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ART 1301 Test 3

art appreciation test

Lithic stone
paleolithic old stone age roughly 40,000 BCE to 8,000 BCE
mesolithic middle stone age roughly 8,000 BCE to 7,000 BCE
Neolithic new stone age in some areas 8,000 BCE to 2,300 BCE
ziggurat a roughly pyramidal structure, built in ancient mesopontamia, consisting of stages
papyrus symbol of marshy lower Egypt; a native egyptian river plant
lotus & hawk symbols of upper Egypt
hieroglyphics ancient egyptian wrting
Rosetta Stone key to deciphering egyptian hierglyphics (found by Napolean's men)
basilica roman word; large public ancient roman building for government rectangle shape to house a lot of ppl
capital in architecture, the area at the top of the shaft of a column that provides a solid base for the horizontal elements above. capitals provide decorative transitions between the cylinder of the column and the rectilinear architrave above
cella the small inner room of a greek temple, used to house the statue of the god or goddess to whom the temple is dedicated. located behind solid masonry walls, the cella was accessible to the temple priests
chiton was a form of clothing worn by men and women in Ancient Greece, from the Archaic period (c. 750–c. 500 BC) to the Hellenistic period (323–30 BC)2 differ kinds doric and ionic.
frieze A frieze is a horizontal band that runs above doorways and windows or below the cornice. The frieze may be decorated with designs or carvings.
Hera was the wife and one of three sisters of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon of classical Greek Mythology. Her chief function was as the goddess of women and marriage.
Kore a clothed female figure of the Greek Archaic style, often adorned with intricate carved detail. A counterpart to the male kouros figure
Kouros the male figure as represented inm the sculpture of the geometric and Archaic styles
krater was a large vase used to mix wine and water in Ancient Greece.
pediment in architecture, any triangular shape surrounded by cornices, especially one that surmounts the entablature of the portico facade of greek temple. the romans requently placed pediments w/out support over windows and doorways
portico the entrance facade of a greek temple, adapted for use with other buildings and consisting of a colonnade, entablature, and pediment
Central plan church plan; shaped like an octagon has a central dome walk trhough atrium through narthex has an apse at back end
pendentives in order to get a huge dome in a large space with a square base; triangular piece of masonry
orans figures with hands raised between the lunettes
lunettes semicircular with story inside
mosaics a medium in which teh ground is whet plaster on an architectural element, such as a wall, into which small pieces of colored tile, stone, or glass are assembled to create an image
longitudinal plan a church design in which the nave is longer than the transept and in which parts are symmetrical against an axis
clerestory in a latin cross plan, the area above the triforium in the elevation of the nave, which contains windows to provide direct lighting for the nave
jambs in architecture, the side post of a doorway, window frame, fireplace, etc
sfumato smokey hazy
chiarscuro light and dark create 3d on a 2d canvas
baroque opulent (louis XIV) and dramatic
tenebrism one light source shining on one focal point
ambulatory in a church, a continuation of the side aisles of a latin cross plan into a passageway that extends behind the choir and apse and allows traffic to flow to the chapels, which are often placed in this area
doric chiton The "Doric" style was simpler and had no "sleeves", being simply pinned, sewn, or buttoned at the shoulder
ionic chiton The "Ionic" style was made of a much wider piece of fabric, and was pinned, sewn, or buttoned all the way from the neck to the wrists and the excess fabric gathered by the zone or girdled at the waist
Pre-Historic art HALL OF BULLS charcoal and ocur- came from floor horns are twisted perspective
pre-historic art STONEHENGE post lintel construction, bluestone and sarsone, henge= circle cromlic- upright stones forming a circle
art of the ancient near east STATUES OF ABU SIMBEL gypsom and black limestone, standing figures rep. ppl who couldn't be there all of the time, eyes re wide becuse constant visual and devotion to gods.
art of the ancient near east STELE inscibed w/ the law code of hammurabi babylonian, akkadian uniform 2 ppl in relief, ruler on left and god on right, basalt=medium
egyptian art STATUE OF KAHFRE medium=diorite, buried in the middle pyramid, style=stiff rigid formal,
egyptian art GREAT PYRAMIDS OF GIZEH blocks of stone covered with limestone veneer
egyptian art PILLAR STATUE OF AKENATON relaxed style medium sandstone
egyptian art BUST OF QUEEN NEFERTITI medium limestone pained, neck too long comparison to a lotus blossom so idealyzed style
the cyclades CYCLADIC IDOL marble, found on grave tops in cemetaries, thin, style= linear geometric minimalist
mycenae FUNERARY MASK gold, repousse naturalistic and stylized details like ears and eyes
ancient greece THE PARTHENON doric order, metapiece, stylobate, capitals on columns fluted and made of drums, athens greece, dedicated to athena parthenos, marble, post and lintel
ancient greece HERMES AND DIONYSUS messenger god and god of wine, late classical period, more humanistic/naturalistic, contrapasto stance
ancient greece Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo) idealied perfect female form/face. partially draped b/c indecent of that time, marble
etruscan art SARCOPHAGUS FROM CERVETERI medium terra cotta, dining on couch ashes in tomb
roman art TEMPLE OF FORTUNA VIRILIS built in italy, a podium can only get in the front, ionic order free hand relief, columns flutd, medium: concret and travertine, engaged columns against walls
roman art AQUEDUCT AT NIMES carries water at top level at gradual decline arches at bottom and middle and top (100 gallons per day) 14 century medium: stone/concrete
roman art panthenon tallest enclosed structure as tall as wide (144 ft) of time to all of the gods, freestanding columns, concrete drum and marble interior: niches gods statues, arble wall, cauffered roof out of pumice and tufa, oculusck in roof
Created by: santaulariaj



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