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GRE Words #2

"B" and "C" Words

Bacchanalian (adj) pertaining to riotous or drunken festivity; pertaining to revelry
Banal (adj) commonplace; trite
Banter (noun) playful conversation
Bard (noun) poet
Bawdy (adj) obscene
Bedizen (verb) to dress in a vulgar, showy manner
Behemoth (noun) huge creature; anything very large and powerful
Belie (verb) to contradict; to misrepresent; give a false impression
Bifurcate (verb) to divide into two parts
Bifurification (noun) divide of two parts
Blase (adj) bored because of frequent indulgence; unconcerned
Bombastic (adj) pompous; using inflated language
Bovine (adj) cow-like
Brazen (adj) bold; shameless
Broach (verb) to bring up; to announce; to begin to talk about
Bucolic (adj) characteristic of the countryside; rustic; pastoral
Burgeon (verb) to grow rapidly or flourish
Burnish (verb) to polish
Buttress (verb) to reinforce; support
Beatification (noun) to sanctify, bless, ascribe virtue to
Beatify (verb) to sanctify; to bless; to ascribe a virtue to
Bellicose (adj) belligerent; pugnacious; warlike
Beneficent (adj) kindly; doing good
Bent (noun) leaning, inclination, proclivity, tendency
Blandish (verb) to coax with flattery
Blandishment (noun) flattery
Bolster (verb) to give a boost to; prop up; support
Boorish (adj) rude; insensitive
Brook (verb) to tolerate; to endure; to countenance
Cacophony (noun) harsh, jarring, discordant sound; dissonance
Calumniate (verb) to slander; to make a false accusation
Canon (noun) an established set of principles or code of laws, often religious in nature
Canonical (adj) following or in agreement with accepted, traditional standards
Capricious (adj) inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable
Captious (adj) disposed to point out trivial faults; calculated to confuse or entrap in argument
Cardinal (adj) of foremost importance
Cartography (noun) science of making maps
Caste (adj) any of the hereditary social classes of Hindu society; social stratification
Caste (noun) any of the hereditary social classes of Hindu society; social stratification
Castigation (noun) severe criticism or punishment
Cataclysm (noun) a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change
Catalyst (noun) a substance that accelerates the rate of a chemical reaction without itself changing; a person or thing that causes change
Caustic (adj) burning or stinging; causing corrosion
Cavil (verb) to find fault with good reason
Celerity (noun) speed, alacrity; think accelerate
Celestial (adj) concerning the sky or heavens; sublime
Censure (verb) to criticize severely; to officially rebuke
Chary (adj) wary; cautious; sparing
Chauvinist (noun) a blindly devoted patriot
Chicanery (noun) trickery or subterfuge
Chimera (noun) an illusion; originally, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster
Chivalry (noun) the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry
Clairvoyant (noun) one who can predict the future; psychic
Clamor (noun) noisy outcry
Cogent (adj) appealing forcibly to the mind or reason; convincing
Color (verb) to change as if by dyeing, i.e., to distort, gloss, or affect
Complaisance (noun) the willingness to comply with the wishes of others
Connoisseur (noun) an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert
Consequential (adj) pompous, self-important (primary definitions: logically following; important)
Contentious (adj) argumentative; quarrelsome; causing controversy or disagreement
Contiguous (adj) sharing a border; touching; adjacent
Contrite (adj) regretful; penitent; seeking forgiveness
Convention (noun) a generally agreed upon practice or attitude
Convoluted (adj) complex or complicated
Credulous (adj) tending to believe too readily; gullible
Culpable (adj) deserving blame
Cynicism (noun) an attitude or quality of belief that all people are motivated by selfishness
Clique (noun) a small, exclusive group
Collage (noun) artistic composition of materials pasted over a surface; an assemblage of diverse elements
Cognizant (adj) informed; conscious; aware
Compliant (adj) yielding
Consecrate (verb) to declare sacred
Confound (verb) to baffle; perplex; mix up
Condone (verb) to overlook voluntarily; forgive
Concave (adj) curving inward
Cadge (verb) to beg; sponge
Cacophonous (adj) unpleasant; harsh sounding
Canard (noun) false, deliberately misleading story
Calumny (noun) false and malicious accusation; slander
Callous (adj) thick skinned; insensitive
Churlish (adj) rude; boorish
Chasten (verb) to correct by punishment or reproof; to restrain or subdue
Champion (verb) to defend or support
Centrifugal (adj) moving away from a center
Causal (adj) involving a cause
Caucus (noun) smaller group within an organization
Categorical (adj) absolute; without exception
Carping (verb) to find fault; complain
Carnal (adj) of the flesh or body; related to physical appetites
Caprice (noun) inclination to change one's mind compulsively
Cantankerous (adj) irritable; ill-humored
Cant (noun) insincere talk; language of a particular group
Contention (noun) an assertion
Contend (verb) to assert
Conscription (noun) enroll a person for military service
Conscript (verb) enroll a person for military service
Conscript (noun) person compulsorily enrolled for military service
Conjugal (adj) pertaining to marriage agreement
Congenial (adj) similar in tastes and habits; friendly; suited to
Concomitant (noun) existing concurrently
Concoct (verb) to invent
Conciliatory (adj) overcoming distrust or hostility
Compunction (noun) uneasiness caused by guilt
Complement (noun) something that completes or makes up a whole
Complaisant (adj) overly polite; willing to please; obliging
Complacent (adj) self-satisfied
Compendium (noun) brief, comprehensive summary
Commensurate (adj) proportional
Codified (adj) to systematize
Codification (noun) to systematize
Codify (verb) to systematize
Coda (noun) concluding part of a literary or musical composition that summarizes or concludes
Coalesce (verb) to cause to become one
Coagulate (verb) thicken; congeal
Cloister (noun) monastery or convent
Cloistered (adj) shut away from the world
Cloister (verb) to confine, seclude
Circuitous (adj) roundabout
Continence (noun) self-control; abstention from sexual activity
Contumacious (adj) disobedient; rebellious
Conundrum (noun) riddle; puzzle with no solution
Conventional (adj) customary or commonplace
Converge (verb) to approach; come together; tend to meet
Convex (adj) curved outward
Convivial (adj) sociable
Copious (adj) abundant; plentiful
Coquette (noun) woman who flirts
Cornucopia (noun) horn overflowing with fruit and grain; state of abundance
Cosmology (noun) study of the universe as a totality; theory of the origin and structure of the universe
Cosmos (noun) physical universe regarded as a totality
Cosmic (adj) relating to the physical universe, especially as distinct from Earth, and suggests infinite vastness
Covert (adj) hidden; secret
Covetous (adj) desiring something owned by another
Cozen (verb) to mislead by trick or fraud; deceive
Craven (adj) cowardly
Credence (noun) acceptance of something as true
Credo (noun) statement of belief or principle; creed
Created by: redsoxaddict13
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