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GRE Vocab-Princeton6
Question | Answer |
acumen | n.) keen, accurate judgment or insight, discernment, intellect |
adulterate | v.) reduce purity by combining w/ inferior ingredients, debase, contaminate |
amalgamate | combine several elements into a whole, blend, coalesce, integrate |
aver | v.) to state as a fact, to declare or assert, affirm, proclaim |
bombastic | adj.) pompous; grandiloquent, grandiose, ostentatious |
diatribe | n.) harsh denunciation, harangue, criticism, castigation |
dissemble | v.) to disguise or conceal, mislead, cover up, camouflage |
endemic | adj.) characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region or people, local, contagious, regional |
evanescent | adj.) tending to disappear like vapor, vanishing, transient, fleeting |
germane | adj.) relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter, appropriate, related, connected |
grandiloquence | n.) pompous speech or expression, bombastic, rant |
hackneyed | adj.) rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage, clichéd, tired, banal |
halcyon | adj.) calm and peaceful, serene, tranquil |
hedonism | n.) devotion to pleasurable pursuits esp to pleasures of senses, debauchery, indulgence |
hegemony | n.) consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others, leadership, power, predominance |
iconoclast | n.) one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions, radical, rebel, cynic |
idolatrous | adj.) given to intense or excessive devotion to something, pagan, heretical |
impassive | adj.) revealing no emotion, aloof, cool |
imperturbable | adj.) marked by extreme calm, impassivity & steadiness, collected, composed |
implacable | adj.) not capable of being appeased or significantly changed, merciless, cruel |
impunity | n.) immunity from punishment or penalty, exception, dispensation |
inchoate | adj.) in an initial stage, not fully formed, undeveloped, beginning |
infelicitous | adj.) unfortunate, inappropriate, disastrous, ill |
insipid | adj.) w/o taste or flavor, lacking in spirit, bland, dull, uninteresting |
loquacious | adj.) extremely talkative, verbose, chatty |
mendacity | n.) the condition of being untruthful, dishonesty, insincerity, deceit |
obdurate | adj.) unyielded; hardhearted; intractable; stubborn; implacable |
occlude | v.) to obstruct or block, prevent |
opprobrium | n.) disgrace; contempt; scorn; dishonor; tarnish |
pedagogy | n.) the profession or principles of teaching or instructing, education |
pedantic | adj.) overly concerned w/ the trivial details of learning or education; show |
penury | n.) poverty; destitution, barrenness, need |
pith | n.) the essential or central part, core, crux |
pithy | adj.) precise & brief, to the point |
platitude | n.) a superficial remark, esp. one offered as meaningful, overused saying, motto, proverb |
polemical | adj.) controversial; argumentative, contentious, opinionated |
prodigal | adj.) recklessly wasteful, extravagant; profuse; lavish, excessive |
profuse | adj.)given or coming forth abundantly,extravagant, excessive, superfluous |
querulous | adj.) prone to complaining or grumbling, peevish, grouchy, irritable |
rancorous | adj.) characterized by bitter, long |
recalcitrant | adj.) obstinately defiant, of authority, difficult to manage, disobedient, uncontrollable |
repudiate | v.) to refuse to have anything to do with; disown, reject, abandon |
rhetoric | n.) to act or study of effectiveness of language for communication and persuasion, discourse, address |
salubrious | adj.) promoting health or well being, beneficial, wholesome |
solvent | adj.) able to meet financial obligations, able to dissolve another substance |
specious | adj.) seeming true, but actually being fallacious, misleadingly attractive, plausible, but false, deceptive, inaccurate |
spurious | adj.) lacking authenticity or validity, false, counterfeit, fake, imitation |
surfeit | n/v.) an overabundant supply; excess; to feed or supply to excess, overflow, surplus |
tenuous | adj.) having little substance or strength, flimsy, weak, thin, shaky |