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El Hogar

zaguan attic
gorro hat
archivo file cabinet
banco stool
cama stool
estante shelf
sillon side chair
barrer el suelo sweep the floor
cortar la lena cut the wood
planchar las almohadas fluff the pillows
secar los platos dry the dishes
quitar la mesa clean the table
un piso amueblado room with furniture
una sala ancha wide living room
una vivienda de lujo a luxery home
escoba broom
martillo hammer
sierra saw
servilleta napkin
cuchillo knife
cuchara spoon
eschufe outlet
horno oven
ordenador computer
secadora dryer
anfitrion hostess
criado servant
huespedes guests
asados grill
bocadillos orderves
bullabesa stew
caldo broth
guisado baked food
paella yellow rice with seafood
fecula chewed food
galletas cookies
merengue merengue
nata sweet cream
tarta pie
torta sandwhich
albahaca basil
cebolleta onion
comino cummin
menta mint
perijil parsely
romero rosemary
tomillo thyme
cucharada tablespoon
trozo de torta piece of cake
hiedra ivy
regar to water plants
sembrar to plant
semilla seed
ollas pot
garaje gradge
granos grains
grifo faucet
alcoba bedroom
alcachofas artichokes
retrete toilet
requeson riquatta
recitas recipes
alimenticio something healthy
dietetico diet
esponjosa spongy
jugoso juicy
cocido boiled
crudo raw
saludable heathy
apio celary
broculi broccly
rabanos raddish
zanahoria carrots
azafran safrin
cebolla onion
escabeche vinagerette
hebras a strip
manteca lard
mantequilla butter
pavo turkey
pato donkey
cerezas cherries
melocoton peach
pasas raisins
chuleta pork chop
cordero lamb
res beef
alchicha sausage
ternera veal
alimentar to feed
alimento nourishment
aluminio aluminum
bodega wear house
cimiento foundation
crianza to raise
cuido to take care of
encender to turn on
enfriar to make colder
enseres things you use to perform a task
envolver to wrap
escaleras stairs/ladder
esmalte glaze
fachada in front of something
fondo end of
fuego fire
fundir la bombilla excessive electricity
gamas de colores series of colors
grano grain
hiedra ivy
inmobiliario the building
lino cloth/linen
moler to grind
munecas wrist/dolls
pedazo pice
picado chopped
picaportes door knob
piezas pieces
planta baja ground floor/first floor
polvo powder
portal portal
prender to turn on
probar to taste
reparar to repair
sasteril taylored
satinado shiny
sazonar to season
seda silk
tela material/cloth
tenir to dyee
umbral portal
vidrio glass
Created by: slw10329
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