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*CH 7

almacen warehouse, department store
aumento de sueldo raise in salery
compania company
desempleo unemployment
empresa multinacional multinational company
horario de trabajo work schedual
impuesto tax
mercado market
presupeuesto budget
puesto position; job
reunion meeting
labor union el sindicato
(minimum) wage sueldo (minimo)
administrar to manage, to run
ascender to rise, to be promoted
contratar to hire
despedir to fire
estar a la venta to be on sale
estar bajo presion to be under pressure
exigir to demand
ganarse la vida to earn a living
jubilarse to retire
renunciar to quit
solicitar to apply for
renunciar to quit
solicitar to apply for
tener conexiones acosado
(in)capez (in) capable
desempleado unemployed
perezoso lazy
ahorroa savings
bancarrota bankruptcy
bolsa de valores stock market
cajero automatico ATM
crisis economica economic crisis
cuenta corriente checking account
cuenta de ahorros savings acount
dueda debt
pobreza poverty
riqueza wealth
tareta de credito credit card
tareta de debito debit card
ahorrar to save
aporvechar to take advantage of
cobrar to charge
depositar to deposit
gastar to spend
invertir to invest
pedir prestado to borrow
prestar to lend
a corto plazo short term
a largo plazo long term
agotado exhausted
dispuesto (a) willing to
exitoso successful
finaciero financial
ascesor consultant, advisor
dueno owner
ejecutivo executive
empleado employee
gerente manager
hombre/mujer de negocias business man/woman
socio partner, member
vendedore salesman
beca de investigacion research grant
boton button
cargo position
culpa fault
jefe boss
oficinista office worker
sello stamp
sonador dreamer
destacar to stand out
expulsar to expel, to dismiss
flotar to float
intentar to try
marcharse to leave
partirse de risa to split on'e sides laughing
perder el tiempo to waste time
portarse to behave
sellar to stamp
volar to fly
alto high
bajo short
comprensivo understanding
inaudito beyond belief
alimento food
bomba pump (oil)
cadena comercial business chain
comercio commerce
diamente dimond
fabrica factory
gasolinera gas station
globalizacion globalization
granja farm
ingresos income
mano de obra labor
mercados mundiales world markets
mina mine
ninero babysitter
consumir to consume
expoortar to export
intercambiar to exchange
poner un marcha to set in motion
promover to promote
Comercio Business Administration
hambre hunger
indiferencia indifference
inflacion inflation
juego game
juguete toy
lio mess
pistola gun, pistol
tendero storekeeper
dar para vivr to yeild enough to live on
darse cuenta de to realize
dirgirse a to speak/talk to
matar(se) to kill (oneself)
sospechar to suspect
voltear to turn back
desesperado desperate
almacen warehouse, department store
aumento de sueldo raise in salery
compania company
desempleo unemployment
empresa multinacional multinational company
horario de trabajo work schedual
impuesto tax
mercado market
presupeuesto budget
puesto position; job
reunion meeting
labor union el sindicato
(minimum) wage sueldo (minimo)
administrar to manage, to run
ascender to rise, to be promoted
contratar to hire
despedir to fire
estar a la venta to be on sale
estar bajo presion to be under pressure
exigir to demand
ganarse la vida to earn a living
jubilarse to retire
renunciar to quit
solicitar to apply for
renunciar to quit
solicitar to apply for
tener conexiones acosado
(in)capez (in) capable
desempleado unemployed
perezoso lazy
ahorroa savings
bancarrota bankruptcy
bolsa de valores stock market
cajero automatico ATM
crisis economica economic crisis
cuenta corriente checking account
cuenta de ahorros savings acount
dueda debt
pobreza poverty
riqueza wealth
tareta de credito credit card
tareta de debito debit card
ahorrar to save
aporvechar to take advantage of
cobrar to charge
depositar to deposit
gastar to spend
invertir to invest
pedir prestado to borrow
prestar to lend
a corto plazo short term
a largo plazo long term
agotado exhausted
dispuesto (a) willing to
exitoso successful
finaciero financial
ascesor consultant, advisor
dueno owner
ejecutivo executive
empleado employee
gerente manager
hombre/mujer de negocias business man/woman
socio partner, member
vendedore salesman
beca de investigacion research grant
boton button
cargo position
culpa fault
jefe boss
oficinista office worker
sello stamp
sonador dreamer
destacar to stand out
expulsar to expel, to dismiss
flotar to float
intentar to try
marcharse to leave
partirse de risa to split on'e sides laughing
perder el tiempo to waste time
portarse to behave
sellar to stamp
volar to fly
alto high
bajo short
comprensivo understanding
inaudito beyond belief
alimento food
bomba pump (oil)
cadena comercial business chain
comercio commerce
diamente dimond
fabrica factory
gasolinera gas station
globalizacion globalization
granja farm
ingresos income
mano de obra labor
mercados mundiales world markets
mina mine
ninero babysitter
consumir to consume
expoortar to export
intercambiar to exchange
poner un marcha to set in motion
promover to promote
Comercio Business Administration
hambre hunger
indiferencia indifference
inflacion inflation
juego game
juguete toy
lio mess
pistola gun, pistol
tendero storekeeper
dar para vivr to yeild enough to live on
darse cuenta de to realize
dirgirse a to speak/talk to
matar(se) to kill (oneself)
sospechar to suspect
voltear to turn back
desesperado desperate
acosado harrassed
Created by: sydders
Popular Spanish sets




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