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ASD C3 Vocab
ASD Chapter 3 Vocabulario
Term | Definition |
hablar | to speak |
enseñar | to teach |
estudiar | to study |
mirar | to look at |
levantar | to raise |
levantar la mano | to raise a hand |
prestar atención | to pay attention |
contestar | to answer |
tomar | to take; to drink |
sacar (una nota) | to get (a grade) |
la nota | the grade |
comprar | to buy |
cantar | to sing |
nadar | to swim |
visitar | to visit |
usar | to use; to wear (a specific size) |
pagar | to pay |
llevar | to wear or to carry |
llegar | to arrive |
buscar | to look for |
necesitar | to need |
desear | to desire; to wish for; to want |
hablo | I speak, I talk |
trabajar | to work |
regresar | to return (to a place) |
enviar | to send |
navegar | to navigate; to surf (the Web) |
preparar | to prepare |
bailar | to dance |
tocar | to touch; to play (an instrument) |
cocinar | to cook |
ir | to go |
dar | to give |
estar | to be (health/location) |
tener | to have |
escuela | school |
pupitre | desk |
sala de clase | classroom |
alumno | student (masculine) |
alumna | student (feminine) |
una nota buena | a good grade |
una nota mala | a bad grade |
pregunta | question |
materiales escolares | school materials |
hoja de papel | sheet of paper |
calculadora | calculator |
lápiz | pencil |
cuaderno | notebook |
bloc | pad (of paper) |
mochila | backpack |
bolígrafo | ballpoint pen |
pluma | pen |
carpeta | folder |
regla | ruler |
bus escolar | school bus |
coche | car |
carro | car |
a pie | on foot |
en el bus | by bus |
computadora | computer |
caja | cash register |
en la caja | at the cash register |
tienda | store |
empleado | employee (male) |
empleada | employee (female) |
dinero | money |
el DVD | the DVD |
música | music |
móvil; celular | mobile phone |
casa | house |
red | net; network |
el Internet | the Internet |
guitarra | guitar |
piano | piano |
correo electrónico | |
ordenador | computer |
cuarto | room |
información | information |
examen | test |
examencito | quiz |
prueba | test; quiz |
uniforme | uniform |
camisa | shirt |
camiseta | T-shirt |
T-shirt | T-shirt |
blusa | blouse |
falda | skirt |
pantalón largo | long pants |
pantalón corto | short pants |
calcetines | socks |
chaqueta | jacket |
bluejean | blue jeans |
traje | suit |
suéter | sweater |
sudadera | sweatshirt |
traje de baño | bathing suit |
bañador | bathing suit |
corbata | tie |
vestido | dress |
zapatos | shoes |
el par de tenis | pair of sneakers |
rojo | red |
anaranjado | orange |
amarillo | yellow |
verde | green |
azul | blue |
morado | purple |
gris | gray |
negro | black |
marrón | brown |
blanco | white |
rosa; rosado | pink |
tostado | brown; tan |
antes de | before |
durante | during |
después de | after |
cerca de | near |
ahora | now |
lejos de | far from |
por qué | why |
porque | because |
mira | look |
llegamos | we arrive |
estudiáis | you-all study |
estudian | they study (or you-all study) |
deseas | you desire, you want |
voy a pie | I'm going on foot, I'm walking |
mira | he looks at, she looks at, you (formal) look at |
llevo zapatos | I wear shoes |
llevan uniforme | they wear a uniform |
navegamos el Internet | we surf the Internet |
no saco una nota mala | I don't get a bad grade |
tocas el piano bien | you play the piano well |