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ubiquitous 400


abash humiliate, embarrass
abdicate relinquish power or position
aberrant abnormal
abet aid, encourage(typically of crime)
abeyance postponement
aboriginal indigenous
abridge shorten
abstemious moderate
acclimate accustom oneself to a climate
accost to approach and speak to someone
acquiesce agree passively 묵인하다
acumen insight
adamant insistent
abash humiliate, embarrass
abdicate relinquish power or position
aberrant abnormal
abet aid, encourage(typically of crime)
abeyance postponement
aboriginal indigenous
abridge shorten
abstemious moderate
acclimate accustom oneself to a climate
accost to approach and speak to someone
acquiesce agree passively 묵인하다
acumen insight
adamant insistent
admonish warn gently
adulterate contaminate,corrupt
adversity hardship 역경
aegis that which protects
aesthetic pleasing to the senses, beautiful
affable friendly
affinity fondness
aggregate total, collect 합계, 총액
aghast(~at) horrified
alacrity swiftness 민첩
alienate estrange, antagonize 멀어지다
alleviate lessen,assuage 완화하다
altruism benevolence, generosity 이타심
amalgamation mixture
ambiguous unclear
ambivalence conflicting emotions
amenable agreeable
amorphous shapeless
anachronistic out of historical order
analogous similar
anarchy absence of government
anathema curse
animus(~against) hate
anomalous abnormal
antipathy repulsion, hatred
antipodal exactly opposite
antiquated outdated,obsolete
apathy indifference
appease pacify 진정시키다 달래다
approbation approval
artless naive,simple
ascetic self-denying
assiduous hard-working
assimilate absorb
audacity boldness
auspicious favorable
austere harsh, Spartan
autonomous self-governing
avarice greed
axiom self-evident truth
banal trite 진부한
belie misrepresent
belittle disparage
bellicose warlike
benefactor patron 후원자
boisterous noisy
boor vulgar person
bourgeois middle class
bucolic rustic
buttress support
cachet prestige
cacophony dissonance,harsh noise
callow inexperienced
canon rule
capacious spacious
capitulate(~to) surrender
castigate criticize
cathartic purgative,purifying
catholic universal,worldly
caustic scathing(of speech)(~about)
censure condemn 규탄하다
chagrin embarrassment 원통함 분함
chary(~of) cautious(~about)
coagulate thicken
coda concluding passage
cogent well-put,convincing 설득력있는
collusion conspiracy
commensurate(~with) proportionate 비례하는 상응하는
commiserate empathize
compensatory redeeming
compliant submissive
conciliatory reconciling 달래는 조화시키는
condone overlook wrong doing 용납하다
conducive(~to) helping
consensus general agreement 합의
contentious argumentative
conundrum puzzle,enigma
convoluted twisted,complicated
covenant agreement,pact
covert secret
credence belief
credulous believing
dauntless courageous
dearth scarcity 부족 결핍
defamation (n)slander 중상, 비난
deference courteously yielding to another 존중
deleterious harmful
delineate draw a line around, describe 기술하다 묘사하다
demur take exception 이의를 제기하다
denigrate defame 폄하하다
deprecate belittle 강력히 비난하다
desiccate dehydrate 건조시키다
despot tyrant 폭군
destitute poor극빈한, 궁핍한
desultory without direction in life 두서없는, 종잡을수없는
deterrent(~to) hindrance 방해자
devoid empty
devout pious 독실한
diatribe long denunciation 비판, 공격
dichotomy a division into two parts 양분, 이분
didactic instructional 교훈적인
diffident shy
digress ramble(~on about) 횡설수설하다
disabuse correct a misconception 바로잡아주다
discerning observant 안목있는
discord lack of harmony
discrete separate
discretion prudence 주의 신중
disingenuous deceptive 솔직하지 못한
disparate various
disseminate distribute 퍼트리다
dissent disagree
dissolution disintegration 붕괴, 소멸, 사라짐
dissonance discord
distend swell 부풀다
divest strip,deprive 박탈하다, 옷을벗다
divulge disclose 누설하다
dogmatic certain,unchanging in opinion
dormant asleep 휴면기의
eclectic from many sources
efficacy effectiveness
effigy likeness,mannequin 모형
effloresce to bloom
effrontery insolence 뻔뻔스러움
elicit provoke 끌어내다 유발하다
eloquent well-spoken
emancipate(~sb from sth) liberate(~sb from~)해방시키다
embellish exaggerate장식하다
endemic peculiar to a particular region
enervate weaken
engender generate
ennui boredom
enumerate count
esoteric known by only a few
esthetic artistic
euphemism(~for sth)` gentle expression 완곡어구
euphoria elation 희열
evanescent fleeting,very brief 쉬 사라지는
exacerbate worsen
exasperate irritate
exhibitionist one who draws attention to himself과시욕이 강한 사람
exonerate free from blame무죄임을 밝히다
expedite hasten재촉하다
extemporize improvise 즉흥적으로하다
extol praise highly 극찬하다
facetious joking, sarcastic
facilitate make easier 용이하게 하다
fathom understand
fervor intensity 열정 열렬
fickle always changing one's mind 변덕스러운
filibuster long speech
fledgling just beginning, struggling 풋내기 애송이
flout to show disregard for the law or rules 깔보다
foment instigate 조장하다 선동하다
forsake abandon
fortuitous lucky
foster encourage 조성하다 발전시키다
frugal thrifty 절약하는
fulminate(~against) denounce,menace
furtive stealthy 은밀한,엉큼한
gainsay contradict 부정하다 반대하다
germane(~to) relevant 밀접히 관련있는
glib insincere manner
gratuitous unwarranted,uncalled for 쓸데없는
gregarious sociable 남과 어울리기 좋아하는
halcyon serene 평온한
hamper obstruct 방해물
harangue tirade 장황한 비난
harry harass 괴롭히다
hedonism excessive pursuit of pleasure in life
hegemony authority,domination 패권
histrionic overly dramatic 과장된
Created by: jeal21
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