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From 5000 words set 1

abjure formally reject formerly held belief under pressure
acquittal free of charge
agnostic one who is skeptical of the exsitence of god or ultimate reality
airy immaterial; unreal
alcove a recess in a wall (for books; bed)
allude refer indirectly
alms money given to the poor
ape imitate; mimic a person manner
apostate sb who abandons his religious faith
apotecary druggist
apotheosis ideal example (god like)
aquiline curved (like eagle nose)
arch- chief
array arrange in order; adorn (clothing); marshal
arsenal place for keeping military equip
aspersion slanderous remark
aspiran seek after position
astringent binding; causing contraction; harsh
avalanche great mass of falling snow & ice
avenge take vengence on behalf of someone
avuncular like uncle
beatitude blessedness; great happiness
behove appropriate & necessary
benison blessing
bequeath to pass down will
betroth become engaged to marry
bluster blow in heavy gusts; bully; speak noisily
bode proten
bohemian unconventional in an artistic way
bombast pompous speech
brawny muscular
buffet strike forcefully; slap
canard false exaggerated rumor
career rush wildly; go at full speed
cataclysm deluge; earthquake; violent & sudden event of change
catapult hurling machine; slingsholt
chagrin annoyance; vexation caused by humiliation
chassis framework of automobile
cogent convincing
compendium summary
complicity involvement in questionable act
comport behave oneself
compost mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer
condign well-deserved (punishment)
conflagration great fire
congenial pleasant; suiting one's taste or nature ~weather
countermand cancel; revoke order
crabbed sour; bad-tempered; difficult to read (handwriting)
cross bad-tempered
cruel deadly (of disease); cruel
decadance decay; fall to lower level (of morality; civilization)
decimate kill
decreptitude state of collapse caused by illness; old age
decry condemn openly; express strong disapproval
defray provide for the payment for
deft skillful
denigrate defame
depravity excessive corruption
despoil plunder
detrimental harmful; damaging
deviod lacking
devious erratic; not straightforward\
diabolical devilish; fiendish
disclaim disown; deny
discriminating dicerning; prejudiced
disenfranchise deprive of civil right
dispatch speediness; message sent with speed
don put on
dour sullen;
duplicity hypocrisy
dysentry inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract
emanate issue forth
enstranged alienated
entomology study of insects
enumerate mention one by one
epithet word given characteriscially to describe a person
euphony pleasant sound
evocative calling up emotions; memory
exhilarating invigorating & refresing
expatiate talk; write at length
exploit successful act
extradition surrender of prisoner by one state to another
factious likely to cause faction; dissension
falter hesitate; wekaen in purpose; move unsteadily
fanciful whimsical; imaginary
feral wild (of animal)
fetter restrick the freedom
flay strip off skin; plunder; criticize harshly
flit fly swiftly & lightly
flotsam drifting wrekage
forebears ancestors
foreboding premonition of evil; warning of sth unpleasant
fray fight; unravel by rubbing; have loose threads developing
furor frenzy; great anger & excitement
furrow groove made by plow; wrinkle in skin
galley medieval ship with rolls of oars; area for food preparation on a ship
gamely spiritedly; with courage
garish overly bright in color
gerrymander change voting district to favor political party
gist essence
glut overstock; oversupply
grovel crawl on ground; remain prostrate; behave servilely
heresy opinion contrary to popular belief
high-flown highly pretentious
histrionic theatrical; very dramatic;
ignoble dishonerable
immolate kill as sacrifice (by fire)
imperative absolutely necessary; that must be done
implicate incriminate
inane sillyness
incandescent strikingly bright with heat
inculcate teach; instill (ideas; principles)
indeterminate uncertain
indigence poverty
indoctrinate cause to accept a doctrine without questinging it
ineluctable irresistible; unavoidable
ingrate ungrateful person
inkling slight indication; hint
innuendo subtle derogatory hint
inopportune untimely; porly chosen
intelligentsia members of educated elite (insult)
inveigh denounce; utter censure; invective
jetsam things thrown out of ship
jingoist militant; extreme patriotic
jocose joking
lackadaisical lacking interest & effort & zest
lagoon shallow body of water; lake sparated from sea by sandbar
licentious amoral; unrestrained
lien legal claim on property
lineaments features on the face; distinctive shape or contour
litter to cover untidily with scattered litter
madrigal pastoral song (for several singers with no instrument)
magisterial authoritative; commanding
magistrate official with power to administer law
malignant causing death
mangy shabby; wretched; bad appearance
maniacal raging mad; insane person
matinee musical performance given in afternoon
maudlin very sentimental
memorialize commemorate
miscellany mixture of writings on verious subjects
momentous very important
monograph scholarly article
monotony sameness leading to boredom
mordant biting; sarcastic
mutter utter indistinctly low tones
myopic short-sighted
nomenclature system of name/naming
nugatory futile; worthless
oblivion obscurity; being forgotten
odium detestation (from bad act)
orgy unrestrained indulgence in an activity
overturn topple\
palimpsest reused (erased) writing material
pang sudden sharp pain
parley conference between opponents
patent obvious; open to public
peon landless farmer; bond servant
perverse purposely continuing to do wth wrong
petulant ill tempered; peevish
phalanx formation of infantry
philology study of language; words
physiognomy โหงวเฮ้ง
pinnace small boat
pith core; spongelike substance in center of stems
pithy concise & meaningful; meaty
prate talk idly; foolishly
prefigure foreshadow
preternatural beyond nature
pretext excuse
privation lack of basic necessities
protuberance swelling; bulge
psychosomatic of the influence of mind on body (disease)
pugilist boxer
punctilious fussy; scrupulous
pundit expert
quintessence apotheosis
quirk sudden turn or twiset; caprice; peculiarity of behavior
rag scrap cloth
ragged old and torn; seemed unfinished
rankle irritate
rarefy make less dense
recapatulate summarize
recess a small concavity; a pause (from work)
recondite abstruse
recreant a coward; disloyal person
rectitude moral correctness
redition rendering; artistic interpretation (of a song)
reduce demote; lower in rank; separate into components by analysis
render represent in verbal or artistic form
resent feel angry about
resentment bitterness
resound be filled with sound; echo
ribald vulger lewd humor; wanton; profane
rumble making rolling sound\
ruminant ?
scorch surface burn; discoloration due to heat
scrappy quarrelsome
scurrilous abusive; indecent
sedate composed; with no excitement
seemly proper (of behavior)
semblance outward appearance; guise
shrew scolding bad-tempered woman
slink move furtively; stealthy
sordid filthy; vile
squat short & thick; stocky
stem stop (the flow)
stock typical; routine
stockage line of posts used as defensive barrier
stratagem deceptive scheme
subversive tending to overthrow; undermean
sullen showing ill humour; resentment
supererogatory superfluous; more than needed
surfeit supply excessively
swell long wave of water that moves without breaking
tardy slugginsh; late
tarry linger
tenacious persistent; holding strong belief
titter giggle
tribute ส่วย mark of respect
truism self-evidence truth
unaccoutnable cannot be explained; free from responsibility
uninhibited unrepressed
unintimating unfrightening
unprepossessing unattractive
unseemly improper (of behaviour)
untoward unexpected and adverse; unfortunate
vagary capricious
vagrant wandering from place to place (~mind)
vainglorious boastful; conceited
valediction saying farewell
valor bravery
variegated having many colors
venal corrupt
vendetta blood fued (bw two families
vintner wine merchant; wine maker
vouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee
waggish humorous; tricky
warp twist out of shape
warren tunnels in which rabbits live; overcrowded living area
welt whipping mark
whorl circular arrangement
zeal eager enthusiasm
Created by: vizruta
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