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cryptic puzzling
detrimental damaging
ironic unexpected
saturate to fill
exhaustive detailed
formulate to develop
habitats a territory a territory
vile nasty
condone To forgive or overlook
feign To pretend; give a false show of
gape To stare in wonder or amazement, often with one's mouth wide open
pathetic Pitifully inadequate or unsuccessful
complacent Self-satisfied; feeling too much satisfaction with oneself or one's accomplishments
deplete To use up
empathy The ability to share in someone else's feeling or thoughts
niche An activity or situation especially suited to a person
affiliate to associate; join
benevolent showing kindness; charitable
dissent disagreement
lucrative profitable; well-paying
charisma the quality of a leader which captures great popular devotion; personal magnetism; charm
conversely in an opposite manner; in an altogether different way
quest a search; pursuit
traumatic causing painful emotions, with possible long-lasting psychological effects
devastate To upset deeply; overwhelm
incorporate To unite into a single whole; combine
indispensalde Necessary
succumb To give in; stop resisting
speculate To come up with ideas or theories about a subject; theorize
infamous Having a very bad reputation; widely known for being vicious, criminal, or deserving of contempt
covert Secret; hidden
benefactor A person or organization that gives help, especially financial aid
Degenerate To get worse, deteriorate
Incoherent Unclear, unable to speak in an orderly, logical way
Sanctuary A shelter, a place of safety, protection, or relief
Suffice To be adequate, to be good enough
Blight Something that harms, damages or destroys
Garble To lose, very obvious, often offensively so
Gloat To be overly self-satisfied, to feel or express delight, often spitefully
Plagiarism The stealing of ideas, using someone else’s writings or ideas as one’s own
flippant disrespectful and not serious enough
perception insight or understanding gainedthrough observation;impression
relentless persistent;continuous
prone having a tendency;inclined(to do something)
disdain an attitude or feeling of contempt;scorn
endow to provide with a talent or quality
expulsion the act or condition of being forced to leave
nullify to make legally ineffective;cancel
attest to declare to be true; bear witness; testify
enhance to make better; to improve;
enigma a puzzle
nocturnal of, about, or happening in the night; active at night
concurrent occuring at the same time; simultaneous
decipher to figure out; to interpret or read
hypothetical imaginary; theoretical
predominant main; most common or most noticeable
Allusion A hint about;An direct reference
Appease To calm,especially by giving into the demands of
Euphemism a term that doesn't offend;A mild or vague term used as a substitute for one considered offensive or unpleasant
Taint To damage;to stain the honor of someone or something
Calamity a tragedy;an event bringing great and misery
Conventional usual;customary;ordinary
Persevere to keep going;to continue with an effort or plan despite difficulties
Rehabilitate to return to a normal life;to restore to a normal life through therapy or education
malign speak evil of ; speak ill
adamant not giving in; stubborn
animosity ill will; bitter hostility
eccentric odd
terminate to end
mathodical orderly
exploit to take advantage of
adjacent close; near to
avid enthusiastic, devoted; eager
esteem high regard; respect; favorable opinion
legacy something handed down from people who have come before
nurture to promote development by providing nourishment, support, and protection
ambivalent having conflicting feeling about someone or something
dispel to drive away as if by scattering; cause to vanish
longevity length of life; life span
obscure not easily understood; distant in personal relations
Created by: group 2
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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