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Vocab from the play - El delantal blanco

el problema (masc.) the problem
el aceite bronceador tanning oil
la arena sand
el blusón robe
la carpa tent
la tienda tent
el delantal uniform; apron
el inquilino tenant; peasant
la insolación sunstroke
la ola wave
el peinado hairdo
la riña fight
la pelea fight
la tez complexion
el traje de baño bathing suit
el bañador bathing suit
los aros; pendientes; aretes earrings
la pelota de goma rubber ball
los bañistas bathers; swimmers
los obreros/as blue-collar workers
el bolsillo the pocket
darse cuenta de (que) to realize (that)
tener ganas de ir de vacaciones to feel like going on vacation
aburrirse to get bored
aprovechar to take advantage of; to enjoy
arrendar (ie) to rent; to lease
corregir (i) (j)/reñir(e-i) to admonish
abrocharse; desabrocharse el cinturón to fasten/ unfasten the seatbelt
despedir (i) to fire
forcejear; pelearse to struggle
hojear to page through
incorporarse to get up
quemarse to burn; to tan
raptar; secuestrar to kidnap
veranear to take a summer vacation
vigilar to watch over
meter preso/a en la cárcel to put in jail
volverse loco to go crazy
tirar; lanzar to throw
detenerse; pararse to stop
sobrar to have left
retirarse; alejarse to move away
tejer to knit
ahogarse to drown
gratis free
tiempo libre free time
acalorado/a hot; heated
espantoso/a horrible
tostado/a/ tanned
Created by: Profe S
Popular Spanish sets




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