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GRE set 2
Question | Answer |
paltry | ;(of an amount) too small to be considered as important or useful =meager =worthless, nugatory, comtemptible |
pastoral | =rural, countryside, rustic $a ~ scene =priestly, clerical $his ~ duties |
ecclesiastical | ;connected with the Christian Church =priestly |
patent | ;copyright, licence, legal protection ;obvious, manifest ;proprietary $~medicines |
patronage | =sponsorship, backing, funding, philanthropy =power of appointment, right of appointment, favoritism, nepotism, preferential treatment, the old boy network |
paucity of sth | ;a small amount of sth | less than enough of sth =scarcity of, sparseness of, dearth of, shortage of |
peccadillo | ;a small unimportant thing that sb does wrong =misdemeanor, trifling fault |
pedagogue | ;(archaic or humorous) a teacher, tutor |
pedantic | =overscrupulous $~ interpretation of the rules =learned, bookish, didactic, cerebral, egghead $~ words like 'irriguous' |
pedestrian | =dull, plodding, monotonous, uneventful, tiresome, wearisome, uninspired, lifeless, so-so, not up to much |
peerless | ;unsurpassed, incomparable, matchless, without equal, unmatched |
peeve | ;(informal) irritate, agitate |
pejorative | ;(formal) a word or remark that is ~ expresses disapproval or criticism =derogatory, disparaging, denigratory, defamatory, libellous |
pell-mell | ;(old-fashioned) very quickly and in a way that is not controlled =helter-skelter $the sparrows fly ~ up the hedgerow =in disorder, in a muddle |
penchant for sth | ;a special liking for sth $She has a ~ for champagne |
penetrate | =pierce, puncture =seep $the oil has ~ed into the stones =infiltrate, invade, insinuate oneself into =permeate, pervade, fill, spread throughout =understand, comprehend |
penitentiary | ;a prison |
penitent | =repentant, contrite $she stood with her hands joined below her waist like a ~ child | The penitent prayed silently in the church |
penurious | ;extremely poor =poverty-stricken, as poor as a church mouse, destitute, in penury, impecunious, needy =mean, miserly, penny-pinching, |
pep | =dynamism, life, liveliness, animation, ebullience $full of ~ after the holidays |
pep sth up | =improve, enliven, animate, liven up, invigorate, vivify, ginger up, galvanize $the turbocharger is designed to ~ performance |
perceive | =discern, recognize, become cognizant of =see, make out, catch sight of =look on, view, regard, think of, judge, deem, appraise $he was ~ed as too negative |
perceptual | ;of or relating to the ability to interpret or become aware of sth through the senses |
curmudgeonly | ;bad-tempered, often of an old person |
percipient | =astute, perceptive, perspicacious, sharp, penetrating, discriminating, canny, alert, quick, judicious, sagacious, incisive, understanding |
peremptory | ;(formal, disapproving) (esp. of sb's manner or behaviour) expecting to be obeyed immediately and without question or refusal =brusque, imperious, brisk, commanding $'Just do it!' came the ~ reply =incontrovertible |
perennial | =everlasting $the ~ fascination with crie |
perfidy | ;(literary) treachery, duplicity, disloyalty, perfidiousness $the ~ of her lover |
perforate | ;to make a hole or holes through sth $The explosion ~ed his eardrum | ~ed line (= a line of small holes in paper, made so that a part can be torn off easily) ;pierce, puncture, make/punch/put holes in |
perfunctory | ;done as a duty or habit, without real interest, attention or feeling $a ~ nod/smile | they only made a ~ effort |
perimeter | ;the outside edge of an area of land $a ~ fence/track/wall |
peripatetic | =nomadic, itinerant, roaming, migratory, unsettled, vegabond $his ~ way of life ;Aristotelian |
peripheral | =outlying, outer, on the edge/outskirts, fringe, border, surrounding =secondary, subsidiary, tangential, marginal |
permissive | ;liberal, broad-minded, open-minded $the ~ society of the 1960s |
permute | ;(technical) submit to a process of alternation rearrangement, or permutation |
pernicious | ;(formal) having a very harmful effect on sb/sth, esp. in a way that is gradual and not easily noticed =inimical, damaging, deleterious |
perpetrate | =commit |
in perpetuity | ;(formal) for all time in the future $they do not own the land ~ =forever |
perpetuate | =keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain, carry on, keep up | immortalize |
perquisite | ;(formal) ~ (of sb) something to which sb has a special right because of their social position =perk, fringe benefit, additional benefit, extra allowance |
perplex | ;if sth ~s you, it makes you confused or worried because you do not understand it =puzzle |
persevere | =persist, continue, carry on, keep on, keep going, not give up $she always perseveres in spite of discouraging setbacks |
setback | ;a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth, or makes a situation worse |
personable | ;(of a person) attractive to other people because of having a pleasant appearance and character =pleasant, agreeable, charming, likable, amiable, congenial, genial |
persistent | =tenacious, persevering =continuing |
tenacious | ;that does not stop holding sth or give up sth easily | determined ;continuing to exist, have influence, etc. for longer than you might expect |
personify | ;to be an example of a quality or characteristic, or to have a lot of it =typify, epitomize, embody, be the embodiment/incarnation of, exemplify, represent ;~ sth (as sb) to show or think of an object, quality, etc. as a person =humanize, anthropomorphiz |
perspective | =outlook, viewpoint, point of view, standpoint, angle, slant, frame of mind, way of looking =view, vista, prospect, bird's-eye view $a ~ of the whole valley |
perspicacious | discerning, shrewd, perceptive, insightful, responsive |
perspicacity | ;the state of being perspicacious |
perspicuous | =clear, lucid, crystal clear, limpid, pellucid, unambiguous, transparent, intelligible, clearly expressed |