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govt 2305 test 2

govt 2305

we have what kind of legislator? Bicameral
2 houses in the result of the ______ __________ the great compromise
senate represents the states
house represents the people
how many voting members in the house? 435
the department of commerce conducts whjat? the census
the state legislators draw up the ___________ ___________ Legislative district
1962 baker v. carr unequally districts were unconstitutional maltutional (bad district) violated the 14th amendment
Westberry v. sanders 1964 one person, one vote
what are the requirements to be a member of the house of reps atleast 25 us citizen for 7yrs resident of the state where you are elected
what disqualifies you from running for the house 14th amendment tells us if after taking the oath of office; the engagement in rebellion against the U.S. 2/3 vote only 5 ever kicked out
members of the house serve __ yrs and elected how many times? 2yrs and no limit to be elected
the speaker of the house presides over who? the house
the house of reps picks who? the speaker
4 reasons the speaker is powerful 1. assigns people to committees 2. assigns bills to committees 3. they get to interpret house rules 4. call on people to speak
what two people are below the speaker? majority party leader and the minority party leader
what is the job of the majority and minority party leaders? to make sure the party does what it is supposed to
party whips aid to the party leaders
who elects the senators? the people
what are the 3 requirements to be a senator? - 30yrs old - resident of the state elected in - 9yrs u.s. citizen (senate serves 6 years staggered terms)
what is the job of the Vice president? resides over the senate
what is the job of the president pro temp in the senate? resides over the senate if the VP isnt there
What 3 things can the house do that the senate cannot do? 1. house will pick the presidents if electoral college cant 2. impeach elected officials 3. all spending bills start in the house (in the house all bills are timed)
What 5 things can the senate do that the house cannot do? pick vice president if electoral college cant try and impeach officials ratify treaties confirm presidential appointment filibuster (in the senate they have to vote to break debate)
what is a filibuster? hold the floor and keep talking to hold the floor to keep the senate from voting to end debate.
what is a cloture vote ? to end a filibuster, requires 60 senators
what is a standing committee? most powerful in congress, permanent subject matter committees.
what is a select committee? temporary subject matter committee in congress
what is a joint committee? composed of members in both the house and the senate. lets them talk in congress
what is a conference committee? they work out the differences in a bill between the house and senate
The franking privilege mail for free (perk of being in congress)
gerrymandering dividing states in districts for voting
Marbury V. Madison appointment of federal judges. whether marbury should be a federal judge or not. judicial review
McCulloch V. Maryland whether or not federal govt could make banks
Givens V. Ogden interstate commerce
Scott V. Sandford dred scott decision; slaves are property no matter where they are
Bradwell V. Illinois They refuse to give Bradwell the lawyer test bc she is a women
Minor V. Happersett minor goes to vote they turn her away
Nix V. Hedden Is a tomato a fruit or a veggie. supreme court says that in purpose of commerce tomato is a veggie so they can tax it
Plessy V. Ferguson Separation but equal, but not equal
Buck V. Bell sterilizing of the mentally impaired
korematsu V. U.S. internment camps in the U.S.
Brown V. the Board of Education end segregation in schools
Getting V. Wainwright right to attorney if you cant afford one
Miranda V. Arizona Miranda Warning
U.S. V. Nixon Watergate scandal; executive privilege
Bush V. Gore Recount in the state of Florida
Minersville V. Gobitis Flag saluting. students religious rights in public schools protected by the 1st amendment
Griffin V. Prince Edward county Virginia ordered schools to be reopened and vouchers to attend private school constitutionally impermissible
What are the four primary sources of law in the U.S. Constitutional Statutory Administrative Case
What is constitutional law? Law under the constitution
What is statutory law? Law created by the legislative branch
What is Administrative law? Law created by the governmental agencies
What is Case Law? Law created by the courts
what are the 2 types of laws? Criminal and civil
What is criminal laws? Between society and the individual; violated norms of society and society wants punishment
What is civil laws? between two individuals
what is a plaintiff? the person doing the suing in a court case
What is a defendant? The person getting sued in the court case
In order to bring a case to court it must be a what? Judicial dispute
we have a what kind of judicial system in the U.S.? Dual Judicial system (state and federal courts)
what is Juristrisction? the authority to hear the case
why is the judicial branch called the 3rd branch of govt? bc its found in article 3 of the constitution
Judicial branch... -Members are there for life and cant take pay cut -powerful bc they interpret the constitution
What is Judicial review? The judicial branch can amend the constitution to make it say what they want it to, to win a case
courts of original jurisdiction where the court is heard the first time. trial case
courts of appellate jurisdiction determine whether or not it was a fair trial
What are the three levels of the federal court system? U.S. district courts U.S. courts of appeals Supreme court
U.S. district courts Courts of original Jurisdiction, every state gets one
U.S. courts of appeals 13 of them. review to make sure fair trial
supreme court only mentioned one mentioned in the constitution
How many requirements to be a federal judge? NONE
How many people of the supreme court according to the constitution NO SET NUMBER
Why the supreme court is unique? -Picks the cases it wants to hear - Has both original and appellate jurisdiction - each side gets 1/2 an hour to state case
Opinion of the court the way the court rules
concurring opinion agree they own it but for these reasons
dissenting opinion written by a judge that disagrees
Judicial Activism they should engage of checking powers of executive and legislative branch
Judicial Restraint They should only get involved when unconstitutional
Strict Constructionist have strict interpretation of the constitution
Modernalist believes the constitution is changeable
Created by: watupwill17



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