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Question | Answer |
alacrity | eagerness, enthusiasm, quickness |
burgeon | grow, flourish, put forth new shoots |
deleterious | harmful |
euphemism | a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant |
hypocritical | insincere |
lethargic | tired, without energy |
postulate | hypothesize, propose |
robust | strong, healthy, tough |
tractable | obedient, dutiful, polite easy to control or influence |
alchemy | medieval chemistry |
burnish | polish |
deliberate | to think over deeply |
euphony | pleasant sounds |
iconoclast | person who opposes orthodoxy |
levity | flippancy, joking about serious matters |
olfactory | concerned with the sense of smell |
potable | suitable for drinking |
rotund | round |
alibi | an excuse that shows someone was not at the crime scene |
buttress | strengthen, support |
delineation | demarcation, explanation, definition, outlining |
idiosyncrasy | a personal peculiarity, something unique to an individual |
libertarian | someone who opposes tyranny |
potent | powerful, compelling, strong |
ruminate | think over, ponder |
allay | to lessen |
byline | the line that tells you who wrote an article |
demur | hesitate, refuse |
exacerbate | make worse |
ignominious | shameful |
liniment | soothing lotion |
omnipotent | all-powerful |
pragmatic | practical |
ruse | trick, stratagem |
transgress | go astray, disobey, commit a sin |
alleviate | make less severe |
cacophony | discordant loud noises |
denounce | condemn, speak out against |
ignominy | shame |
lithe | flexible, supple |
omniscient | all-knowing |
saccharin | falsely sweet |
transient | short-lived, ephemeral |
aloof | distant, detached, cold |
cajole | coax |
deplete | use up, lessen |
exceptionable | very bad (something which we should object to) |
livid | very angry |
onerous | burdensome, hard to undertake |
preamble | introductory material |
sacrosanct | very holy, inviolable |
traverse | to move across |
caldron | huge cooking pot |
deplore | regret |
exculpate | free someone from blame, pardon, acquit |
onus | burden |
precarious | unstable, risky |
sagacious | wise |
trepidation | fear |
amass | accumulate |
callow | immature |
depravity | moral corruption |
execrable | very, very bad |
immoderate | excessive, extreme |
lofty | snooty, arrogant, haughty |
sage | a wise person |
trinket | something of little value, knick-knack |
candid | frank, honest |
deprecate | criticize, denounce |
exegesis | scholarly explanation or interpretation |
immutable | unchanging, permanent |
longevity | long life |
opulent | wealthy, rich, magnificent |
precept | a guiding principle |
salacious | lecherous, erotic, treating sexual matters in an indecent way |
trite | unoriginal, dull |
candor | frankness, openness |
deride | ridicule, make fun of, mock |
exemplary | outstandingly good, setting a fine example |
loquacious | talkative |
ordain | 1. destine, 2. confer holy orders on a priest |
precinct | district of a city |
sallow | yellowish |