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(o,p,q) pg2

oblation (n) a thing offered to a divine being
oblige (v) to compel
oblique (adj) slanting, diverging from a straight line or course
obliterate (v) destroy utterly, cover completely
oblivion (n) a state in which one is no lonnger aware of what is happening
oblivious (adj) unaware or unconcious
oblong (adj) rectangular
oboe (n) a woodwind double-reed treble with a planitive tone
obscene (adj) indecent, highly offensive
obscurantism (n) the practice of making something delibrately difficult to understand
obscure (adj) not clearly expressed
obsequious (adj) trying to hard to please someone
observance (n) behaving in accordance with a law
obsolescent (adj) becoming obsolete
pageant (n) a brilliant spectacle or parade
pageantry (n) elaborate display or ceremony
pageboy (n) a youth employed to run errands
pager (n) a radio device that beeps or vibrates to alert the person wearing it
pageturner (n) a book so engrossing that one is compelled to read it quickly
paginate (v) assign numbers to the page of a book
painstaking (adj) careful and thorough
painted lady (n) a migratory butterfly with orange-red wings
pain striper (n) something used to remove paint
paisley (n) a detailed pattern of curved figures, a fabric having this pattern
paladin (n) a knight renowned for heroism, a dedicated advocate of a cause
qualitative (adj) concerned with quality
quality control (n) a system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing and inspection
qualm (n) an uneasy doubt
quandary (n) a preplexing problem
quantitative (adj) concerned with or measured by quality
quantum leap (n) a sudden large increase or advance
quarantine (n) isolation imposed on persons or animals that may carry a disease
quark (n) any of class of sub atomic particles with a fractional electric charge of which protons and neutrons are made
quarry (n) an open-air excavation where stone is extracted,or the object of a hunt or chase
quarterdeck (n) part of a ships upper deck near the stern
quarter horse (n) a small stocky breed of horse noted for agility or speed
quartet (n) a composion for four voices or instruments
quartzite (n) a hard granular rock consisting mainly of quartz
quasi (adj) resembling
quasi- (comb) almost
Created by: msi1
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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