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Key Verbs Conjugated - Gerund and Participle

abarcar - include/embrace - Gerund & Participle abarcando / abarcado
animar - animate/enliven - Gerund & Participle animando / animado
contestar - answer/confirm/chat/argue/protest - Gerund & Participle contestando / contestado
correr - traverse/raid/run/auction/pass - Gerund & Participle corriendo / corrido
cuchichear - whisper - Gerund & Participle cuchicheando / cuchicheado
echar - throw/add/move/urge - Gerund & Participle echando / echado
entonar - intone/sound/tone - Gerund & Participle entonando / entonado
reparar - repair/restore/retrieve/parry/observe/mimic/observe/buck/rear - Gerund & Participle reparando / reparado
sacar - take out/get/get out/remove/serve/stick out/let out - Gerund & Participle sacando / sacado
tomar - take/accept/get/acquire/eat/drink/have - Gerund & Participle tomando / tomado
aceptar - accept - Gerund & Participle aceptando / aceptado
venir - come/arrive/happen - Gerund & Participle viniendo / venido
verse - see each other/meet/see oneself - Gerund & Participle viendo / visto
almorzar - lunch/breakfast late - Gerund & Participle almorzando / almorzado
aparecer - appear - Gerund & Participle apareciendo / aparecido
cerrar - close - Gerund & Participle cerrando / cerrado
coger - take/catch/grab/pick up - Gerund & Participle cogiendo / cogido
comenzar - begin/commence - Gerund & Participle comenzando / comenzado
conducir - take/convey/drive/lead/direct - Gerund & Participle conduciendo / conducido
conocer - know - Gerund & Participle conociendo / conocido
contar - count/tell - Gerund & Participle contando / contado
crecer - grow/increase/wax - Gerund & Participle creciendo / crecido
decir - say/tell/speak/call/suit - Gerund & Participle diciendo / dicho
demostrar - demonstrate - Gerund & Participle demostrando / demostrado
despertar - wake up/awaken/arouse - Gerund & Participle despertando / despierto
dormir - sleep - Gerund & Participle durmiendo / dormido
encender - light/ignite/kindle/switch on/punish - Gerund & Participle encendiendo / encendido
encontrar - encounter/find - Gerund & Participle encontrando / encontrado
entender - understand/intend/think - Gerund & Participle entendiendo / entendido
estar - be/stay/get - Gerund & Participle estando / estado
haber - have/get - Gerund & Participle habiendo / habido
hacer - make/create/cause/do/imagine/behave - Gerund & Participle haciendo / hecho
huir - escape/flee/avoid/shun/run away from - Gerund & Participle huyendo / huido
ir - go/move/travel/walk/drive - Gerund & Participle yendo / ido
jugar - play/gamble/handle/match - Gerund & Participle jugando / jugado
mentir - tell a lie - Gerund & Participle mintiendo / mentido
obtener - get/obtain/secure/achieve - Gerund & Participle obteniendo / obtenido
oler - smell - Gerund & Participle oliendo / olido
oponer - oppose/contrast views/raise/put up/offer - Gerund & Participle oponiendo / opuesto
parecer - seem/look/appear/think/resemble - Gerund & Participle pareciendo / parecido
parecerse - look alike/resemble/take after - Gerund & Participle pareciendo / parecido
pedir - ask/ask for/request/order/need/require/beg - Gerund & Participle pidiendo / pedido
pensar - think/intend/aspire/mull over/think over - Gerund & Participle pensando / pensado
perder - lose/waste/miss/fade/spoil/decline/deteriorate - Gerund & Participle perdiendo / perdido
poder - can/may/be able to - Gerund & Participle pudiendo / podido
poner - put/place/set/adjust/lay/switch on/send/impose/give/call/add - Gerund & Participle poniendo / puesto
probar - prove/show/establish/test/try/taste/suit - Gerund & Participle probando / probado
proponer - propose/suggest/propound/pose - Gerund & Participle proponiendo / propuesto
proteger - protect/shield/defend - Gerund & Participle protegiendo / protegido
querer - want/wish/wish for/need/love/like - Gerund & Participle queriendo / querido
recordar - remember/recollect/recall/remind/awaken/record - Gerund & Participle recordando / recordado
reir - to laugh - Gerund & Participle riendo / reído
reñir - to laugh - Gerund & Participle riendo / reído
repetir - repeat/say again/do again/recite/echo - Gerund & Participle repitiendo / repetido
saber - know/learn/realize/find out/be in the habit of - Gerund & Participle sabiendo / sabido
salir - leave/emerge/coout/go out/appear/turn - Gerund & Participle saliendo / salido
seguir - follow/chase/continue/go on being - Gerund & Participle siguiendo / seguido
sentar - sit/seat/place/settle/establish/crush/rein in/suit - Gerund & Participle sentando / sentado
sentir - feel/perceive/regret/feel sorry - Gerund & Participle sintiendo / sentido
ser - be/become - Gerund & Participle siendo / sido
tener - have/hold/keep/profess - Gerund & Participle teniendo / tenido
traer - bring/wear/attract/carry/have - Gerund & Participle trayendo / traído
volar - fly/rush/disappear/explode/fight off/upset/steal/flirt with - Gerund & Participle volando / volado
volver - return/turn/roll up/transform - Gerund & Participle volviendo / vuelto
anunciar - announce/forebode - Gerund & Participle anunciando / anunciado
añadir - to add - Gerund & Participle /
apagar - put out/switch off/silence/kill/calm - Gerund & Participle apagando / apagado
aplicar - apply - Gerund & Participle aplicando / aplicado
aprender - learn - Gerund & Participle aprendiendo / aprendido
arruinar - ruin/deflower - Gerund & Participle arruinando / arruinado
asegurar - secure - Gerund & Participle asegurando / asegurado
asesinar - murder/plague to death - Gerund & Participle asesinando / asesinado
asistir - attend - Gerund & Participle asistiendo / asistido
atacar - attack/fasten/stuff/plug - Gerund & Participle atacando / atacado
ayudar - help - Gerund & Participle ayudando / ayudado
buscar - look for/ask for - Gerund & Participle buscando / buscado
cambiar - change/exchange - Gerund & Participle cambiando / cambiado
celebrar - celebrate/say mass - Gerund & Participle celebrando / celebrado
cenar - have for supper - Gerund & Participle cenando / cenado
charlar - chat - Gerund & Participle charlando / charlado
cocinar - cook/meddle - Gerund & Participle cocinando / cocinado
comentar - comment - Gerund & Participle comentando / comentado
comer - eat - Gerund & Participle comiendo / comido
comprar - buy/bribe - Gerund & Participle comprando / comprado
comunicar - communicate - Gerund & Participle comunicando / comunicado
continuar - continue - Gerund & Participle continuando / continuado
controlar - control/audit - Gerund & Participle controlando / controlado
copiar - copy - Gerund & Participle copiando / copiado
cortar - cut - Gerund & Participle cortando / cortado
crear - create - Gerund & Participle creando / creado
creer - believe/think - Gerund & Participle creyendo / creído
criticar - criticize - Gerund & Participle criticando / criticado
"cubrir - cover/protect/fill - Gerund & Participle cubriendo / cubierto
cuidar - take care/take care of - Gerund & Participle cuidando / cuidado
deber - owe/should/must - Gerund & Participle debiendo / debido
dejar - leave/allow/fail - Gerund & Participle dejando / dejado
desear - want/desire/wish - Gerund & Participle deseando / deseado
dudar - doubt - Gerund & Participle dudando / dudado
eliminar - eliminate - Gerund & Participle eliminando / eliminado
empujar - push/shove/thrust/press/intrigue - Gerund & Participle empujando / empujado
engañar - to deceive - Gerund & Participle /
enviar - send - Gerund & Participle enviando / enviado
"escribir - write/spell - Gerund & Participle escribiendo / escrito
escuchar - listen/hear/receive - Gerund & Participle escuchando / escuchado
esperar - hope for/expect/hope/wait - Gerund & Participle esperando / esperado
estudiar - study/work/think over/ponder - Gerund & Participle estudiando / estudiado
evitar - avoid/prevent/escape/save/shun - Gerund & Participle evitando / evitado
explicar - explain - Gerund & Participle explicando / explicado
"expresar - express - Gerund & Participle expresando / expreso
felicitar - congratulate/wish - Gerund & Participle felicitando / felicitado
formar - form/shape/make/train/form up - Gerund & Participle formando / formado
ganar - earn/gain/win/score/win/escape - Gerund & Participle ganando / ganado
garantizar - guarantee/warrant - Gerund & Participle garantizando / garantizado
gastar - spend/consume/waste/wear away/have/crack/act - Gerund & Participle gastando / gastado
girar - turn/rotate/twist/spin/swing/operate/go on tour - Gerund & Participle girando / girado
gritar - shout/yell/boo - Gerund & Participle gritando / gritado
guardar - guard/protect/preserve/keep/hold/retain - Gerund & Participle guardando / guardado
guiar - guide/lead/drive/pilot/train - Gerund & Participle guiando / guiado
gustar - like/please/taste/try/be fond of - Gerund & Participle gustando / gustado
hablar - speak/talk - Gerund & Participle hablando / hablado
"imprimir - imprint/impress/print - Gerund & Participle imprimiendo / imprimido
intentar - intend/attempt/try - Gerund & Participle intentando / intentado
juzgar - judge - Gerund & Participle juzgando / juzgado
lavar - wash/launder/shampoo/wipe away/wipe out - Gerund & Participle lavando / lavado
leer - read - Gerund & Participle leyendo / leído
limpiar - clean/cleanse/wipe/shine/polish/purify - Gerund & Participle limpiando / limpiado
llamar - call/name - Gerund & Participle llamando / llamado
llegar - arrive - Gerund & Participle llegando / llegado
llenar - fill/cover/occupy/fill in/fulfill/satisfy - Gerund & Participle llenando / llenado
llevar - carry/take/transport/convey/wear/have/win/lead/bear/exceed - Gerund & Participle llevando / llevado
llorar - cry/weep over/lament/mourn/drip/water/suit/look nice - Gerund & Participle llorando / llorado
luchar - fight/struggle/wrestle - Gerund & Participle luchando / luchado
matar - kill/slay/postmark/smooth/upset/amaze/mate - Gerund & Participle matando / matado
mirar - look/look at/gaze at/watch/consider/value/glance/aim at - Gerund & Participle mirando / mirado
molestar - molest/annoy/bother/be a nuisance - Gerund & Participle molestando / molestado
nadar - swim/float/take a bath - Gerund & Participle nadando / nadado
necesitar - need/want - Gerund & Participle necesitando / necesitado
olvidar - forget/leave behind/leave out - Gerund & Participle olvidando / olvidado
organizar - organize - Gerund & Participle organizando / organizado
pagar - pay/repay/return/take bets - Gerund & Participle pagando / pagado
parar - stop/parry/fix/lead/bet/prepare/raise/end/strike/point - Gerund & Participle parando / parado
perdonar - pardon/forgive/excuse/spare/exempt - Gerund & Participle perdonando / perdonado
permitir - permit/allow - Gerund & Participle permitiendo / permitido
preguntar - question/ask/interrogate/inquire - Gerund & Participle preguntando / preguntado
prestar - lend/loan/give/take/borrow/do good to - Gerund & Participle prestando / prestado
quedarse - remain/stay/fall calm/keep/take - Gerund & Participle quedando / quedado
quejarse - complain - Gerund & Participle quejando / quejado
quemar - burn/scorch/cut/annoy/denounce/swindle/shoot/get tanned - Gerund & Participle quemando / quemado
quitar - take away/remove/avert/make/clear/destroy/reduce/give up - Gerund & Participle quitando / quitado
quitarse - remove oneself/withdraw/remove/reduce/give up - Gerund & Participle quitando / quitado
recibir - receive/welcome/entertain - Gerund & Participle recibiendo / recibido
relajar - relax/slacken/weaken/sicken/mock/poke fun at - Gerund & Participle relajando / relajado
reservar - reserve/keep/conceal/refuto tell - Gerund & Participle reservando / reservado
resistir - resist/bear/support/oppose/endure/struggle/last - Gerund & Participle resistiendo / resistido
respirar - breathe/breathe in/inhale/draw breath/be ventilated - Gerund & Participle respirando / respirado
responder - answer/reply to/respond/be workable/correspond - Gerund & Participle respondiendo / respondido
resumir - sum up/summarize/abridge/cut down - Gerund & Participle resumiendo / resumido
reunir - reunite/gather together/assemble/pool/combine - Gerund & Participle reuniendo / reunido
robar - rob/steal/burgle/kidnap/abduct/carry away - Gerund & Participle robando / robado
"romper - break/smash/wear out/burst/snap/tear - Gerund & Participle rompiendo / roto
soportar - bear/carry/support/hold up/resist - Gerund & Participle soportando / soportado
sorprender - surprise/amaze/startle - Gerund & Participle sorprendiendo / sorprendido
temer - fear/dread/be afraid - Gerund & Participle temiendo / temido
terminar - terminate/end/conclude/finish/complete/stop/quit - Gerund & Participle terminando / terminado
tocar - touch each other/be on drugs/be in contact/cover ones head - Gerund & Participle tocando / tocado
trabajar - work/train/drive/push/knead/trouble/bother - Gerund & Participle trabajando / trabajado
tratar - treat/handle/deal with - Gerund & Participle tratando / tratado
usar - use/utilize/make uof - Gerund & Participle usando / usado
utilizar - make uof/utilize/harness/reclaim - Gerund & Participle utilizando / utilizado
vaciar - empty/drain/pour/jettison/hollow out/grind/flow - Gerund & Participle vaciando / vaciado
vender - sell/market/betray - Gerund & Participle vendiendo / vendido
ver - see/look into/understand - Gerund & Participle viendo / visto
viajar - travel/journey/trip - Gerund & Participle viajando / viajado
vivir - live/live through/be alive - Gerund & Participle viviendo / vivido
oír - to hear - Gerund & Participle oyendo / oído
llover - rain/shower - Gerund & Participle lloviendo / llovido
sentarse - sit/sit down/seat oneself/settle/leave a mark - Gerund & Participle sentando / sentado
traducir - translate/render/interpret/express - Gerund & Participle traduciendo / traducido
manejar - drive - Gerund & Participle manejando / manejado
dirigir - direct/manage/steer/guide - Gerund & Participle dirigiendo / dirigido
Created by: matthewdaniel
Popular Spanish sets



Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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