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El Hogar
salon | room |
zaguan | attic |
gorro | hat |
archivo | file cabinet |
banco | stool |
cama | stool |
estante | shelf |
sillon | side chair |
barrer el suelo | sweep the floor |
cortar la lena | cut the wood |
planchar las almohadas | fluff the pillows |
secar los platos | dry the dishes |
quitar la mesa | clean the table |
un piso amueblado | room with furniture |
una sala ancha | wide living room |
una vivienda de lujo | a luxery home |
escoba | broom |
martillo | hammer |
sierra | saw |
servilleta | napkin |
cuchillo | knife |
cuchara | spoon |
eschufe | outlet |
horno | oven |
ordenador | computer |
secadora | dryer |
anfitrion | hostess |
criado | servant |
huespedes | guests |
asados | grill |
bocadillos | orderves |
bullabesa | stew |
caldo | broth |
guisado | baked food |
paella | yellow rice with seafood |
fecula | chewed food |
galletas | cookies |
merengue | merengue |
nata | sweet cream |
tarta | pie |
torta | sandwhich |
albahaca | basil |
cebolleta | onion |
comino | cummin |
menta | mint |
perijil | parsely |
romero | rosemary |
tomillo | thyme |
cucharada | tablespoon |
trozo de torta | piece of cake |
hiedra | ivy |
regar | to water plants |
sembrar | to plant |
semilla | seed |
ollas | pot |
garaje | gradge |
granos | grains |
grifo | faucet |
alcoba | bedroom |
alcachofas | artichokes |
retrete | toilet |
requeson | riquatta |
recitas | recipes |
alimenticio | something healthy |
dietetico | diet |
esponjosa | spongy |
jugoso | juicy |
cocido | boiled |
crudo | raw |
saludable | heathy |
apio | celary |
broculi | broccly |
rabanos | raddish |
zanahoria | carrots |
azafran | safrin |
cebolla | onion |
escabeche | vinagerette |
hebras | a strip |
manteca | lard |
mantequilla | butter |
pavo | turkey |
pato | donkey |
cerezas | cherries |
melocoton | peach |
pasas | raisins |
chuleta | pork chop |
cordero | lamb |
res | beef |
alchicha | sausage |
ternera | veal |
alimentar | to feed |
alimento | nourishment |
aluminio | aluminum |
bodega | wear house |
cimiento | foundation |
crianza | to raise |
cuido | to take care of |
encender | to turn on |
enfriar | to make colder |
enseres | things you use to perform a task |
envolver | to wrap |
escaleras | stairs/ladder |
esmalte | glaze |
fachada | in front of something |
fondo | end of |
fuego | fire |
fundir la bombilla | excessive electricity |
gamas de colores | series of colors |
grano | grain |
hiedra | ivy |
inmobiliario | the building |
lino | cloth/linen |
moler | to grind |
munecas | wrist/dolls |
pedazo | pice |
picado | chopped |
picaportes | door knob |
piezas | pieces |
planta baja | ground floor/first floor |
polvo | powder |
portal | portal |
prender | to turn on |
probar | to taste |
reparar | to repair |
sasteril | taylored |
satinado | shiny |
sazonar | to season |
seda | silk |
tela | material/cloth |
tenir | to dyee |
umbral | portal |
vidrio | glass |