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PSYCH CH 7 & 8


Between what ages do children grow rapidly but less quickly than before? 3 and 6
At what age do children lose their babyish roundness and take on the slender appearance? Age 3
An average child weighs how much at age 3? 30 lbs.
What does general growth curve represent? Overall changes in body size
During early childhood, how many inches are added each year? 2 to 3 inches
How many pounds are added each year? 4 to 6 lbs.
When weight is increasing during early childhood the child looks? Thinner
How does the brain continue its growth development? At a lower pace
What percentage of weight is a child's brain at the age of 3? 90% of adult weight
At what age does a childs brain reach 95% of its peak volume? Age 6
What happens to the corpus callosum in early childhood? It grows and matures and links the left to the right hemisphere.
At what age does the left side hemisphere grow? 3 to 6
At what age does the area that controls logic and planning grow? 6 to 11
When does the hippocampus mature? During early childhood
What does the hippocampus store? Long term memory
What does the left side hemisphere control? Language
How does the right side hemisphere grow? slowly
How does the left side hemisphere grow? dramatically/rapidly
What does the right side control? Logic and planning
At what age can a child NOT turn or stop suddenly? Age 3
At what age can a child jump a distance of 15 to 24 inches? Age 3
At what age can a child walk up the stairs without help? Age 3
At what age can a child hop, useing largely and irregular series of jumps with some variations added? Age 3
At what age do children have more control of stopping, starting, and turning? Age 4
At what age can a child jump at a distance of 24 to 33 inches? Age 4
At what age can a child walk down stairs while alternating feet if supported? Age 4
At what age can a child hop 4 to 6 steps on one foot? Age 4
At what age can a child start, turn, and stop in games? Age 5
At what age can a child make a running jump of 28 to 36 inches? Age 5
At what age can a child go down stairs while alternating feet without help? Age 5
At what age can a child easily hop a distance of 16 ft? Age 5
Children under 6 years old are not quite ready to do what? Play organized sports
In early childhood a child is less ______which gives them better balance? Top heavy
In early childhood a child has better _____ because they are less top heavy? Balance
Steady feet leads to better ______? Arm dependent skills
What is the definition of gross motor skills? Physical skills that involve large muscles.
What is the definition of fine motor skills? Physical skills that involve small muscles and eye-hand coordination.
What percent of 4 year olds can throw a ball well? 20%
What percent of 4 year olds can catch well? 30%
Define handedness Preference for using a particular hand
At what age is preference of using a particular hand established? 3 yrs
Because the left hemisphere is usually dominant, most people favor what side? Right
People whose brain are more functionally symmetrical makes them _____ handed? Left
Does everybody prefer one hand for every task? No
Are boys or girls more likely to be left-handed? Boys
What hemisphere dominates left handed? Either side
What hemisphere dominates right handed? Left side
How many people are right handed? 85%
How many people are left handed? 12%
How many people are mix handed? 3%
What is mix handed? Use both right and left hand for certain things
Define systems of action Increasing combinations of skills that permit wider or more precise movement and control of the environment
The fine motor skill of shoe tying is established at what age? Age 6
At what age is a child able to draw a person? Age 3 or 4
What is artistic development? When a child's scribbles lead to meaningful shapes and pictures
At what age is hand preference established? Age 3
Define ambidextrous To use both hands equally and easily
What are the differences in motor skills? Body build, Ethnicity Gender, Opportunity for physical play, and Social expectations (papoose)
As far as motor skills what do boys have more of than girls? Force and power
As far as motor skills what do girls have more that boys? FIne motor skills, balance, and foot movement
In artistic development children age 2 do what? Scribble in patterns like zig zag lines and vertical lines
In artistic development children age 3 do what? Draw different shapes, crosses, x's and combine them into shapes and designs
In artistic development children age 4 and 5 do what? Draw pictures that look like animals, houses, trees, and people
How many children worldwide lack nutrition? 27%
How many children under 5 worldwide are obese? 22 million
What is oral health? Cavities and tooth decay
What can stress increase in children? Illness
How many illnesses can a child have per year? 4-6 brief
What does SES stand for? Socioeconomic status
If a child's family has a low SES they are at risk for? Illness, injury, or death
What are some of the influences on health? SES, race/ethnicity, homelessness, and environment
What do minorities have more of? Unmet medical rates, more accidents, and more hospitalization
What do homeless children have more of? Greater risk of being hospitalized and more illnesses
How does a childs environment affect their health? Higher risk of asthma if the parent smokes, air pollution, pesticides, and exposure to lead
What are some sleep issues? Avoiding and may need parent to stay w/ them
What are some issues in staying asleep? Night terrors, walking/talking in sleep,nightmares, and bedwetting
Are sleep disturbance outgrown? Yes
What do persistent sleep problems mean? Possible emotional, physiological, or neurological problems
Legally, up to what height does a child have to be in a car seat? 4'9"
What is the major cause of death in children? Accident
Define symbolic function? The ability to use mental representations to which a child has attached meaning
Who founded symbolic function? Piaget
What is mental representations? Words, numbers, or images
Define pretend play? Playing involving imaginary people and situations (fantasy, dramatic, or imaginitive)
Define deferred imitation? Reproduction of an observed behavoir
Where do most accidents occur in children? At home
What gender is more likely to be injured? Male/boys
What percentage of car seats are used incorrectly? 80%
Define language The use of symbols (words) to communicate
What are some examples of accidents in children? Car, fire and drownings
At what age does deferred imitation become more robust? 18 months
When a child makes an object symbolize or represent something else is called? Pretend play
When a child detaches from real life is a form of? Pretend play
If a child holds his/her hand to their ear while pretending to talk on the phone is a form of? Pretend play
When children play school with other kids they are engaging in? Sociodramatic play
Children have a developmental process that is very concrete and is based on real life during Pretend play
Pretend play is when a child practices ? What they have learned
What are some benefits of pretend play? Last longer/play forever Show more involvement Draw larger crowds/more characters Moore cooperation/the pet
What is advanced general intellect? Kids that pretend play get along better
How does pretend play benefit kids socially? They become more socially competent
Define egocentrism Kids cannot consider other point of view/they feel that everyone els thinks, and feels as they do
Define conservation Awareness that two objects that are equal according to certain measure remain equal as nothing has been added to or taken away
Kids that don't understand that you can change something in appearance but doesn't change the quanitity is a form of Conservation
Define centration The tendency of children to focus on one aspect of a situation and neglect others
Define iriversibility A preoperational child's failure to understand that an operation can go in two or more directions
Define animism Tendency to attribute life to objects that are not alive
When a child doesn't understand that they can correct something is an example of Irreversibility
A child runs into the table and the mother hits the table and say "bad table" is an example Animism
Define decenter When one cannot think about more than one thing at one time
When a child thinks that they are the best is a form of Egocentrism
At what age can a child use 900 to 1000 words? Age 3
At what age does a child express a vocabulary of 2600 words? Age 6
When a child can absorb the meaning of the word for example thirsty/drink is a form of Fast meaning
Define fast mapping When a child absorbs the meaning of a new word after hearing it once or twice in conversation
What is subject? Is object word order (verb)
What is inflections? Words that end in "ing", "s", and "ed"
What inflection do children use first? "ing"
What is an example of questions that children start asking? Why you were there?
Are children's questions in order? No
What is overregulization? When a child adds normal ending to irregular words
What are some examples of overregulization words? Mouses, sitted, goed
What is an example of subject used by children? I want juice
What are complex sentences? 2 sentences used together including "but" or "because"
What are two forms of speech styles? Private and social
What is private speech? Talking for no reason
What is an example of social speech? Talking directly to you
Define social speech? Speech intended to be understood by a listener
Define private speech? Talking out loud to oneself with no intent to communicate with others
Define pragmatics The practical knowledge needed to use language for communicative purposes
What is an example of pragmatics? To tell a story or a joke and to begin and continue a conversation
What type of child gets speech therapy to be able to perform pragmatics? Autistic
Face to face interaction is an example of Pragmatics
When a child takes turns to talk and doesn't talk over you or interupt is an example of Pragmatics
When a child responds to others remarks appropraitely means they are practicing Pragmatics
A child that maintains a topic over time is practicing Pragmatics
Are speech delays most common in boys or girls? Boys
Speech delays can be linked to? Cognitive delays
What percentage do boys have in delays? 5-8%
Speech delays may be linked to physical conditions like Tonsils, phrinium (the skin attaching the tongue and the jaw), and hearing problems
Is speech delay a function of bilingualism? No
Define emergent literacy Preschoolers' development of skills, knowledge, and attitudes that underlie reading and writing
Pre-reading skills is Emergent literacy
Emergent skills can be divided into what two types? Oral language skills and phonological skills
What is phonological awareness? Understanding of sound patterns
The knowledge of system of representing sounds with letters is a form of? Phonological skills
What is ordinality? When a child knows that 6 is more than 5
What is cardinality? When a child counts with their fingers and knows that the answer is the last number that they said. 1,2,3,4,5 so it's 5
At what age can a child do simple math? 4 yrs
I have one apple and you have one apple how many is there? is an example of Simple math
What is universal? Basic arithmetic
What is a pre-school program? An academically directed program, child directed, and a blend of both
What do academical pre-schools have? Schedules
What do child initiated pre-schools have? Self-directed by children, they have NO schedules
What do blend pre-schools have? They know what suits the child
What is the difference btw pre-school and child care programs? Pre-school teaches the child and child care just keeps the child occupied
What is a project head start? An early intervention academic program where kids are less likely to need help
What is educational television? At home educational tv
What is the 1 approved educational show? Sesame street
Define self-concept Total package of abilities and traits
When a kid is themself is a form of Self-concept
Define self-definition The way a child describes themselves
When are beliefs and emotions added in children Age 3
During what stage are children unrealistically positive? Self-definition
Define self-esteem The self-evaluative part of self-concept, what you like and dislike about yourself, what makes you you
Judgements about our own worth and feelings associated with judgements is a form of Self-esteem
Initiative vs. Guilt was founded by Erickson
The expression " I am good" or " I am bad" is an example of Self-esteem
The judgement a child has about his/her overall worth is an example of Self-esteem
To make a decision and follow through successfully in a social acceptable way is an example of Initiative vs. Guilt
What is helpless pattern? When a child's self-esteem is high and they do something wrong and it drops
I'm so stupid is an example of Helpless pattern
If a child is NOT exposed to failure they can show signs of? Helpless pattern
When a child has unconditional self-esteem it means that they will Try different things to accomplish something
When a child has helpless self-esteem they will They feel ashamed and give up
What is emotional self-regulation? When a child understands their emotions as well as identify others emotions
Social environment fear is a form of? Emotional self-regulation
Do children understand that crying is sad? No
What is an example of conflicting emotions? When a parent is crying and the child doesn't understand that it means mom is sad
Define gender roles Behaviors, interests, attitudes, skills, and traits that are appropriate for female/males What males do, what females do
What is gender identity? Awareness that one is male or female
Define gender-typing The socialization process where children learn at an early age their appropiate gender roles
Define Phallic stage When a child becomes attached to parent of opposite sex and then later identifies with same sex parent
Who founded the Phallic stage? Freud
Define gender sterotypes Generalizations btw males and females
What is an example of gender stereotypes Boys don't do that they do this/girls don't do that they do this
What is gender constance? Something kids pick up they know that boys are boys and girls are girls
What is an example of gender constance? When a man wears a kilt they are still a man/ When a man wears earrings they are still a man
what are some influences on gender typing? Family, teachers, peers, culture
Give an example of influence of gender typing Mother tells boy "boys don't wear dresses"
Influences of gender typing is part of what theory? Social cognitive theory
When a child wants to dress like her classmate is an example of Peer influences
When a child wants to be a firefighter like his dad it's an example of Family influences
When a mexican girl knows she has to cook and clean instead of watch cartoons like her brother it's a form of Cultural influence
Define discipline Methods of molding children's characters and teaching them to exercise self-control and acceptable behavior
What is reinforcement? To reward a child for good behavior
What is an example of reinforcement? Thank you for putting your toys away, you did a wonderful job
What is punishment? Isolation or denial of privilages
What is an example of punishment? You are grounded and you cannot use your xbox
Is punishment encouraging or dicouraging? Discouraging
Define inductive techniques Disciplinary techniques used to encourage good behavior and discourage bad behavior by reasoning with the child
Setting limits, explaining, discussing, negotiating, and getting ideas of what is fair from child is an example of (reasoning) Inductive technique
Define power assertion To stop or discourage bad behavior by using physical or verbal enforcement
Threats, demands, take away privilages, and spank are forms of (physical and verbal) Power assertion
Define withdrawal of love To discipline by ignoring, isolating, or showing dislike for a child
What is the most effective from inductive, power assertion, or withdrawal of love? Inductive
Which is the least effective inductive, power assertion, or withdrawal of love? Power assertion and withdrawal of love
Define authoritarian parenting Control and obedience
A parent that punishes a child in a forceful manner is known as Authoritarian
Define permissive parenting Emphasize self-expression and self-regulation, let their children do what they want
A parent that explains to their child why he/she is setting these rules, are not controlling, warm, and not demanding are known as Permissive
No nonsense/cause I said so is an example of Authoritarian
Define authoritive A blending of respect for a child's individuality but stresses social restraints
Do it b/c it's the rules but negotiate is an example of Authoritive
White/Hispanics tend to use what style of parenting? Authoritive
Asian/Black tend to use what style of parenting? Authoritarian
Do ethnic, cultural and SES differences exist in parenting styles? Yes
Define onlook behavior Just looking
Define Parrallel play Playing next to each other
Define cooperative play Playing together
Put in order of maturity from less to more mature: parrallel, onlook, cooperative Onlook, parrallel, cooperative
Do all categories of play coexist during preschool years? Yes
Do cultural variations exist in categories of play? Yes
Define altruism Being nice to be nice without expecting a reward
What type of children show altruism? Children that regulate their own emotions well
In what group type is altruism more popular? With peers
Do pro-social kids tend to be pro-social adults? Yes
A child gives half of his play-do to his classmate when he didn't have enough, this is an example of? Altruism
A child is in the Dr's office waiting to be seen, there are other children playing with the toys but he just stands there and looks instead of joining in. This represents? Onlook behavior
There are two children in the toy room, they are both playing with separate toys next to each other but not with each other. This is an example of? Parrallel play
There are children outside in the play yard at the daycare center. They are all playing together, this is an example of? Cooperative play
The function of frustration is related to what skills? Developmental and language
Define instrumental aggression Aggressive behavior used to achieve a goal
Define hostile aggresstion Aggressive behavior for no reason
A little girl wants the doll that her sister is playing with, she hits her sister to take the doll away from her. This is an example of Instrumental aggression
A boy goes up to another little boy and hits him for no reason. This is an example of Hostile aggression
Define overt aggression Aggression directed at a particular person
Define realtional aggression Aimed to damage the person
A girl talks about another girl behind her back to damage her. This is an example of Relational aggression
A boy takes some aggression at one particular boy b/c he doesn't like him. This is an example of Overt aggression
Jacob teases his little sister that he has more juice than she does b/c his is poured into a tall skinny glass and hers is poured into a short fat cup. This is an example of Centration
Jacob does not realize that the juice in each glass can be poured back into the juice box from which it came, contradicting that he has more than his sister. This is an example of Irreversibility
Define transformation in conservation task To focus on states rather than transformations
Jacob does not understand that changing the shape of a liquid does not change the amt. This is an example of Transformation in conservation task
Kara doesn't realize that she needs to turn a book around so that her father can see the picture she is asking him to explain to her. Instead, she holds the book directly in front of her, where only she can see it. This is an example of Egocentrism
Amanda says that spring is trying to come but winter is saying, "I won't go! I won't go!" This is an example of Animism
Courtney is confused by a sponge made to look like a rock. SHe states that it looks like a rock and it really is a rock. This is an example of Animism
Created by: lramire


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