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Stack #56942

Dysarthria Speech disorder resulting from paralysis, weakness, or incoordination of the speech musculature that is of neurologic origin
Encompasses motor distrubance of respiration, phonation, resonance, articulation, prosody
Can be a disorder of pryamidal system, extrapyramidal, cerebellar system
Pyramidal damage prognosis is good (CVA)
Upper Motor Neuron Lesion Corticobulbar tract spatic
Lower Motor Neuron Lesion Medulla or Pons, Cranial nerves flaccid
UMN dysarthria mild or transitory symptoms, damage usually unilateral
UMN Articulation imprecise
UMN Prosody slowed rate
UMN Resonation Harshness, reduced loudness and hypernasality
Spastic Dysarthria voice harsh strangle strained, lower pitch, monotone
Spastic Dysarthria respiration breathiness
Spastic Dysarthria atriculation imprecise consonants and vowel distortion
Spastic Dysarthria resonation hypernasality velum doesn't elevate
Spastic Dysarthria prosody Excess equal stress
Emotional labiality tendency to cry or laugh at the slightes provocation although they do not feel all that sad or happy (spastic dysarthria)
Lower Motor Neuron Dysarthria Flaccid
Flaccid Dysarthria voice monotone
Flaccid Dysarthria respiration nasal emissions, audible inspirations (strider)
Flaccid Dysarthria articulations imprecise consonants especially plosives
Flaccid Dysarthria resonation breathiness or harsh and loud, hypernasality
Flaccid Dysarthria other diminished reflexes, fasciculations, atrophy
Disorders of the extrapyramidal system basal ganglia dysarthria
basal ganglia dysarthria hypokinetic, hyperkinetic
hypokinetic dysarthria voice soft phonation, drops off at the end, can't hardly hear
hypokinetic dysarthria articulation decreased range of movements, thus articulatory impresision "articulatroy undershoot"
hypokinetic dysarthria prosody variable rate--rapid, indistict, normal, inappropriate pauses. Short utterances
hyperkinetic dysarthria articulation involuntary movements break the force, timing or amplitude of speech movements (uneven, jerky artic)
hyperkinetic dysarthria voice intensity and pitch fluctuations. (jerks)
hyperkinetic dysarthria prosody abnormal silent intervals
hyperkinetic dysarthria voice hoarse-strangled voice quality
hyperkinetic dysarthria Atriculation prolonged phonemes
hyperkinetic dysarthria prosody variable
Ataxic Dysarthria articulation inconsistent consonant misarticulations
Ataxic Dysarthria articulation coarse-loudness variations (inconsistent)
Ataxic Dysarthria resonance normal or may fluctuate from nasal to non-nasal
Created by: dbrinker



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