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WGU-Organic Chem 10


cis-trans isomers is a form of stereoisomerism describing the orientation of functional groups within a molecule with double-bonds that can't rotate where cis-same and trans-opposite.
chiral Human hands are perhaps the most universally recognized example because they describe an object that is non-superposable on its mirror image
constitutional isomers Compounds that have the same molecular formula but different chemical structures or order of attachment of their atoms
diastereomers stereoisomers not related through a reflection operation. They are not mirror images of each other. These include meso compounds, cis-trans (E-Z) isomers, and non-enantiomeric optical isomers
enantionmers two stereoisomers that are related to each other by a reflection: they are mirror images of each other, which are non-superimposable
achiral two stereoisomers that are related to each other by a reflection: they are mirror images of each other, which are non-superimposable
plane of symmetry a plane of reflection through which an identical copy of the original molecule is given
stereocenter any point in a molecule, though not necessarily an atom, bearing groups, such that an interchanging of any two groups leads to a stereoisomer
stereoisomer isomeric molecules that have the same molecular formula and sequence of bonded atoms (constitution), but which differ only in the three-dimensional orientations of their atoms in space either enantiomers or diastereomers
isomers different compounds with the same molecular formula either constitutional or stereoisomers
R configuration (Rectus) clockwise configuration of stereocenter where lowest priority is in the back and counting from highest to second-lowest priority(Right hand)
S configuration (Sinister) counter-clockwise configuration of stereocenter where lowest priority is in the back and counting from highest to second-lowest priority(Left hand)
increasing priority rules H,CH3,NH2,OH,SH,Cl,Br,I
TO FIND STEREOCENTERS look for carbons with four different attachments
physical properties of diastereomers different
physical properties of enantionmers same in an achiral enviroment however in a chiral environment the plane polarized light rotates in different directions(this is the different in generic(racemic mixture) and non-generic(non racemic mixture which is separated using polarized light)
chirality in molecules does not affect enzyme matching because enzymes are also chiral
Created by: elainero
Popular Chemistry sets




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