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irreconcilable ;impossible to reconcile; not able to be resolved; =incompatible =implacable $~ views about the duties of government
mollify ;make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else ;to make sb feel less angry or upset
jaunty ;lively, easy, and carefree in manner; smart or trim in appearance =cheerful, lively, carefree
lighthearted ;cheerful, optimistic; carefree
nascent ;beginning to exist, coming into existence =embryonic, just beginning, budding
jittery ;anxious and nervous, suffering from jitters
nefarious ;criminal ;immoral, devoid of moral standards =wicked, villainous, abhorrent $~ activities
jubilant ;feeling or showing great happiness because of a success =overjoyed, jumping for joy, triumphant, exultant
keen ;eager ;(only before noun) quick to understand =eager =sharp =enthusiastic $I had been a ~ birdwatcher since I was a boy
keen on =enthusiastic about, attracted to $~ on doing sth
knack ;a special skill or ability that you have naturally or can learn $It's easy, once you've got the ~ | He's got a real ~ for making money
magniloquent =grandiloquent, high-sounding, lofty, heroic $a ~ lawyer | his ~ phraseology
majestic ;impressive because of size or beauty =awe-inspiring, splendid, exalted, sublime, elevated, stately $~ mountain scenery | his father's ~ presence
malady ;(formal) a serious problem =ill $Violent crime is only one of the ~ies afflicting modern society
lithe ;moving or bending easily, in a way that is elegant =agile, flexible $his tall ~ figure
loaf ;to idle one's time away, typically by aimless wandering or loitering; to laze $he was ~ing around his father's yards
malaise ;the problems affecting a particular situation or group of people that are difficult to explain or identify =unhappiness, restlessness, depression; lassitude, listlessness $a society afflicted by a deep cultural ~ | economic/financial/social ~
malign ;to say bad things about sb/sth publicly ;causing harm =defame, slander, libel =harmful, evil, malevolent, evil-intentioned, injurious, vicious $She feels she has been much ~ by the press $a ~ influence
malinger =pretend to be ill, feign/fake illness, (informal) swing the lead
languid ;relaxed (typically used to describe someone other than oneself, or their movements or a part of their body ;leisurely
lethargic $he felt ~, unable for the moment to move (commonly used to describe a person's own feeling of lacking energy. ~ tends to be sth that one can observe in oneself, while languor and listlessness are more often observed in others)
kudos ;the admiration and respect that goes with a particular achievement or position =prestige $the ~ of playing for such a famous team
mar ;to impair the quality of | to spoil $The game was ~ed by the behaviour of drunken fans
manumit ;release from slavery | set free
matter-of-fact ;unemotional (esp. in a situation in which you would expect sb to express their feelings) $She told us the news of his death in a very ~ way
masticate ;to chew food $this lizard eats a wide variety of plants but does not ~ the food
maudlin ;talking in a silly, emotional way, often full of pity for yourself =sentimental ;(of a book, film/movie, or song) expressing or causing exaggerated emotions, esp. in way that is not sincere
moment =little while =point in time, point, time, hour =importance, import $he thought for a ~ before answering $the issues were of little ~ to the voters
morbid ;(medical) connected with disease ; having or expressing a strong interest in sad or unpleasant things, esp. disease or death =ghoulish, macabre, gruesome =gloomy, lugubrious $He had a ~ fascination with blood
moralistic (usually disapproving) having or showing very fixed ideas about what is right and wrong, esp. when this causes you to judge other people's behaviour
jaded (when you have had too much of sth) =satiated, sated, dulled =tired, weary, tired out, worn out $I felt terribly ~ after working all weekend
manipulate ;(disapproving) to control or influence sb/sth, often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it ;to control or use sth in a skilful way =exploit, control =falsify, distort $~ (sb into sth/into doing sth) $they accused him of ~ing the data
lapse =failure, slip $a momentary ~ of concentration =decline, downturn, falling $his ~ into petty crime =interval, gap $after this ~ of time I can look at it more calmly =expire, become void $the applicants let the planning permission ~ =end, cease, come t
lapse into sth ;gradually pass into a worse or less active state or condition $to ~ into unconsciousness/a coma | She ~d into silence again
muddle =confuse, mix up, jumble $the papers seem to have got ~ed up =bewilder, confuse, bemuse, perplex, baffle =mess, confusion =bungle, mistake, screw-up, fxxx-up $a bureaucratic ~
nimble =agile, lithe, sprightly, acrobatic $he was surprisingly ~ on his feet =quick-thinking, shrewd, astute, alert, quick, observant, sharp, clever, brainy
nice =enjoyable, pleasant =pleasant, likable =polite, courteous, civil, refined, cultivated $very ~ manners =subtle, fine, delicate, precise $that's a rather ~ distinction to make =fine, dry, sunny, agreeable $it's a ~ day
murky ;(of a liquid) not clear =dark, gloomy, grey, leaden, dull =dirty, muddy, cloudy, turbid, opaque
nitpick ;looking for small or unimportant errors or faults, esp. in order to criticize unnecessarily
mulish =stubborn, obstinate, refractory, recalcitrant, intransigent, intractable, unyielding, unbending, bull-headed, stiff-necked, headstrong, inflexible, pig-headed, stubborn as a mule, (informal) bloody-minded $His face took on a ~ expression
meek =patient, quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on =submissive
nugatory ;having no purpose or value =worthless, of no value =futile, useless, vain
oaf ;a stupid, uncultured, or clumsy person =lout
lout ;a man or boy who behaves in a rude and aggressive way =ruffian, thug $a crowd of drunken ~s
boor ;(old-fashioned) a rude unpleasant person =lout
obstructionist ;one who systematically blocks or interrupts a process
natty ;(old-fashioned, informal) neat and fashionable =smart, stylish, dapper
dapper ;small with a neat appearance and nice clothes
promiscuous =licentious, unchaste, sexually indiscriminate =indiscriminate
mishap an unlucky accident $the event passed without ~
the occult =the supernatural, the paranormal, black magic, witchcraft, sorcery $his sister was a spiritualist with a strong interest in ~
offend ;to cause dislike, anger, or vexation =hurt someone's feelings, give offence to, displease
mask =hide, conceal, disguise, cover up $people carried herbs to ~ the stench
paramount most important, of greatest importance, of prime importance, of supreme importance
odious extremely unpleasant =horrible, revolting, repulsive
offset =counterbalance $profits and losses on each investment tend to offset each other
misnormer ;a wrong or inaccurate name or designation ;a wrong or inaccurate use of a name or term
nepotism giving unfair advantages to your own family if you are in a position of power, esp. by giving them jobs =favouritism, preferential treatment
mean ;low in quality or grade ;inferior ;low in value or amount ;unkind
meager (of sth provided or available) lacking in quantity or quality $they were forced to supplement their ~ earnings
obeisant ;showing deferential respect =respecful
deferential ;showng deference $people were always ~ to him
methodical =orderly, well ordered, well organized, well thought out, meticulous (of a person) doing things in a careful and logical way =disciplined, precise <>disorganized
mindful of =aware of, conscious of, alive to, sensible of, alert to $he was ~ the difficulties involved
mint =coinage factory, money factory (a ~) (informal) =a fortune, a vast sum of money $the bank made ~ out of the deal
mire =swamp, bog, morass $when it's wet it's a ~ out there =mud, slime $her horse was spattered with ~ =mess, difficulty, predicament
spatter =splash, splatter $specks of blood ~red his face
miscreant ;(literary) a person who has done sth wrong or illegal =criminal, culprit, malefactor
martinet ;a strict disciplinarian, esp. in the armed forces
lofty =tall, high, giant, towering, soaring, sky-high, sky-scraping, imposing =(usually before noun) (approving) noble, exalted, high, high-minded, grand, find, sublime $~ ideals, ~ speech =eminent, prominent, leading $he has obtained a ~ position in Hollywoo
pandemic =widespread, prevalent, pervasive, rampant, epidemic $the disease is ~ in Africa
painstaking =careful, thorough, minute
minute ;very detailed, careful and thorough $a ~ examination/inspection | She remembered everything in ~ detail / in the ~st detail(s)
outlandish =weird, queer, offbeat, freakish, grotesque, quirky, bizarre $he wears ~ clothes
lucid ;clearly expressed, easy to understand =intelligible, cogent, articulate ;able to think clearly, esp. during or after a period of illness or confusion =rational, sane, in possession of one's faculties
faculty =power, capability, capacity $the ~ of speech | the ~ of sight [hearing]
jittery (informal) suffering from jitters, anxious and nervous
lurid =(too) brightly colored $a ~ birthday card =sensational; salacious, graphic; gruesome $a ~ account of the prostitution trade | ~ details | lurid crimes
jest =joke =prank $he wished that Lady Lavina had not practiced this ~ upon him $ ~ about sth
luminary ;a person who is an expert or a great influence in a special area or activity =leading light, inspiration, big name
lull ;to make sb relaxed and calm $The vibration of the engine ~ed the children to sleep
luxuriant ;(of plants or hair) growing thickly and strongly in a way that is attractive =lush, rich, abundant $~ green vegetation
luster ;a gentle sheen or soft glow | (figurative) glory or distinction $a celebrity player to add luster to the lineup
lettered ;(dated) formally educated =learned, erudite, academic
maculate ;spotted and stained ;mark with a spot or spots, stain
legible ;clear enough to read =readable, eaily read
leaning =inclination, tendency $~ toward(s) sth
motley (disapproving) consisting of many different types of people or things that do not seem to belong together =miscellaneous, =multicoloured
rotund =plump, chubby, stout, roly-poly, dumpy, chunky $a mall, ~ man in his late thirties
licentious ;behaving in a way that is considered sexually immoral =dissolute, debauched; lustful
debauched ;a ~ person is immoral in their sexual behaviour, drinks a lot of alcohol, takes drugs, etc. =dissolute, dissipated, degenerate, corrupt $our fleet is commanded by ~ young men
lustful ;feeling or show strong sexual desire =lascivious, lecherous, obscene, salacious
overt ;done in an open way and not secretly =undisguised, unconcealed, plain to see, plainly seen
overbearing ;(disapproving) trying to control other people in an unpleasant way =domineering, dominating $he was at the mercy of his ~ wife
measured ;slow and careful; controlled =regular, steady, even, uniform, rhythmic $the ~ tread of the warder in the corridor
warder (BrE) a person who guards prisoners in a prison =prison officer, guard, jailer
moribund dying
minatory (formal) threatening =menacing, threatening, ominous
maven (informal) an expert on sth $fashion ~s
maverick ;a person who refuses to conform to a particular party or group =individualist, nonconformist
misanthrope =hater of mankind, cynic
noisome ;extremely unpleasant or offensive $~ smells =nasty
maniac =lunatic, mad person =enthusiast, fan, addict, devotee
opprobrium ;a state of extreme dishonor
opprobrious =abusive, vituperative, derogatory, disparaging; scornful
omnipotent =all-powerful, almighty $an ~ deity
palatable (to sb) ;pleasant or acceptable to sb
palatable ;(of food or drink) having a pleasant or acceptable taste
overriding =most important, uppermost, chief, principal $safety was the ~ consideration
parsimony ;the fact of being extremely unwilling to spend money =meanness, niggardliness, penny-pinching
moratorium ;a temporary stopping of an activity, esp. by official agreement =embargo, ban, prohibition
obfuscate ;to make sth less clear and more difficult to understand usually deliberately =obscure, confuse $the debate all too often ~s the issue =bewilder $it is more likely to ~ people than enlighten them
offbeat (usually before noun) (informal) different from what most people expect =unconventional, unorthodox, idiosyncratic $~ humour | an ~ approach to interviewing
ossify ;(technical) to become or make sth hard like bone =turn into bone, solidify, stiffen, rigidify, petrify =become inflexible, become obdurate, cease developing, fossilize
overhaul =service, maintain, repair $I've been ~ing the gearbox =overtake, pass $He managed to ~ the leader on the final lap
overrule ;to change a decision or reject an idea from a position of greater power =override
quell =put an end to, stamp out, get rid of $troops were called in to ~ the unrest =calm, soothe, lull, allay, mitigate, assuage, palliate, tranquillize
paean ;a song of praise or victory =hymn, psalm, anthem
parity (with sb/sth) | (between A and B) ;(formal) the state of being equal, esp. the state of having equal pay or status
palatial ;(of a room or building) very large and impressive, like a palace
pallid ;(of a person, their face, etc.) pale, esp. because of illness
Created by: omyojj
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