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APUSH Exam Final

Which of the following was NOT part of the coalition that comprised the Populists in the late 19th century? Grain-elevator operators
The U.S. entered WWII... after Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
The Constitutional Convention's Great Compromise of 1787 addressed... how states would be represented in Congress.
In the election of 1884, the Republican Party was divided into conservative and reform-minding factions known as... Mugwumps and Half-Breeds.
Which one of the following was NOT associated with the war in Vietnam? General Douglas MacArthur
Which of the following is an example of government corruption in the post-Reconstruction era? The Credit Mobilier scandal
Which of the following was NOT a problem that faced the U.S. immediately after the end of WWII? Rebuilding sections of the nation that had been destroyed by the war
The event that sparked the outbreak of the American Civil War... was South Carolina's attack on Fort Sumter.
The Know-Nothings... was a nativist movement in the mid-19th century.
The 15th Amendment to the Constitution... guaranteed the right to vote for any American citizen regardless of race or gender.
The first motion picture to use sound was... The Jazz Singer.
The power and strength of industrial unions in achieving their objectives in dispute with management can be clearly seen in which of the following? The Lawerence Textile Workers' strike
Which of the following occurred during the presidential administration of George Washington? The Whiskey Rebellion
In the 1920's, the re-born Ku Klux Klan... turned its wrath on Catholics, Jews, immigrants, and blacks.
"Muckrakers" was a derisive term used by Theodore Roosevelt to describe... journalists, whom he claimed were sensationalizing their stores of corrupt business practices.
The Norris - La Guardia Act of 1932... outlawed yellow dog contracts.
In the 19th century, the federal government helped to settle the Great Plains with the passage of which of the following acts? The Homestead Act
In his Farewell Address, Washington recommended... that the U.S. should maintain a policy of neutrality with other nations.
Which of the following was the only other president, other than President Clinton, to be impeached by the House of Representatives? Andrew Johnson
Which of the following was NOT an objective of Populists? Abolishing the graduated income tax
Those Northernesr who traveled to the South following the Civil War, some for personal gain and some to help reform the South, were referred to as... carpetbaggers.
Which of the following time periods best corresponds to the Gilded Age? 1870-1900
Which of the following was a member fo the Central Powers during WWI? Germany
Which of the following was NOT one of Secretary of Treasury ALexander Hamilton's economic programs? A tax on exports
The Monroe Doctrine... warned the European powers to not attempt re-colonization in the Western Hemisphere.
Which of the following would an advocate of states' rights NOT use to support his view? The decisions of the Marshall Court
The first state to secede from the Union was... South Carolina.
Which of the following did President Eisenhower do during his two terms as president? He sent troops to integrate Little Rock, Arkansas' Central High School in 1957.
Which of the following are NOT associated with Radical Republican Reconstruction? The Jim Crow Laws
The impressment of American sailors was an important cause of which of the following? The War of 1812
Which of the following did the U.S. NOT intervene in the early 20th century? Argentina
Which of the following established the Civil Service Commission? The Pendleton Act
The Essex decision, the Leopard-Chesapeake incident, and the Berlin Decree are all associated with events that led to which of the following? The War of 1812
Margaret Sanger was an important reformer who... advocated in favor of women's reproductive rights.
Which of the following played a major role in the First Great Awakening? George Whitefield
Marcus Garvey's Universal Negro Improvement Association... found considerable support among blacks in northern urban areas.
The Dred Scott decision... reconfirmed that African-Americans were not citizens.
All of the following are true about the American System EXCEPT... It was strongly supported by Southern political leaders.
Democratic Party Congressmen who opposed Lincoln's goal of forcefully restoring the Confederate States to the Union were called... copperheads.
Which of the following initially supported the New Deal but later became a harsh critic of Roosevelt and his New Deal policy? Senator Huey Long
Which of the following was NOT a border state? Ohio
Which of the following was an early 20th century leader whose education reform espoused by a "learn-by-doing" approach to education? John Dewey
All of the following are true about the Bill of Rights EXCEPT... It was not supported by the anti-federalists.
Which of the following was the deciding factor in the U.S. decision to enter WWI? The Zimmerman Note
Which of the following made a significant contribution to assembly-line mass production? Henry Ford
Jackie Robinson... broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball.
Which of the following is associated with the post-WWI Civil Rights Movement? Brown v. Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas
Which of the following would NOT have been supported by a Southern expansionist in the antebellum period? The Walker Expedition
Which of the following is the name for President Harry Truman's reform program? The Fair Deal
Which of the following did President Andrew Jackson veto because he maintained it was unconstitutional? The Maysville Road Bill
Which of the following time periods are associated with the radical Republicans? the Reconstruction period
The Treaty of Tordesillas... was the papacy's plan to prevent conflict between Portugal and Spain.
The Tet offensive is considered one of the turning points of... the Vietnam War.
All of the following characterized New Immigration, or the second wave of immigration from the 1890's to 1930's EXCEPT... the Chinese.
Booker T. Washingon believed that... blacks should forgo political equality until they achieved eocnomic equality.
The major goal of the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937 was... to prevent the U.S. from becoming involved in another global conflict.
The Republican Party in the antebellum period was comprised of all of the following EXCEPT... the Southern planter-slaveholders.
The Federal Reserve Act... was the first major reform of the nation's banking system since the Civil War.
The Navigation Laws of 1660 and 1663 were designed to... enhance Britain's economic position at the expense of the United States.
Which of the following happened as a result of the Spanish-American War? The U.S. gained control of the Philippines.
The first Southern state to be re-admitted into the Union was... Tennessee.
The Hartford Convention was convened... by New Englanders that were opposed to the War of 1812.
Which of the following was a characteristic of the antebellum period? The South was opposed to a high protective tariff.
Which of the following did NOT occur during the Cold War? The Palmer raids
The Emancipation Proclamation... abolished slavery in those states that were in open rebellion against the U.S. government.
The Saturday Night Massacre... was an event related to the Watergate scandal.
The Democrats... did NOT evolve from the Whigs.
WHich of the following was NOT associated with a slave rebellion? The Ludlow Massacre
The Albany Congress of 1754 was an assembly of 7 colonies that sought to improve relations with which Indian tribe? the Iroquois tribe
Which of the following was an immediate cause of WWI? The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Which of the following presidents initiated Operation Desert Storm? George Bush
Because of a Soviet boycott of the United Nations in 1950... troops were sent to assist South Korea after it had been invaded by North Korea.
Charles Fremont... was the Republican Party's first presidential candidate.
All of the following are a group of contemporaries EXCEPT... Thomas Jefferson, Henry Clay, and William McKinley.
Richard Nixon's Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign because... as governor of Maryland he had received payoffs from businessmen, which he did not.
Which of the following was an abolitionist who believed in using violence to destroy the institution of slavery? John Browne
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the North American Free Trade Alliance are modern day examples of the U.S. practice of... internationalism.
Which of the following was the first woman to run for vice president? Geraldine Ferraro
Huey Long was a Louisiana senator who posed a political challenge to FDR's reelection.
All off the following was a reason for U.S. participation in the Spanish-American War EXCEPT... Spanish dictator Franco's friendship with Nazi Germany.
Francis Perkins... was the first female cabinet member in U.S. history.
All of the following are associated with the presidency of Jimmy Carter EXCEPT... The Limited Test Ban Treaty.
In the Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817... the Great Lakes region was demilitarized.
The Keating-Owen Act of 1916... banned from interstate commerce products made by child labor, under the age of 14.
President Lincoln... sought to contain the spread of slavery, not abolish it.
Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle" led Congress to pass which of the following acts? the Pure Food and Drug Act
The Anaconda Plan... was the Union's military strategy for defeating the Confederacy.
Critics referred to which of the following as "Seward's Folly?" The purchase of Alaska
The Whiskey Rebellion took place in 1794 when... Pennsylvania farmers refused to pay an excise tax on liquor.
Which of the following is associated with the transcendentalist movement of the early 19th century? Henry David Thoreau
Which of the following was an effect of the Revolutionary War? The confiscation of Loyalists' property
The Gag Resolution was adopted by the U.S. Senate in order to... prevent senators from discussing abolitionist proposals.
All of the following is associated with economic and political corruption in the post-Civil War era EXCEPT... the Teapot Dome.
The Brain Trust was a name given to... Franklin D. Roosevelt's political advisors.
Thomas Paine's pamphlet Common Sense... provided intellectual justification for American independence.
The Elkins Act of 1903... strengthened the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887.
Which of the following was a radical trade union? The Industrial Workers of the World
Native Americans received their citizenship rights... from an act of Congress in 1924.
In the Supreme Court case Gibbons v. Ogden, the Court ruled... that Congress has the power to regulate interstate commerce.
All of the following contribute to the expansion of U.S. industrialism in the late 1800's EXCEPT... the demise of the capitalist class as a political force.
Which of the following improved U.S. relations with the Philippines? The Tydings-McDiffie Act
The state law limiting max working hours for women was... Muller v. Oregon.
General Douglas MacArthur was dismissed as a commander of the United Nation's forces fighting in the Korean War because... he publicly criticized Truman's policy.
Which of the following was passed during Wilson's presidency? The Federal Reserve Act
Keynesian economics... is synonymous with the Roosevelt administration's deficit spending in order to stimulate the economy.
The Taft-Hartley Act... was passed by COngress over President Truman's veto.
The Bonus Army... demanded that the federal government pay their WWI bonuses immediately.
All of the following ideas would be examples of Puritain beliefs EXCEPT... Everyone is encouraged to interpret the Bible.
Which of the following was the first U.S. Secretary of War (now Defense)? Henry Knox
Ronald Reagan's military objectives included... the construction of the extensive anti-missile satellite system.
Britain's Proclamation of 1763... prevented the American colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains.
In 1947, President Truman responded to the request from two nations for military assitance to fight communist groups attempting to overthrow... Greece and Turkey.
W. E. D. DuBois... led the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
"Bleeding Kansas"... involved a pre-Civil War conflict between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces.
Which of the following hurt President Wilson's efforts to win Senate approval? His failure to take a Republican Party leader on the treaty mission to France
Al Smith lost the presidential election because... of his Catholicism, which cost him Protestant votes.
The Populist Party platform included all of the following EXCEPT... a gold- or silver-based economy.
Mercantilism refers to an economic policy that emphasizes... establishing colonies and a favorable balance of trade for the mother country.
The rags-to-riches stores of the Gilded Age were written by... Horatio Alger.
All of the following acts were passed in order to promote Britain's mercantilist policy EXCEPT... the Virginia Resolutions
In the mid-19th century, strong opposition arose to immigrants who came from... Ireland and Germany.
The precedent for using federal troops to break up a major strike was set by... Rutherford B. Hayes.
Which of the following statements best describes the U.S. government's policy in the Spanish Civil War? The U.S. maintained a policy of neutrality.
Which of the following Supreme Court cases was heard by the Marshall Court? McCulloch v. Maryland
The president of the Confederate States of America was... Jefferson Davis.
"Dixiecrats"... was a faction of Southern Democrats who opposed their party.
After the Civil War, the North was characterized by all of the following EXCEPT... social turmoil as millions of Northerners were displaced by the war.
War hawks were... those Congressmen who supported the war against Britain in 1812.
The "Revolution of 1800" refers to... the election of Thomas Jefferson.
A weakness of the Articles of Confederation was... nine of thirteen states were needed to pass legislation.
The president that sent a naval force to fight against the Barbary pirates... Thomas Jefferson.
Which New Deal agency gave legal protection to labor unions, set up the National Labor Relations Board, and gave workers the right to bargain collectively? NRA, Section 7
The Dawes-Severalty Act of 1887 was passed in order to... break up Native AMerican tribes by offering them lands out West.
Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana territory from France was unexpected in that... he was a strict constructionist.
Which of the following groups of political leaders was opposed to U.S. entry into WWI? Jeanette Rankin, Robert LaFollette, and George Norris
A major riot occurred in NYC in July 1983, which was caused by... strong opposition to the military draft.
The Camp David Agreement is associated with the presidency of... Jimmy Carter.
The only Democrat elected president between 1861 and 1912 was... Grover Cleveland.
Which of the following statements best articulates President Andrew Jackson's policy toward Native Americans? Jackson favored a policy whereby Native Americans would migrate west.
The military turning point in the American Revolution occurred as a result of which of the following battles? The Battles of Saratoga
Created by: mirandapelton



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