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ubiquitous 400, 3

nova p461

preponderance superiority, predominance
precipitate suddenly doing
polemic controversy
platitude triteness, triviality
pervade permeate, penetrate
permeate pervade, pierce
penury poverty
penchant tendency
inclination penchant, tendency
bookish pedantic, meticulous
parody imitation, ridicule
opprobrium shame, disgrace (the opprobrium of being closely associated with thugs and gangsters)
obviate avoid, shun, make unnecessary
obtuse stupid
obfuscate bewilder, confuse
muddle confuse, confound
nonplus obfuscate, muddle, confound
nascent incipient
miscreant evildoer, malignant
shirk avoid, malinger
malinger exaggerate illness to escape duty, avoid, shirk
parsimonious != magnanimous
lurid ghastly
lucid clearly understood
paragon standard of excellence
levity frivolity, lack of seriousness
frivolity lack of seriousness, levity
lassitude lethargy, lack of energy
lethargy lack of energy, lassitude
terse laconic, brief
pithy concise, terse
laconic terse, pithy, brief
irascible irritable
inveigle lure
invective verbal insulting, diatribe
inure accustom, harden
intrepid dauntless
internecine pernicious, destructive
insular narrow-minded
insipid dull, flat
insidious crafty
treacherous crafty, insidious, guileful
inimical adverse, hostile
inert inactive
ineffable inexpressible
invincible indomitable, unbeatable
incendiary causing fire, inflammatory
impunity exemption from harm and punishment
implied implicit
impetuous impulsive
imperturbable calm, halcyon, serene
pressing imperative, vital
imperative urgent, pressing
indigent poor, destitute
impecunious indigent, poor
imminent about to happen
idiosyncrasy peculiarity
iconoclast disrespect sacred institutions, someone who opposes traditional beliefs or practices
hypocritical two-face, deceiving
officious obtrusive, intrusive
pretext excuse
precarious dangerous
precursor forerunner
perspicacious sharp
mundane ordinary
magnate successful person
Created by: sshashaa
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