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Math Pre-Alegbra

absolute value a numbers distance from zero
acute angle any angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees
acute triangle a triangle in which all sides are less than 90 degress
additive inverse opposite of a number
algorithm specific set of rules for solving a problem
analyze to seperate a thing into parts
angle two rays that meet at a common endpoint
approimate to estimate avalve which isn't exact but close enough to be of use
associative property sum or product of a set of numbers is the same no matter he way they are grouped
arithmetic sequence a sequence of numbers where a number is added or subtracted each time
bargraph a way of displaying data using horizontial or vertical
base the side or face od a 3-D stands quantity which is raised to power
box and whisker plot a box indicating the midlle 50% of the ranked statistics and the max/min of data quartiles/median
circle all points equidistant from a fixed point (center)
cicle graph a display of data using a circle divided into slices
cicumference distance around a circle
communitive property rule which stats that you may add or multiply in any order
compare to give similarities and difference
composite numbers a number with more than two factors
concave polygon a polygon that has a interior angler greater than 180 degrees
cone solid consisting of a circular base and one
congruent figures with the same size and shape
contrast to give diffrence
convex polygon a polygon that has no interior angle greater than 180 degrees
coordinate plane a two dimensional figure containing horizontal and vetical axes
coorinates ordered pair of numbers that desribe a point on a coordinate graph
cube solid with six square faces to raise a number to the 3rd power
customary system units of measurement used in the us
cylinder solid shape with parallel circulr bases
diagonal a line segment connecting 2 nonadjacent vertices in a polygon
diameter a line segment that passes through the center of a circle and divides it in half
difference answer to a subtraction problem
distance the length of the shortest line segment between 2 points lines planes
distributive property a(b+c)= ab + ac
domain set of possible values for the variable x values
edge a line segment where 2 faces of a polyhedron meet
equation a mathematical sentence stating that 2 expressions are equal
equilateral triangle all sides are equal length
equilvalent forms represent the same number
estimate an approximation or rough calculation
expanded form a method of writing a number that highlights the value of each digit
experimental probality ratio of the number of times an outcome happened to the total number of trails in an experiment
exponential form a number written using bases and exponents
exponents a numeral that indicates howmany times a number or expression is to be multiplied by itself
expression a combination of numbers, variables, and operation
Created by: kaydeeh
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