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Focus On L1 (14~19)


VocabularyExample 葡萄酒;水果酒:May I help you to another glass of wine?
199.tie(v)(n) (v)1.繫,捆;打結She ties her hair back when she is jogging. 2.束縛;約束I was tied to my job by a contract(契約). 3.打成平手The home team and the visitors tied. (n)1.領帶Does this tie go with(搭配) my shirt? 2.聯繫;關係We've established trade ties(貿易關係) with these regions(區域).
200.last(v) 持續:The meeting lasted (for) two hours.
201.beside(prep) 1.在旁邊:On seeing me,she came up and sat beside me. 2.和...無關;離題:What you are saying is beside the point.
202.bone(n) 骨:Doris suffered a broken bone in her arm.
203.row(n)(v) n.橫排:She sat in the first row. v.划(船):Can you row me across the lake?
204.blow(v)(n) (v)1.風吹:A cold wind blew over the lake.2.吹氣:I blew the tea to cool it. (n)打擊:It was a great blow when I failed the exam.
205.clear(v) 1.清除;清乾淨:Let's clear the leftovers(剩菜)from the table. 2.洗刷嫌疑:The court cleared the accused(被告)of any crimes and set him free. 3.變清澈:The sky cleared up after the rain. 4.躍過:The horse cleared every fence.
206.pocket(n) 口袋:The policeman made the thief turn out his pockets.
207.rule(V)(n) (v)1.統治;支配:Don't let yourself be ruled by your feelings in this matter. 2.裁定:The judge ruled that he must stop beating his wife. (n)1.規則:"Rules are made to broken,"some say. 2.統治:People suffer(受苦)terribly under the dictator's(獨裁者)rule. 皮膚,皮:Women like to have soft skin.
209.tiny(adj) 極小的;微小的:Ants are tiny insects.
210.past(adj)(n)(prep)(adv) (adj)過去了的:Winter is past. (n)過去;昔日:I know nothing of his past. (prep)經過:Tom just walked past my house. (adv)經過:I saw him hurry past.
211.grass(n) 草:Cattle eat grass.
212.salt(n) 鹽:She put salt into her coffee by mistake.
213.sound(adj) 1.健全的:She's not mad;she's of sound mind. 2.(睡眠等)酣睡的:Did you have a sound sleep last night?
214.iron(n)(v) (n)1.鐵;(食物中含的)鐵質:The ladder(梯子)is made of iron. 2.燙斗:I brought myself a steam (蒸氣)iron,for I couldn't keep borrowing Tim's. (v)燙衣服:Would you like me to iron your trousers for you?
215.seed(n) 種子:Grass seed should be sown in spring. 1.禮品:She got lots of Christmas gifts. 2.天賦,才能:He has a gift for art. 歡樂,高興:Success brought me joy.
218.root(n)(v) (n)1.根:Some plants have very deep roots. 2.根源:The love of money is the root of all evil. (v)1.生根;根源於:The crime is rooted in his greed for money. 2.根除:Do you think it is possible to root out crime?
219.ring(n)(v) (n)1.圈;環;環形物:The children sat in a ring round the teacher. 2.鈴聲:After at least eight rings,Stacy answered the phone. (v)1.發出響聲:The room rang with the laughter of happy children. 2.按鈴:He rang the bell,but no one came to the door. 3.打電話:I rang (up) Peter.
220.sentence(n,v) 判刑:1.He has served a ten-year sentence. 2.He was sentenced to ten years in prison.
221.coat(n) 1.外套:Put your coat on,Johnny.It's cold outside. 2.(動物)皮毛;(植物)表皮:The dog has a long,shaggy coat. 3.(油漆等)塗層:I gave the wall a second coat of white paint.
222.Asia(n) 亞洲:Asia is a largest continent on earth. 成年人:Children and adults have equal rights.
224.grand(adj) 雄偉的;堂皇的;盛大的:He lives in a grand house.
225.mail(n)(v) (n)郵件:Is there any mail for me this morning? (v)郵寄:She mailed me a book last week,but it hasn't arrived.
226.tale(n) 故事:Grandpa loves telling us the tales of his childhood. 相機;攝影機:Digital cameras are getting more popular. 貯存:We must store water against the dry season.
229.among(prep) 在...之中:My roommate is among my best friends.//Don't fight among yourselves.
230.during(prep) 在...的期間:The sun gives us light during the day.
231.selfish(adj) 自私的:I'm sick of your selfish behavior.
232.walk(n) 行業;職業;階層:We deal with people from every walk of life.
233.dear(adj) 1.親愛的;珍貴的:He lost everything that was dear to him in the fire. 2.昂貴的:The clothes are good but very dear. 結婚典禮:Their wedding will take place in October.
235.draw(v)(n) (v)1.用線條描繪:Can you draw a map of the town for us? 2.抽出(籤等):We drew lots for the lucky winner of the prize. 3.提款:He just drew $500 from his account. 4.吸引:The play is drawing big crowds. (n)1.和局;平手:The game ended in a draw.
236.shine(v) 1.發光;照耀:The sun is shining warmly. 2.擦亮:Have you shined your shoes? 1.使自由:The terrorists(恐怖分子)agreed to free several hostages(人質).2.免除;使解脫:The drug freed her from/of pain for a few hours.
238.rub(v) 摩擦;搓揉;擦拭:He rubbed himself with a towel after the cold shower.
239.supper(n) 晚餐:What will we have for supper today?
240.waste(n)(v) (n)1.浪費:Gossiping(聊八卦)is a waste of time.2.廢棄物:A lot of poisonous(有毒的)waste from the factory polluted the river.3.荒地;荒野:Few animals can exist(生存)in the frozen wastes of the Arctic(北極).(v)浪費:Don't waste your energy on trifles(瑣事). 1.使就座:He seated herself next to me.//He is seated at his desk.2.容納:The auditorium seats 3,000 people.
242.break(n) (工作間的)休息:There is a ten-minute break between the classes.
243.chart(n) 1.圖表;曲線圖:The chart shows the company's rapid(快速的)growth in recent years.2.航海圖;航空圖
244.wind(v)(wind,wound,wound) 1.轉動(把手);上緊發條:You'll have to wind this toy car to make it run.2.纏繞:Wind the string(係繩)around your finger,or the balloon will fly away.3.蜿蜒而行:The river winds to the sea.
245.sail(v) 航行:Our ship sails tomorrow for Hong Kong.
246.tail(n) 尾巴;尾部:Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.
247.false(adj) 1.不正確的:What he said is false.2.不忠實的;虛偽的Don't be fooled by her false tears.3.假的:Many adults have false teeth.
248.ease(v)(n) (v)1.減輕;緩和:The aspirin(阿斯匹靈)eased my headache.2.使安心:I eased her mind by telling her that the children were safe.(n)1.容易:She passed the driving test with ease.2.自在;悠閒:The retired couple live a life of ease.
249.stair(n) 階梯:Be careful when you climb down the steep(陡的)stairs.
250.matter(v) 有關係;要緊It doesn't matter whether the baby is a boy or a girl.
251.leaf(n) (書籍的)一頁:I wonder why a leaf of his notebook is missing.
252.sugar(n) 糖:Do you take sugar in coffee? 1.扇子;風扇:She cooled herself with a fan.2.迷;狂樂者:He is a football fan.
254.silver(n) 銀(器):He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
255.print(n)(v) (n)1.印刷字體:This book has clear print..印痕:His feet left prints in the snow.3.印刷:He finally saw his poems in prints.(v)印刷;刊登:All today's newspapers have printed the president's speech in full.
256.bite(v)(n) 1.咬叮螫My sister's dog bit me yesterday. 2.This apple is good. Do you want a bite?
257.bowl(n) 碗,一碗的量Would you like another bowl of soup?
258.lamp(n) 燈In the streets,lamps are fixed to lampposts(燈柱).
259.just(adj) 公平的 I don't think the court's(法庭的)decision is just.
260.well(n) 井An old woman is drawing water from the well. 1.(鈕扣,拉鍊的)遮布 Your fly is open.你(褲子)的拉鍊沒拉上。 2.蒼蠅Window-screens(紗窗)can keep out the flies.
262.sour(adj) 酸的This orange tastes sour.
263.ship(v) 用船運,載運The grain(穀物) was shipped to Africa last week.
264.fog(n) 1.霧We often have fogs during winter. 2.困惑The boy's in a fog about his science lesson.
265.correct(v) 改正,糾正Would you help me correct my pronunciation(發音)?
266.fine(n)(v) 罰款1.The drive paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding(超速). 2.He was fined $200 for speeding. 現場轉播的The game wasn't a recorded show(錄影節目); it was live.
268.even(adj) 1.平坦的This mountain road wasn't even. 2.扯平的,相等的Our scores are now even. 3.偶數的2 and 4 are even numbers.
269.still(adj,adv) 靜止的,不動的Keep still while I comb(梳理) your hair.
270.yucky(adj) yummy(adj) 討人厭的,噁心的The food in that cafeteria(自助餐廳) is yucky. 好吃的,美味的This apple pie is really yummy.
271.cap(n) 1.便帽,制服帽You look cool in that baseball cap. 2.罩,套,蓋子Don't forget to put the cap back on the toothpaste(牙膏).
272.brave(adj) 勇敢的,英勇的The soldier was as brave as a lion.
273.pond(n) 池塘Some cattle(牛) were drinking at the pond.
274.want(n) 1.缺乏,不足The plant died from want of water. 2.匱乏,貧困How terrible it is to live in want!
275.scare(v) 驚嚇,使恐懼Thunder scares him./He is scared of thunder(雷聲).
276.basic(adj) basically(adv) 基本的,本質上的,主要的基本上,本質上Water is a basic necessity(必需品) of life.
277.fork(n) 1.餐叉 The Chinese use chopsticks(筷子) instead of knives and forks. 2.(路,河,樹木等的)岔口The villager(村民)told me to take the left fork of the road.
278.train(v) training(n) 訓練The students are trained to make use of reference books(工具書). 訓練,培養Christie is training to become a nurse. (n)市場Various seasonal flowers are on the market(有現貨供應). (v)(在市場上)銷售Our firm(公司) markets all kinds of furniture(家具).
280.bat(n)(v) (n)1.(棒球,板球的)球棒 2.蝙蝠 Bats fly around at night. (v)用球棒擊球 John was the first to bat,and he batted the ball high into the air.
281.hit(n) 風行一時的事物 Her new song is the hit of the season.
282.ghost(n) 鬼,幽靈 A ghost haunted this old castle.這座古堡鬧鬼。
283.ape(n) 猿猴 Chimpanzees(黑猩猩)and gorillas(大猩猩)are apes.
284.rubber(n) 橡膠 Car tires(輪胎)are made of rubber.
285.balloon(n) 氣球 We hung balloons around the room for the party.
286.kick(n) 刺激、快感 Drag racing(飆車)gives her a kick. 遊戲玩耍、尋歡作樂 The children are sporting on the lawn(草坪).
288.long(v) 渴望 He longs for fame./She's homesick and longed to return home. 1.突然低下(頭、身子)I ducked my head to avoid being hit. 2.躲避;迴避 He ducked the reporters by sneaking out(溜走)the back door.
290.lamb(n) 小羊;羔羊肉 Which do you prefer,lamb chops or pork chops(排骨)?
291.ant(n) 螞蟻 An ant is an insect(昆蟲).
292.can(n)(v) (n)(食物)罐頭;金屬容器 (v)把...裝成罐頭 Food in can is called canned food.裝在金屬罐裡的食物叫做罐頭食品
293.mile(n) 英哩 Dane's father lives about a mile from here.
294.rat(n) 鼠 Rats carry very nasty(危險的)diseases.
295.barber(n) 理髮師 I'm going to the barber's (shop) to have a shave(刮鬍子). (n)He caught the thief after along chase. (v)追逐;追趕 Mt cats likes to chase the mice as if it were playing with them.
297.deer(n) 鹿 You might able to spot some deer in the woods(樹林).
298.pie(n) 派(酥殼有餡的餅) Dose anyone want some more pies?
299.saw(n)(v) (n)鋸子 (v)用鋸子鋸 You can saw the wood into pieces with a saw. 1.[C]遊戲;運動 Soccer is a game which interests me a lot. 2.[U](獸、鳥、魚等)獵物 A good hunter always has game on the table.
301.simple(adj) 1.簡單的 These test questions are quite simple. 2.單純的;樸實的;天真的 She's so simple that she'll believe anything you tell her.
302.yet(adv,conj) 可是;卻;然而 I don't know him, (and) yet I can get his help.
303.bug(n) 蟲子 There are a lot of bugs flying about in summer.
304.shall(aux) 1.將(用於第一人稱,表示將來)I shall be thirty next year. 2.(用在問句中徵求對方意見或提供意見,主要用於第一、第三人稱) Shall I turn on the lights?(你)要我將燈打開嗎? Shall we take our swim-suits?我們帶著游泳衣好不好? 3.必須;應;可(用於陳述句的第二、第三人稱,表示說話者的意圖,允諾、警告、命令、決心) You shall have my support.
305.cage(n)(v) (n)鳥獸;鳥籠 The parrot has escaped from its cage.鸚鵡從籠子裡逃走了。 (v)把...關入籠中 After the lion was caught, it was caged.
306.reason(n)(v) (n)1.理由 We have reason to believe that he is lying. 2.理性;理智;道理 Why won't you listen to reason? (v)1.思考;推理 Humans have the ability to reason.
307.purple(n,adj) 紫色;紫紅色 The evening sky was full of purples and reds.
308.worm(n) 蟲;蠕蟲 Some of these apples have worms in them.
309.soap(n) 肥皂 Always wash your hands with soap and water before you eat.
310.tyre,tire(n) 輪胎 Be careful! One of your tires is flat(沒氣了).
311.second(n) 秒;瞬間;片刻 She'll be back in a second.,cab(n) 計程車 The doorman(門衛) called a cab for her.
313.mud(n) 泥巴 Look at you! Your shoes are covered with mud.
314.buck(n) [美][俚]一美元;一筆錢 I work overtime(加班) to make an extra buck.
315.robot(n) 機器人;自動機械 Most cars today are built by robots.
316.nation(n) 國家 The president is speaking to the whole nation on TV.
317.pants,trousers(n) 褲子;長褲 Those pants look good on you.
318.jam(n) 1.果醬 I love apple jam. 2.擁擠;堵塞 I was stuck(困住) in a traffic jam on our way to the airport.
319.upstairs(adv) 在樓上;往樓上 The bathroom is upstairs.
320.downstairs(adv) 在樓下;往樓下 Paul fell downstairs and broke his leg. 1.銷售 Our sales are down thus month.我們這個月的銷量下滑。 2.特惠活動;廉價拍賣 The shoe store us having a sale this week.
322.silly(adj) 愚蠢的;糊塗的 It is silly of you to be scared of a little bug.
323.spoon(n) 湯匙;一匙的量 I added a spoon of sugar to my coffee.
Created by: sssh105
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