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SSAT Vocab 1 of 6

Benny's SSAT Words A-E (1)

abdicate to give up power or position; to fail to fulfill
abduct to kidnap
abhor to hate; to detest
absurd unreasonable; ridiculous
abyss bottomless gulf; something too deep for measurement
accelerate to increase in speed
acclaim enthusiastic applause or approval
acute very sharp; severe
adage wise; old saying
adept highly skilled; an expert
adjourn to suspend [a meeting] for a period of time
adjunct a non-essential supplement; something additional
admonish to reprove; to warn
adorn to decorate
advantageous profitable; helpful
adversary an enemy; an opponent; a foe
adverse unfavorable; bringing harm
affable friendly; easy-going
affectation artificial behavior
aforementioned said or written before
adhere to stick to
aghast feeling great horror or dismay
agility quickness & ease of movement
agitate to stir or shake up
aimless having no purpose
akin related; similar
alleviate to relieve; to ease a pain
allege to declare without proof
allure to entice; to attract
aloof detached; indifferent; distant
altruism unselfishness; generosity
amateur not professional; done for pleasure; unskillful
amend to change; alter slightly
amorous strongly attracted to love; expressing love
amorphous having no determined shape or form
amphibian living in both water and on land
angular characterized by sharp angles
animosity hatred; hostility
annihilate to destroy entirely
antidote substance that counteracts a poison
anxiety an emotional state of fear and uncertainty
aperture an opening; a hole
apt likely; relevant
aqueous like water; related to water; formed by water
ardent passionate
arid extremely dry; very boring
aroma a pleasant odor
arouse to awaken
articulate able to express oneself coherently
artifice skill or ingenuity
ascertain to find out with certainty
aspire to hope; to have ambition
assail to attack violently
assess to judge; to determine amount or value
astound to astonish greatly
astute shrewd; observant; clever
atrocious very wicked; very bad
audacious bold; daring; fearless
authoritative having authority; commanding
banal commonplace & predictable; trite
banish to exile; to drive away
barrage a curtain of artillery; any prolonged attack
barrier an obstruction; anything that hinders or blocks
barter to exchange goods or property
beguile to deceive
behold to look at; to observe
belligerent aggressive
benefactor a donor
beneficial helpful
benevolent generous; charitable; well-meaning
bewildered to confuse hopelessly; to befuddle
biased prejudiced; influenced
bile the bitter, greenish fluid secreted by the liver
bind to tie or fasten
bizarre very odd or unusual
bliss great happiness; spiritual joy
boisterous cheerfully noisy or rough
botanist scientist who studies plants
bounty generosity; a generous gift
brash hasty & reckless; insolent; impudent
bravado pretend courage; feigned confidence
brevity conciseness; briefness
brig a two masted ship; a jail on a ship
brusque abrupt
burnish to polish; to make smooth & shiny
cache a place where food or treasure is hidden
cajole to persuade; to coax
camouflage to disguise; to conceal from the enemy
candid honest; truthful
candor frankness; sincerity
canine relating to dogs; like a dog
cantankerous bad-tempered; quarrelsome; grumpy
capricious fickle; impulsive; unpredictable
cascade a small, steep waterfall
catastrophe any sudden great disaster
celestial of the heavens or the sky
censor to prohibit objectionable material; a person with the authority to prohibit material
chasm a deep crack in the earth's surface; any large break or gap
choleric easily angered
choreographer one who devises dances or ballets
chronic lasting a long time
circulate to pass around; move from place to place
circumscribe to draw a line around; to encircle; to limit narrowly
classify to organize in groups or categories
coalesce to come together; to unite
collision a crash; a colliding
communicative giving or exchanging information or messages
compassion deep sympathy; pity
compelling demanding of attention
competent capable; fit for the task
conceal to hide; to keep secret
concise condensed; brief, to the point
condone to overlook; to forgive; to allow
confidential secret
conform to follow rules; to obey
congenial friendly; agreeable
congregate to gather together
conserve to save; prevent wastage
constrict to make smaller or narrower by squeezing
contemplate to think about intently
contend to compete; to struggle; to argue
contentious quarrelsome; argumentative
contiguous in contact; touching; near; next
convene to meet; to come together
conventional traditional
copious plentiful; large in quantity
corpulence fatness; obesity
counsel a lawyer or group of lawyers; mutual exchange of ideas
countenance to favor; to support; a person's face or expressions
couplet two successive rhyming lines of poetry
courier a messenger
critic one who judges
cue a signal; a hint
curvature a curving; being curved
dawdle to waste time; to loiter
deadlock a standstill resulting from equal and opposed forces; an unbreakable tie
dearth scarcity; insufficiency
debilitate to weaken; to enfeeble
debris bits of rubbish and stone
debunk to discredit
decade a period of ten years
decay to spoil; to go bad; to rot
deceit a lie
declaim to speak in a dramatic way
decree an official order or decision
deficient lacking; incomplete; not enough
dehydrate to remove water from
deject to dishearten; to depress
delude to mislead; to deceive
demote to reduce to a lower rank
deluge a great flood
deplore to express strong disapproval
desolate lifeless; empty
despicable deserving scorn; contemptible
despondent dejected; discouraged
destitute very poor
devastate to lay waste; to destroy; to overwhelm
devotee one strongly devoted to something
devout very religious
dexterous skilled in mind or body
diminish to make smaller
dingy not clean or bright; grimy
diplomatic tactful; related to diplomacy
discerning able to see clearly
disclaim to give up any claim; to repudiate
discord conflict; argument; opposite of harmony
discursive rambling; getting off topic
dismal causing gloom or misery
disputatious found of arguing
disseminate to scatter; to spread
divert to turn aside (from a course)
doff to take off (one's hat)
dogged stubbornly persevering
dogmatic characterized by assertion of unproved principles; opinionated; stubborn
doze to sleep lightly; to nap
dungeon dark underground prison cell
earmark to set aside for special purpose; to identify
ebullient zestfully enthusiastic; boiling or seeming to boil
eccentric unconventional & strange
ecstatic joyful
eddy a wind or river current; a mini whirlpool
effect something brought about by a cause
egress exit
elusive hard to capture or understand
embellish to add details to a statement; to adorn
eminent towering or standing out; prominent
emit to send out
emulate to imitate; to copy; to model oneself after
enact to pass (a bill or law); to represent in a play
encompass to surround; to contain; to include
endorse to show approval
enigma a puzzle; a mystery; a riddle
ensnare to catch as in a trap
entice to tempt
entourage a group of associates or attendants
epoch a period of time in history
era a period of time with a special characteristic
erode to wear away
errant straying; mistaken
erudite learned; scholarly
essential necessary
etiquette acceptable manners in society
evacuate to leave empty
exhilarating exciting; full of high spirits
exotic foreign; strangely beautiful
expanse wide open area
expansive broad and large
expunge to eliminate; to erase
extraction the process of taking out by effort; a persons origin or descent
extricate to free
extroverted Turned outward; interested in others rather than oneself
Created by: bennyf
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