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GRE Prep V1

GRE Vocab

mercenary person concerned w/ making money
miserly stingy
renitent unyielding
elegiac having mournful quality
lugubrious sounding sad
plaintive sounding sad
threnody a lament
auspice prophetic token
fey fated to die
presage be a sign or warning
periphrastic indirect and circumlocutory
prolix too many words
turgid tediously pompous
askance attitude of suspicion
carom strike and rebound
sidle walk sideways
portentous done in a pompous way
propitiate regain favor
indolent avoid activity; lazy
inert lacking ability or strength to move
phlegmatic unemotional and calm
quiescent period of inactivity
assay determine content or quality
ingenuous innocent
novitiate novice
baleful menacing
baneful harmful
inimical tending to harm
perfidious deceitful
pernicious harmful effect
implacable inflexible; incapable of being pleased
pernicious very harmful
canny smart; founded on common sense
abjure to reject, abandon formally
bromide a dull, commonplace person or idea
anodyne something that calms or soothes pain
decamp to leave suddenly
apothgm a short instructive saying
acidulous sour in taste or manner
declivity downward slope
cavil to raise trivial objections
comeliness physical grace and beauty
mawkish sickeningly sentimental
dotard senile old person
chide to scold
abominate to hate
eschew to abstain from, avoid
dictum formal pronouncement from authority
epigram remark expressing idea cleverly
sententious given to moralizing
enervate cause someone to feel drained of energy
vitiate spoil the quality of
diffident modest because of lack of self-confidence
recreant coward
antecede predate
antedate precede in time
inexorable impossible to stop
obstinate stubborn
engender generate
nascent just coming into existence
acidulous sharp tasting or sour; bitter remark
asperity harshness of tone
factitious artificially created
temperate showing self-restraint
chagrin feel humiliated
diffidence modesty from lack of confidence
expiate speak or write at length
gaucherie embarrassing
rue regret
apocryphal doubtful authenticity
canard unfounded rumor
ersatz not real/genuine
perfidy deceitfulness
prevaricate evade
interregnum period of suspension
interstice an intervening space
rent tear in a fabric
respice examine a point in time
fell cruel/fierce
malevolent having wish to do harm to others
sardonic grimly cynical
fulsome excessively flattering
unctuous excessively flattering
cavil making unnecessary objections
belabor argue in excessive detail
enjoin urge to do something
bacchanalian drunken revelery
dissipated over indulging in sensual pleasures
iniquity immoral behavior
libidinous lustful
reprobate express disapproval of; predestined to damnation
turpitude depravity
insipid lacking flavor
trite overused/of little importance; lacking originality
pettish childishly bad tempered
pique stimulate; feel irritated
waspish expressing anger
mainstay thing that something else depends on
sustenance nourishment
impetuous done quickly without thinking
inscrutable impossible to understand
turbid cloudy, opaque
dither indecisive behavior
vacillate alternate / waver
probity honesty and decency
expatiate speak or write at length
peregrination traveling around
sojourn temporary stay
abeyance temporary suspension/disuse
abnegation self-denial
abrogate repeal (law, right, etc.)
demur raise doubts
recidivism act of repeating undesirable behavior
dilettante amateur interest
proselyte person who is converted from one opinion/party to another
mercenary person concerned w/ making money
miserly stingy
penurious extremely poor
venal corruptible
clement mild, merciful
unstinting unsparing
flippant not showing serious or respectful attitude
gibe a taunt
raillery good humored teasing
riposte quick clever response to an insult/criticism
simper smirk
conjugal relating to marriage
consungaine related by blood
distaff female side of a family
progenitor ancestor
scion descendant of a notable family
dogmatic inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true
peremptory not open to appeal; final
elegy poem of serious reflection
knell sound of bell rung at funeral
obsequies funeral rites
sepulchral gloomy and dismal
wraith ghost/ghostlike image
excoriate criticize severely
inveigh speak/write about with great hostility
objurgate scold
obloquy public criticism
rebuke sharp disapproval
reprove sharp disapproval
vituperate blame in strong language
hector talk in a bullying way
defer submit humbly to
propitiate win/regain favor
slake satisfy
esurient hungry/greedy
impecunious having little/no money
encomium praising speed or piece of writing
venerate revere
invective insulting/highly critical language
impudent not showing due respect
insouciant indifferent
jejune naive and superficial
flippancy frivolousness
unpropitious unfavorable
discomfit defeat/put down
lugubrious sounding sad
mawkish sickly sentimentality
calumnious slanderous
ignominious deserving of public disgrace
vicissitude change of fortune
sagacious shrewd
assiduous unremitting
alacrity brisk and cheerful readiness
ebullient quality of being cheerful
eclat brilliant display
corpulence obesity
penurious extremely poor
peremptory not open to appeal
perspicacious understanding of things
phlegmatic having unemotional disposition
puckish playful in mischievous way
mullish stubborn
laconic terse; concise
inveterate unlikely to change
inviolable never to be broken
capricious sudden change of mood
paltering trifle with
contravene violate the order of
encomiast person who publicly flatters someone else
salient fortification that juts out
sedition speech inciting people to rebel
gall make someone feel annoyed
harrow cause distress to
vitiate spoil the quality of
repine feel discontent
reprobate feel disapproval
stodgy dull/uninspired
contrite affected by guilt
perfidious decietful
plangent loud
stolid calm dependable person
sapient wise
evanescent quickly fading
staid unadventurous
volitional with deliberate intention
improvident thoughtless
indefeasible not able to be lost
Created by: imohedas
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