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GRE Words #2
"B" and "C" Words
Question | Answer |
Bacchanalian (adj) | pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry |
Banal (adj) | commonplace; trite |
Banter (noun) | playful conversation |
Bard (noun) | poet |
Bawdy (adj) | obscene |
Bedizen (verb) | to dress in a vulgar, showy manner |
Behemoth (noun) | huge creature; anything very large and powerful |
Belie (verb) | to contradict; to misrepresent; give a false impression |
Bifurcate (verb) | to divide into two parts |
Bifurification (noun) | divide of two parts |
Blase (adj) | bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned |
Bombastic (adj) | pompous; using inflated language |
Bovine (adj) | cow-like |
Brazen (adj) | bold; shameless |
Broach (verb) | to bring up; to announce; to begin to talk about |
Bucolic (adj) | characteristic of the countryside; rustic; pastoral |
Burgeon (verb) | to grow rapidly or flourish |
Burnish (verb) | to polish |
Buttress (verb) | to reinforce; support |
Beatification (noun) | to sanctify, bless, ascribe virtue to |
Beatify (verb) | to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to |
Bellicose (adj) | belligerent; pugnacious; warlike |
Beneficent (adj) | kindly; doing good |
Bent (noun) | leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency |
Blandish (verb) | to coax with flattery |
Blandishment (noun) | flattery |
Bolster (verb) | to give a boost to; prop up; support |
Boorish (adj) | rude; insensitive |
Brook (verb) | to tolerate; to endure; to countenance |
Cacophony (noun) | harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance |
Calumniate (verb) | to slander; to make a false accusation |
Canon (noun) | an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature |
Canonical (adj) | following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards |
Capricious (adj) | inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable |
Captious (adj) | disposed to point out trivial faults; calculated to confuse or entrap in argument |
Cardinal (adj) | of foremost importance |
Cartography (noun) | science of making maps |
Caste (adj) | any of the hereditary social classes of Hindu society; social stratification |
Caste (noun) | any of the hereditary social classes of Hindu society; social stratification |
Castigation (noun) | severe criticism or punishment |
Cataclysm (noun) | a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change |
Catalyst (noun) | a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that causes change |
Caustic (adj) | burning or stinging; causing corrosion |
Cavil (verb) | to find fault with good reason |
Celerity (noun) | speed, alacrity; think accelerate |
Celestial (adj) | concerning the sky or heavens; sublime |
Censure (verb) | to criticize severely; to officially rebuke |
Chary (adj) | wary; cautious; sparing |
Chauvinist (noun) | a blindly devoted patriot |
Chicanery (noun) | trickery or subterfuge |
Chimera (noun) | an illusion; originally, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster |
Chivalry (noun) | the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry |
Clairvoyant (noun) | one who can predict the future; psychic |
Clamor (noun) | noisy outcry |
Cogent (adj) | appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing |
Color (verb) | to change as if by dyeing, i.e., to distort, gloss, or affect |
Complaisance (noun) | the willingness to comply with the wishes of others |
Connoisseur (noun) | an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert |
Consequential (adj) | pompous, self-important (primary definitions: logically following; important) |
Contentious (adj) | argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement |
Contiguous (adj) | sharing a border; touching; adjacent |
Contrite (adj) | regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness |
Convention (noun) | a generally agreed upon practice or attitude |
Convoluted (adj) | complex or complicated |
Credulous (adj) | tending to believe too readily; gullible |
Culpable (adj) | deserving blame |
Cynicism (noun) | an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness |
Clique (noun) | a small, exclusive group |
Collage (noun) | artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements |
Cognizant (adj) | informed; conscious; aware |
Compliant (adj) | yielding |
Consecrate (verb) | to declare sacred |
Confound (verb) | to baffle; perplex; mix up |
Condone (verb) | to overlook voluntarily; forgive |
Concave (adj) | curving inward |
Cadge (verb) | to beg; sponge |
Cacophonous (adj) | unpleasant; harsh sounding |
Canard (noun) | false, deliberately misleading story |
Calumny (noun) | false and malicious accusation; slander |
Callous (adj) | thick skinned; insensitive |
Churlish (adj) | rude; boorish |
Chasten (verb) | to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue |
Champion (verb) | to defend or support |
Centrifugal (adj) | moving away from a center |
Causal (adj) | involving a cause |
Caucus (noun) | smaller group within an organization |
Categorical (adj) | absolute; without exception |
Carping (verb) | to find fault; complain |
Carnal (adj) | of the flesh or body; related to physical appetites |
Caprice (noun) | inclination to change one's mind compulsively |
Cantankerous (adj) | irritable; ill-humored |
Cant (noun) | insincere talk; language of a particular group |
Contention (noun) | an assertion |
Contend (verb) | to assert |
Conscription (noun) | enroll a person for military service |
Conscript (verb) | enroll a person for military service |
Conscript (noun) | person compulsorily enrolled for military service |
Conjugal (adj) | pertaining to marriage agreement |
Congenial (adj) | similar in tastes and habits; friendly; suited to |
Concomitant (noun) | existing concurrently |
Concoct (verb) | to invent |
Conciliatory (adj) | overcoming distrust or hostility |
Compunction (noun) | uneasiness caused by guilt |
Complement (noun) | something that completes or makes up a whole |
Complaisant (adj) | overly polite; willing to please; obliging |
Complacent (adj) | self-satisfied |
Compendium (noun) | brief, comprehensive summary |
Commensurate (adj) | proportional |
Codified (adj) | to systematize |
Codification (noun) | to systematize |
Codify (verb) | to systematize |
Coda (noun) | concluding part of a literary or musical composition that summarizes or concludes |
Coalesce (verb) | to cause to become one |
Coagulate (verb) | thicken; congeal |
Cloister (noun) | monastery or convent |
Cloistered (adj) | shut away from the world |
Cloister (verb) | to confine, seclude |
Circuitous (adj) | roundabout |
Continence (noun) | self-control; abstention from sexual activity |
Contumacious (adj) | disobedient; rebellious |
Conundrum (noun) | riddle; puzzle with no solution |
Conventional (adj) | customary or commonplace |
Converge (verb) | to approach; come together; tend to meet |
Convex (adj) | curved outward |
Convivial (adj) | sociable |
Copious (adj) | abundant; plentiful |
Coquette (noun) | woman who flirts |
Cornucopia (noun) | horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance |
Cosmology (noun) | study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe |
Cosmos (noun) | physical universe regarded as a totality |
Cosmic (adj) | relating to the physical universe, especially as distinct from Earth, and suggests infinite vastness |
Covert (adj) | hidden; secret |
Covetous (adj) | desiring something owned by another |
Cozen (verb) | to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive |
Craven (adj) | cowardly |
Credence (noun) | acceptance of something as true |
Credo (noun) | statement of belief or principle; creed |