) unsure of how to act; weak
Itinerant (adj) wandering from place to place; unsettled
Itinerary (noun) route of a traveler's journey
Jejune (adj) vapid, uninteresting, nugatory; childish, immature, puerile
Jaundiced (adj) having a yellow discoloration of the skin; affected by envy, resentment, or hostility
Jaundice (noun) medical condition often due to liver disease and characterized by yellowness of the skin
Jibe (verb) to be in agreement
Jocose (adj) fond of joking; jocular; playful
Juggernaut (noun) huge force destroying everything in its path
Junta (noun) group of people united in political intrigue
Juxtapose (verb) place side by side
Juxtaposition (noun) side-by-side placement
Kudos (noun) fame; glory; honor
Laconic (adj) using few words; terse
Laud (verb) to praise highly
List (verb) to tilt or lean to one side
Loquacious (adj) extremely talkative
Lubricious (adj) lewd, wanton, greasy, slippery
Lucid (adj) clear; easily understood
Lumber (verb) to move heavily and clumsily
Luminous (adj) characterized by brightness and the emission of light
Labile (adj) likely to change
Lambaste (verb) to thrash verbally or physically
Lascivious (adj) lustful
Lassitude (noun) lethargy; sluggishness
Latent (adj) present but hidden; potential
Lethargic (adj) inactive
Levee (noun) an embankment that prevents a river from overflowing
Levity (noun) light manner or attitude
Liberal (adj) tolerant; broadminded; generous; lavish
Libertine (noun) one without moral restraint
Libido (noun) sexual desire
Lilliputian (adj) extremely small
Limn (verb) to draw; describe
Linguistic (adj) pertaining to language
Linguistics (noun) scientific study of language
Litany (noun) lengthy recitation; repetitive chant
Literati (noun) scholarly or learned persons
Litigation (noun) legal proceedings
Log (noun) record of a voyage; record of daily activities
Lucre (noun) money or profits
Luminosity (noun) bright; brilliant; glowing
Lustrous (adj) shining
Created by: redsoxaddict13
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