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LEVEL B - UNIT 13-15


stodgy UNIMAGINATIVE lacking originality, flair, or imagination
agitation nervous anxiety
enchant to charm, delight, or captivate somebody
hilarious causing great amusement
pall a covering that makes a place dark and gloomy • a pall of thick black smoke
blurt to say something suddenly or impulsively, as if by accident • blurted out an apology
fluctuate to change often from high to low levels or from one thing to another in an unpredictable way
ignite transitive and intransitive verb to set fire to something, or catch fire
reputable known to be honest, reliable, or respectable
chronological presented or arranged in the order in which events occur or occurred
foster to encourage the development of something to provide a child with care and upbringing
magnitude greatness of size, volume, or extent • computing the magnitude of heavenly bodies
revere to regard somebody with admiration and deep respect
countenance composure or self-control to tolerate, accept, or give approval to something
grovel to act in a servile way, showing exaggerated and false respect in order to please somebody or out of fear TO CRAWL • I’ve already apologized but now he wants me to grovel.
massive large in comparison with what is typical or usual • gained a massive amount of weight
saga an epic tale in Old Norse literature, usually in prose, recounting events in the lives of historical and mythological figures from medieval Iceland and Norway
diminish transitive and intransitive verb to make something smaller or less important, or to become smaller or less important transitive and intransitive verb to appear smaller or to make something appear smaller
maternal belonging or relating to motherhood, a mother, or mothers in general • maternal pride
affliction a condition of great physical or mental distres something that causes great physical or mental distress
gaudy brightly colored or showily decorated to an unpleasant or vulgar degree
impostor (somebody who pretends to be somebody else in order to deceive or cheat
oppress to subject a person or a people to a harsh or cruel form of domination
akin similar or closely related to something)
gratitude a feeling of being thankful to somebody for doing something • I’d like to find some way of expressing my gratitude to her for all she did.
inflate to fill something, for example, a ball, mattress or boat, with air or gas, or to be filled with air or gas
pedestrian somebody who is traveling on foot, especially in an area also used by cars
cosmopolitan composed of or containing people from different countries showing a breadth of knowledge and refinement from having traveled widely familiar with many different countries and cultures
heed to give serious attention to a warning or advice and take it into account when acting
meager unsatisfactory in quantity, substance, or size
transmit transitive verb to send something, pass something on, or cause something to spread, from one person, thing, or place to another
elongate to make something longer, or become longer
hoax an act intended to trick people into believing something is real that is not
meditate intransitive verb to empty the mind of thoughts, or concentrate the mind on one thing, in order to develop the mind or spirit, aid contemplation, or relax
AUTHORITATIVE reliable: convincing, reliable, backed by evidence, and showing deep knowledge
DESPOT powerful ruler: a tyrant or ruler with absolute powers
HOARD to collect and store, often secretly, large amounts of things such as food or money for future use
OFFICIATE act in official capacity:
BANKRUPT unable to pay debts: judged legally to be unable to pay off personal debts
FEUD long violent dispute: a bitter prolonged violent quarrel or state of hostility between families, clans, or other groups
INDISPOSED sick: too ill to do something
CLAMOR shout loudly: to shout at the same time as other people, and make a lot of noise
HAGGLE TO BARGAIN; try to settle on price: to argue over something such as a price or contract in order to reach an agreement
LEGACY money or property that is left to somebody in a will
PATRONIZE to treat somebody as if he or she were less intelligent or knowledgeable than yourself
COINCIDE to happen at or around the same time
RITE ceremonial act:
CYNICAL doubting or contemptuous of human nature or the motives, goodness, or sincerity of others
HARMONIOUS characterized by friendly agreement or accord; relating to or sounding in musical harmony
MIRTH happiness or enjoyment, especially accompanied by laughter
SAGACIOUS wise or shrewd
Created by: 4496mytutor
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