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WWW List #21


Stem or WordMeaning
equivocate to hedge
superfluous unnecessary
bilateral two-sided
unilateral one-sided
circumspect cautious
commensurate of like measure
maleovolence evil intent
neophyte beginner
misanthropist people-hater
bellicose warlike
anthropomorphic man-shaped
captious fault-finding
neologism new word
malediction a curse
incredulous not believing
omniscient all-knowing
monomania obsession with one thing
specious false
excoriate verbally flog
prototype first model
xenophobia fear of foreigners
benediction blessing
amorphous shapeless
preponderance bulk
magnanimous great-minded
equi equal
voc voice
ate cause
super over
flu flow
ous full of
bi two
lat side
circum around
spec look
com with/together
mens measure
ate cause
mal bad
vol will
neo new
phyte plant
mis bad
anthrop man
ist one who
bell war
anthropo man
morph shape
cap take
ous full of
log word or reason
ism doctrine
dict say
in in/into/not
cred believe
omni all
sci know
mono one
mania madness
spec look
ous full of
ex out/beyond/without
cor heart
ate cause
proto first
xeno stranger
phobia fear of
bene good
dict say
a- not
morph shape
pre before
pond weight
magn great
anim mind
uni one
lat side
Created by: English 1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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