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9000 Words - Part 2
Question | Answer |
espinaca | spinach |
espinilla | shin / blackhead / pimple |
espinoso/a | prickly / thorny |
espionaje | espionage |
espíritu | spirit |
espléndido/a | splendid |
espolvorear | to sprinkle / dust |
espontaneidad | spontaneity |
espontáneo/nea | spontaneous |
esporádico/a | sporadic |
esposo/a | husband / wife |
espumar | to foam / skim |
esqueleto | skeleton |
esquí | ski / skiing |
esquimal | esquimo |
esquina | corner |
esquivar | to evade / avoid |
esquizofrenia | schizophrenia |
estable | stable |
establecer | to establish |
establecimiento | establishment |
establo | stable |
estaca | stake |
estación\ciones | season |
estadía | stay |
estadio | stadium / stage |
estadística | statistic |
estado | state |
estadounidense | american |
estafar | to swindle / defraud |
estallar | to explode |
estampar | to print / stamp |
estampida | stampede |
estampilla | stamp |
estancia | stay |
estándar | standard |
estandarte | standard |
estanque | pond |
estante | shelf |
estar | to be / stay |
estático/a | static |
estatua | statue |
estatura | height |
estatus | status |
estatuto | statute |
este/a | this |
estos | these |
este | this |
éste/a | this one |
éstos | these ones |
estera | mat |
estéreo | stereo |
estereofónico/a | stereophonic |
estereotipo | stereotype |
estéril | sterile |
estética | aesthetic |
estilo | style |
estima | regard / esteem |
estimular | to stimulate |
estirar | to stretch |
esto | this |
estómago | stomach |
estorbar | to obstruct |
estornudar | to sneeze |
estrado | platform / stage |
estrafalario/ria | eccentric |
estrangular | to strangle |
estrategia | strategy |
estratosfera | stratosphere |
estrechar | to narrow |
estrella | star |
estrellar | to crash |
estremecer | to shake / tremble |
estrenar | to premiere |
estreno | debut / premiere |
estreñirse | to constipated |
estrépito | noise |
estrés | stress |
estría | groove |
estricto/a | strict |
estropajo | scouring pad |
estropear | to spoil / ruin |
estructura | structure |
estuche | case |
estudiar | to study |
estupefaciente | narcotic |
estupendo/a | wonderful |
etapa | stage |
etcétera | et cetera |
etéreo/rea | ethereal |
eterno/a | eternal |
ética | ethics |
etimología | etymology |
etíope | ethiopian |
etiqueta | label |
étnico/a | ethnic |
eucalipto | eucalyptus |
euforia | euphoria |
europeo/pea | european |
evacuar | to evacuate |
evadir | to evade |
evaluar | to evaluate |
evangelio | gospel |
evaporar | to evaporate |
evaporación\ciones | evaporation |
evasión\ciones | evasion |
evento | event |
eventual | possible |
evidencia | evidence |
evidentemente | evidently |
evitar | to avoid |
evolución\ciones | evolution |
exacerbar | to exacerbate |
exacto/a | exact |
exagerar | to exaggerate |
exagerado/a | exaggerated |
exaltar | to exalt / arouse |
examen | examination |
exasperar | to exasperate |
excavar | to excavate |
excavación\ciones | excavation |
excerder | to exceed |
excedente | excessive |
excelente | excellent |
excelencia | excellence |
excéntrico/a | eccentric |
excentricidad | eccentricity |
excepción\ciones | exception |
excepcional | exceptional |
excepto | except |
exceso | excess |
excitar | to excite |
exclamar | to exclaim |
excluir | to exclude |
excomulgar | to excommunicate |
excremento | excrement |
exculpar | to exonerate |
excursión\siones | excursion |
excursionista | hiker / sightseer |
excusar | to excuse |
exhalar | to exhale |
exhaustivo/a | exhaustive |
exhausto/a | exhausted |
exhortar | to exhort |
exigir | to demand |
exigencia | exigency |
exigente | demanding |
exiliar | to exile |
existir | to exist |
éxito | success |
éxodo | exodus |
exorcizar | to exorcise |
exótico/a | exotic |
expandir | to expand |
expectativa | expectation |
expedición\ciones | expedition |
expediente | file / expedient |
experiencia | experience |
experimentar | to experiment |
experimentado/a | experimented |
experimental | experimental |
experimento | experiment |
experto/a | expert |
expirar | to expire |
explayar | to extend |
explicar | to explain |
explícito/a | explicit |
explorar | to explore |
exploración\ciones | exploration |
explorador/dora | explorer |
exploratorio/ria | exploratory |
explosión\ciones | explosion |
explosivo/a | explosive |
explotar | to exploit |
exponer | to expose |
exportar | to export |
exposición\ciones | exhibition / exposure |
exprés | express |
expresar | to express |
expreso/a | express |
exprimir | to squeeze |
expuesto/a | exposed |
expulsar | to expel / eject |
exquisito/a | exquisite |
éxtasis | ecstasy |
extender | to extend |
extensión\siones | extension |
exterior | outside / exterior |
exterminar | to exterminate |
externo/a | external |
extinguir | to extinguish |
extirpar | to remove |
extorsión\siones | extortion |
extra | extra |
extraditar | to extradite |
extraer | to extract |
extranjero/a | foreigner / foreign |
extrañar | to miss |
extrañarse | to be surprised |
extraordinario/ria | extraordinary |
extrasensorial | extrasensorial |
extraterrestre | extraterrestrial |
extravagante | extravagant |
extraviar | to lose / misplace |
extremar | to carry far |
extremidad | extremities |
extrovertido/a | extrovert |
exuberante | exuberante |
eyacular | to ejaculate |
eyaculación | ejaculation |
fabricar | to make / manufacture |
fábula | fable |
fabuloso/a | fabulous |
facción\ciones | faction |
faceta | facet |
fachada | facade |
facial | facial |
fácil | easy |
factoría | factory |
factura | invoice / bill |
facultad | faculty |
faja | sash / girdle |
falda | skirt |
fallar | to fail |
fallecer | to die / pass away |
fallido | failed / unsuccessful |
fallo | failure / error |
falo | penis / phallus |
falsear | to falsify |
falsificación\ciones | falsification |
falta | lack |
fama | fame |
familia | family |
famosos/a | famous |
fanático/a | fanatic |
fanfarrón/rrona | boastful |
fango | mud / mire |
fantasear | to fantasize |
fantasía | fantasy |
fantasma | ghost |
fantasmal | ghostly |
fantástico/a | fantastic |
farmacéutico/a | phamarcist / pharmaceutical |
faro | lighthouse / headlight |
fascinar | to fascinate |
fascinación\ciones | fascination |
fascinante | fascinating |
fascismo | fascism |
fase | phase |
fastidiar | to annoy / bother |
fatal | fatal |
fatiga | fatigue |
fauna | fauna |
favor | favor |
fax | fax |
fe | faith |
febrero | february |
fecha | date |
fecundar | to fertilize |
federación | federation |
felicidad | happiness |
felino | feline |
feliz | happy |
femenino | feminine / female |
fenómeno | phenomenon |
feo/a | ugly |
feria | fair |
fermentar | to ferment |
ferretería | hardware store |
ferrocarril | railroad |
ferry | ferry |
fervor | fervor |
festejar | to celebrate |
festival | festival |
fetiche | fetish |
fétido/a | foul-smelling |
feto | fetus |
fiable | reliable |
fianza | bail / bond |
fiar | guarantee |
fibra | fiber |
ficción\ciones | fiction |
ficha | card / token / counter |
fichar | to file |
ficticio/cia | fictitious |
fidelidad | fidelity |
fideo | noodle |
fiebre | fever |
fieltro | felt |
fiero/a | fierce / wild |
fierro | iron |
fiesta | celebration / party |
figura | to figure |
fila | row / line |
filantropía | philantropy |
filete | fillet |
filial | filial / branch |
filigrana | watermark / filigree |
filipino/a | Philippine |
filmar | to film |
filoso/a | sharp |
filosofía | philosophy |
filtrar | to filter |
fin | end |
final | end / final |
financiar | to finance |
finca | property / farm |
fingir | to pretend / feign |
finito/a | finite |
finlandés/desa | finn |
fino/a | fine |
firma | company / signature |
firmamento | firmament |
firme | firm / resolute |
fiscal | fiscal |
física | physics |
fisiología | physiology |
fisioterapia | physiotherapy |
fisioterapeuta | physical therapist |
fisura | fissure |
flácido/a | flabby / flacid |
flaco/a | skinny / thin |
flagrante | flagrant |
flamante | bright |
flamenco/a | flamenco |
flaquear | to weaken |
flash | flash |
flecha | arrow |
flema | phlegm |
flexible | flexible |
flirtear | to flirt |
flojo/a | loose / slack |
flojera | lethargy |
flor | flower |
flota | fleet |
flotar | to float |
fluctuar | to fluctuate |
fluir | to flow |
fluorescente | fluorescent |
fluoruro | fluoride |
fluvial | river |
fobia | phobia |
foco | spotlight / floodlight |
fogata | bonfire |
fogoso/a | ardent |
folklore | folklore |
folleto | pamphlet |
fomentar | to promote |
fondo | bottom / rear |
fonético/a | phonetic |
fontanería | plumbing |
fontanero/a | plumber |
forajido/a | bandit |
forastero/a | stranger |
forense | forensic |
formal | formal |
formalidad | formality |
formar | to form |
formato | format |
formidable | formidable |
fórmula | formula |
formular | to formulate |
formulario | form |
forrar | to cover |
fortalecer | to strengthen |
fortaleza | strength / fortress |
fortificar | to fortify |
fortuito/a | fortuitous |
fortuna | fortune |
forzar | to force |
fósforo | phosphorus |
fósil | fossil |
foto | photo |
fotocopia | photocopy |
fotocopiadora | photocopier |
fotocopiar | to photocopy |
fotogénico/a | photogenic |
fotografía | photography |
fotosíntesis | photosynthesis |
fracasar | to fail |
fracción\ciones | fraction |
fractura | fracture / break |
fragancia | fragrance |
fragata | frigate |
frágil | fragile |
fragilidad | fragility |
fragmento | fragment |
fraile | friar |
frambruesa | rasberry |
francés/cesa | french |
francés | french |
francotirador/dora | sniper |
franela | flannel |
franqueza | frankness |
frasco | bottle / flask |
frase | phrase |
fraternal | brotherly / fraternal |
fraude | fraud |
frazada | blanket |
frecuencia | frequency |
fregadero | sink |
freir | to fry |
frenar | to brake / restrain |
freno | brake / restraint |
frente | in front |
fresa | strawberry |
fresco/a | fresh |
frialdad | coldness |
fricción\ciones | friction |
frigidez | frigidity |
frigorifico | refrigerator |
frijol | bean |
frío/a | cold / cool |
frito/a | fried |
frívolo/a | frivolous |
frontera | border / frontier |
frotar | to rub |
fructífero/a | fruitful |
frugal | frugal |
frustar | to frustate |
fruta | fruit |
fucsia | fuchsia |
fuego | fire |
fuente | source |
fuera | outside / out |
fuerte | hard / strong |
fuerza | force / strength |
fuga | flight / escape |
fumar | to smoke |
función | function |
funcionar | to work / run / function |
funda | cover |
fundar | to establish / found |
fundir | to melt down / smelt |
fúnebre | funeral / gloomy |
funeral | funeral |
gabinete | cabinet |
gafas | glasses |
gala | gala |
galante | gallant |
galaxia | galaxy |
galera | galley |
galería | gallery |
gallego/a | galician |
galleta | cookie / cracker |
gallina | hen |
gamuza | chamois |
gana | desire |
ganado | cattle / sheep |
ganador/dora | winner |
ganancia | gain |
ganar | to win |
ganga | bargain |
gangrena | gangrene |
gángster | gangster |
garaje | garage |
garantizar | to guarantee |
garbanzo | chickpea |
garganta | throat |
garrapata | tick |
garza | heron |
gas | gas |
gaseosa | soda / soft drink |
gasolina | gasoline |
gastar | to spend |
gástrico/a | gastric |
gastronomía | gastronomy |
gatas | on all four |
gatear | to crawl |
gatillo | trigger |
gato/a | cat |
gaveta | drawer |
gaviota | gull / seagull |
gay | gay |
géiser | geyser |
gelatina | gelatin |
gema | gem |
gemelo | twin |
gemir | to moan |
genealogía | genealogy |
generación\ciones | generation |
generador | generator |
general | general |
generar | to generate |
género | kind / sort |
generoso/a | generous |
génesis | genesis |
genética | genetics |
genial | brilliant |
genio | genius |
genital | genital |
genocidio | genocide |
gente | people |
gentil | gentile / kind |
gentío | crowd / mob |
genuino/a | genuine |
geografía | geography |
geología | geology |
geometría | geometry |
geranio | geranium |
gerencia | management |
geriatría | geriatrics |
germen | germ |
germinar | to germinate |
gestación | gestation |
gestión | management / procedure |
gesto | gesture |
gigante | giant |
gimnasia | gymnastics |
ginebra | gin |
ginecología | gynecology |
gira | tour |
girar | to turn / twist |
girasol | sunflower |
giratorio/ria | revolving |
giro | turn |
giroscopio | gyroscope |
gitano/a | gypsy |
glaciar | glacier |
gladiador | gladiator |
glándula | gland |
glasear | to glaze |
gliserina | glycerin |
globo | globe |
glóbulo | blood cell |
gloria | glory |
glorieta | bower |
glorificar | to glorify |
glorioso/a | glorious |
glosario | glossary |
glucosa | glucose |
gobernar | to govern |
goce | enjoyment |
gol | goal |
golf | golf |
golfo | gulf |
golondrina | swallow |
golosina | sweet / candy |
golpe | blow |
goma | rubber / glue |
gordo/a | fat / plump |
gorila | gorilla |
gorjear | to chirp |
gorra | cap |
gorrear | to bum |
gorrión | sparrow |
gorro | cap |
gota | drop / gout |
gótico/a | gothic |
gozar | to enjoy |
gozo | joy |
grabar | to record |
gracia | grace |
grada | step / stair |
graduar | to graduate |
gráfico/a | graph |
gragea | pill / tablet |
gramática | grammar |
gramo | gram |
grande | big / great |
granero | barn / granary |
granito | granite |
granizar | to hail |
granja | farm |
grano | grain |
grasa | grease / fat |
gratificación\ciones | bonus / gratification |
gratis | free |
gratitud | gratitude |
grato/a | pleasant |
gratuito/a | free / gratuitous |
gravar | to burden |
gremio | guild / union |
griego/a | greek |
grieta | crack |
grillo | cricket |
gringo/a | gringo / yankee |
gripe | flu |
gris | gray |
gritar | to shout / scream |
grosería | vulgar / gross |
grotesco | grotesque |
grúa | crane / derrick |
grueso/a | thick |
gruñir | to growl / grunt |
grupo | group |
guacamayo | macaw |
guacamole | guacamole |
guagua | baby |
guante | glove |
guapo/a | handsome / good-looking |
guarani | guarani / language of paraguay |
guarda | keeper / custodian |
guardabarros | mudguard / fender |
guardabosque | forest ranger |
guardacostas | coastguard / vessel |
guardaespaldas | bodyguard |
guardameta | goalkeeper |
guardapolvo | cover / overalls |
guardar | to keep |
guardarropa | wardrobe / cloakroom |
guardería | nursery |
guatemalteco/a | guatemalan |
guayaba | guava |
gubernamental | governmental |
guerra | war |
guiar | to guide |
guinda | morello |
guiñar | to wink |
guión | script |
guisado | stew |
guisante | pea |
guisar | to cook |
guitarra | guitar |
gusano | worm |
gustar | to taste / like |
haba | broad bean |
habanero/a | havanan |
haber | to have / has |
habichuela | bean |
hábil | able / skillful / clever |
habilitar | to equip / furnish |
habitar | to inhabit / reside |
hábito | habit |
hablar | to speak / talk |
hacedor/dora | maker |
hacendado/a | landowner / rancher |
hacer | to do / make |
hacha | hatchet / ax |
hacia | towards |
hacienda | property / ranch |
hada | fairy |
halagar | to flatter |
halcón | hawk / falcon |
hallar | to find / discover |
hamaca | hammock |
hambre | hunger |
hamburguesa | hamburger |
haragán/gana | lazy |
harina | flour |
hasta | until / even |
hazaña | feat |
hebreo/brea | hebrew |
hechizo | spell / charm |
hecho/cha | fact |
helar | to freeze |
helicóptero | helicopter |
hembra | female |
hemisferio | hemisphere |
hemorragia | hemorrhage |
hemorroides | hemorrhoids |
heno | hay |
hepatitis | hepatitis |
heraldo | herald |
heredar | to inherit |
herencia | inheritance |
herir | to hurt |
hermano/a | brother |
hermanastro/a | stepbrother |
hermético/a | hermetic |
hermoso/a | beautiful |
héroe | hero |
herradura | horseshoe |
herramienta | tool |
herrero/a | blacksmith |
hervir | to boil |
heterogéneo/a | heterogenous |
heterosexual | heterosexual |
hexágono | hexagon |
hexagonal | hexagonal |
híbrido/a | hybrid |
hidratante | moisturizing |
hidráulico/a | hydraulic |
hidroavión\aviones | hydroplane |
hidroeléctrico/a | hydroelectric |
hidrofobia | rabies |
hidrógeno | hydrogen |
hidroplano | hydroplane |
hiel | bile |
hielo | ice |
hierba | grass |
hierro | iron |
hígado | liver |
higiene | hygiene |
higo | fig |
hijo/a | son / daughter |
hilar | to spin |
hilera | file / row |
hilo | thread |
himno | hymn |
hinchar | to swell |
hindú | hindu |
hiperactivo/a | hyperactive |
hipersensible | hypersensible |
hipertensión\siones | hypertension |
hipnosis | hypnosis |
hipnotismo | hypnotism |
hipo | hiccup |
hipocondríaco/a | hipocondriacal |
hipocrecía | hypocrisy |
hipodérmico/a | hypodermic |
hipódromo | racetrack |
hipopótamo | hippopotamus |
hipoteca | mortgage |
hipótesis | hypothesis |
hirviente | boiling |
hispano/a | hispanic |
histeria | hysteria |
historia | history |
hockey | hockey |
hoja | leaf |
hola | hello |
holandés/desa | dutch |
holocausto | holocaust |
hombre | man |
hombría | manliness |
hombro | shoulder |
homenaje | tribute / homage |
homeopatía | homeopathy |
homicidio | homicide / murder |
homogéneo/nea | homogenous |
homólogo/a | homologous |
homosexual | homosexual |
homosexualidad | homosexuality |
hondo/a | deep |
hondureño/a | honduran |
honesto/a | honest / decent |
hongo | fungus / mushroom |
honor | honor |
hora | hour |
horario | schedule / timetable |
horizonte | horizon |
hormiga | ant |
hormiguero | anthill |
hormona | hormone |
horno | oven |
horóscopo | horoscope |
horrendo | horrendous |
horripilante | horrifying |
horroroso/a | horrifying |
hortaliza | vegetable |
horticultura | horticulture |
hospedar | to lodge / put up |
hospital | hospital |
hostería | small hotel / inn |
hostia | host |
hostigar | to harass / whip |
hostil | hostile |
hotel | hotel |
hoy | today |
hoyo | hole |
hueco/a | hollow |
huelga | work strike |
huella | footprint |
huérfano/a | orphan |
huerta | truck farm / orchard |
hueso | bone |
huésped/peda | guest |
huesudo/a | bony |
huevo | egg |
huida | flight / escape |
huir | to flee / escape |
humano/a | human |
humear | to smoke |
humedad | humidity |
humildad | humility |
humo | smoke |
humor | humor |
hundir | to sink |
hundido/a | sunk |
hundimiento | sinking / collapse |
húngaro/a | hungarian |
huracán | hurricane |
ibérico/a | iberian |
iceberg | iceberg |
icono | icon |
ida | outward journey |
idea | idea |
ideal | ideal |
identidad | identity |
ideología | ideology |
idioma | language |
idiosincrasia | idiosyncrasy |
idiota | idiot |
ídolo | idol |
idóneo/nea | suitable |
iglesia | church |
iglú | igloo |
ignorar | to ignore |
igual | equal |
iguladad | equality |
iguana | iguana |
ilegal | illegal |
ilegible | illegible |
ilegítimo/a | illegitimate |
ileso/a | unharmed |
ilícito/a | illicit |
ilimitado/a | limitless |
ilógico/a | illogical |
iluminar | to illuminate |
ilusionar | to excite |
iluso/a | gulible / naive |
ilustrar | to illustrate |
ilustre | it illustrates |
imagen\imágenes | image |
imaginar | to imagine |
imán | magnet |
imbécil | stupid / idiot |
imitar | to imitate |
impaciencia | impatience |
impacto | impact |
impar | odd number |
imparcial | impartial |
impartir | to distribute / impart |
impecable | impeccable |
impedir | to prevent |
impenetrable | impenetrable |
impenitente | unrepentant |
imperativo/a | imperative |
imperceptible | imperceptible |
imperdonable | unforgivable |
impermeable | raincoat / waterproof |
impersonal | impersonal |
impertinente | impertinent |
implacable | implacable |
implantar | to implant |
implemento | implement |
implicar | to imply / implicate / involve |
implícito/a | implicit |
implorar | to implore |
imponer | to impose / command |
impopular | unpopular |
importación\ciones | importation |
importaciones | imports |
importado | imported |
importador/dora | importer / importing |
importancia | importance |
importe | price / amount |
imposible | impossible |
imposibilidad | impossibility |
imposición\ciones | imposition |
impostor/tora | impostor |
impotente | impotent |
impotencia | impotence |
impredecible | unpredictable |
impregnar | to impregnate |
imprenta | printing |
imprescindible | essential |
impresión\siones | impression |
impresionante | impressive |
impresionar | to impress |
impreso/a | printed / form |
imprimir | to print |
improbable | improbable |
improbabilidad | improbability |
improductivo/a | unproductive |
impropio/pia | improper |
improvisar | to improvise |
imprudente | imprudent |
imprudencia | imprudence |
impúdico/a | shameless |
impuesto | tax |
impugnar | to challenge |
impulsar | to propel / drive |
impuro/a | impure |
inaccesible | inaccessible |
inaceptable | unacceptable |
inactivo/a | inactive |
inadaptado/a | maladjusted |
inadecuado/a | inadequate |
inadvertido/a | inadvertent |
inalámbrico/a | wireless |
inanimado/a | inanimate |
inaplicable | inapplicable |
inapreciable | inperceptible |
inaugurar | to inaugurate |
inca | inca / incan |
incalculable | incalculable |
incandescencia | incandescence |
incautar | to seize / confiscate |
incentivo | incentive |
incertidumbre | uncertainty |
incidencia | incidence |
incienso | incense |
incierto/a | uncertain |
incipiente | incipient |
incitar | to incite / rouse |
incivilizado/a | uncivilized |
inclinar | to incline |
incluir | to include |
inclusión | inclusion |
incógnito/a | incognito / unknown |
incoherente | incoherent |
incoloro/a | colorless |
incombustible | fireproof |
incomible | inedible |
incomodar | inconvienence |
incomparable | incomparable |
incompatible | incompatible |
incompetente | incompetent |
imcomprendido/a | misunderstood |
incomunicado/a | isolated |
inconcebible | inconceivable |
inconcluso/a | unfinished |
incondicional | unconditional |
inconfundible | unmistakable |
incongruente | incongruous |
inconsciente | unconscious |
inconsecuente | inconsistent |
inconsiderado/a | inconsiderate |
inconsistente | flimsy |
inconsolable | inconsolable |
inconstante | inconstant |
inconstitucional | unconstitutional |
incontable | countless |
incontestable | indisputable |
incontinente | incontinent |
incontinencia | incontinence |
inconveniente | inconvenient |
incorporar | to incorporate |
incorrecto/a | incorrect |
incorregible | incorrigible |
increíble | incredible |
incrementar | to increase |
incrustar | to inlay / set |
incubar | to incubate |
incubadora | incubator |
incuestionable | unquestionable |
inculcar | to instill |
inculpar | to accuse |
inculto/a | uneducated |
incumplimiento | breach / noncompliance |
incurable | incurable |
incurrir | to incur |
incursión\siones | raid |
indagar | to investigate |
indebido/a | undue |
indecente | indecent |
indecible | unexpressible |
indecisión | indecision |
indefenso/a | defenseless / helpless |
indefinido/a | indefinite |
indemnizar | to compensate / indemnify |
independiente | independent |
independencia | independence |
indescriptible | indescribable |
indeseable | undesirable |
indicar | to indicate |
índice | index |
indiferente | indifferent |
indígena | native / indigenous |
indigente | indigent |
indigestión\tiones | indigestion |
indio/dia | indian |
indirecta | hint |
indisciplina | indiscipline |
indiscreto/a | indiscreet |
indiscriminado/a | indiscriminate |
indispensable | indispensable |
indisponer | to upset / make ill |
indistinto/a | indistinct |
individual | individual |
individualidad | individuality |
indivisible | indivisible |
indolente | indolent |
indómito/a | indomitable |
indonesio/sia | indonesian |
inducir | to induce |
indulgente | indulgent |
indulgencia | indulgence |
industria | industry |
inédito/a | unpublished |
inefable | indescribable / inexpressible |
ineficaz | ineffective |
ineficiente | inefficient |
ineligible | ineligible |
inepto | inept |
inequivoco/a | unequivical |
inercia | inertia |
inerte | inert |
inesperado/a | unexpected |
inevitable | inevitable |
inexistente | nonexistent |
inexorable | inexorable |
inexperiencia | inexperience |
inexplicable | inexplicable |
infalible | infallible |
infancia | childhood |
infarto | heart attack |
infatigable | tireless |
infectar | to infect |
infección\ciones | infection |
infeccioso/a | infectious |
infeliz\lices | unhappy |
inferior | inferior |
infernal | infernal |
infestar | to infest |
infiltrar | to infiltrate |
inflación | inflation |
inflamar | to inflame |
inflar | to inflate |
inflexible | inflexible |
infligir | to inflict |
influencia | influence |
influir | to influence |
información\ciones | information |
informal | unreliable / informal |
informar | to inform |
informe | report |
infortunado/a | unfortunate |
infortunio | misfortune |
infracción\ciones | infraction |
infraestructura | infrastructure |
infrahumano/a | subhuman |
infrarrojo/a | infrared |
infrecuente | infrequent |
infringir | to infringe |
infundado/a | unfounded / baseless |
infundir | to instill / infuse |
ingeniar | to invent / think up |
ingeniería | engineering |
ingeniero/a | engineer |
ingenio | ingenuity |
ingenuidad | naivete / ingenuousness |
ingerir | to ingest |
inglés/glesa | english |
ingrato | ungrateful |
ingrediente | ingredient |
ingresar | to enter / join |
inhabitable | uninhabitable |
inhalar | to inhale |
inherente | inherent |
inhóspito/a | inhospitable |
inhumano/a | cruel / inhuman |
iniciar | to initiate |
inigualado/a | unequaled |
ininterrumpido/a | uninterrupted |
injerirse | to interfere |
injuriar | to insult |
injusticia | injustice |
inmaculado/a | immaculate |
inmaduro/a | immature |
inmediato/a | immediate |
inmenso/a | immense |
inmigrar | to immigrate |
inmobiliario/ria | real estate |
inmoral | immoral |
inmortal | immortal |
inmóvil | immovable / motionless |
inmueble | building / property |
inmunizar | to immunize |
innecesario/ria | unnecessary |
innovar | to innovate |
innumerable | innumerable |
inocencia | innocence |
inocent | innocent |
inocuo/cua | innocuous |
inodoro/a | toilet / odorless |
inolvidable | unforgettable |
inoperable | inoperable |
inorgánico/a | inorganic |
inoxidable | stainless / rustproof |
inquilino/a | renter / tenant |
inquirir | to inquire |
insalubre | unhealthy |
insatisfecho/cha | unsatisfied |
inscribir | to register / enroll |
insecto | insect |
inseguro/a | insecure / uncertain |
insensato/a | senseless |
insensible | insensitive |
inseparable | inseparable |
insertar | to insert |
insignia | standard / badge |
insignificante | insignificant |
insistir | to insist |
insolación\ciones | insolation / sunstroke |
insolencia | insolence |
insoluble | insoluble |
insospechado/a | unsuspected / unexpected |
inspeccionar | to inspect |
inspirar | to inspire |
inspirador/dora | inspirational |
instalar | to install |
instancia | request |
instantáneo/nea | instantaneous |
instaurar | to establish |
instinto | instinct |
institución\ciones | institution |
institucionalizar | to institutionalize |
instruir | to instruct |
instrumento | instrument |
insubordinado/a | insubordinate |
insuficiente | insufficient |
insulina | insulin |
insultar | to insult |
insuperable | insurmountable |
insurrección\ciones | insurrection |
intacto/a | intact |
intangible | intangible |
integrar | to integrate |
intelecto | intellect |
inteligencia | intelligence |
inteligente | intelligent |
inteligible | intelligible |
intempestivo/a | untimely |
intención\ciones | intention |
intensidad | intensity |
intentar | to try |
intercambio | exchange |
intercambiar | to exchange / trade |
interceder | to intercede |
interés\reses | interest |
interfaz | interface |
interferir | to interfere |
interior | interior / inner |
interjección\ciones | interjection |
intermediario/ria | intermediary |
intermedio/dia | intermediate |
intermedio | intermission |
interminable | interminable |
intermisión\siones | intermission |
intermitente | intermittent |
internacional | international |
internar | to commit / confine |
interponer | to interpose |
interpretar | to interpret |
interpretación\ciones | interpretation |
interrogar | to interrogate |
interrogación\ciones | interrogation |
interrumpir | to interrupt |
interrupción\ciones | interruption |
interscción\ciones | intersection |
intervenir | to take part |
intestino | intestine |
intimar | to become friendly |
intimidar | to intimidate |
íntimo/a | intimate |
intolerable | intolerable |
intoxicar | to intoxicate / poison |
intrascendente | insignificant / unimportant |
intravenoso/a | intravenous |
intrépido/a | intrepid / fearless |
introducción\ciones | introduction |
introvertido/a | introvert / introverted |
intrusión\siones | intrusion |
intuir | to intuit / sense |
inundar | to flood |
inútil | useless |
invadir | to invade |
invalidez\deces | dissability / invadility |
invariable | invariable |
invasión\siones | invasion |
invencible | invincible |
inventar | to invent |
inventario | inventory |
invernal | winter |
inversión\siones | investment |
inverso/a | inverse / opposite |
inversor/sora | investor |
invertebrado/a | invertebrate |
invertir | to invert / reverse |
investidura | investiture |
investigar | to investigate |
investir | to invest |
invicto/a | undefeated |
invierno | winter |
invisible | invisible |
invitar | to invite |
invocar | to invoke |
invulnerable | invulnerable |
inyectar | to inject |
inyección\ciones | injection |
ion | ion |
ir | to go |
ira | rage / anger |
iraní | iranian |
iraquí | iraqi |
iris | iris |
irlandés/desa | irish |
irracional | irrational |
irradiar | to radiate / irradiate |
irrazonable | unreasonable |
irreconocible | unrecognizable |
irrecuperable | non-recoverable / irretrievable |
irreemplazable | irreplaceable |
irreflexivo/a | unthinking / rash |
irregular | irregular |
irrelevante | irrelevant |
irreparable | irreparable |
irresistible | irresistible |
irrespetuoso/a | disrespectful |
irresponsable | irresponsible |
irresponsabilidad | irresponsibility |
irreverente | irreverent |
irrigar | to irrigate |
irritar | to irritate |
irrumpir | to burst into |
isla | island |
islámico/a | islamic |
islandés/desa | icelandeic |
isleño/a | islander |
israelí | israeli |
italiano | italian |
itinerario | itinerary |
izar | to hoist |
izquierda | left |
jabalí | wild boar |
jabalina | javelin |
jabón | soap |
jactarse | to boast / brag |
jadear | to pant |
jaguar | jaguar |
jalar | to pull |
jalea | jelly |
jamás | never |
jamón | ham |
japonés/nesa | Japanese |
jaque | check / checkmate |
jaqueca | headache / migraine |
jarabe | syrup |
jardín\dines | garden |
jarra | pitcher / jug |
jaula | cage |
jauría | pack of hounds |
jazmín | jasmine |
jazz | jazz |
jeans | jeans |
jefe/a | chief / leader / boss |
jengibre | ginger |
jerarquía | hierarchy / rank |
jerez | sherry |
jeringa | syringe |
jeroglífico | hieroglyphic |
jersey | jersey |
jesús | jesus |
jinete | rider / horseman |
jirafa | giraffe |
joroba | hump |
joven | young person |
jovial | jovial / cheerful |
joya | jewel |
jubilación\ciones | retirement |
júbilo | joy / jubilation |
judaíismo | judaism |
judía | bean |
judicial | judicial |
judío/a | jewish |
judo | judo |
juego | game / playing |
juerga | spree / binge |
jueves | Thursday |
juez | judge / referee |
jugar | to play / gambler |
juglar | minstrel |
jugo | juice |
juguete | toy |
juicio | judgment / sense |
julio | July |
jungla | jungle |
junio | June |
juntar | to join / unite |
júpiter | jupiter |
jurar | to swear |
jurídico/a | legal |
jurisdicción\ciones | jurisdiction |
jurisprudencia | jurisprudence |
justicia | justice |
justificar | to justify |
justo | just / fair |
juvenil | youthful |
juzgar | to judge |
juzgado | court |
karate | karate |
kilo | kilo / kilogram |
kilómetro | kilometer |
kilometraje | distance in kilometers |
kilométrico/a | kilometer |
kilovatio | kilowatt |
laberinto | labyrinth |
labio | lip |
labor | work / labor |
labrar | to work / cultivate / till |
laca | hair spray |
lacra | scar |
lacrimógeno | tear gas |
lácteo/tea | dairy / milky way |
lado | side |
ladrar | to bark |
ladrillo | brick |
ladrón/drona | thief |
lagarto | lizard |
lago | lake |
lágrima | tear |
laguna | lagoon |
lamentar | to be sorry / regret |
lamer | to lick |
lámina | sheet |
lámpara | lamp |
lampiño/a | beardless / hairless |
lana | wool |
lancha | boat / launch |
langosta | lobster / locust |
lanza | spear / lance |
lanzar | to throw |
lapicero | mechanical pencil / pen |
lápida | tombstone |
lápiz | pencil |
lapso | lapse |
largar | to release / go away |
laringe | larynx |
larva | larva |
láser | laser |
lastimar | to hurt |
latente | latent |
lateral | lateral / side |
latido | beat / throb |
látigo | whip |
latín | latin |
latino/a | latin-american / latin |
latir | to throb / beat |
latitud | latitude |
latoso/a | annoying |
lavar | to wash |
laxante | laxative |
lazo | bond / lasso / link |
leal | loyal |
lección | lesson |
leche | milk |
lechoso/a | milky |
lechuga | lettuce |
lector/tora | reader |
leer | to read |
legal | legal |
legendario/ria | legendary |
legible | legible |
legión\giones | legion |
legionario/ria | legionary |
legislar | to legislate |
legislación\ciones | legislation |
legislador/dora | legislator |
legislatura | legislature |
legítimo/a | legitimate / authentic |
legua | league |
legumbre | vegetable |
lejano/a | distant / far away |
lejía | lye |
lejos | far |
lencería | lingerie |
lengua | language / tongue |
lenguaje | language |
lente | lens / eye-glasses |
lenteja | lentil |
leña | firewood |
león/ona | lion |
leopardo | leopard |
lepra | leprosy |
lerdo/a | clumsy / slow-witted |
lesbiano/a | lesbian |
lesión | wound / lesion |
letal | lethal |
letra | letter / handwritting / lyrics |
leucemia | leukemia |
levadura | yeast / baking powder |
levantar | to lift / raise |
leve | light / slight |
ley | law |
libanés/nesa | lebanese |
libélula | dragonfly |
liberación | liberation |
liberal | liberal |
liberar | to liberate / free |
libertad | freedom |
libertinaje | licentiousness |
libido | libido |
libra | pound |
librar | to free |
libre | free |
libro | book |
licencia | license / permission |
licor | liquor |
licuadora | mixer |
líder | leader |
liebre | hare |
lienzo | linen cloth / canvas |
liga | league |
lígero/a | light |
ligeramente | slightly |
lija | sandpaper |
lila | lilac |
lima | lime / nail file |
limbo | limbo |
limitar | to limit |
limón\mones | lemon |
limosna | alms |
limpiar | to clean / wipe |
limusina | limousine |
lindo/a | pretty / lovely |
línea | line |
linguísta | linguist |
linterna | lantern / flash-light |
lírico/a | lyric / lyrical |
liso/a | smooth / flat / plain |
lista | list |
listo/a | ready / clever / smart |
lisura | smoothness |
literal | literal |
literatura | literature |
litoral | coastal / shore / seabord |
litro | liter |
liturgia | liturgy |
liviano/a | light |
llaga | sore / wound |
llama | flame / llama |
llamar | to call / phone |
llano | plain / flat / straightforward |
llanta | rim / tire |
llanto | weeping / crying |
llave | key |
llegar | to arrive / come |
llenar | to fill |
llevar | to take / carry |
llorar | to cry / weep |
llover | to rain |
lluvia | rain |
lobo/a | wolf |
lóbulo | lobe |
local | premises / local |
loco/a | crazy / insane |
locomoción\ciones | locomotion |
locución\ciones | expression |
locura | madness / insanity / folly / crazy act |
locutor/tora | announcer |
lodo | mud |
logaritmo | logarithm |
lógica | logic |
logotipo | logo |
lograr | to obtain / achieve / get |
loma | hill / hillock |
lomo | back |
lona | canvas |
lonche | lunch |
longevidad | longevity |
longitud | length / longitude |
loro | parrot |
los/las | the |
losa | slab / flagstone |
lotería | lottery |
loza | stoneware / crockery / earthenware |
lubricar | to lubricate |
lucero | bright star |
luchar | to fight /struggle |
lucidez\deces | lucidity |
luciérnaga | firefly / glowworm |
lucir | to shine |
lucrativo | lucrative |
luego | then / later |
lugar | place |
lujo | luxury |
lujuria | lust |
luminoso/a | luminous / shining |
luna | moon |
lunes | monday |
lupa | magnifying glass |
lustrar | to shine / polish |
luto | mourning |
luz | light / lighting |
macabro | macabre |
macarrón\rrones | macaroni / macaroon |
maceta | flowerpot |
machete | machete |
macho | male |
machucar | to crush / beat |
madera | wood |
madre | mother |
madrastra | stepmother |
madrina | godmother / bridesmaid |
madurar | to mature / ripen |
maestría | mastery / skill |
mafia | mafia |
magia | magic |
magnate | tycoon / magnate |
magnesia | the magnesia |
magnético/a | magnetic |
magnifeciencia | magnificence |
magnitud | magnitude |
magnolia | magnolia |
mago/a | magician |
maicena | cornstarch |
maíz | corn |
majestad | Majesty |
majo/a | nice / good-looking |
mal | badly / poorly / incorrectly |
malabarismo | juggling |
malaria | malaria |
malasio/sia | malaysian |
malaventura | misfortune |
malayo/a | malayan |
malcriado/a | spoiled |
maldad | evil |
maldecir | to curse / damn |
maleante | crook |
malentendido | misunderstanding |
maleta | suitcase |
maleza | weeds / underbrush |
malgastar | to squander / waste |
malhechor/chora | criminal |
malhumorado/a | bad-tempered |
malicia | malice |
maligno/a | malignant |
malla | mesh |
malo/a | bad |
malograr | to waste / fail |
maloliente | smelly |
malta | malt |
maltratar | to mistreat |
malvado/a | evil / wicked |
mama | teat / breast |
mamá | mother / mom |
mamar | to suck |
mambo | mambo |
mamografía | mamogram |
manada | herd |
manchar | to stain |
mandar | to command |
mandarina | mandarin orange |
mandíbula | jaw |
mandil | apron |
mandolina | mandolin |
mandón/dona | bossy |
manejar | to handle |
manera | way / manner |
manga | sleeve |
mango | handle |
manguera | hose |
maní | peanut |
manía | odd habit |
maniático/a | fussy / fanatic |
manicomio | insane asylum |
manicura | manicure |
manifestar | to declare |
maniobra | maneuver |
manipular | to manipulate |
maniquí\quíes | dummy |
manjar | delicacy |
mano | hand |
mansión\siones | mansion |
manso/a | gentle |
manta | blanket |
manteca | butter |
mantel | tablecloth |
mantener | to maintain |
mantequilla | butter |
manto | mantle |
manual | manual |
manufactura | manufacture |
manuscrito | manuscript |
manutención\ciones | maintenance |
manzana | apple |
mañana | tomorrow |
mapa | map |
mapache | raccoon |
maqueta | scale model |
máquina | machine |
mar | sea |
maratón\tones | marathon |
maravilla | wonder |
marca | it marks |
marcapasos | pacemaker |
marcar | to mark |
marchar | to march |
marcial | martial |
marco | frame |
marea | tide / make dizzy |
maremoto | tidal wave |
mareo | nausea |
marfil | ivory |
margarina | margarine |
margarita | daisy |
margen | margin |
mariachi | mariachi band |
marihuana | marijuana |
marimba | marimba |
marina | navy / coast |
marinero/a | sailor |
marioneta | puppet |
mariposa | butterfly |
mariquita | ladybug |
marisco | seafood |
marítimo/a | marine |
mármol | marble |
marquesina | marquee |
marrano/a | pig |
marrón\rrones | brown |
marroquí | Moroccan |
marsupial | marsupial |
marte | Mars |
martes | Tuesday |
martillo | hammer |
mártir | martyr |
marxismo | marxism |
marzo | March |
mas | but (más is more) |
más | more / most |
masacre | massacre |
masaje | massage |
mascar | to chew |
máscara | mask |
mascota | mascot |
masculino/a | masculine |
masilla | putty |
masivo/a | massive |
masoquismo | machoism |
masticar | to chew |
mástil | mast |
masturbarse | masturbate |
matamoscas | flyswatter |
matar | to kill |
matemáticas | mathematics |
materia | matter |
maternal | maternal |
matinal | matinal |
matiné | matinee |
matrícula | register |
matrimonial | married |
matrimonio | marriage |
matutino/a | morning |
maullar | to meow |
maxilar | jaw |
máxima | maxim |
máximo | maximum |
maya | Mayan |
mayo | May |
mayonesa | mayonnaise |
mayor | greater |
mayoría | majority |
mayorista | wholesaler |
mayúscula | capital letter |
mazmorra | dungeon |
mecánica | mechanics |
mecanismo | mechanism |
mecanografiar | to type |
mecedora | rocking chair |
mecer | to rock |
mecha | wick |
medalla | medal |
mediación\ciones | mediation |
mediado/a | half-full |
mediador/dora | mediator |
mediano/a | medium |
medianoche | midnight |
mediante | by means of |
medicación\ciones | medication |
medición\ciones | measurement |
médico/a | doctor |
medida | measurement |
medieval | medieval |
medio/dia | means |
mediocre | mediocre |
mediodía | noon |
medioevo | middle ages |
medir | to measure |
meditar | to meditate |
mediterráneo/nea | mediterranean |
medusa | jellyfish |
megabyte | megabyte |
megáfono | megaphone |
mejilla | cheek |
mejor | better |
mejorar | to improve |
melancolía | melancholy |
melaza | molasses |
melena | long hair |
mellizo/a | twin |
melocotón\tones | peach |
melodía | melody |
melodrama | melodrama |
melón\lones | melon |
membrana | membrane |
membrillo | quince |
memorable | memorable |
memoria | memory |
mencionar | to mention |
mendigar | to beg |
menopausia | menopause |
menor | minor |
menos | less |
mensaje | message |
menso\sa | stupid |
menstruar | to menstruate |
menstruación | menstruation |
mensual | monthly |
mensurable | mensurable |
menta | mint |
mental | mental |
mentar | to mention |
mente | mind |
mentir | to lie |
mentol | menhol |
menú | menu |
meñique | pinkie |
mercado | market |
mercancía | merchandise |
mercenario/ria | mercenary |
mercurio | mercury |
merecer | to deserve |
merengue | merengue dance |
mérito | merit |
mes | month |
mesa | table |
mesías | messiah |
mesura | moderation |
meta | it puts |
metabolismo | metabolism |
metafísica | metaphysics |
metáfora | metaphor |
metal | metal |
metamorfosis | metamorphosis |
meteoro | meteor |
meter | to put / insert |
meticuloso/a | meticulous |
método | method |
métrico/a | metric |
metro | meter |
mexicano/a | Mexican |
mezcla | mixture |
mezquita | mosque |
mezquite | mesquite |
mi\mis | my / not me |
mí | me / not my |
microbio | microbe |
microbiología | microbiology |
microbús\buses | minibus |
micrófono | microphone |
microondas | microwaves |
microorganismo | microorganism |
microscopio | microscope |
miedo | fear |
mientras | while |
miércoles | Wednesday |
migración\ciones | migration |
migraña | migraine |
migrar | to migrate |
mil | thousand |
milagro | miracle |
milenio | millenium |
milésimo/a | thousandth |
miligramo | milligram |
mililitro | milliliter |
milímetro | millimeter |
militante | militant |
militar | military man |
millar | thousand |
mimar | to mimar / pamper |
mímica | mimic |
mimo | pampering |
mina | mine |
mineral | mineral |
minería | mining |
miniatura | miniature |
minifalda | miniskirt |
minimizar | to diminish |
mínimo/a | minimum |
minino/a | pussycat |
ministerio | ministry |
ministro/tra | minister |
minoría | minority |
minorista | retailer |
minoritario/ria | minority |
minúsculo/a | minuscule |
minuto | minute |
mío/a | mine |
miope | myopic / nearsighted |
mirar | to watch |
misa | mass |
miscelánea | miscellany |
miserable | miserable |
misericordia | mercy |
mísero/a | miserable |
misil | missile |
misión\siones | mission |
misionero/a | missionary |
mismo | same |
misterio | mystery |
mistica | misticism |
mitad | half |
mito | myth |
mixto/a | compound / mixed |
mobiliario | furniture |
mocasín\sines | moccasin |
mochila | knapsack / backpack |
moco | snot / mucus |
moda | fashion |
modelar | to model |
módem | modem |
moderar | to moderate |
moderno/a | modern |
modesto/a | modest |
modificar | to modify |
modismo | idiom |
modista | dressmaker |
modo | way / manner / mode |
modular | to modulate |
módulo | module |
moho | mould / rust |
moíses\seses | cradle / bassinet |
mojar | to wet |
molar | to molar |
moldear | to mold |
molécula | molecule |
moler | to grind |
molestar | to bother |
molido/a | ground |
molino | mill |
molusco | mollusk |
momento | moment |
momentáneamente | momentarily |
momentáneo/nea | momentary |
momia | mummy |
monarca | monarch |
monasterio | monastery |
mondadientes | toothpick |
mondongo | innards / guts |
moneda | currency / coinage / coin |
monetario/ria | monetary |
monitor | monitor |
monja | nun |
mono/a | monkey |
monogamia | monogamy |
monografía | monograph |
monograma | monogram |
monólogo | monologue |
monopatín\tines | scooter |
monopolio | monopoly |
monosílabo | monosyllable |
monoteísmo | monotheism |
monotonía | monotony |
monóxido | carbon monoxide |
monstruo | monster |
montaña | montain |
montar | to mount / ride |
monte | mountain / hill |
montículo | knoll |
montón | pile / heap |
montura | mount |
monumento | monument |
moño | hair bun |
mora | mulberry / blackberry |
morada | residence |
moral | moral |
morar | to dwell / reside |
morder | to bite |
mordisquear | to nibble |
moreno/a | dark skin |
moretón\tones | bruise |
morfina | morphine |
morir | to die |
morse | morse code |
mortal | mortal |
mortífero/a | deadly |
mortificar | to mortify |
mosaico | mosaic |
mosca | fly |
mosquito | mosquito |
mostaza | mustard |
mostrador | counter |
mostrar | to show |
mota | speck |
motel | motel |
motín | riot / revolt |
motivo | reason |
moto | motorcycle |
motor | motor |
mover | to move / stir |
móvil | mobile |
movimiento | movement / motion |
mozo/a | young man / waiter |
muchacho/cha | boy |
muchedumbre | crowd / mass |
mucho | much |
mucosidad | mucus |
mudo | mute |
mueble | furniture |
mueca | face / grimace |
muela | tooth |
muelle | wharf |
muerte | death |
muestra | sample |
mugre | dirt / grime |
mujer/jeres | woman / women |
mulato/a | mulatto |
muleta | crutch / prop |
multa | fine / penalty |
multicolor | multicolor |
multicultural | multicultural |
multimedia | multimedia |
multinacional | multinational |
multiplicar | to multiply |
multitud | multitude |
mundo | world |
municiones | ammunition |
municipal | policeman / municipal |
muñeca | wrist / doll |
mural | mural / wall |
murciélago | bat |
murmullo | murmur |
murmurar | to murmur |
muro | wall |
musaraña | shrew |
músculo | muscle |
museo | museum |
musgo | moss |
música | music |
muslo | thigh |
musulmán/mana | muslim |
mutar | to mutate |
mutuo/tua | mutual / reciprocal |
muy | very / highly |
nabo | turnip |
nácar | mother of pearl |
nacer | to be born |
nación\ciones | nation |
nada | nothing |
nadar | to swim |
nadie | nobody / no-one |
naipe | playing card |
nalgas | buttocks / rumps |
nana | granny /lullaby |
naranja | orange |
narciso | narcissus / daffodil |
narcótico/a | narcotic |
nariz\rices | nose |
narrar | to narrate / tell |
nasal | nasal |
nata | cream / skim |
natación\ciones | swimming |
natal | native / birth / natal |
natillas | custard |
natividad | nativity / birth |
nativo/a | native |
natural | natural |
naturaleza | nature |
naturalidad | naturalness |
naufragar | to be shipwrecked |
náusea | nausea |
náutico/a | navigation / nautical |
navaja | knife |
naval | naval |
nave | ship |
navegar | to sail |
navegable | navigable |
navegación\ciones | navigation |
navidad | Christmas |
nazi | Nazi |
neblina | fog / mist |
nebuloso/a | cloudy / nebulous |
necedad | nonsense / silliness |
necesario/ria | necessary |
necesariamente | necessarily |
necesidad | necessity /need |
necio/cia | fool / silly / stupid |
necrología | necrology |
néctar | nectar |
negar | to deny |
negligente | negligent |
negociar | to negotiate |
negro/gra | black |
nene/a | baby |
nepotismo | nepotism |
neptuno | Neptune |
nervio | nerve |
neumático | pneumatic / tire |
neumonía | pneumonia |
neurología | neurology |
neurosis | neurosis |
neutral | neutral |
neutrón | neutron |
nevar | to snow |
nevera | refrigerator |
ni | nor / neither |
nicaraguense | nicaraguan |
nicho | niche |
nicotina | nicotine |
nido | nest |
niebla | fog |
nieto/a | grandson / granddaughter |
nieve | snow |
nigeriano/a | Nigerian |
ninfa | nymph |
ninguno/a | no / none / nobody / no one |
niño/a | boy / girl |
nipón/pona | Japanese |
níquel | nickel |
nítido/a | clear / bright |
nitrato | nitrate |
nitrógeno | nitrogen |
nivel | level |
no | no |
noble | nobleman / noble |
noche | night |
nocturno/a | nocturnal |
nombrar | to name |
nomo | nomo |
nonagésimo/a | nineteenth |
noreste | the northeast |
norma | norm |
noroeste | the northwest |
norte | north |
norteamericano/a | North American |
norteño/a | northern |
noruego/a | Norwegian |
nosotros/tras | we |
nostalgia | nostalgia |
nota | note |
notario/ria | notary |
noticia | the news |
notificar | to notify |
notorio | well-known / notorious |
novato/a | novice |
novecientos/tas | nine hundred |
novedad | newness / novelty |
novela | novel |
novelista | novelist |
noveno/a | ninth |
noventa | ninety |
noviazgo | engagement |
novicio/cia | novice / beginner / apprentice |
noviembre | November |
novio/via | boyfriend / girlfriend / fiance / fiancee |
nube | cloud |
nuca | nape of the neck |
núcleo | nucleus |
nudillo | knuckle |
nudismo | nudism |
nudo | knot / node |
nuera | daughter-in-law |
nuestro/tra | ours |
nuevamente | again |
nueve | nine |
nuevo/a | new |
nuez | nut |
nulo/a | null |
numerar | to number |
numeración\ciones | numeration |
numérico/a | numerical |
nunca | never |
nupcial | nuptial |
nutria | otter |
nutrir | to nourish |
o | or |
oasis | oasis |
obedecer | to obey |
obediencia | obedience |
obediente | obedient |
obeso/a | obese |
obesidad | obesity |
obispo | bishop |
objetar | to object |
objeto | object |
oblicuo/cua | oblique |
obligar | to force / oblige |
obra | work |
obsequiar | to flatter / present |
obsequio | present / gift |
observar | to observe |
observación\ciones | observation |
observador/dora | observer |
obsesionar | to obsess |
obstaculizar | to prevent |
obstante | however / nevertheless |
obstreticia | obstetrics |
obstetra | obstetrician |
obstruir | to obstruct |
obstrucción\ciones | obstruction |
obtener | to obtain / get |
obtuso/a | obtuse |
obviar | to avoid / obviate |
obvio/via | obvious |
obviamente | obviously |
ocasión\siones | occasion |
ocaso | decline |
occidente | the West |
océano | ocean |
ochenta | eighty |
ocho | eight |
ocio | leisure / idleness |
octágono | octagon |
octava | eighth |
octeto | byte |
octogésimo | eightieth |
octubre | october |
ocultar | to hide |
ocupar | to occupy |
ocupación\ciones | occupation |
ocupado/a | occupied / busy |
ocurrir | to happen |
odiar | to hate |
odontología | dentist / odonology |
odontólogo/a | dentistry |
oeste | the west |
ofender | to offend |
oferta | supply / offer |
oficial | official |
oficina | office |
oficio | office |
ofrecer | to offer |
ofrenda | offering |
oftalmología | ophtalmology |
oftalmólogo/a | ophtalmologist |
oír | to hear |
ojal | eyelet |
ojo | eye |
ola | wave |
olé | bravo |
oleada | big wave |
oler | to smell |
olfatear | to sniff / smell |
olimpiada | olympiad |
oliva | olive |
olor | scent / smell / odor |
olvidar | to forget |
ombligo | navel |
omelette | omelette |
omitir | to omit |
omisión\siones | omission |
ómnibus | omnibus |
omnipotente | omnipotente |
omóplato | shoulder blade |
once | eleven |
onceavo | eleventh |
onda | wave |
onza | ounce |
opaco/a | opaque |
ópalo | opal |
opción\ciones | option |
ópera | opera |
operar | to operate |
opinar | to think |
oriental | eastern |
orientar | to orient |
oriente | orient |
orificio | orifice |
origen/rígenes | origin |
original | original |
originalidad | originality |
orilla | edge / border |
orinar | to urinate |
oriundo/a | native |
ornamental | ornamental |
ornitología | ornithology |
oro | gold |
orquesta | orchestra |
orquídea | orchid |
ortiga | nettle |
ortodoxia | orthodoxy |
ortografía | spelling |
ortopedia | orthopedics |
ortopédico/a | orthopedic |
oruga | caterpillar |
orzuelo | sty |
oscuro/a | dark / obscure |
óseo/sea | bony / osseous |
oso/a | bear |
osteoporosis | osteoporosis |
ostra | oyster |
otoño | autumn / fall |
otorgar | to grant / award |
otro/tra | another / other |
óvalo | oval |
ovario | ovary |
oveja | sheep |
ovni | ufo |
ovular | to ovulate |
ovulación\ciones | ovulation |
oxidar | to oxidize / rust |
oxígeno | oxygen |
oyente | listener |
ozono | ozone |
pabellón | pavilion / block |
pabilo | wick |
paciencia | patience |
pacificar | to pacify |
pacto | pact / agreement |
padecer | to suffer |
padre | father |
paella | paella |
paga | wages / pay |
pagano/a | pagan |
pagar | to pay |
página | page |
pago | payment |
país | country / nation |
paja | straw |
pájaro | bird |
pajita | drinking straw |
pala | shovel / spade |
palabra | word |
palacio | palace |
paladar | taste / palate |
palanca | handle / lever / crowbar |
palco | theater box |
palestino/a | palestinian |
pálido/a | pale |
palillo | small stick / toothpick |
paliza | beating |
palmera | palm tree |
palo | stick |
paloma | dove / pigeon |
palpar | to feel / touch |
palpitar | to beat / palpitate |
palta | avocado |
paludismo | malaria |
pampa | pampa |
pan | bread |
panadería | bakery |
panal | honeycomb |
panameño/a | panamanian |
pancito | bread roll |
páncreas | pancreas |
pandilla | gang |
panecillo | bread roll |
panel | panel / plywood |
panfleto | pamphlet / lampoon |
pánico | panic |
panorama | panorama |
panqueque | pancake |
pantalla | screen |
pantalón\lones | pants / trousers |
pantano | marsh / swamp |
pantera | panther |
pantimedias | panty hose |
pantomima | pantomime |
pantorrilla | calf of leg |
pantufla | slipper |
panza | belly / paunch |
pañal | diaper |
paño | cloth |
pañuelo | handkerchief |
papa | potato / pope |
papagayo | parrot |
papaya | papaya |
papel | paper |
paquete | package |
paquistaní | pakastini |
par | pair / couple |
para | for / towars / stop |
parábola | parable |
parabrisas | windshield |
parachoques | bumper |
parada | stop / parade |
paradoja | paradox |
parafrasear | to paraphrase |
paraguas | umbrella |
paraguayo/a | paraguayan |
paraíso | paradise |
paralelo/a | parallel |
parálisis | paralysis |
parámetro | parameter |
paranoia | paranoia |
parar | to stop / stand |
pararrayos | lightning rods |
parásito/a | parasitic / parasite |
parcial | partial |
parecer | to seem |
pared | wall |
parentela | relatives |
paréntesis | parenthesis |
pariente | relative |
parir | give birth / have a baby |
parking | parking |
parlotear | to chatter |
parodia | parody |
párpado | eyelid |
parque | park |
parqué | parquet |
parquear | to park |
parquímetro | parking meter |
párrafo | paragraph |
parrilla | grill |
párroco | priest / parish |
parte | part |
partero/a | midwife |
partición\ciones | division / sharing |
participar | to participate |
partícula | particle |
particular | particular / private |
partir | to start off / depart / slipt / divide |
partitura | score |
parto | childbirth |
pasada | happened / pass |
pasaje | passage |
pasamanos | handrails |
pasaporte | passport |
pasar | to happen / pass |
pasarela | footbridge |
pasatiempo | pastime / hobby |
pascua | passover / easter |
pase | pass |
pasear | to take a walk / go for a ride |
pasillo | corridor / passage |
pasión\siones | passion |
pasivo/a | liabilities / passive |
pasmar | to astonish |
paso | step |
pasta | paste / pasta |
pastel | pie / cake |
pasteurizar | to pasteurize |
pastilla | tablet / pill |
pata | leg |
patata | potato |
patear | to kick |
patentar | to patent |
paternal | paternal |
patético/a | pathetic |
patillas | sideburns |
patinar | to slide |
patinador/dora | skater |
patinaje | skating |
patio | patio |
pato/a | duck |
patología | pathology |
patria | mother country |
patriarca | patriarch |
patrimonio | patrimony |
patriota | patriotic |
patriotismo | patriotism |
patrocinador/dora | sponser |
patrón/trona | pattern |
patrulla | patrol |
pausa | it slows down |
pavimento | pavement |
pavo/a | turkey |
pavor | terro |
payaso/a | clown |
paz | peace |
peaje | toll |
peatón\tones | pedestrian |
peca | freckle |
pecado | sin |
pecador/dora | sinner |
pecaminoso/a | sinful |
pecar | to sin |
pecera | fishbowl |
pecho | chest |
pecoso/a | freckled |
pectoral | pectoral |
peculiar | peculiar |
peculiaridad | peculiarity |
pedagogía | education |
pedal | pedal |
pedante | pedantic |
pedazo | piece / bit |
pedestal | pedestal |
pediatra | pediatrician |
pedigrí | pedigri |
pedir | to request / ask for |
pegar | to glue / stick |
peinar | to comb |
pelado/a | bare |
pelar | to peel |
peldaño | step |
pelear | to fight |
pelícano | pelican |
película | film / movie |
peligro | danger |
pelirrojo/a | red-haired |
pellejo | skin / hide |
pellizcar | to tweak / pinch |
pelo | hair |
pelota | ball |
peluca | wig |
peluche | plush |
peludo/a | hairy |
peluquería | hairdressing salon |
pelusa | fuzz |
pelvis | pelvis |
pena | pain / penalty |
penal | penitentiary / prison |
penalty | penalty |
penar | to suffer / punish |
péndulo | pendulum |
pene | penis |
penetrar | to penetrate |
penicilina | penicillin |
península | peninsula |
penitencia | penance / penitence |
penoso/a | painful / distressing |
pensar | to think |
pentágono | pentagon |
pentagrama | music symbol / staff |
penúltimo/a | next to last / penultimate |
peña | rock |
peón | laborer / peon |
peor | worse |
pepino | cucumber |
pequeño/a | small |
pera | pear |
percepción\ciones | perception |
percibir | to perceive |
percusión\siones | percussion |
perdiz\dices | partridge |
perdón | pardon / forgiveness |
perdonar | to pardon / forgive |
perecer | to perish |
peregrinaje | pilgrimage |
peregrino/a | migratory |
perejil | parsley |
pereza | laziness |
perfección\ciones | perfection |
perfil | profile |
perforar | to perforate |
perfume | perfume |
pergamino | parchment |
pericia | skill |
periódico/a | newspaper |
período | period |
periquito | periquito |
periscopio | periscope |
perla | pearl |
permanecer | to remain |
permeable | permeable |
permitir | to allow |
pernicioso/a | pernicious |
pero | but |
perpendicular | perpendicular |
perpetrar | to perpetrate |
perpetuar | to perpetuate |
perplejo/a | perplexed |
perro/rra | dog / bitch |
perseguir | to persecute / pursue |
perseverar | to persevere |
persiana | blind |
persistir | to persist |
persona | person |
perspectiva | perspective |
persuadir | to persuade |
pertenecer | to belong to |
pertinente | pertinent |
perturbar | to disturb |
peruano/a | peruvian |
pervertir | to pervert |
perverso/a | perverse |
pervertido/a | perverted |
pesa | weight |
pesadilla | nightmare |
pesado/a | heavy |
pésame | condolence |
pesar | to weigh |
pescado | fish |
pescador/dora | fisherman |
pescuezo | neck |
pesebre | manger |
pesimismo | pesimism |
pésimo/a | terrible / awful |
peso | weight |
pesquero/a | fishing boat |
pestaña | eyelash |
peste | plague |
pestilencia | pestilence |
petaca | case |
pétalo | petal |
petardo | firecracker |
petición\ciones | request |
petirrojo | robin |
petrificar | to petrify |
petróleo | petroleum / oil |
petulante | arrogant |
pez | fish |
pezón | nipple |
pezuña | hoof |
piano | piano |
picante | hot |
picaporte | latch / door handle |
picar | to bite |
picazón\zones | itch |
pichón/chona | pigeon |
picnic | picnic |
pico | tip / beak |
pie | foot |
piedad | mercy / pity |
piedra | stone |
piel | skin |
pienso | feed / fodder |
peirna | leg |
pieza | piece |
pigmento | pigment |
pigmeo/mea | pygmy |
pijama | pajamas |
pila | battery |
píldora | pill |
pillar | to catch |
pillaje | looting / pillage |
piloto | pilot |
pimienta | pepper flakes |
pimiento | pepper fruit |
pimentero | pepper shaker |
pimentón | paprika |
pincel | brush |
pinchar | to puncture |
pintar | to paint |
pintor/tora | painter |
pintura | painting |
pinza | clamp |
piña | pineapple |
piñata | piñata |
piojo | louse |
pionero/a | pioneer |
pipa | pipe |
pirámide | pyramid |
piraña | piranha |
pirata | pirate |
piropo | compliment |
pirueta | pirouette |
pisada | footstep |
pisapapeles | paperweight |
pisar | to step on |
piscina | swimming pool |
piso | floor |
pista | track / trail |
pistola | pistol / gun |
piyama | pajamas |
pizarra | board |
pizca | pinch |
pizza | pizza |
placa | plate / sheet / badge |
placer | to please |
plácido/a | placid |
plaga | plague |
plagiar | to plagiarize |
plan | plan |
plana | page |
plancha | grill / iron |
planchar | to iron |
planear | to glide / plan |
planeador | glider |
planeta | planet |
planificar | to plan |
planilla | list / roster |
plano/a | plane / flat / plan |
planta | plant / floor |
plantear | to expound / raise |
plantel | staff / team |
plantilla | insole / shoe insert |
plástico/a | plastic |
plata | silver / money |
plataforma | platform |
plátano | banana / plantain |
platea | orchestra / pit |
plateado/a | silverplated |
platicar | to talk / chat |
platino | platinum |
plato | plate / dish |
platónico/a | platonic |
playa | beach |
plaza | seat / square |
plazo | term / period |
plegaria | prayer |
pleito | lawsuit / figth |
pliego | sheet |
plomería | plumbing |
plomo | lead |
pluma | pen / feather |
plural | plural |
plus | extra / bonus |
plutocracia | plutocracy |
plutón | Pluto |
poblar | to populate / colonize |
población\ciones | population |
pobre | poor |
poción\ciones | potion |
poco/a | little / few |
podar | to prune |
poder | to be able to / can / might / may |
podrido | rotted |
poema | poem |
polaco/a | Polish |
polar | polar |
polea | pulley |
polémica | controversy |
polen | pollen |
policía | police |
poliéster | polyester |
poligamia | polygamy |
polígono | polygon |
polilla | moth |
polio | polio / poliomyelitis |
politécnico/a | polytechnic |
política | politics |
póliza | policy |
pollo | chicken |
polución\ciones | pollution |
polvo | dust / powder |
pomelo | grapefruit |
pomo | knob |
pómulo | cheekbone |
ponche | punch drink |
poncho | poncho |
poner | to put |
popa | stern |
popular | popular |
póquer | poker |
por | by / for / per |
porcelana | porcelain |
porcentaje | percentage |
porción\ciones | portion |
porfiar | to insist |
pornografía | pornography |
poroto | bean |
porque | because / why |
porquería | nastiness / junk |
portaaviones | aircraft carrier |
portaequipajes | luggage rack |
portar | to carry |
portátil | portable |
pórtico | porch / portico |
portugués/guesa | Portuguese |
porvenir | future |
posar | to place / pose |
posavasos | coaster |
posdata | postscript |
poseer | to posses / own |
posibilidad | possibility |
posición\ciones | position |
positivo/a | positive |
posponer | to postpone |
postal | postcard |
postergar | to delay / postpone |
posteridad | posterity |
postre | dessert |
postura | position |
potable | potable / drinkable |
potasio | potassium |
pote | jar |
potencia | power |
pozo | well |
práctica | practice |
practicar | to practice |
pradera | prairie / grassland |
pragmático/a | pragmatic |
preámbulo | introduction / preamble |
precario/ria | precarious |
precaución\ciones | precaution |
preciado/a | prized |
precio | price / cost |
precipicio | precipice |
precipitar | to hasten / speed up |
preciso/a | precise |
preconcebido | preconceived |
predecesor/sora | predecessor |
predecir | to predict |
predestinado/a | predestined |
predeterminar | to predetermine |
prédica | sermon |
predicado | predicate |
predicar | to preach |
predicador/dora | preacher |
predicción\ciones | prediction |
predilección\ciones | predilection |
predisponer | ready |
predisposición\ciones | predisposition |
predominante | predominant |
prefabricado/a | prefabricated |
prefacio | preface |
preferir | to prefer |
preferencia | preference |
preferente | preferred |
preferido/a | preferred |
prefijo | area code |
pregonar | to announce |
pregunta | a question |
preguntar | to ask |
preguntarse | to question itself |
prehistórico/a | prehistoric |
prejuicio | prejudice |
preliminar | preliminary |
prematrimonial | premarital |
prematuro/a | premature |
premeditar | to premeditate |
premenstrual | premenstrual |
premio | prize |
premiado/a | awarded / prizewinning |
premiar | to award / reward |
premisa | premise |
premonicón\ciones | premonition |
premura | haste / urgency |
prenatal | prenatal |
prenda | piece of clothing / pledge |
prendar | to captivate |
prendarse | to fall in love with |
prender | to pin / capture |
prenderse | to catch fire |
prendedor | pin / brooch |
prensa | press |
preñado/a | pregnant |
preocupar | to worry |
preocupación\ciones | worry |
preparar | to prepare |
preparación\ciones | preparation |
preparado/a | prepared |
preparativo | preparatory |
preparatoria | preparatory |
preposición\ciones | preposition |
prepotente | arrogant |
prerrogativa | prerogative |
presa | prey |
presagiar | to foretell |
presencia | presence |
presenciar | to be present at / witness |
presentar | to present |
presentación\ciones | presentation |
presentador/dora | presenter |
presente | present |
presentir | to have a presentiment of |
presentimiento | premonition |
preservar | to preserve |
preservación\ciones | preservation |
preservativo | preservative / condom |
presidente | president |
presidencia | presidency |
presidencial | presidential |
presidio | military prison |
presidiario/ria | convict |
presidir | to preside over |
presión\siones | pressure |
presionar | to press |
preso/a | prisoner |
prestar | to lend / loan / give |
prestigio | prestige |
presto/a | ready / prompt |
presumir | presume |
presumido/a | conceited / vain |
presunción\ciones | presumption |
presuponer | to estimate / presuppose |
presupuesto | budget |
presuroso/a | hasty / quick |
pretender | to try / court |
pretensiones | pretensions |
pretérito | past |
pretexto | pretext |
prevalecer | to prevail |
prevenir | to prevent / warm |
prevención\ciones | prevention |
prevenido | prepared |
prever | to anticipate / foresee |
previo/via | previous |
previsible | foreseeable |
previsión\siones | foresight |
prieto/a | dark / tight |
primario/ria | primary |
primavera | spring |
primero/a | first |
primitivo/a | primitive |
primo/a | cousin |
primogénito/a | first-born |
primor | beauty |
primordial | fundamental |
primoroso/a | exquisite |
princesa | princess |
principado | principality |
principal | principal |
príncipe | prince |
principio | beginning / principle |
prioridad | priority |
prisa | hurry / rush |
prisión | prison |
privar | deprive |
privación\ciones | deprivation |
privado/a | private |
privativo/a | exclusive |
privilegio | privilege |
pro | for |
proa | bow / prow |
probabilidad | probability |
probable | probable |
probablemente | probably |
probar | to prove / try / test |
problema | problem |
problemático/a | problematic |
proceder | to proceed |
procedencia | origin |
procedimiento | procedure |
procesar | to process / prosecute |
procesador | processor |
procesameinto | processing |
procesión\siones | procession |
proceso | process |
proclamar | to proclaim |
proclamación\ciones | proclamation |
procrear | to procreate |
procreación\ciones | procreation |
procurar | to try / procure |
prodigar | to lavish |
prodigio | prodigy / wonder |
prodigioso | prodigious |
pródigo/a | prodigal |
producir | to produce |
producirse | to take place |
producción\ciones | production |
productivo/a | productive |
producto | product |
productor/tora | producer |
proeza | feat / exploit |
profanar | to desecrate / profane |
profecía | prophecy |
proferir | to utter |
profesar | to profess |
profesión\siones | profession |
profesional | professional |
profesor/sora | professor / teacher |
profeta | prophet |
profético/a | prophetic |
profetizar | to prophesy |
prófugo/a | fugitive |
profundo/a | deep |
profundamente | deeply |
profundidad | depth |
profundizar | to deepen |
profuso/a | profuse |
profusión\siones | profusion |
programa | program |
programación\ciones | programming |
programador/dora | programmer |
programar | to program |
progreso | progress |
progresión\ciones | progression |
progresivo/a | progressive |
prohibir | to prohibit |
prohibición\ciones | prohibition |
prohibido/a | prohibited |
prójimo | fellow |
prole | offspring |
proletariado | proletariat |
proliferar | to proliferate |
prolífico/a | prolific |
prolijo/a | tedious |
prólogo | prologue |
prolongar | to prolong / legthen |
prolongación\ciones | extension |
promedio | average |
promesa | promise |
prometer | to promise |
prometido/a | promised / engagement / fiancé |
prominente | prominent |
promiscuo/cua | promiscuous |
promiscuidad | promiscuity |
promocionar | to promote |
promoción\ciones | promotion |
promover | to promote |
promotor/tora | promoter |
promulgar | to promulgate / proclaim |
pronombre | pronoun |
pronosticar | to predict / foretell |
pronóstico | prognosis / prediction |
pronto/a | soon / quick / prompt |
pronunciar | to pronounce |
pronunciarse | to declare oneself |
pronunciación\ciones | pronunciation |
propagación\ciones | propagation |
propaganda | advertising |
propagar | to propagate |
propano | propane |
propasarse | to go too far |
propensión\siones | propensity / inclination |
propenso/a | prone / inclined |
propiamente | properly / exactly |
propicio/cia | favorable / propitious |
propiedad | property |
propietario/ria | owner /proprietor |
propina | tip |
propio/pia | own |
proponer | to propose / nominate |
proporción\cioens | proportion |
proporcionado/a | proportionated |
proporcional | proportional |
proposición\ciones | proposal / propposition |
propósito | intention / purpose |
propuesta | proposal / offer |
propulsar | to drive / propel |
prorrogar | to extend / postpone |
prórroga | extension / deferment |
prorrumpir | to burst forth / break out |
prosa | prose |
proseguir | to continue |
prospecto | prospectus |
prosperar | to prosper |
prosperidad | prosperity |
prostituir | to prostitute |
prostitución | prostitution |
prostituta | prostitute |
protagonista | protagonist |
protagonizar | star in |
proteger | to protect |
protección\ciones | protection |
protector/tora | protective |
protegido/a | protégé |
proteína | protein |
protestar | to protest |
protestante | protestant |
protocolo | protocol |
prototipo | prototype |
protuberancia | protuberance |
protuberante | protuberant |
provecho | benefit |
provechoso/a | beneficial / profitable |
proveer | to provide / supply |
proverbio | proverb |
providencia | providence |
provincia | province |
provisión\siones | provision |
provisional | provisional |
provocar | to cause |
provocación\ciones | provocation |
próximo/a | next |
próximamente | soon |
proyectar | to plan |
proyección\ciones | projection |
proyecto | project |
proyector | projector |
prudencia | prudence |
prudente | prudent |
prueba | test / proof / evidence |
psicoanálisis | psychoanalysis |
psicoanalista | psychoanalyst |
psicoanalizar | to psychoanalyze |
psicología | psychology |
psicólogo/a | psychologist |
psicópata | psychopath |
psicosis | psychosis |
psicoterapia | psycotherapy |
psicoterapeuta | psychotherapist |
psicótico/a | psychotic |
psiquiatría | psychiatry |
psiquiatra | psychiatrist |
psiquiátrico | psychiatric |
psíquico/a | psychic |
púa | sharp / point |
pubertad | puberty |
publicar | to publish |
publicación\ciones | publication |
publicidad | publicity |
publicista | publicist |
publicitar | to publicize |
publicitario/ria | advertising |
público/a | public |
puchero | stew |
púdico/a | modest |
pudiente | wealthy |
pudín\dines | pudding |
pudor | modesty |
pudrir | to rot |
pueblo | town |
puente | bridge |
puerco/a | pig |
puerta | door |
puerto | port |
puertorriqueño/a | Puerto Rican |
pues | then / since / because |
puesta | sunset |
puesto | position / place |
pugnar | figth |
pulcro/cra | tidy |
pulga | flea |
pulgada | inch |
pulir | to polish |
pulmón\mones | lung |
pulmonía | pneumonia |
pulpa | pulp |
púlpito | pulpit |
pulpo | octopus |
pulsar | to press |
pulsación\ciones | beat |
pulsera | bracelet |
pulso | pulse |
pulverizar | to pulverize / spray |
pulverizador | spray / atomizer |
puma | puma |
punta | tip / point |
puntada | stitch |
puntapié | kick |
puntear | to pluck |
puntería | aim |
puntiagudo/a | sharp / pointed |
puntilla | lace edging |
punto | point |
puntuación\ciones | score / punctuation |
puntual | punctual |
punzar | to prick |
punzada | prick |
punzante | sharp |
puñado | handful |
puñal | dagger |
puño | fist |
puñetazo | punch |
pupila | pupil |
pupitre | writing desk |
puré | puree |
pureza | purity |
purga | purge |
purgar | to purge |
purgatorio | purgatory |
purificar | to purify |
puritano/a | puritanical |
puro/a | pure |
púrpura | purple |
pus | ous |
pusilánime | cowardly |
puta | whore |
putrefacción\ciones | rotting / putrefaction |
que | that |
qué | what |
quebrar | to break |
quebrarse | to break |
quebrada | ravine / gorge |
quebradizo/a | fragile |
quebrado/a | broken |
quebrantar | to break |
quedar | to stay |
quedarse | to stay |
queja | complaint |
quemar | to burn |
quemarse | to burn oneself |
quemado/a | burned |
quemarropa | point-blank |
querer | to want |
querido/a | dear / darling |