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Western Civ Religion


FETISH a spirit connected object with power, force
HIGH GODS a vague tradition, little known about it
SPIRITS an invisible host of spiritual beings that determine/affect life
TOTEM an object or plant, bird, animal to which a clan has a sacred relationship
RELIGION from the Latin 'religare' to tie, fasten together
ASHKENAZIC European Jews
CONDUCT keeping the Law, more prominent then detailed doctrine
GEMARA commentary on Mishnah
HANUKKAH victory of Maccabbees. oil in lamps. joyous holiday
HASIDIC, HASIDISM mystical Judaism
ISRAEL wrestler with God. the nation, 1948
KNESSET Hebrew gathering; Israel congress
MISHNAH interpretation of the law
ORTHODOX strict adherence to the law
RAABBI teacher
REFORMED liberal branch of Judaism
ROSH HASHANAH new year, blow Shofar
SEPHARDIC non-European Jews
TALMUD commentary on the Torah
TORAH Law, teachings of Moses
ABROGATION later revelation cancels earlier
ALI son/son-in-law of Muhammad. Shiite line of authority
AHMADIYYA a sect, Jesus survived the cross
BEDOUIN nomads
HADITH early writings
HALAL kosher
HEJIRA migration to Medina
IMAN teacher, leader
ISMALI shiite sect, the Aga Khan
ITHNASHARI shiite 12ers. death of Husayn
JERUSALEM 3rd most important city
KAABA black stone in Mecca
KHADIJAH Muhammad's wife
MUEZZIN calls to pray
MULLAH teacher
SHIITES authority through line of M
SUFI mystical Muslims
SUNNI beaten path
SURAS long to short. chaps in Quran
BUDDHA enlightened one
CLASSICAL Buddhism rejects idols, prayer, "God", personal existence, life after death
DALAI LAMA leader of Tibetan Buddhism
DESIRE causes suffering
DHAMMAPADA teachings of Buddha
4 NOBLE TRUTHS 1. Life means suffering. 2. The origin of suffering is attachment. 3. The cessation of suffering is attainable. 4. The path to the cessation of suffering.
GAUTAMA SIDDHARTA founded buddhism
HINAYANA "small vehicle" rigorous buddhism, less popular
MAHAYANA "great vehicle" popularized buddhism
MIDDLE WAY neither indulgence or ascetism but lots of desire
MONKS poverty, celibacy, innofensiveness
NIRVANA sanskrit: blowing out; absorption into all
SOKKA GAKKAI nationalistic Japanese Nicheren sect
ZEN Japanese Buddhist sect; flash of insight
FOLK the way local peole practice their religion
CHRISTIAN ACTS 11:26 26:28 1 PETER 4:16
IS CHRISTIANITY UNIQUE? JOHN 14:16 ACTS 4:12 19:23-26 LUKE 24:27 ROMANS 10 GAL 1:6-9
HINDUISM religion of India
AHIMSA non-violence, strict vegetarian
ARYA SAMAJ anti-Christian; reject idols
ATMAN self soul enlightenment
BHAGAVA GITA the Lord's song; INTRO TO EPIC MAHABHARAT . Krishna instrtucts Arjan
BRAHMA creator, god
BRAHMAN all prevading god
BRAHMIN high caste
DALITS untouchables
DUSSEHRA 10th night climax; Ram defeats Ravana and rescues Sita
GANESH good luck god son of Shiva, elephant head
HARIJAN outcastes. children of god. untouchables
INDRA ancient goddess
KALI goddess of incarnation of Vishnu, deadly
MAYA world illusion
RAM incarnation of Veshnu; hero of epic
Created by: kob



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