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Focus On L1 (01~07)


1. bath (n) bathe (v) 浸洗;泡澡(n):I take a warm bath and go to bed. 浸洗;給...洗澡(v):Will you help me bathe the baby?
2. show (v)(n) 展示(v):Could you show me what you bought? 顯示(v):Research shows that most people get too little exercise. 指路(v):Would you show me to my room? 展示;展覽;表演(n):The theater gives two shows in one day.
3. leave (v)(n) 忽略未拿或未帶〈v〉I left my bag in the taxi. 聽任,使處於〈某種狀態〉〈v〉The flood left many people homeless. 休假〈n〉I got two weeks’ leave./she is on sick leave.〈病假〉離去,告別〈n〉The guests〈客人〉took leave after thanking the host〈主人〉
4. while (conj)(n)(v) 然而〈conj〉I like tea while she likes coffee. 雖然,儘管〈conj〉While I like the color of the hat ,I do not like its shape. 一會兒;一段時間〈n〉I’ll be back in a while. 消磨〈時光〉;輕鬆地度過〈v〉I while away the whole afternoon watching TV
5. follow (v) 跟隨〈v〉Follow me , please. 沿著…進行〈v〉We followed a trail〈小徑〉to the top of the hill.
6. beauty (n) 美〈n〉Beauty is but skin deep.﹝諺﹞美貌是膚淺的〈不能以貌取人〉美人〈n〉At the age of 16 , Monica is already a great beauty.
7. course (n) 1.路線.航線We changed course and sailed south. 2.課程What courses are you taking now? 3.一道菜We had a three-course dinner;we had soup,steak ,and fruit.
8. turn (v)(n) 轉動;轉向〈v〉Don’t turn round. 變〈色〉〈v〉In fall , the leaves turn brown. 旋轉;轉向〈n〉The car made a left turn. 轉彎〈n〉There’re many sharp turns〈急轉彎〉in this road. 〈各自輪轉時各自的〉一次機會〈n〉It’s my turn to drive next.
9. case (n) 情況〈n〉It may rain. In that case , the picnic will be canceled. 〈取消〉病例〈n〉Cases of dengue fever〈登革熱〉are quite usual these days. 案件;訴訟案〈n〉The police are trying to break the murder case. 盒子;箱子〈n〉My pencil case is missing.
10. point (n)(v) 特點〈n〉Dancing is not my strong point. 分數〈n〉Michael scored 32points in that game. 要點〈n〉I see your point, but I don’t agree with you. 指向;指著〈v〉It’s rude to point your fingers at people. 指出〈v〉He pointed out that we were mistaken〈判斷錯誤的〉
11. line (n)(v) 線條〈n〉Yellow lines at the side of the road mean “no smoking” 隊伍;行列〈n〉There is a long line at the ticket office. 排成行〈v〉People lined the streets to see the famous movie star go pass.
12. area (n) 1.面積(n):The city covers an area of 15 square kilometers. 2.地區(n):A hospital is going to be built in this area
13. try (v)(n) 1.試圖;嘗試(v):I tried to break the door open, but i couldn't. 2.審判(v):The prisoner(囚犯)will be tried for murder next Tuesday. 3.考驗;折磨,使苦惱(v):Sometimes you really try me.有時候你真讓我受不了嘗試(n):If you can't open the box, can I have a try?
14. move (v)(n) movement (n) 使感動(v):I was deeply moved by her story. 1.移動(n):With one move, he was by her side. 2.一步棋;對策(n):One careless move loses the whole game. 1.動作(n):He lay there without movement. 2.傾向;變遷(n):There is a movement towards simple designs 3.(政治,社會,思想)運動
15. end (n) 1.末端(n):My house is at the end of the street. 2.目的,目標(n):I'll do anything to acheive my ends. 3.結束(n):I couldn't wait to hear the end of the story.
16. stand (v)(n) 忍受(v):I can't stand that man-he's so rude. 1.立場(n):My stand toward the matter has not changed. 2.攤子(n):There is a fruit stand by the road. 3.看台(n):People in the stands broke into cheers(歡呼) when Frank hit a home run.
17. against (prep) 1.反對,逆著,不利於:She has said nothing against you. 2.倚著,靠著:Putting a ladder(梯子) against the wall, I climbed up to the roof. 3.防備:I need some warm clothes against the coming winter.
18. since (conj) 1.自從:Where have you been since last I saw you? 2.既然,由於:Since you're not interested, I won't tel you about it.
19. run (n) 1.競選:Will he run for president? 2.(機器等)運轉:The machine runs smoothly 3.經營,管理:He runs a bookshop near here.
20. order (n)(v) 1.命令(n):Soldiers must obey orders. 2.順序(n):The names are listed in alphabetical order. 3.秩序(n):The young teacher can't keep order in her classroom. 4.訂購,點菜(n):May I take your order now, sir? 1.命令(v):He is order to leave immedialety. 2.訂購,點(菜或飲料)
21. interest (n) 1.利益:He only cares about his own interests. 2.利息:He lent me the money at 6% interest.
22. law (n) 法律:Stealing is against the law.
23. power (n) 1.力量:Knowledge is power. 2.權力:Power should be used wisely. 3.動力,電力:The typhoon cut off the power to the city.
24. room(n) 空間(n):Is there room for me in the car? 餘地(n):There’s still room for improvement(改進) in his work.
25. service(n) serve(v) 服務(n):The food of the restaurant is good,but the service is slow. (機械、車子)保養(n):I take my car for a service every year. (宗教)儀式(n):The memorial (紀念的) service will be held at 11 o’clock. 服務、效勞(v):Children must serve their country when they grow up. 供應(飯
26. appear(v) 出現(v):Gradually a smile appeared on her face. 似乎;看來好像(v):It appears that they are right.//They appear to be right.
27. until(conj,prep) 到...為止(conj,prep):Wait until the rain stops. ﹝用於否定時﹞直到...才(conj,prep):She did not go to bed until her daughter came back.
28. action(n) act(v) 行動(n):We should take action before it is too late. 行動(v):Think before you act! 演戲、表演(v):Tom acted his part(角色)well. 舉止、表現(v):He acted very strangely today. 行為、舉動(n):The boy was praised(稱讚)for his brave act. 法案(n):Congress(國會) passed an act forbidding(禁止)
29. force(n) 力量(的使用)(n):The moral force is on our side.道義的力量在握們這邊. 武力、暴力(n):The robber used force to get into the house. 強迫(v):It’s improer不(適當的) to force your idea upon others. 用力推進(v):We force our way through the crowd.強行穿過人群. 勉強作出(v):She force a smile.
30. continue(v) 繼續;延伸(v):The forest continues for miles. 繼續說(v):“Don’t worry about jack,”she continued.
31. foot(n) 底部(n):The town is at the foot of the mountain. 英尺(n):He is six feet tall.
32. reach(v) 抵達(v):He’ll reach home by nine o’clock. 伸手取(物)(v):He sat down and reached for the paper. 與...取得聯繫(v):You can reach me by e-mail.
33. general(adj) generally(adv) 約略的,籠統的(adj):Just give me a general idea of the work. 一般的,普通的(adj):There’s a general felling that land prices are too high. 通常;廣泛地(adv):Generally speaking,girls are more sensitive(敏感的) than boys.
34. lead(v) 帶領;帶路(v):She led me into the living room. 領先(v):After the first half of the race(賽跑),I was leading. 導致(v):Eating too much sugar can lead to all kinds of health problems. 通向(v):That door leads into the garden. 過...(的生活)(v):He leads a life of crime(犯罪).
35. carry (v) 攜帶;傳送(v):I never carry much money with me. 傳播(疾病)(v):This disease(疾病) is carried by mosquitoes(蚊子). (v) payment (n) 付給(酬勞)(v):I'll take the job because it pays well. 報復;報答(v):How can I pay you back for all your kindness? 是划算的(v):It pays to be kind to others. 付款(n):Full payment must be made before we get the new car.
37. example (n) 榜樣(n):Her courage (勇氣) was an example to all of us. 例子(n):Can you give examples of how this word is used in sentences?
38. sense (n)(v) 感覺官能(n):Dogs have a good sense of smell. 觀念(n):She has no sense of time. She is always late. 理智;判斷力(n):She has got more money than sense. 意識到(v):I sensed that I had made a serious mistake.
39. add (v) 添加(v):Add some water to the tea if it is too strong. 將...相加(v):If you add 3 and 4 together, you get 7. 補充說(v):"I felt sorry for her," Bob added.
40. position (n) 位置,地點(n):Can you find our position on this map? 職位;地位(n):He has a high position in society. 立場(n):What would you do if you were in my position?
41. receive (v) 收到;接到(v):I've just received a letter from Gloria.
42. happen (v) 碰巧(v):It happened that he was out when I called. // He happened to be out when I called.
43. moment (n) 片刻(n):Just a moment, I'm coming. 時刻(n):This is not the moment to argue. 現在不是該爭論不休的時候。
44. age (n)(v) 年齡(n):He died at the age of sixteen. 時代(n):When most people hear the words "Ice Age", they think of glaciers (冰河). 變老(v):Since her husband's death, she has aged considerably (相當大地).
45. whole (adj)(n) wholly(adv) 全部的(adj):They've told me the whole truth. 全部(n):I spent the whole of the morning cooking. 完全地(adv):He's wholly to blame for the accident.這事故全怪他。
46. history (n) 歷史(n):History repeats itself.歷史會一再重演。
47. class (n)(v) 社會階級(n):Most of the workers here are middle class (中產階級). 等級(n):She likes to buy things of first class. 將...分類(v):He's classed among the best artists of the age (時代).
48. thus (adv) 因此(adv):He didn't work hard. Thus, he was fired (解雇).
49. cost (n)(v) 費用;成本(n):The cost of living is going up. 代價(n):I'll achieve my goal at all costs.我將不惜任何代價達成我的目標。 花費;使付出…代價(v):Taking part in the strike cost me my job. 參加罷工使我失去工作。
50. step (n)(v) 腳步;一步的距離(n):Please take two steps forward (向前地). 步驟;措施(n):Active (積極的) steps should be taken to fight crime (犯罪). 跨步;走(v):Please step this way. 踩;踏(v):Sorry! Did I step on your foot?
51.table (n) 一覽表(n):Let's look at the train timetable before we go.
52.level (n)(adj)(v) 水平面(n):The village is 1,000 meters above sea level. 水準,程度;等級(n):The students have not reached the advanced(高等的)level yet. 平坦的(adj):Some streets are not level in the city. 弄平;夷平(v):The ground should be leveled before you plant a lawn(草坪). (v) 放置(v):Place the books on the shelf after you read them, please.
54.enter (v) 進入(v):Her dream to enter the famous university (大學) came true. 報名參加(v):A lot of cars entered for this race last year.
55.voice (n) 嗓子(n):My sister has a sweet voice. 發言權(n):I have little voice in this matter.
56.purpose (n) 目的,意圖(n):What is the purpose of his visit?
57.view (n)(v) 視線(n):The airplane has disappeared from view. 景色(n):There's a fine view of the lake from our hotel room. 觀點(n):In my view, she has done nothing wrong. 觀看(v):Viewed from space, the earth is shaped like a ball. 看待(v):The attack on the ship is viewed XXX
58.lie (vi)(lie,lay,lain) 躺臥(vi):He lay on the sofa and went to sleep(睡著了). 呈...狀態(vi):She lay awake all night worrying about her exam. 在於(vi):Happiness lies in contentment(滿足). 位於(vi):The town lies 20 miles east of Taipei. (lie,lied,lied)說謊(vi):He shouldn't have lied to me.
59.allow (v) 允許(v):Swimming is not allowed(允許) at this beach.
60.short (adj)(adv) 縮寫的(adj):UN is short for the United Nations(聯合國). 缺乏的(adj):We are short of skilled labor. 出其不意地(adv):He stopped short and looked back. 達不到目標地(adv):His achievements fall short of his hopes.
61.rise (vi)(n) 上升(vi):The sun hasn't risen yet. 聳立(vi):A tall building rose before our eyes. 起立(vi):He rose and left the room. 上升;增加(n):There will be a rise in the cost of living next year. 興起(n):Her rise in the world of politics was quite a legend(傳奇). 加薪(n): (v)(n) 驅趕(v):He drove the sheep up the hill. 驅策(v):Pride(自尊心) drove her to succeed. 迫使陷入某種狀態(v):The pain in my back(背部) nearly drove him crazy. (開車)兜風(n):Let's go for a drive in the afternoon. 本能需要(n):Among the strongest human drives are hunger, thirst, and
63.common (adj) 共同的(adj):Lou and I have a common interest in fishing. 普通的;常見的(adj):It's common for people to go abroad(海外) for their holidays.
64. raise (vt)(n) 舉起(vt):He raised his glass and said,"To your health,Carl." 提高(v):The landlord raised my rent. 籌(款);招(兵)(v):They are going to raise money for street people. 撫養;飼養(v):He raises a large family. 加薪(n):I'm thinking about talking to my boss for a raise/rise.
65. nature (n) 性質,本性(n):Habit is second nature.//She's kind by nature. 大自然(n):On holidays I like to get away from the city and went back to nature.
66. human (n)(adj) 人(n):We are all humans.//We are all human beings. 人的;人類的(adj):The accident was caused by a human error(人為過失). 有人性的;有人情味的(adj):He seems quite human when you know him.
67. cause (v)(n) 導致,引起(v):What caused him to quit his job? 起因(n):What was the cause of the forest fire? 極力維護的目標,理想(n):World peace is a cause we should all work for.
68. except (prep) 除去...之外(prep):No one except me knew it.
69. stay (v) 維持(某種狀態)(v):I hope the weather will stay fine.
70. officer (n) 軍官;官員;警官(n):Excuse me,officer.Is this the City Hall?
71. space (n) 空間(n):The sofa takes up(佔用)too much space. 太空(n):Numerous stars exist in space.太空中存在著無數的星星。
72. prepare (v) 為...做準備(v):The students are preparing for the test. 做(飯菜);調製(v):When we arrived home,Mom had already prepared dinner for us.
73. difficult (adj) 困難的(adj):It's very difficult to swim across this river. 難相處的(adj):Mary used to be a very difficult child.
74. note (v)(n) 注意(v):Please note that this bill must be paid within ten days. 記下(v):The policeman noted down every word I said. 筆記(n):She lectured(演講) without notes. 便條(n):She wrote me a note asking if I could come. 注意(n):Did you take note of what she said?
75. prove (v) 證實(v):How can you prove that he is lying? 證明是;原來是;結果發現是(v):The rumor prove (to be) true.這謠傳原來是真的。
76. earth (n) 地球(n):How far is the earth from the sun? 泥土(n):Put the seeds in the earth.In time(假以時日) they may grow into big plants.
77. lot (n) (作特定用處的)一塊地(n):The parking lot is across from the supermarket. 籤(n):The children drew lots to decide who would play the game first.
78. throw (v) 丟;扔(v):Stop throwing stones at that poor dog. 舉行(宴會等)(v):Are you going to throw a party on your birthday?
79. rest (n)(v) 靜止;休息(n):When the body is at rest, very little heat is produced. 其餘的人或物(n):We ate some of the butter and kept the rest for breakfast. 休息(v):Lie down and rest an hour after lunch if you can.
80. wear(v.) 面露...神態:Jason is wearing a pleasant smile today. 穿破,磨損:I wore out two pairs of sneakers(運動鞋) on the walking tour(徒步旅行).
81. unit(n.) 單位;單元:The hour is the unit of time.
82. thought(n.) 1.思索:After much thought, she decided not to buy the car. 2.想法;思想:Let me have your thoughts on this matter.
83. army(n.) 軍隊;陸軍:The army needs men who are willing (願意的)to fight.
84. lay(vt.) (lay/ laid/ laid)) 1.放置:Laying the baby down, I went to answer the phone. 2.下(蛋):The hens(母雞) laid three eggs today.
85. state(n.)(v.) statement(n.) state 1.(n.)狀態:After the typhoon, the house is in a terrible state. 2(v.)陳述;說明:The witness(目擊證人) stated that she had never seen Mr. Smith. statement 陳述;聲明:This morning, the minister(部長) made his first public statement about the affair(事件).
86. spring(n.) 彈起;彈跳:With an easy spring, the cat jumped up the wall. 1.彈簧:Don't jump on the spring bed.  2.泉水 Peitou is famous for its hot springs.
87. plant(v.) 1.(n.)種植:The hills are planted with fruit trees. 2.(n)植物:Few plants grow in a desert. 工廠:I work at a power plant(發電廠). // chemical plant // sewage plant(污水處理廠)
88. public(adj.)(n.) 1.(n)公眾,民眾:The art museum is open to the public. 2.(adj)公立的;公共的;公開的:Most children go to public elementary schools(小學).
89. machine(n.) 機器:Do you know how to operate(操作) this machine?
90. scene(n.) 景象;景色:The boats in the port(港口) make a beautiful scene. 2.(事件發生的)現場:The reporter was the first on the scene of the accident.
91. foreign(adj.) 外國的:Do you collect foreign stamps? 外來的;非固有的:Dishonesty is foreign to his nature.虛假不是他的本性。
92. discover(v.) 發現:She discovered that the man was a liar.
93. marry(v.) Jane married Bob. // Jane is married to Bob.
94. blood(n.) 血:The doctor said my blood pressure(壓力) is a little high.
95. practice(n.) (n)1.練習:Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 2.實踐;實際:This idea would never work in practice(在實際上). 3.(醫生,律師等的)業務:Dr. Pat is no longer in practice here. 4.慣例;慣常做的事:It isn't the usual practice here for shops to close early.
95. practice(v.) (v) 1.練習:You won't become a good swimmer if you don't practice. 2.實行:Always practice what you preach.務必言行若一。 3.從事(醫生,律師工作):John practices medicine, and his sister practices law.
96. mean(v.)(adj.) 1.意思是:What does the word "serenity" mean? 2.打算:I meant to go jogging this morning,but I overslept. 3.注定:He is meant to be a leader.//They are meant for each other. (adj)卑鄙的,心地不好的,不友善的:That's a mean trick!//He is mean to me.
Created by: sssh105
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